diff --git a/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m b/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
index cc515708ff3ca0a4ad564e185b9223505664af58..e7ab04f1c2cc6789950a62dce34bfc3af88dbd9c 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ varargout{1}=cell(1,1);
 % construct main default parameters structure
+% parameters and defaults related to a specific request should be defined in the relevant switch case section
 gdat_params.data_request = '';
 default_machine = 'tcv';
@@ -1511,7 +1512,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     if ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx) && gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx < 0
       gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx = [];
+    % specific parameters check and default settings
     if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'source') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)
       switch data_request_eff
        case 'ec_data'
@@ -1548,6 +1549,10 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
+    if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'ec_inputs') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.ec_inputs) || ~isnumeric(gdat_data.gdat_params.ec_inputs)
+      gdat_data.gdat_params.ec_inputs = 0;
+    end
+    gdat_params.ec_inputs = gdat_data.gdat_params.ec_inputs;
     % create structure for icd sources from params and complete with defaults
     source_icd.ec = 'toray';
@@ -1572,32 +1577,41 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       ec_help = '';
       % EC
-      % fill ec_inputs from write_pgyro
-      [~,time,pgyro,pgyro_ecrh,gyro2launcher,freq2launcher,~,~] = write_pgyro(shot,'doplots',0);
-      ec_inputs.pgyro.data = pgyro;
-      ec_inputs.pgyro.t = time;
-      ec_inputs.pgyro.units = 'W';
-      ec_inputs.pgyro.label = 'Power injected per launcher ; last index is total';
-      ec_inputs.pgyro.x = 1:numel(pgyro(1,:));
-      ec_inputs.pgyro.dim = {ec_inputs.pgyro.x, ec_inputs.pgyro.t};
-      launchers_label = cellfun(@num2str, num2cell(1:size(pgyro,2)-1),'UniformOutput',false);
-      launchers_label{end+1} = 'tot';
-      ec_inputs.pgyro.dimunits = {launchers_label, 's'};
-      ec_inputs.launchers_active.data = zeros(numel(pgyro_ecrh),1);
-      for ii =1:numel(pgyro_ecrh)
-        if ~isempty(pgyro_ecrh{ii}.data); ec_inputs.launchers_active.data(ii) = 1; end
-      end
-      ec_inputs.launchers_active.label = 'Active launchers in the shot (1:active, 0:inactive)';
+      if gdat_data.gdat_params.ec_inputs
+        % fill ec_inputs from write_pgyro
+        [~,time,pgyro,pgyro_ecrh,gyro2launcher,freq2launcher,~,~] = write_pgyro(shot,'doplots',0);
+        ec_inputs.pgyro.data = pgyro;
+        ec_inputs.pgyro.t = time;
+        ec_inputs.pgyro.units = 'W';
+        ec_inputs.pgyro.label = 'Power injected per launcher ; last index is total';
+        ec_inputs.pgyro.x = 1:numel(pgyro(1,:));
+        ec_inputs.pgyro.dim = {ec_inputs.pgyro.x, ec_inputs.pgyro.t};
+        launchers_label = cellfun(@num2str, num2cell(1:size(pgyro,2)-1),'UniformOutput',false);
+        launchers_label{end+1} = 'tot';
+        ec_inputs.pgyro.dimunits = {launchers_label, 's'};
+        ec_inputs.launchers_active.data = zeros(numel(pgyro_ecrh),1);
+        for ii =1:numel(pgyro_ecrh)
+          if ~isempty(pgyro_ecrh{ii}.data); ec_inputs.launchers_active.data(ii) = 1; end
+        end
+        ec_inputs.launchers_active.label = 'Active launchers in the shot (1:active, 0:inactive)';
-      ec_inputs.gyro2launcher.data = gyro2launcher;
-      ec_inputs.gyro2launcher.label = 'Gyrotron connected to launcher';
+        ec_inputs.gyro2launcher.data = gyro2launcher;
+        ec_inputs.gyro2launcher.label = 'Gyrotron connected to launcher';
-      ec_inputs.freq2launcher.data = freq2launcher;
-      ec_inputs.freq2launcher.label = 'Frequency in launcher';
-      ec_inputs.freq2launcher.units = 'Hz';
+        ec_inputs.freq2launcher.data = freq2launcher;
+        ec_inputs.freq2launcher.label = 'Frequency in launcher';
+        ec_inputs.freq2launcher.units = 'Hz';
+        ec_inputs.comment = 'ec_inputs loaded from write_pyro(shot)';
+      else
+        ec_inputs.pgyro = [];
+        ec_inputs.launchers_active = [];
+        ec_inputs.gyro2launcher = [];
+        ec_inputs.freq2launcher = [];
+        ec_inputs.comment = 'Run gdat with name-value pair (''ec_inputs'',1) for ec_input information from write_pgyro';
+      end
       gdat_data.ec.ec_inputs = ec_inputs;
       % introduce flag to check whether ec_data could be retrieved successfully
@@ -1744,10 +1758,12 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
           getReport(ME) % without ; to get output
           % try to identify cause of the error
           if ~check_nodes_filled(shot,'toray')
-            if ~any(ec_inputs.launchers_active.data,1)
-              msg = 'write_pyro(shot) found NO active launchers, maybe there was no EC in this shot?';
-            else
-              msg = 'write_pyro(shot) found active launchers, but TORAY nodes are no filled, check hldsi(shot), and (ask to) relaunch TORAY.';
+            if ~isempty(ec_inputs.launchers_active)
+              if ~any(ec_inputs.launchers_active.data,1)
+                msg = 'write_pyro(shot) found NO active launchers, maybe there was no EC in this shot?';
+              else
+                msg = 'write_pyro(shot) found active launchers, but TORAY nodes are not filled, check hldsi(shot), and (ask to) relaunch TORAY.';
+              end
           elseif ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx)
             msg = 'Is the trial index filled? Check TORAY nodes with hdlsi(shot).';
diff --git a/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m b/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m
index 15de8984169996ffdd2c5f1ea0e1b99a310aaa33..f864a08468e84d120646871535122a4e2c54b2e4 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ help_struct_all.cocos = ['cocos value desired in output, uses eqdsk_cocos_transf
                     'is wanted. See O. Sauter et al Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 293'];
 help_struct_all.nrz_out = 'Nb of radial and vertical points in output eqdsk, default is [129,129], set to [-1,-1] to get original meshes';
 help_struct_all.edge = '0 (default), 1 to get edge Thomson values';
+help_struct_all.ec_inputs = '0 (default), 1 to get characterics of gyrotrons connected to each launcher: active, freq, power';
 help_struct_all.fit = '0, no fit profiles, 1 (default) if fit profiles desired as well, relevant for _rho profiles. See also fit_type';
 help_struct_all.fit_type = 'provenance of fitted profiles ''conf'' (default) from conf nodes, ''avg'' or ''local'' for resp. proffit: nodes';
 help_struct_all.trialindx = 'value of trialindx desired to get a specific one when relevant, otherwise gets ok_trialindx, that is 1 usually';
diff --git a/matlab/gdat.m b/matlab/gdat.m
index e21551bfb14986490b743ed75d0a0fe12fa88cdb..99271c743677156ce27598a06bda6a42cf7e88a1 100644
--- a/matlab/gdat.m
+++ b/matlab/gdat.m
@@ -190,14 +190,18 @@ try
   % treat multiple shot numbers
   if nargin > 0 && isnumeric(shot)
     args_in = args;
-    for i=1:numel(shot)
-      args{1} = shot(i);
-      [gdat_data_i,gdat_params,error_status(i),varargout] = feval(['gdat_' lower(machine_eff)],args{:});
-      gdat_data_i.gdat_params.machine = lower(gdat_data_i.gdat_params.machine);
-      gdat_data(i) = gdat_data_i;
+    if ~isempty(shot)
+      for i=1:numel(shot)
+        args{1} = shot(i);
+        [gdat_data_i,gdat_params,error_status(i),varargout_gdat] = feval(['gdat_' lower(machine_eff)],args{:});
+        gdat_data_i.gdat_params.machine = lower(gdat_data_i.gdat_params.machine);
+        gdat_data(i) = gdat_data_i;
+      end
+    else
+      [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout_gdat] = feval(['gdat_' lower(machine_eff)],args{:});
-    [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = feval(['gdat_' lower(machine_eff)],args{:});
+    [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout_gdat] = feval(['gdat_' lower(machine_eff)],args{:});
     % because data request can be an actual detailed tree related signal, upper and lower case need to be kept, but other places remain with lower case when case insensitive
     % needed since some substructure have machine name like mapping_for
     gdat_data.gdat_params.machine = lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.machine);