diff --git a/crpptbx/AUG/aug_requests_mapping.m b/crpptbx/AUG/aug_requests_mapping.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15b98dd61e0063c58bb5c8662cd6c503e6a8b8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crpptbx/AUG/aug_requests_mapping.m
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+function mapping = aug_requests_mapping(data_request)
+% Defaults
+mapping = struct(...
+    'label', '', ...
+    'method', '', ...
+    'expression','', ...
+    'timedim', -1, ...     % dim which is the time, to copy in .t, the other dims are in .x (-1 means last dimension)
+    'new_timedim',0, ...  % if need to reshape data and dim orders to have timedim as new_timedim (shifting time to new_timedim)
+    'min', -inf, ...
+    'max', inf);
+if ~exist('data_request') || isempty(data_request)
+  return
+% default label: data_request keyword itself
+mapping.label = data_request;
+% for AUG, following choices are set so far:
+% method = 'tdi' and then expression is the string within tdi (usual case when there is a direct link to an existing signal)
+%                with tdi, if expression cell array, call tdi(cell{1},cell{2},...)
+% method = 'function', then expression is the funtion to call which should return the correct structure
+% method = 'switchcase', then there will be a specific case within gdat_aug (usual case when not directly a signal)
+% label is used for plotting
+switch lower(data_request)
+ case 'b0'
+  mapping.label = 'B_0';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'betan'
+  mapping.label = '\beta_N';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'betap'
+  mapping.label = '\beta_p';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::beta_pol';
+ case 'cxrs'
+  mapping.label = 'cxrs';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'delta'
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_edge';
+  mapping.method = 'function';
+  mapping.expression = ['tdi(''\results::q_psi'');'];
+ case 'delta_top'
+  mapping.label = 'delta\_top';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_top';
+ case 'delta_bottom'
+  mapping.label = 'delta\_bottom';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_bot';
+ case 'ece'
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'eqdsk'
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % could use function make_eqdsk directly?
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'halpha'
+  mapping.label = 'Halpha';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\base::pd:pd_011';
+ case 'ioh'
+  mapping.label = 'I ohmic transformer';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = [{'\magnetics::ipol[*,$1]'} {'OH_001'}];
+ case 'ip'
+  mapping.label = 'Plasma current';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\magnetics::iplasma:trapeze';
+ case 'kappa'
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::kappa_edge';
+ case 'mhd'
+  mapping.label = 'n=1,2, etc';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'ne'
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'neint'
+  mapping.label = 'line integrated el. density';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::fir:lin_int_dens';
+ case 'nel'
+  mapping.label = 'line-averaged el. density';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::fir:n_average';
+ case 'nerho'
+  mapping.label = 'ne';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'neterho'
+  mapping.label = 'ne and Te';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'ni'
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % especially since might have option fit, etc
+ case 'powers'
+  mapping.label = 'various powers';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'q0'
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::q_zero';
+ case 'q95'
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::q_95';
+ case 'qedge'
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::q_edge';
+ case 'qrho'
+  mapping.label = 'q';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'rgeom'
+  mapping.label = 'Rgeom';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'rhovol'
+  mapping.label = 'rhovol\_norm';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % from conf if exist otherwise computes it
+ case 'rmag'
+  mapping.label = 'R\_magaxis';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::r_axis';
+ case 'sxr'
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'te'
+  mapping.label = 'Te';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'terho'
+  mapping.label = 'Te';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'ti'
+  mapping.label = 'Ti';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'transp'
+  mapping.label = 'transp output';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'vloop'
+  mapping.label = '';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'vol'
+  mapping.label = 'Volume';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  % mapping.expression = '\results::psitbx:vol'; (if exists for liuqe2 and 3 as well)
+ case 'zeff'
+  mapping.label = 'zeff from Ip-Ibs';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::ibs:z_eff';
+ case 'zgeom'
+  mapping.label = 'Zgeom';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'zmag'
+  mapping.label = 'Zmagaxis';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::z_axis';
+% $$$  case ''
+% $$$   mapping.label = '';
+% $$$   mapping.method = 'tdi';
+% $$$   mapping.expression = '';
+ otherwise
+  mapping.label = data_request;
+  mapping.method = 'tdi'; % assume a full tracename is given, so just try with tdi (could check there are some ":", etc...)
+  mapping.expression = data_request;
diff --git a/crpptbx/AUG/gdat_aug.m b/crpptbx/AUG/gdat_aug.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f070e344b769bc1899c876c9521ebcf19883fdd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crpptbx/AUG/gdat_aug.m
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_aug(shot,data_request,varargin)
+% function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_request,varargin)
+% Aim: get data from a given machine using full path or keywords. 
+%      data_request are and should be case independent (transformed in lower case in the function and outputs)
+% If no inputs are provided, return the list of available pre-defined data_request in gdat_data and default parameters gdat_params
+% Inputs:
+%    no inputs: return default parameters in a structure form in gdat_params
+%    shot: shot number
+%    data_request: keyword (like 'ip') or trace name or structure containing all parameters but shot number
+%    varargin{i},varargin{i+1},i=1:nargin-2: additional optional parameters given in pairs: param_name, param_value
+%                                            The optional parameters list might depend on the data_request
+%              examples of optional parameters:
+%                               'plot',1 (plot is set by default to 0)
+%                               'machine','AUG' (the default machine is the local machine)
+% Outputs:
+% gdat_data: structure containing the data, the time trace if known and other useful information
+% gdat_data.t : time trace
+% gdat_data.data: requested data values
+% gdat_data.dim : values of the various coordinates related to the dimensions of .data(:,:,...)
+%                     note that one of the dim is the time, replicated in .t for clarity
+% gdat_data.dimunits : units of the various dimensions, 'dimensionless' if dimensionless
+% gdat_data.error_bar : if provided
+% gdat_data.gdat_call : list of parameters provided in the gdat call (so can be reproduced)
+% gdat_data.shot: shot number
+% gdat_data.machine: machine providing the data
+% gdat_data.gdat_request: keyword for gdat if relevant
+% gdat_data.data_fullpath: full path to the data node if known and relevant, or expression, or relevant function called if relevant
+% gdat_data.gdat_params: copy gdat_params for completeness
+% gdat_data.xxx: any other relevant information
+% Examples:
+% (should add working examples for various machines (provides working shot numbers for each machine...))
+%    [a1,a2]=gdat;
+%    a2.data_request = 'Ip';
+%    a3=gdat(48836,a2);  % gives input parameters as a structure, allows to call the same for many shots
+%    a4=gdat('opt1',123,'opt2',[1 2 3],'shot',48832,'data_request','Ip','opt3','aAdB'); % all in pairs
+%    a5=gdat(48836,'ip'); % standard call
+%    a6=gdat(48836,'ip','Opt1',123,'Doplot',1,'opt2','Abc'); % standard call with a few options (note all lowercase in output)
+% Comments for local developer:
+% This gdat is just a "header routine" calling the gdat for the specific machine gdat_`machine`.m which can be called
+% directly, thus which should be able to treat the same type of input arguments
+% Prepare some variables, etc
+% construct default parameters structure
+gdat_params.data_request = '';
+default_machine = 'aug';
+gdat_params.doplot = 0;
+% construct list of keywords from global set of keywords and specific AUG set
+% get data_request names from centralized function
+data_request_names = get_data_request_names;
+% add AUG specific to all:
+if ~isempty(data_request_names.aug)
+  aug_names = fieldnames(data_request_names.aug);
+  for i=1:length(aug_names)
+    data_request_names.all.(aug_names{i}) = data_request_names.aug.(aug_names{i});
+  end
+data_request_names_all = fieldnames(data_request_names.all);
+% $$$ data_request_names_all= [{'ip'} {'b0'} {'zmag'} {'rmag'} {'rcont'} {'zcont'} {'vol'} {'rhovol'} {'qrho'} {'q95'} {'kappa'} ...
+% $$$       {'delta'} {'deltatop'} {'deltabot'} {'neint'} {'nel'} ...
+% $$$       {'ne'} {'te'} {'nerho'} {'terho'}  {'ne_edge'} {'te_edge'} {'nerho_edge'} {'terho_edge'} {'nerhozshift'} {'terhozshift'} {'profnerho'} {'profterho'} ...
+% $$$       {'neft'} {'teft'} {'neftav'} {'teftav'} {'neft:trial'} {'teft:trial'} {'neftav:trial'} {'teftav:trial'}  ...
+% $$$       {'sxr'} {'sxr'} {'ece'} {'mpx'} {'ioh'} {'vloop'} {'pgyro'} {'jtor'} {'vi_tor'} {'vi_torfit'} {'vi_pol'} {'vi_polfit'} {'ti'} {'tifit'} {'ni'} {'nifit'} {'zeffcxrs'} {'zeffcxrsfit'}];
+% construct default output structure
+gdat_data.data = [];
+gdat_data.units = [];
+gdat_data.dim = [];
+gdat_data.dimunits = [];
+gdat_data.t = [];
+gdat_data.x = [];
+gdat_data.shot = [];
+gdat_data.gdat_request = [];
+gdat_data.gdat_params = gdat_params;
+gdat_data.data_fullpath = [];
+% Treat inputs:
+ivarargin_first_char = 3;
+data_request_eff = '';
+if nargin>=2 && ischar(data_request); data_request = lower(data_request); end
+gdat_data.gdat_request = data_request_names_all; % so if return early gives list of possible request names
+% no inputs
+if nargin==0
+  % return defaults and list of keywords
+  return
+do_mdsopen_mdsclose = 1;
+% treat 1st arg
+if nargin>=1
+  if isempty(shot)
+    % means mdsopen(shot) already performed
+    shot = mdsipmex(2,'$SHOT');
+    gdat_data.shot = shot;
+    do_mdsopen_mdsclose = 0;
+  elseif isnumeric(shot)
+    gdat_data.shot = shot;
+  elseif ischar(shot)
+    ivarargin_first_char = 1;
+  else
+    warning('type of 1st argument unexpected, should be numeric or char')
+    error_status=2;
+    return
+  end
+  if nargin==1
+    % Only shot number given. If there is a default data_request set it and continue, otherwise return
+    return
+  end
+% 2nd input argument if not part of pairs
+if nargin>=2 && ivarargin_first_char~=1
+  if isempty(data_request)
+    return
+  end
+  % 2nd arg can be a structure with all options except shot_number, or a string for the pathname or keyword, or the start of pairs string/value for the parameters
+  if isstruct(data_request)
+    if ~isfield(data_request,'data_request')
+      warning('expects field data_request in input parameters structure')
+      error_status=3;
+      return
+    end
+    data_request.data_request = lower(data_request.data_request);
+    data_request_eff = data_request.data_request;
+    gdat_params = data_request;
+  else
+    % since data_request is char check from nb of args if it is data_request or a start of pairs
+    if mod(nargin-1,2)==0
+      ivarargin_first_char = 2;
+    else
+      ivarargin_first_char = 3;
+      data_request_eff = data_request;
+    end
+  end
+if ~isstruct(data_request)
+  gdat_params.data_request = data_request_eff;
+% if start pairs from shot or data_request, shift varargin
+if ivarargin_first_char==1
+  varargin_eff{1} = shot;
+  varargin_eff{2} = data_request;
+  varargin_eff(3:nargin) = varargin(:);
+elseif ivarargin_first_char==2
+  varargin_eff{1} = data_request;
+  varargin_eff(2:nargin-1) = varargin(:);
+  varargin_eff(1:nargin-2) = varargin(:);
+% extract parameters from pairs of varargin:
+if (nargin>=ivarargin_first_char)
+  if mod(nargin-ivarargin_first_char+1,2)==0
+    for i=1:2:nargin-ivarargin_first_char+1
+      if ischar(varargin_eff{i})
+        % enforce lower case for any character driven input
+        if ischar(varargin_eff{i+1})
+          gdat_params.(lower(varargin_eff{i})) = lower(varargin_eff{i+1});
+        else
+          gdat_params.(lower(varargin_eff{i})) = varargin_eff{i+1};
+        end
+      else
+        warning(['input argument nb: ' num2str(i) ' is incorrect, expects a character string'])
+        error_status=401;
+        return
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    warning('number of input arguments incorrect, cannot make pairs of parameters')
+    error_status=402;
+    return
+  end
+data_request_eff = gdat_params.data_request; % in case was defined in pairs
+% if it is a request_keyword copy it:
+if ~isempty(ij); 
+  gdat_data.gdat_request = data_request_names_all{ij};
+  if isfield(data_request_names.all.(data_request_names_all{ij}),'description') && ~isempty(data_request_names.all.(data_request_names_all{ij}).description)
+    % copy description of keyword
+    gdat_data.request_description = data_request_names.all.(data_request_names_all{ij}).description;
+  end
+% special treatment if shot and data_request given within pairs
+if isfield(gdat_params,'shot')
+  shot = gdat_params.shot; % should use only gdat_params.shot but change shot to make sure
+  gdat_data.shot = gdat_params.shot;
+  gdat_params=rmfield(gdat_params,'shot');
+if ~isfield(gdat_params,'data_request') || isempty(gdat_params.data_request)
+  % warning('input for ''data_request'' missing from input arguments') % might be correct, asking for list of requests
+  error_status=5;
+  return
+gdat_data.gdat_params = gdat_params;
+% re-assign main variables to make sure use the one in gdat_data structure
+shot = gdat_data.shot;
+data_request_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params.data_request;
+error_status = 6; % at least reached this level
+% Specifications on how to get the data provided in aug_requests_mapping
+mapping_for_aug = aug_requests_mapping(data_request_eff);
+gdat_data.label = mapping_for_aug.label;
+if do_mdsopen_mdsclose
+  mdsdefaultserver aug1.epfl.ch; % should be in aug general path, but set-it in the meantime...
+  ishot = mdsopen(shot); % if ishot equal to shot, then mdsclose at the end
+  if ishot~=shot
+    warning(['cannot open shot= ' num2str(shot)])
+    return
+  end
+% 1st treat the simplest method: "tdi"
+if strcmp(mapping_for_aug.method,'tdi')
+  % need to treat liuqe2, model, etc from options....
+  if iscell(mapping_for_aug.expression)
+    if length(mapping_for_aug.expression)>0
+      % series of arguments for tdi given in each cell
+      eval_expr = ['aatmp=tdi(''' mapping_for_aug.expression{1} ''''];
+      for i=2:length(mapping_for_aug.expression)
+        eval_expr = [eval_expr ',''' mapping_for_aug.expression{i} ''''];
+      end
+      eval_expr = [eval_expr ');'];
+      eval(eval_expr);
+    else
+      % empty or wrong expression
+      error_status=701;
+      return
+    end
+  else
+    eval_expr = ['aatmp=tdi(''' mapping_for_aug.expression ''');'];
+    eval(eval_expr);
+  end
+  gdat_data.data = aatmp.data;
+  gdat_data.dim = aatmp.dim;
+  nbdims = length(gdat_data.dim);
+  if mapping_for_aug.timedim==-1; 
+    mapping_for_aug.timedim = nbdims;
+    if (size(gdat_data.data,nbdims)==1 && nbdims>1); mapping_for_aug.timedim = nbdims-1; end
+  end
+  dim_nontim = setdiff([1:nbdims],mapping_for_aug.timedim);
+  if ~isempty(dim_nontim)
+    % since most cases have at most 2d, copy as array if data is 2D and as cell if 3D or more
+    if length(dim_nontim)==1
+      gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim{dim_nontim(1)};
+    else
+      gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim(dim_nontim);
+    end
+  end
+  gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_aug.timedim};
+  gdat_data.units = aatmp.units;
+  gdat_data.dimunits = aatmp.dimunits;
+  if mapping_for_aug.new_timedim>0 && mapping_for_aug.new_timedim ~= mapping_for_aug.timedim
+    % shift timedim to new_timedim data(i,j,...itime,k,...) -> data(i,inewtime,j,...,k,...)
+    % note that this means that gdat_data.x and gdat_data.t are same and correct, 
+    % only .data, .dim and .dimunits need to be changed
+    iprev=[1:nbdims];
+    ij=find(dim_nontim>mapping_for_aug.new_timedim-1);
+    inew=[1:mapping_for_aug.new_timedim-1 mapping_for_aug.timedim dim_nontim(ij)];
+    data_sizes = size(aatmp.data);
+    gdat_data.data = NaN*ones(data_sizes(inew));
+    abcol=ones(1,nbdims)*double(':'); abcomma=ones(1,nbdims)*double(',');
+    dimstr_prev=['(' repmat(':,',1,mapping_for_aug.timedim-1) 'it,' ...
+                 repmat(':,',1,nbdims-mapping_for_aug.timedim-1) ':)'];
+    dimstr_new=['(' repmat(':,',1,mapping_for_aug.new_timedim-1) 'it,' ...
+                repmat(':,',1,nbdims-mapping_for_aug.new_timedim-1) ':)'];
+    % eval gdat_data.data(;,:,...,it,...) = aatmp.data(:,:,:,it,...);
+    for it=1:size(aatmp.data,mapping_for_aug.timedim)
+      shift_eval = ['gdat_data.data' dimstr_new ' = aatmp.data'  dimstr_prev ';'];
+      eval(shift_eval);
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim = aatmp.dim(inew);
+    gdat_data.dimunits = aatmp.dimunits(inew);
+  end
+  gdat_data.data_fullpath=mapping_for_aug.expression;
+  % end of method "tdi"
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+elseif strcmp(mapping_for_aug.method,'function')
+  % 2nd: method="function"
+  % assume expression contains function to call and which returns a structure
+  % we copy the structure, to make sure default nodes are defined and to avoid if return is an closed object like tdi
+  eval_expr = ['aatmp=' mapping_for_aug.expression ';'];
+  eval(eval_expr);
+  if isempty(aatmp) || (~isstruct(aatmp) & ~isobject(aatmp))
+    warning(['function expression does not return a structure: ' eval_expr])
+    error_status=801;
+    return
+  end
+  tmp_fieldnames = fieldnames(aatmp);
+  if sum(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'data'))==0 % note: cannot do isfield since aatmp might be an object
+    warning(['function does not return a child name ''data'' for ' data_request_eff])
+  end
+  for i=1:length(tmp_fieldnames)
+    gdat_data.(tmp_fieldnames{i}) = aatmp.(tmp_fieldnames{i});
+  end
+  % add .t and .x in case only dim is provided
+  % do not allow shifting of timedim since should be treated in the relevant function
+  ijdim=find(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'dim')==1);
+  if ~isempty(ijdim)
+    nbdims = length(gdat_data.dim);
+    if mapping_for_aug.timedim==-1; 
+      mapping_for_aug.timedim = nbdims;
+      if (size(gdat_data.data,nbdims)==1 && nbdims>1); mapping_for_aug.timedim = nbdims-1; end
+    end
+    dim_nontim = setdiff([1:nbdims],mapping_for_aug.timedim);
+    ijt=find(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'t')==1);
+    if isempty(ijt)
+      gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_aug.timedim};
+    end
+    ijx=find(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'x')==1);
+    if isempty(ijx)
+      if ~isempty(dim_nontim)
+        % since most cases have at most 2d, copy as array if data is 2D and as cell if 3D or more
+        if length(dim_nontim)==1
+          gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim{dim_nontim(1)};
+        else
+          gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim(dim_nontim);
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=mapping_for_aug.expression;
+  end
+  % end of method "function"
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+elseif strcmp(mapping_for_aug.method,'switchcase')
+  switch data_request_eff % not lower(...) since data_request_eff should be lower case already at this stage
+   case {'ne','te'}
+    % ne or Te from Thomson data on raw z mesh vs (z,t)
+    mdsopen(shot);
+    nodenameeff=['\results::thomson:' data_request_eff];
+    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson:' data_request_eff ':error_bar']);
+    trace_fir_rat=tdi('\results::thomson:fir_thom_rat');
+    gdat_data.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson data as (t,z)
+    gdat_data.error_bar=tracestd.data';
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=[nodenameeff];
+    % add correct dimensions
+    try
+      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
+    catch
+      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
+      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
+      thomsontimes=time
+      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
+      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff(1:2),'ne')
+      tracefirrat_data = get_fir_thom_rat_data('thomson',time);
+      gdat_data.data_abs = gdat_data.data * diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.error_bar_abs = gdat_data.error_bar * diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.firrat=tracefirrat_data;
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=[gdat_data.data_fullpath ' ; _abs includes *firrat'];
+    end
+    z=mdsdata('\diagz::thomson_set_up:vertical_pos');
+    gdat_data.dim=[{z};{time}];
+    gdat_data.dimunits=[{'Z [m]'} ; {'time [s]'}];
+    gdat_data.x=z;
+    gdat_data.t=time;
+    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus use fieldnames
+    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units=tracetdi.units;
+    end
+   case 'nerho'
+   otherwise
+    warning(['switchcase= ' data_request_eff ' not known in gdat_aug'])
+    error_status=901;
+    return
+  end
+  warning(['AUG method=' mapping_for_aug.method ' not known yet, contact Olivier.Sauter@epfl.ch'])
+  error_status=602;
+  return
+if ishot==shot; mdsclose; end
+gdat_data.mapping_for_aug = mapping_for_aug;
diff --git a/crpptbx/TCV/gdat_tcv.m b/crpptbx/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..269a3fb267f4063d1e9cd217304970e5da76d21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crpptbx/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1170 @@
+function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_tcv(shot,data_request,varargin)
+% function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_request,varargin)
+% Aim: get data from a given machine using full path or keywords. 
+%      data_request are and should be case independent (transformed in lower case in the function and outputs)
+% If no inputs are provided, return the list of available pre-defined data_request in gdat_data and default parameters gdat_params
+% Inputs:
+%    no inputs: return default parameters in a structure form in gdat_params
+%    shot: shot number
+%    data_request: keyword (like 'ip') or trace name or structure containing all parameters but shot number
+%    varargin{i},varargin{i+1},i=1:nargin-2: additional optional parameters given in pairs: param_name, param_value
+%                                            The optional parameters list might depend on the data_request
+%              examples of optional parameters:
+%                               'plot',1 (plot is set by default to 0)
+%                               'machine','TCV' (the default machine is the local machine)
+% Outputs:
+% gdat_data: structure containing the data, the time trace if known and other useful information
+% gdat_data.t : time trace
+% gdat_data.data: requested data values
+% gdat_data.dim : values of the various coordinates related to the dimensions of .data(:,:,...)
+%                     note that one of the dim is the time, replicated in .t for clarity
+% gdat_data.dimunits : units of the various dimensions, 'dimensionless' if dimensionless
+% gdat_data.error_bar : if provided
+% gdat_data.gdat_call : list of parameters provided in the gdat call (so can be reproduced)
+% gdat_data.shot: shot number
+% gdat_data.machine: machine providing the data
+% gdat_data.gdat_request: keyword for gdat if relevant
+% gdat_data.data_fullpath: full path to the data node if known and relevant, or expression, or relevant function called if relevant
+% gdat_data.gdat_params: copy gdat_params for completeness
+% gdat_data.xxx: any other relevant information
+% Examples:
+% (should add working examples for various machines (provides working shot numbers for each machine...))
+%    [a1,a2]=gdat;
+%    a2.data_request = 'Ip';
+%    a3=gdat(48836,a2);  % gives input parameters as a structure, allows to call the same for many shots
+%    a4=gdat('opt1',123,'opt2',[1 2 3],'shot',48832,'data_request','Ip','opt3','aAdB'); % all in pairs
+%    a5=gdat(48836,'ip'); % standard call
+%    a6=gdat(48836,'ip','Opt1',123,'Doplot',1,'opt2','Abc'); % standard call with a few options (note all lowercase in output)
+% Comments for local developer:
+% This gdat is just a "header routine" calling the gdat for the specific machine gdat_`machine`.m which can be called
+% directly, thus which should be able to treat the same type of input arguments
+% Prepare some variables, etc
+nverbose = 1;
+% construct default parameters structure
+gdat_params.data_request = '';
+default_machine = 'tcv';
+gdat_params.doplot = 0;
+gdat_params.liuqe = 1;
+% construct list of keywords from global set of keywords and specific TCV set
+% get data_request names from centralized function
+data_request_names = get_data_request_names;
+% add TCV specific to all:
+if ~isempty(data_request_names.tcv)
+  tcv_names = fieldnames(data_request_names.tcv);
+  for i=1:length(tcv_names)
+    data_request_names.all.(tcv_names{i}) = data_request_names.tcv.(tcv_names{i});
+  end
+data_request_names_all = fieldnames(data_request_names.all);
+% $$$ data_request_names_all= [{'ip'} {'b0'} {'zmag'} {'rmag'} {'rcont'} {'zcont'} {'vol'} {'rhovol'} {'qrho'} {'q95'} {'kappa'} ...
+% $$$       {'delta'} {'deltatop'} {'deltabot'} {'neint'} {'nel'} ...
+% $$$       {'ne'} {'te'} {'nerho'} {'terho'}  {'ne_edge'} {'te_edge'} {'nerho_edge'} {'terho_edge'} {'nerhozshift'} {'terhozshift'} {'profnerho'} {'profterho'} ...
+% $$$       {'neft'} {'teft'} {'neftav'} {'teftav'} {'neft:trial'} {'teft:trial'} {'neftav:trial'} {'teftav:trial'}  ...
+% $$$       {'sxr'} {'sxr'} {'ece'} {'mpx'} {'ioh'} {'vloop'} {'pgyro'} {'jtor'} {'vi_tor'} {'vi_torfit'} {'vi_pol'} {'vi_polfit'} {'ti'} {'tifit'} {'ni'} {'nifit'} {'zeffcxrs'} {'zeffcxrsfit'}];
+% construct default output structure
+gdat_data.data = [];
+gdat_data.units = [];
+gdat_data.dim = [];
+gdat_data.dimunits = [];
+gdat_data.t = [];
+gdat_data.x = [];
+gdat_data.shot = [];
+gdat_data.gdat_request = [];
+gdat_data.gdat_params = gdat_params;
+gdat_data.data_fullpath = [];
+% Treat inputs:
+ivarargin_first_char = 3;
+data_request_eff = '';
+if nargin>=2 && ischar(data_request); data_request = lower(data_request); end
+gdat_data.gdat_request = data_request_names_all; % so if return early gives list of possible request names
+% no inputs
+if nargin==0
+  % return defaults and list of keywords
+  return
+do_mdsopen_mdsclose = 1;
+% treat 1st arg
+if nargin>=1
+  if isempty(shot)
+    % means mdsopen(shot) already performed
+    shot = mdsipmex(2,'$SHOT');
+    gdat_data.shot = shot;
+    do_mdsopen_mdsclose = 0;
+  elseif isnumeric(shot)
+    gdat_data.shot = shot;
+  elseif ischar(shot)
+    ivarargin_first_char = 1;
+  else
+    warning('type of 1st argument unexpected, should be numeric or char')
+    error_status=2;
+    return
+  end
+  if nargin==1
+    % Only shot number given. If there is a default data_request set it and continue, otherwise return
+    return
+  end
+% 2nd input argument if not part of pairs
+if nargin>=2 && ivarargin_first_char~=1
+  if isempty(data_request)
+    return
+  end
+  % 2nd arg can be a structure with all options except shot_number, or a string for the pathname or keyword, or the start of pairs string/value for the parameters
+  if isstruct(data_request)
+    if ~isfield(data_request,'data_request')
+      warning('expects field data_request in input parameters structure')
+      error_status=3;
+      return
+    end
+    data_request.data_request = lower(data_request.data_request);
+    data_request_eff = data_request.data_request;
+    gdat_params = data_request;
+  else
+    % since data_request is char check from nb of args if it is data_request or a start of pairs
+    if mod(nargin-1,2)==0
+      ivarargin_first_char = 2;
+    else
+      ivarargin_first_char = 3;
+      data_request_eff = data_request;
+    end
+  end
+if ~isstruct(data_request)
+  gdat_params.data_request = data_request_eff;
+% if start pairs from shot or data_request, shift varargin
+if ivarargin_first_char==1
+  varargin_eff{1} = shot;
+  varargin_eff{2} = data_request;
+  varargin_eff(3:nargin) = varargin(:);
+elseif ivarargin_first_char==2
+  varargin_eff{1} = data_request;
+  varargin_eff(2:nargin-1) = varargin(:);
+  varargin_eff(1:nargin-2) = varargin(:);
+% extract parameters from pairs of varargin:
+if (nargin>=ivarargin_first_char)
+  if mod(nargin-ivarargin_first_char+1,2)==0
+    for i=1:2:nargin-ivarargin_first_char+1
+      if ischar(varargin_eff{i})
+        % enforce lower case for any character driven input
+        if ischar(varargin_eff{i+1})
+          gdat_params.(lower(varargin_eff{i})) = lower(varargin_eff{i+1});
+        else
+          gdat_params.(lower(varargin_eff{i})) = varargin_eff{i+1};
+        end
+      else
+        warning(['input argument nb: ' num2str(i) ' is incorrect, expects a character string'])
+        error_status=401;
+        return
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    warning('number of input arguments incorrect, cannot make pairs of parameters')
+    error_status=402;
+    return
+  end
+data_request_eff = gdat_params.data_request; % in case was defined in pairs
+% if it is a request_keyword copy it:
+if ~isempty(ij); 
+  gdat_data.gdat_request = data_request_names_all{ij};
+  if isfield(data_request_names.all.(data_request_names_all{ij}),'description') && ~isempty(data_request_names.all.(data_request_names_all{ij}).description)
+    % copy description of keyword
+    gdat_data.request_description = data_request_names.all.(data_request_names_all{ij}).description;
+  end
+% special treatment if shot and data_request given within pairs
+if isfield(gdat_params,'shot')
+  shot = gdat_params.shot; % should use only gdat_params.shot but change shot to make sure
+  gdat_data.shot = gdat_params.shot;
+  gdat_params=rmfield(gdat_params,'shot');
+if ~isfield(gdat_params,'data_request') || isempty(gdat_params.data_request)
+  % warning('input for ''data_request'' missing from input arguments') % might be correct, asking for list of requests
+  error_status=5;
+  return
+gdat_data.gdat_params = gdat_params;
+% re-assign main variables to make sure use the one in gdat_data structure
+shot = gdat_data.shot;
+data_request_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params.data_request;
+error_status = 6; % at least reached this level
+liuqe_version = 1;
+if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'liuqe') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.liuqe)
+  liuqe_version = gdat_data.gdat_params.liuqe;
+substr_liuqe = '';
+if liuqe_version==2 || liuqe_version==3
+  substr_liuqe = ['_' num2str(liuqe_version)];
+% special treatment for model shot=-1 or preparation shot >=100'000
+begstr = '';
+if shot==-1 || shot>=100000
+  % requires FBTE
+  liuqe_version = -1;
+  begstr = 'tcv_eq( "';
+  substr_liuqe = '", "FBTE" )';
+% Specifications on how to get the data provided in tcv_requests_mapping
+mapping_for_tcv = tcv_requests_mapping(data_request_eff);
+gdat_data.label = mapping_for_tcv.label;
+if do_mdsopen_mdsclose
+  % mdsdefaultserver tcv1.epfl.ch; % should be in tcv general path, but set-it in the meantime...
+  if liuqe_version==-1
+    ishot = mdsopen('pcs', shot);
+  else
+    ishot = mdsopen(shot); % if ishot equal to shot, then mdsclose at the end
+  end
+  if ishot~=shot
+    warning(['cannot open shot= ' num2str(shot)])
+    return
+  end
+% 1st treat the simplest method: "tdi" (and tdiliuqe)
+if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method(1:3),'tdi')
+  % need to treat liuqe2, model, etc from options....
+  substr_tdi = '';
+  if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'tdiliuqe'); substr_tdi = substr_liuqe; end
+  if iscell(mapping_for_tcv.expression)
+    if length(mapping_for_tcv.expression)>0
+      % series of arguments for tdi given in each cell
+      eval_expr = ['tdi(''' mapping_for_tcv.expression{1} substr_tdi ''''];
+      for i=2:length(mapping_for_tcv.expression)
+        eval_expr = [eval_expr ',''' mapping_for_tcv.expression{i} ''''];
+      end
+      eval_expr = [eval_expr ');'];
+      aatmp = eval(eval_expr);
+    else
+      % empty or wrong expression
+      error_status=701;
+      return
+    end
+  else
+    if liuqe_version==-1
+      mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff = mapping_for_tcv.expression;
+      if strcmp(lower(mapping_for_tcv.expression(1:8)),'\results')
+        mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff = mapping_for_tcv.expression(11:end);
+      end
+      eval_expr = ['tdi(''' begstr mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff substr_liuqe ''');']
+    else
+      eval_expr = ['tdi(''' mapping_for_tcv.expression substr_tdi ''');'];
+    end
+    aatmp=eval(eval_expr);
+  end
+  if isempty(aatmp.data) || isempty(aatmp.dim) % || ischar(aatmp.data) (to add?)
+    if (nverbose>=3); warning(['problems loading data for ' eval_expr ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff]); end
+    return
+  end
+  gdat_data.data = aatmp.data;
+  gdat_data.dim = aatmp.dim;
+  nbdims = length(gdat_data.dim);
+  if mapping_for_tcv.timedim==-1; 
+    mapping_for_tcv.timedim = nbdims;
+    if (size(gdat_data.data,nbdims)==1 && nbdims>1); mapping_for_tcv.timedim = nbdims-1; end
+  end
+  dim_nontim = setdiff([1:nbdims],mapping_for_tcv.timedim);
+  if ~isempty(dim_nontim)
+    % since most cases have at most 2d, copy as array if data is 2D and as cell if 3D or more
+    if length(dim_nontim)==1
+      gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim{dim_nontim(1)};
+    else
+      gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim(dim_nontim);
+    end
+  end
+  gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_tcv.timedim};
+  gdat_data.units = aatmp.units;
+  gdat_data.dimunits = aatmp.dimunits;
+  if mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim>0 && mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim ~= mapping_for_tcv.timedim
+    % shift timedim to gdat_timedim data(i,j,...itime,k,...) -> data(i,inewtime,j,...,k,...)
+    % note that this means that gdat_data.x and gdat_data.t are same and correct, 
+    % only .data, .dim and .dimunits need to be changed
+    iprev=[1:nbdims];
+    ij=find(dim_nontim>mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1);
+    inew=[1:mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1 mapping_for_tcv.timedim dim_nontim(ij)];
+    data_sizes = size(aatmp.data);
+    gdat_data.data = NaN*ones(data_sizes(inew));
+    abcol=ones(1,nbdims)*double(':'); abcomma=ones(1,nbdims)*double(',');
+    dimstr_prev=['(' repmat(':,',1,mapping_for_tcv.timedim-1) 'it,' ...
+                 repmat(':,',1,nbdims-mapping_for_tcv.timedim-1) ':)'];
+    dimstr_new=['(' repmat(':,',1,mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1) 'it,' ...
+                repmat(':,',1,nbdims-mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1) ':)'];
+    % eval gdat_data.data(;,:,...,it,...) = aatmp.data(:,:,:,it,...);
+    for it=1:size(aatmp.data,mapping_for_tcv.timedim)
+      shift_eval = ['gdat_data.data' dimstr_new ' = aatmp.data'  dimstr_prev ';'];
+      eval(shift_eval);
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim = aatmp.dim(inew);
+    gdat_data.dimunits = aatmp.dimunits(inew);
+  else
+    mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim = mapping_for_tcv.timedim;
+  end
+  gdat_data.data_fullpath=[mapping_for_tcv.expression substr_tdi];
+  % end of method "tdi"
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'expression')
+  % 2nd: method="expression"
+  % assume expression contains function to call and which returns a structure into variable gdat_tmp
+  % we copy the structure, to make sure default nodes are defined and to avoid if return is an closed object like tdi
+  % eval_expr = [mapping_for_tcv.expression ';'];
+  eval([mapping_for_tcv.expression ';']);
+  if isempty(gdat_tmp) || (~isstruct(gdat_tmp) & ~isobject(gdat_tmp))
+    warning(['function expression does not return a structure: ' mapping_for_tcv.expression])
+    error_status=801;
+    return
+  end
+  tmp_fieldnames = fieldnames(gdat_tmp);
+  if sum(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'data'))==0 % note: cannot do isfield since gdat_tmp might be an object
+    warning(['function does not return a child name ''data'' for ' data_request_eff])
+  end
+  for i=1:length(tmp_fieldnames)
+    gdat_data.(tmp_fieldnames{i}) = gdat_tmp.(tmp_fieldnames{i});
+  end
+  % add .t and .x in case only dim is provided
+  % do not allow shifting of timedim since should be treated in the relevant function
+  ijdim=find(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'dim')==1);
+  if ~isempty(ijdim)
+    nbdims = length(gdat_data.dim);
+    if mapping_for_tcv.timedim==-1; 
+      mapping_for_tcv.timedim = nbdims;
+      if (size(gdat_data.data,nbdims)==1 && nbdims>1); mapping_for_tcv.timedim = nbdims-1; end
+    end
+    dim_nontim = setdiff([1:nbdims],mapping_for_tcv.timedim);
+    ijt=find(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'t')==1);
+    if isempty(ijt)
+      gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_tcv.timedim};
+    end
+    ijx=find(strcmp(tmp_fieldnames,'x')==1);
+    if isempty(ijx)
+      if ~isempty(dim_nontim)
+        % since most cases have at most 2d, copy as array if data is 2D and as cell if 3D or more
+        if length(dim_nontim)==1
+          gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim{dim_nontim(1)};
+        else
+          gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim(dim_nontim);
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=mapping_for_tcv.expression;
+  end
+  % end of method "function"
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
+  switch data_request_eff % not lower(...) since data_request_eff should be lower case already at this stage
+    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    % First the request names valid for "all" machines:
+    %
+   case {'a_minor','rgeom'}
+    % compute average minor or major radius (on z=zaxis normally)
+    nodenameeff=['\results::r_max_psi' substr_liuqe];
+    rmaxpsi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    nodenameeff2=['\results::r_min_psi' substr_liuqe];
+    rminpsi=tdi(nodenameeff2);
+    ij=find(rmaxpsi.data<0.5 | rmaxpsi.data>1.2);
+    if ~isempty(ij); rmaxpsi.data(ij)=NaN; end
+    ij=find(rminpsi.data<0.5 | rminpsi.data>1.2);
+    if ~isempty(ij); rminpsi.data(ij)=NaN; end
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'a_minor')
+      gdat_data.data=0.5.*(rmaxpsi.data(end,:) - rminpsi.data(end,:));
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=[nodenameeff ' - ' nodenameeff2 ' /2'];
+    elseif strcmp(data_request_eff,'rgeom')
+      gdat_data.data=0.5.*(rmaxpsi.data(end,:) + rminpsi.data(end,:));
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=[nodenameeff ' + ' nodenameeff2 ' /2'];
+    else
+      disp(['should not be in this case with data_request_eff = ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim = rmaxpsi.dim(2);    
+    gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{1};
+    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(rmaxpsi),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units = rmaxpsi.units;
+    end
+    gdat_data.dimunits = rmaxpsi.dimunits(2);
+   case {'zgeom'}
+    % compute average minor or major radius (on z=zaxis normally)
+    nodenameeff=['\results::z_contour' substr_liuqe];
+    zcontour=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'zgeom')
+      gdat_data.data=0.5.*(max(zcontour.data,[],1) + min(zcontour.data,[],1));
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=['(max+min)/2 of ' nodenameeff];
+      gdat_data.dim{1} = zcontour.dim{2};
+      gdat_data.dimunits{1} = zcontour.dimunits{2};
+    else
+      disp(['should not be in this case with data_request_eff = ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim};
+    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(zcontour),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units = zcontour.units;
+    end
+   case {'b0'}
+    % B0 at R0=0.88
+    R0EXP=0.88;
+    if liuqe_version==-1
+      nodenameeff = 'tcv_eq("BZERO","FBTE")';
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data;
+    else
+      nodenameeff=['\magnetics::iphi'];
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      gdat_data.data=192.E-07 * 0.996 *tracetdi.data/R0EXP;
+    end
+    if isempty(tracetdi.data) || isempty(tracetdi.dim) % || ischar(tracetdi.data) (to add?)
+      warning(['problems loading data for ' nodenameeff ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=[nodenameeff];
+    gdat_data.dim = tracetdi.dim;    
+    gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{1};
+    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units = tracetdi.units;
+    end
+    gdat_data.dimunits = tracetdi.dimunits;
+    gdat_data.request_description = ['vacuum magnetic field at R0=' num2str(R0EXP) 'm; COCOS=17'];
+   case {'betan'}
+    % 100*beta / |Ip[MA] * B0[T]| * a[m]
+    % get B0 from gdat_tcv, without re-opening the shot and using the same parameters except data_request
+    % easily done thanks to structure call for options
+    params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
+    params_eff.data_request='b0'; 
+    b0=gdat_tcv([],params_eff); % note: no need to set .doplot=0 since gdat_tcv does not call gdat_plot in any case
+    params_eff.data_request='ip';
+    ip=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);
+    params_eff.data_request='beta';
+    beta=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);
+    params_eff.data_request='a_minor';
+    a_minor=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);
+    % use beta as time base
+    if isempty(b0.data) || isempty(b0.dim) || isempty(ip.data) || isempty(ip.dim) || isempty(a_minor.data) || isempty(a_minor.dim) || isempty(beta.data) || isempty(beta.dim)
+      warning(['problems loading data for ' nodenameeff ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim = beta.dim;
+    gdat_data.t = beta.dim{1};
+    gdat_data.data = beta.data;
+    ij=find(~isnan(ip.data));
+    ip_t = interp1(ip.dim{1}(ij),ip.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    ij=find(~isnan(b0.data));
+    b0_t = interp1(b0.dim{1}(ij),b0.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    ij=find(~isnan(a_minor.data));
+    a_minor_t = interp1(a_minor.dim{1}(ij),a_minor.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    gdat_data.data = 100.*beta.data ./ abs(ip_t).*1.e6 .* abs(b0_t) .* a_minor_t;
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath='100*beta/ip*1e6*b0*a_minor, each from gdat_tcv';
+    gdat_data.units = '';
+    gdat_data.dimunits{1} = 's';
+   case {'cxrs'}
+    %not yet finished, just started
+    return
+    % load typical data from cxrs, Ti, ni, vtori and vpoli (if available), as well as zeff from cxrs
+    % if 'fit' option is added: 'fit',1, then the fitted profiles are returned
+    % 
+    sub_nodes = {'Ti','vi_tor','vi_pol','ni','zeff'}; % first node is also copied into data, choose "default' one
+    % sub_nodes_fit = {'Tifit','vi_torfit','vi_polfit','nifit','zefffit'};
+    params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
+    % use A. Karpushov routine to get profiles and then copy the data or the fitted profiles
+    param_cxrs.k_plot=0; param_cxrs.k_debug=0;
+    cxrs_profiles = CXRS_get_profiles(48836,[],[],param_cxrs);
+    if isfield(params_eff,'fit') && params_eff.fit>0
+      sub_nodes_eff = sub_nodes_fit;
+    else
+      sub_nodes_eff = sub_nodes;
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim = beta.dim;
+    gdat_data.t = beta.dim{1};
+    gdat_data.data = beta.data;
+    ij=find(~isnan(ip.data));
+    ip_t = interp1(ip.dim{1}(ij),ip.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    ij=find(~isnan(b0.data));
+    b0_t = interp1(b0.dim{1}(ij),b0.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    ij=find(~isnan(a_minor.data));
+    a_minor_t = interp1(a_minor.dim{1}(ij),a_minor.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    gdat_data.data = 100.*beta.data ./ abs(ip_t).*1.e6 .* abs(b0_t) .* a_minor_t;
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath='100*beta/ip*1e6*b0*a_minor, each from gdat_tcv';
+    gdat_data.units = '';
+    gdat_data.dimunits = beta.dimunits;
+   case {'eqdsk'}
+    %
+    time=1.; % default time
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'time') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.time)
+      time = gdat_data.gdat_params.time;
+    else
+      disp(['"time" is expected as an option, choose default time = ' num2str(time)]);
+    end
+    gdat_data.gdat_params.time = time;
+    gdat_data.t = time;
+    zshift = 0.;
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'zshift') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift)
+      zshift = gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift;
+    end
+    gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift = zshift;
+    for itime=1:length(time)
+      time_eff = time(itime);
+      % use read_results updated to effectively obtain an eqdsk with sign correct with COCOS=2
+      [fnames_readresults]=read_results_for_chease(shot,time_eff,liuqe_version,3,[],[],[],zshift,0,1);
+      eqdskval=read_eqdsk(fnames_readresults{4},7,0,[],[],1); % LIUQE is 17 but read_results divided psi by 2pi thus 7
+      for i=1:length(fnames_readresults)
+        unix(['rm ' fnames_readresults{i}]);
+      end
+      % transform to cocos=2 since read_results originally assumed it was cocos=2
+      cocos_in = 2;
+      [eqdsk_cocos_in, eqdsk_cocosout_IpB0pos,cocos_inout]=eqdsk_cocos_transform(eqdskval,[7 cocos_in]);
+      fnamefull = fullfile(['/tmp/' getenv('USER')],['EQDSK_' num2str(shot) 't' num2str(time_eff,'%.4f')]);
+      % We still write COCOS=2 case, since closer to standard (in /tmp)
+      write_eqdsk(fnamefull,eqdsk_cocos_in,cocos_in,[],[],[],1);
+      % Now gdat_tcv should return the convention from LIUQE which is COCOS=17, except if specified in option
+      % create standard filename name from shot, time_eff (cocos will be added by write_eqdsk)
+      cocos_out = 17;
+      if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'cocos') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.cocos)
+        cocos_out = gdat_data.gdat_params.cocos;
+      end
+      [eqdsk_cocosout, eqdsk_cocosout_IpB0pos,cocos_inout]=eqdsk_cocos_transform(eqdsk_cocos_in,[cocos_in cocos_out]);
+      % for several times, use array of structure for eqdsks, 
+      % cannot use it for psi(R,Z) in .data and .x since R, Z might be different at different times,
+      % so project psi(R,Z) on Rmesh, Zmesh of 1st time
+      if length(time) > 1
+        gdat_data.eqdsk{itime} = write_eqdsk(fnamefull,eqdsk_cocosout,cocos_out);
+        if itime==1
+          gdat_data.data(:,:,itime) = gdat_data.eqdsk{itime}.psi;
+          gdat_data.dim{1} = gdat_data.eqdsk{itime}.rmesh;
+          gdat_data.dim{2} = gdat_data.eqdsk{itime}.zmesh;
+        else
+          aa=interpos2Dcartesian(gdat_data.eqdsk{itime}.rmesh,gdat_data.eqdsk{itime}.zmesh, ...
+          gdat_data.eqdsk{itime}.psi,repmat(gdat_data.dim{1}',1,129),repmat(gdat_data.dim{2},129,1),-1,-1);
+          gdat_data.data(:,:,itime) = aa;
+        end
+      else
+        gdat_data.eqdsk = write_eqdsk(fnamefull,eqdsk_cocosout,cocos_out);
+        gdat_data.data = gdat_data.eqdsk.psi;
+        gdat_data.dim{1} = gdat_data.eqdsk.rmesh;
+        gdat_data.dim{2} = gdat_data.eqdsk.zmesh;
+      end
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim{3} = gdat_data.t;
+    gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim(1:2);
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=['psi(R,Z) and eqdsk from read_eqdsk from LIUQE' num2str(liuqe_version) ';zshift=' num2str(zshift)];
+    gdat_data.units = 'T m^2';
+    gdat_data.dimunits = {'m','m','s'};
+    gdat_data.request_description = ['data=psi, x=(R,Z), eqdsk contains eqdsk structure with which ' ...
+                    'plot_eqdsk, write_eqdsk, read_eqdsk can be used'];
+   case {'mhd'}
+    % load n=1, 2 and 3 Bdot from magnetic measurements
+    n1=tdi('abs(mhdmode("LFS",1,1))');
+    n2=tdi('abs(mhdmode("LFS",2,1))');
+    n3=tdi('abs(mhdmode("LFS",3,1))');
+    if ~isempty(n1.data)
+      gdat_data.data(:,1) = reshape(n1.data,length(n1.data),1);
+      if length(n2.data)==length(n1.data); gdat_data.data(:,2) = reshape(n2.data,length(n2.data),1); end
+      if length(n3.data)==length(n1.data); gdat_data.data(:,3) = reshape(n3.data,length(n3.data),1); end
+      gdat_data.dim{1} = n1.dim{1};
+      gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{1};
+      gdat_data.dim{2} = [1; 2; 3]; 
+      gdat_data.dimunits{1} = n1.dimunits{1};
+      gdat_data.dimunits{2} = 'n number';
+      gdat_data.units = 'T/s';
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath='abs(mhdmode("LFS",n,1))';
+      gdat_data.request_description = 'delta_Bdot from magnetic probes to get n=1, 2 and 3';
+    end
+   case {'ne','te'}
+    % ne or Te from Thomson data on raw z mesh vs (z,t)
+    edge_str_ = '';
+    edge_str_dot = '';
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'edge') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.edge) && ...
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.edge>0
+      edge_str_ = '_edge';
+      edge_str_dot = '.edge';
+    end
+    nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':' data_request_eff];
+    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':' data_request_eff ':error_bar']);
+    gdat_data.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson data as (t,z)
+    gdat_data.error_bar=tracestd.data';
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=[nodenameeff];
+    % add correct dimensions
+    try
+      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
+    catch
+      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
+      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
+      thomsontimes=time
+      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
+      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff(1:2),'ne')
+      tracefirrat_data = get_fir_thom_rat_data(shot,['thomson' edge_str_],time);
+      gdat_data.data_abs = gdat_data.data * diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.error_bar_abs = gdat_data.error_bar * diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.firrat=tracefirrat_data;
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=[gdat_data.data_fullpath ' ; _abs includes *firrat'];
+    end
+    z=mdsdata('\diagz::thomson_set_up:vertical_pos');
+    gdat_data.dim=[{z};{time}];
+    gdat_data.dimunits=[{'Z [m]'} ; {'time [s]'}];
+    gdat_data.x=z;
+    gdat_data.t=time;
+    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus use fieldnames
+    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units=tracetdi.units;
+    end
+   case {'ne_rho', 'te_rho', 'nete_rho'}
+    try
+      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
+    catch
+      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
+      warning(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
+      thomsontimes=time
+      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
+      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    zshift = 0.;
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'zshift') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift)
+      zshift = gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift;
+    else
+      gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift = zshift;
+    end
+    edge_str_ = '';
+    edge_str_dot = '';
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'edge') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.edge) && ...
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.edge>0
+      edge_str_ = '_edge';
+      edge_str_dot = '.edge';
+    end
+    % if nete_rho, do first ne, then Te later (so fir stuff already done)
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'ne_rho')  || strcmp(data_request_eff,'nete_rho')
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':ne'];
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':ne; error_bar ; fir_thom_rat; (ne,std)*fir_thom_rat'];
+      tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson'  edge_str_dot ':ne:error_bar']);
+      tracefirrat_data = get_fir_thom_rat_data(shot,['thomson' edge_str_],time);
+    else
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':te'];
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':te; error_bar'];
+      tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':te:error_bar']);
+    end
+    gdat_data.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson data as (t,z)
+    gdat_data.error_bar=tracestd.data';
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=nodenameeff;
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'ne_rho')  || strcmp(data_request_eff,'nete_rho')
+      gdat_data.firrat=tracefirrat_data;
+      gdat_data.data_abs=gdat_data.data*diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.error_bar_abs=gdat_data.error_bar*diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=[gdat_data.data_fullpath ' ; _abs includes *firrat'];
+    end
+    % add correct dimensions
+    % construct rho mesh
+    psi_max=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':psi_max' substr_liuqe]);
+    psiscatvol=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':psiscatvol' substr_liuqe]);
+    if abs(zshift)>1e-5
+      % calculate new psiscatvol
+      psitdi=tdi(['\results::psi' substr_liuqe]);
+      rmesh=psitdi.dim{1};
+      zmesh=psitdi.dim{2};
+      zthom=mdsdata('dim_of(\thomson:te,1)');
+      zeffshift=zshift;
+      % set zeffshift time array same as psitdi
+      switch length(zeffshift)
+        case 1
+          zeffshift=zeffshift * ones(size(psitdi.dim{3}));
+        case length(psitdi.dim{3})
+          % ok
+        case length(psiscatvol.dim{1})
+          zeffshift=interp1(psiscatvol.dim{1},zeffshift,psitdi.dim{3});
+        otherwise
+          disp(' bad time dimension for zshift')
+          disp(['it should be 1 or ' num2str(length(psiscatvol.dim{1})) ' or ' num2str(length(psitdi.dim{3}))])
+      end
+      for it=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{1})
+        itpsitdi=iround(psitdi.dim{3},psiscatvol.dim{1}(it));
+        psirz=psitdi.data(:,:,itpsitdi);
+        psiscatvol0=griddata(rmesh,zmesh,psirz',0.9*ones(size(zthom)),zthom-zeffshift(itpsitdi));
+        psiscatvol.data(it,:)=psiscatvol0;
+      end
+    end
+    if ~isempty(psiscatvol.data) && ~ischar(psiscatvol.data) && ~isempty(psi_max.data) && ~ischar(psi_max.data)
+      for ir=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{2})
+        rho(ir,:)= sqrt(1.-psiscatvol.data(:,ir)./psi_max.data(:))';
+      end
+    else
+      rho=NaN;
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim=[{rho};{time}];
+    gdat_data.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
+    gdat_data.x=rho;
+    gdat_data.t=time;
+    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units=tracetdi.units;
+    end
+    %%%%%%%%%%% add fitted profiles if 'fit'>=1
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'fit') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.fit) && ...
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.fit>0
+      % default is from proffit:avg_time
+      def_proffit = '\results::proffit.avg_time';
+      if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'fit_type') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.fit_type)
+        if strcmp(gdat_data.gdat_params.fit_type,'local')
+          def_proffit = '\results::proffit.local_time';
+        else
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.fit_type = 'avg';
+        end
+      else
+        gdat_data.gdat_params.fit_type = 'avg';
+      end
+      if strcmp(data_request_eff(1:2),'ne')
+        nodenameeff = [def_proffit ':neft_abs']; % do first ne if nete asked for
+      elseif strcmp(data_request_eff(1:2),'te')
+        nodenameeff = [def_proffit ':teft'];
+      else
+        disp(['should not be here: data_request_eff, data_request_eff(1:2)= ',data_request_eff, data_request_eff(1:2)]);
+      end
+      if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'trialindx') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx) && ...
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx>=0
+        nodenameeff=[nodenameeff ':trial'];
+        trialindx = gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx;
+      else
+        gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx = [];
+        trialindx = [];
+      end
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      if isempty(trialindx)
+        gdat_data.fit.data = tracetdi.data;
+      else
+        if ~isempty(tracetdi.data) && size(tracetdi.data,3)>=trialindx+1
+          gdat_data.fit.data = tracetdi.data(:,:,trialindx+1);
+        else
+          gdat_data.fit.data = [];
+          gdat_data.fit.data_fullpath = [nodenameeff ' with trialindx=' num2str(trialindx) ' is empty'];
+          return
+        end
+      end
+      gdat_data.fit.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
+      gdat_data.fit.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
+      if mapping_for_tcv.timedim~=2 | mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim~=2
+        disp(['unexpected timedim in fit: data_request_eff= ' data_request_eff ...
+             ', mapping_for_tcv.timedim= ' mapping_for_tcv.timedim ...
+             ', mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim= ' mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim]);
+      end
+      gdat_data.dim=tracetdi.dim(1:2);
+      gdat_data.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits(1:2);
+      if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+        gdat_data.fit.units=tracetdi.units;
+      end
+      gdat_data.fit.data_fullpath = nodenameeff;
+      % do te as well if nete asked for
+      if strcmp(data_request_eff(1:4),'nete')
+        gdat_data.fit.ne.data = gdat_data.fit.data;
+        gdat_data.fit.ne.units = gdat_data.fit.units;
+        nodenameeff = [def_proffit ':teft'];
+        if ~isempty(trialindx); nodenameeff=[nodenameeff ':trial']; end
+        tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+        if isempty(trialindx)
+          gdat_data.fit.te.data = tracetdi.data;
+        else
+        if ~isempty(tracetdi.data) && size(tracetdi.data,3)>=trialindx+1
+          gdat_data.fit.te.data = tracetdi.data(:,:,trialindx+1);
+        else
+          return
+        end
+        end
+        if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+          gdat_data.fit.te.units=tracetdi.units;
+        end
+        % construct pe=1.6022e-19*ne*te
+        gdat_data.fit.data = 1.6022e-19.*gdat_data.fit.ne.data .* gdat_data.fit.te.data;
+        gdat_data.fit.units = 'N/m^2; 1.6022e-19 ne Te';
+        gdat_data.fit.data_fullpath = [gdat_data.fit.data_fullpath ' ; ' nodenameeff ' and pe in data'];
+      end
+    else
+      gdat_data.gdat_params.fit = 0;
+    end
+    %%%%%%%%%%%
+    % if nete_rho, copy data as .ne, get .te and put pe=e ne Te in data:
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff(1:4),'nete')
+      gdat_data.ne.data = gdat_data.data_abs;
+      gdat_data.ne.error_bar = gdat_data.error_bar_abs;
+      gdat_data.ne.firrat=gdat_data.firrat;
+      gdat_data.ne.units = 'm^{-3}';
+      gdat_data = rmfield(gdat_data,{'firrat','data_abs','error_bar_abs'});
+      %
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':te'];
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':te; error_bar'];
+      tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':te:error_bar']);
+      gdat_data.te.data=tracetdi.data';
+      gdat_data.te.error_bar=tracestd.data';
+      gdat_data.te.units = tracetdi.units;
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=['pe=1.6e-19*ne*Te in data, .ne, .te from \results::thomson' ...
+                    edge_str_dot ':ne and te and projected on rhopol\_norm'];
+      gdat_data.units='N/m^2; 1.6022e-19 ne Te';
+      gdat_data.data = 1.6022e-19 .* gdat_data.ne.data .* gdat_data.te.data;
+      gdat_data.error_bar = 1.6022e-19 .* (gdat_data.ne.data .* gdat_data.te.error_bar ...
+          + gdat_data.te.data .* gdat_data.ne.error_bar);
+    end
+   case {'powers'}
+    % note: same time array for all main, ec, ohm, nbi, ...
+    % At this stage fill just ech, later add nbi
+    nodenameeff='\results::toray.input:p_gyro';
+    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    gdat_data.ec.data = tracetdi.data*1e3; % at this stage p_gyro is in kW'
+    gdat_data.ec.units = 'W';
+    gdat_data.ec.dim=tracetdi.dim;
+    gdat_data.ec.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits;
+    gdat_data.ec.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
+    gdat_data.ec.x=tracetdi.dim{2};
+    gdat_data.ec.data_fullpath=[nodenameeff];
+    gdat_data.ec.label='P_{EC}';
+    % set ec time as reference
+    gdat_data.t = gdat_data.ec.t;
+    gdat_data.dim{1} = gdat_data.t;
+    gdat_data.dimunits{1} = 's';
+    gdat_data.units = 'W';
+    % get ohmic power simply from vloop*Ip (minus sign for TCV)
+    ip=gdat([],'ip');
+    vloop=gdat([],'vloop');
+    tension = -1e5;
+    vloop_smooth=interpos(vloop.t,vloop.data,gdat_data.t,tension);
+    ip_t = interp1(ip.t,ip.data,gdat_data.t);
+    gdat_data.ohm.data = -vloop_smooth.*ip_t;
+    gdat_data.ohm.units = 'W';
+    gdat_data.ohm.dim=gdat_data.dim;
+    gdat_data.ohm.dimunits=gdat_data.dimunits;
+    gdat_data.ohm.t=gdat_data.t;
+    gdat_data.ohm.x=[];
+    gdat_data.ohm.data_fullpath=['-vloop(tens=' num2str(tension,'%.0e') ')*ip, from gdat'];
+    gdat_data.ohm.label='P_{OHM}';
+    % total power from each and total
+    gdat_data.data(:,1) = gdat_data.ohm.data;
+    gdat_data.data(:,2) = gdat_data.ec.data(:,10);
+    gdat_data.data(:,3) = gdat_data.ec.data(:,10) + gdat_data.ohm.data;
+    gdat_data.dim{2} = [1:3];
+    gdat_data.dimunits{2} = 'Pohm;Pec;Ptot';
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=['tot power from EC and ohm'];
+    gdat_data.label = 'P_{ohm};P_{EC};P_{tot}';
+   case {'q_rho'}
+    % q profile on psi from liuqe
+    nodenameeff=['\results::q_psi' substr_liuqe];
+    if liuqe_version==-1
+      nodenameeff=[begstr 'q_psi' substr_liuqe];
+    end
+    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data;
+    gdat_data.dim = tracetdi.dim;
+    gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{2};
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=[nodenameeff ' on rhopol'];
+    rhopol_eff = ones(size(tracetdi.dim{1}));
+    rhopol_eff(:) = sqrt(linspace(0,1,length(tracetdi.dim{1})));
+    gdat_data.dim{1} = rhopol_eff;
+    gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim{1};
+    gdat_data.dimunits{1} = '';
+    gdat_data.dimunits{2} = 's';
+    gdat_data.units = '';
+    gdat_data.request_description = 'q(rhopol\_norm)';
+   case {'psi_edge'}
+    % psi at edge, 0 by construction in Liuqe, thus not given
+    nodenameeff=['\results::psi_axis' substr_liuqe];
+    if liuqe_version==-1
+      nodenameeff=[begstr 'q_psi' substr_liuqe];
+    end
+    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data.*0;
+    gdat_data.dim = tracetdi.dim;
+    gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{1};
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=[' zero '];
+    gdat_data.dimunits = tracetdi.dimunits;
+    gdat_data.units = tracetdi.units;
+    gdat_data.request_description = '0 since LIUQE construct psi to be zero at LCFS';
+   case {'rhotor_edge','rhotor'}
+    % Phi(LCFS) = int(Bphi dSphi), can use Eq.(11) of "Tokamak coordinate conventions: COCOS" paper:
+    % O. Sauter, S.Yu. Medvedev, Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 293–302
+    % since cocos=17 for LIUQE we get:
+    % q = -dPhi/dpsi => Phi = - int(q*dpsi) which should always have the sign of B0
+    params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
+    params_eff.data_request='q_rho'; 
+    q_rho=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);
+    params_eff.data_request='psi_axis'; % psi_edge=0 with LIUQE
+    psi_axis=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);
+    params_eff.data_request='b0'; % psi_edge=0 with LIUQE
+    b0=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);
+    b0tpsi = interp1(b0.t,b0.data,psi_axis.t); %q_rho on same time base as psi_axis
+    if isempty(psi_axis.data) || isempty(psi_axis.dim) || isempty(q_rho.data) || isempty(q_rho.dim)
+      warning(['problems loading data for ' nodenameeff ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    rhoequal = linspace(0,1,length(q_rho.dim{1}));
+    if strcmp(data_request,'rhotor_edge')
+      gdat_data.data = psi_axis.data; % to have the dimensions correct
+      gdat_data.dim = psi_axis.dim;
+      gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{1};
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath='phi from q_rho, psi_axis and integral(-q dpsi)';
+      gdat_data.units = 'T m^2';
+      gdat_data.dimunits{1} = 's';
+    elseif strcmp(data_request,'rhotor')
+      gdat_data.data = q_rho.data; % to have the dimensions correct
+      gdat_data.dim{1} = ones(size(q_rho.dim{1}));
+      gdat_data.dim{1}(:) = rhoequal;
+      gdat_data.dim{2} = q_rho.dim{2};
+      gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{2};
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath='sqrt(phitor/phitor_edge), rhotor_edge=sqrt(phitor/B0/pi)';
+      gdat_data.units = '';
+      gdat_data.dimunits{1} = 'rhopol\_norm';
+      gdat_data.dimunits{2} = 's';
+    end
+    for it=1:length(psi_axis.data)
+      ij=find(~isnan(q_rho.data(:,it)));
+      if ~isempty(ij)
+        [qfit,~,~,phi]=interpos(q_rho.x(ij).^2,q_rho.data(ij,it),rhoequal.^2);
+        dataeff = sqrt(phi .* psi_axis.data(it) ./ b0tpsi(it) ./ pi) ; % Delta_psi = -psi_axis
+      else
+        dataeff = NaN;
+      end
+      if strcmp(data_request,'rhotor_edge')
+        gdat_data.data(it) = dataeff(end);
+      elseif strcmp(data_request,'rhotor')
+        gdat_data.data(:,it) = dataeff./dataeff(end);
+        gdat_data.rhotor_edge(it) = dataeff(end);
+      end
+      gdat_data.b0 = b0tpsi(it);
+    end
+   case {'rhovol','volume_rho','volume'}
+    % volume_rho = vol(rho); volume = vol(LCFS) = vol(rho=1);
+    % rhovol = sqrt(vol(rho)/vol(rho=1));
+    nodenameeff='\results::psitbx:vol';
+    if liuqe_version==-1
+      nodenameeff=[begstr 'vol' substr_liuqe];
+    end
+    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+    if isempty(tracetdi.data) || isempty(tracetdi.dim) 
+      return
+    end
+    gdat_data.units = tracetdi.units;
+    if strcmp(data_request,'volume')
+      gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data(end,:);
+      gdat_data.dim{1} = tracetdi.dim{2};
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=['\results::psitbx:vol(end,:)'];
+      gdat_data.dimunits{1} = tracetdi.dimunits{2};
+      gdat_data.request_description = 'volume(LCFS)=volume(rhopol=1)';
+    else
+      gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data;
+      gdat_data.dim = tracetdi.dim;
+      gdat_data.dimunits = tracetdi.dimunits;
+      if strcmp(data_request,'volume_rho')
+        gdat_data.data_fullpath=['\results::psitbx:vol'];
+        gdat_data.request_description = 'volume(rho)';
+      elseif strcmp(data_request,'rhovol')
+        gdat_data.volume_edge = gdat_data.data(end,:);
+        gdat_data.data = sqrt(gdat_data.data./repmat(reshape(gdat_data.volume_edge,1,size(gdat_data.data,2)),size(gdat_data.data,1),1));
+        gdat_data.data_fullpath='sqrt(\results::psitbx:vol/vol_edge)';
+        gdat_data.request_description = 'sqrt(volume(rho)/volume(edge))';
+      else
+        disp(['should not be here in vol cases with data_request = ' data_request_eff]);
+        return
+      end
+    end
+      gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim};
+   case {'sxr'}
+    % sxr from Xtomo by default or dmpx if 'camera','dmpx' is provided
+   case {'profnerho','profterho'}
+    % for backward compatibility but corresponds to ne_rho with param.fit_type='auto' (TCV special)
+    % 
+    nodenameeff=['\results::THOMSON.PROFILES.AUTO:' data_request_eff(5:6)];
+    nodenameeff_vers = [nodenameeff ':version_num'];
+    avers = tdi(nodenameeff_vers);
+    if avers.data==0
+     % may be because nodes not yet filled in, so call once a node
+     ab=tdi(nodenameeff);
+     avers = tdi(nodenameeff_vers);
+    end
+    if avers.data>0
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      if avers.data < 2.99
+        % for earlier version the bug made it to have logically (rho,t)
+        gdat_data.data=tracetdi.data;
+        if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim) && ~ischar(tracetdi.data)
+          gdat_data.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
+          gdat_data.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
+          error_status=0;
+        else
+         error_status=2;
+          gdat_data.x=[];
+          gdat_data.t=[];
+        end
+      else
+        gdat_data.data=tracetdi.data'; % error in dimensions for autofits
+        if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim) && ~ischar(tracetdi.data)
+          if nverbose>=3; disp('assumes dim{2} for x in THOMSON.PROFILES.AUTO'); end
+          gdat_data.x=tracetdi.dim{2};
+          gdat_data.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
+          error_status=0;
+        else
+          gdat_data.x=[];
+          gdat_data.t=[];
+         error_status=2;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      tracetdi=avers;
+      gdat_data.x=[];
+      gdat_data.t=[];
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim=[{gdat_data.x};{gdat_data.t}];
+    gdat_data.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi\_norm)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
+    if ~isempty(gdat_data.t) && any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units=tracetdi.units;
+    end
+    gdat_data.request_description = 'quick autofits within thomson nodes, using version';
+    gdat_data.fullpath = ['Thomson autfits from ' nodenameeff];
+   otherwise
+    warning(['switchcase= ' data_request_eff ' not known in gdat_tcv'])
+    error_status=901;
+    return
+  end
+  warning(['TCV method=' mapping_for_tcv.method ' not known yet, contact Olivier.Sauter@epfl.ch'])
+  error_status=602;
+  return
+if ishot==shot; mdsclose; end
+gdat_data.mapping_for.tcv = mapping_for_tcv;
+function [firthomratio] = get_fir_thom_rat_data(shot,maintracename,timebase);
+% since depends on shot number for using auto fit and thomson or thomson edge, use tracename and function here
+% maintracename = 'thomson' or 'thomson_edge
+% return fir_to_thomson ratio on time=timebase
+% normally should use "main" thomson one built from auto fit if possible
+% take edge one if need be
+% default: maintracename = "thomson"
+maintracename_eff = 'thomson';
+if exist('maintracename') && ~isempty(maintracename)
+  maintracename_eff = maintracename;
+firthomratio = NaN;
+if ~exist('timebase') || isempty(timebase)
+  disp('need a timebase in get_fir_thom_rat_data')
+  return
+firthomratio = NaN*ones(size(timebase));
+if strcmp(maintracename_eff,'thomson')
+  if shot>=23801
+    tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat'); %time base not same!!
+    if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
+      disp('problem with \results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat: empty, use thomson:fir_thom_rat')
+      tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson:fir_thom_rat');
+    end
+  else
+    tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson:fir_thom_rat');
+    if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
+      disp('problem with \results::thomson:fir_thom_rat: empty')
+    end
+  end
+elseif strcmp(maintracename_eff,'thomson_edge')
+  if shot>=23801
+    tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat'); %time base not same!!
+    if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
+      disp('problem with \results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat: empty, use thomson:fir_thom_rat')
+      tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson:fir_thom_rat');
+    end
+  else
+    tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson_edge:fir_thom_rat');
+    if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
+      disp('problem with \results::thomson_edge:fir_thom_rat: empty')
+    end
+  end
+  disp('bad input in get_fir_thom_rat_data')
+  return
+if ~isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
+  firthomratio = interp1(tracefirrat.dim{1},tracefirrat.data,timebase);
diff --git a/crpptbx/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m b/crpptbx/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94fe43f84ec911e3a1ac24f2eb73dcf8a9b20ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crpptbx/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+function mapping = tcv_requests_mapping(data_request)
+% Information pre-defined for gdat_tcv, you can add cases here to match official cases in gdat_tcv, allowing backward compatibility
+% Defaults
+mapping = struct(...
+    'label', '', ...
+    'method', '', ...
+    'expression','', ...
+    'timedim', -1, ...     % dim which is the time is the database, to copy in .t, the other dims are in .x (-1 means last dimension)
+    'gdat_timedim',[], ...  % if need to reshape data and dim orders to have timedim as gdat_timedim (shifting time to gdat_timedim)
+    'min', -inf, ...
+    'max', inf);
+% Note that gdat_timedim is set to timedim at end of this function if empty
+% gdat_timedim should have effective index of the time dimension in gdat
+if ~exist('data_request') || isempty(data_request)
+  return
+% default label: data_request keyword itself
+mapping.label = data_request;
+% for TCV, following choices are set so far:
+% method = 'tdi' and then expression is the string within tdi (usual case when there is a direct link to an existing signal)
+%                with tdi, if expression cell array, call tdi(cell{1},cell{2},...)
+% method = 'tdiliuqe': same as tdi but adds "_2" or "_3" if 'liuqe',2 or 3 is asked for in options
+% method = 'expression', then expression is executed and it should provide the structure gdat_tmp, which fields are copied to gdat_data
+% method = 'switchcase', then there will be a specific case within gdat_tcv (usual case when not directly a signal)
+% label is used for plotting
+switch lower(data_request)
+ case 'a_minor'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'a(LCFS)';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'b0'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'B_0';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'beta'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = '\beta';
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::beta_tor';
+ case 'betan'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = '\beta_N';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'betap'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = '\beta_p';
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::beta_pol';
+ case 'cxrs'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'cxrs';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'delta'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_edge';
+  % mapping.method = 'expression';
+  % mapping.expression = ['tdi(''\results::q_psi'');']; % for tests
+ case 'delta_bottom'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'delta\_bottom';
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_bot';
+ case 'delta_top'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'delta\_top';
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_top';
+ case 'ece'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'eqdsk'
+  mapping.timedim = 0;
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % could use function make_eqdsk directly?
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'halpha'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Halpha';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\base::pd:pd_011';
+ case 'ioh'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'I ohmic transformer';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = [{'\magnetics::ipol[*,$1]'} {'OH_001'}];
+ case 'ip'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Plasma current';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\magnetics::iplasma:trapeze';
+ case 'kappa'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::kappa_edge';
+ case 'mhd'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'n=1,2, etc';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+ case 'ne'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'neint'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'line integrated el. density';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::fir:lin_int_dens';
+ case 'nel'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'line-averaged el. density';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::fir:n_average';
+ case 'ne_rho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'ne';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'neft'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'ne';
+  mapping.method = 'expression';
+  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''ne_rho''; ' ...
+                    'params_eff.fit=1;params_eff.fit_type=''avg'';gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);'];
+ case 'nete_rho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'ne and Te';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'ni'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % especially since might have option fit, etc
+ case 'powers'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'various powers';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'psi_axis'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::psi_axis';
+ case 'psi_edge'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % is set to zero, so not in tree nodes
+  mapping.label = 'psi\_edge';
+ case 'q0'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::q_zero';
+ case 'q95'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::q_95';
+ case 'qedge'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::q_edge';
+ case 'q_rho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'q';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'r_contour'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::r_contour';
+ case 'rgeom'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Rgeom';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'rhotor_edge'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'rhotor\_edge=sqrt(Phi/pi/B0)';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % from conf if exist otherwise computes it
+ case 'rhotor'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'rhotor\_norm';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % from conf if exist otherwise computes it
+ case 'rhovol'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'rhovol\_norm';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % from conf if exist otherwise computes it
+ case 'rmag'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'R\_magaxis';
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::r_axis';
+ case 'sxr'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'te'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'Te';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'te_rho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'Te';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'teft'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'ne';
+  mapping.method = 'expression';
+  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''te_rho''; ' ...
+                    'params_eff.fit=1;params_eff.fit_type=''avg'';gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);'];
+ case 'ti'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'Ti';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'transp'
+  mapping.label = 'transp output';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'vloop'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Vloop';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = [{'\magnetics::vloop[*,$1]'} {'001'}];
+ case 'volume'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Volume\_LCFS';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'volume_rho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'Volume(\rho)';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  % mapping.expression = '\results::psitbx:vol'; (if exists for liuqe2 and 3 as well)
+ case 'z_contour'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::z_contour';
+ case 'zeff'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'zeff from Ip-Ibs';
+  mapping.method = 'tdi';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::ibs:z_eff';
+ case 'zgeom'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Zgeom';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'zmag'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Zmagaxis';
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::z_axis';
+  % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % extra TCV cases (not necessarily in official data_request name list)
+  % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %
+ case {'profnerho','profterho'}
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = data_request;
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+  mapping.expression = '';
+% $$$  case ''
+% $$$   mapping.timedim = 1;
+% $$$   mapping.label = data_request;
+% $$$   mapping.method = 'tdi';
+% $$$   mapping.expression = '';
+ otherwise
+  mapping.label = data_request;
+  mapping.method = 'tdi'; % assume a full tracename is given, so just try with tdi (could check there are some ":", etc...)
+  mapping.expression = data_request;
+if isempty(mapping.gdat_timedim)
+  mapping.gdat_timedim = mapping.timedim;
diff --git a/crpptbx/gdat.m b/crpptbx/gdat.m
index 2b718b38224b5c4f7f95e7b90a12a981adf94fe4..5b4804f92047887a358ae9e08a254817341d9e6c 100644
--- a/crpptbx/gdat.m
+++ b/crpptbx/gdat.m
@@ -1,206 +1,181 @@
-function [trace,error,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_type,varargin)
+function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_request,varargin)
-% function [trace,error,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_type,varargin)
+% function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_request,varargin)
-% new:  no args or with shot=-9 to get keywords relevant for the related experiment
-%       keywordlist=gdat; (for the default machine)
-%       keywordlist=gdat(-9,[],'machine'); (for the specific machine)
+% Aim: get data from a given machine using full path or keywords. 
+%      Keywords should be the same for different machines, otherwise add "_machinname" to the keyword if specific
+%      Keywords are and should be case independent (transformed in lower case in the function and outputs)
-% varargin{1}:  0 => no plot (default), 1 => plot  (see special case for old JET style below)
-% varargin{2}:  machine name 'AUG', 'JET' , 'TCV' (default: depending on where implemented)
+% If no inputs are provided, return the list of available keywords in gdat_data and default parameters gdat_params
-% list of data_type currently available:
+% Inputs:
-% (almost) All machines
-% 'Ip'   =  current
-% 'zmag' =  vertical position of the center of the plasma (magnetic axis)
-% 'rmag' =  radial position of the center of the plasma 
-% 'rcont' =  R of plama boundary vs time
-% 'zcont' =  Z of plama boundary vs time
-% 'vol' =  volume of flux surfaces vs rho=sqrt(psi)
-% 'qrho' =  q profile on rho mesh
-% 'q95' =  q95 vs time
-% 'kappa', 'elon' =  edge elongation vs time
-% 'delta', 'triang' =  edge averaged triangularity vs time
-% 'deltatop', 'triangtop' =  edge upper (top) triangularity vs time
-% 'deltabot', 'triangbot' =  edge lower (bottom) triangularity vs time
-% 'neint' =  line-integrated electron density [m/m^3]
-% 'ne'= ne raw profile on (z,t). ADD error bars in .std
-% 'te'= Te raw profile on (z,t). ADD error bars in .std
-% 'nerho'= ne profile on (rho=sqrt(psi),time) mesh.Note rho is a 2D array as depends on time. ADD error bars in .std
-% 'terho'= Te profile on (rho=sqrt(psi),time) mesh.Note rho is a 2D array as depends on time. ADD error bars in .std
-% 'ece'  =  electron cyclotron emission
-% 'sxr'  =  soft x-ray emission 
-% 'sxR'  =  soft x-ray emission with varargout{1} option (requires varargin{5}!)
-% 'Halpha' = H(D)-alpha trace
+%    no inputs: return default parameters in a structure form in gdat_params
+%    shot: shot number
+%    data_request: keyword (like 'ip') or trace name or structure containing all parameters but shot number
+%    varargin{i},varargin{i+1},i=1:nargin-2: additional optional parameters given in pairs: param_name, param_value
+%                                            The optional parameters list might depend on the data_request
+%              examples of optional parameters:
+%                               'plot',1 (plot is set by default to 0)
+%                               'machine','TCV' (the default machine is the local machine)
-% specific to TCV (see help loadTCVdata for more information)
-% 'xx_2 or xx_3' for Liuqe2 or 3: same as above for xx related to equilibrium
-% 'vol' =  volume of flux surfaces
-% 'profnerho' =  ne smoothed or fitted , vs (rho,t) (from Thomson fit)
-% 'profterho' =  te smoothed or fitted , vs (rho,t) (from Thomson fit)
-% 'neft' =  ne fitted from data on rho mesh (from proffit.local_time:neft)
-% 'teft' =  te fitted from data on rho mesh (from proffit.local_time:teft)
-% 'neftav' =  ne fitted from averaged over time data on rho mesh (from proffit.avg_time:neft)
-% 'teftav' =  te fitted from averaged over time data on rho mesh (from proffit.avg_time:teft)
-% 'ece'  =  electron cyclotron emission
-% 'sxr'  =  soft x-ray emission
-% 'sxR'  =  soft x-ray emission with varargout{1} option (requires varargin{4}!)
-% 'MPX'  =  soft x-ray from wire chambers
-% 'vtor' = toroidal rotation, raw data and arror bars
-% 'vtorfit' = fitted toroidal rotation profiles (and error bars)
-% 'vpol' = poloidal rotation, raw data and arror bars
-% 'vpolfit' = fitted poloidal rotation profiles (and error bars)
-% 'Ti' (or Tc), 'Tifit', 'ni' (or nC), 'nifit', 'zeffcxrs', 'zeffcxrsfit': similar to 'vtor' from CXRS
-% JET
-% Special case compatible with old gdat.m allows (JET related): gdat(51994,'ppf','efit/xip',1)
+% Outputs:
+% gdat_data: structure containing the data, the time trace if known and other useful information
+% gdat_data.t : time trace
+% gdat_data.data: requested data values
+% gdat_data.dim : values of the various coordinates related to the dimensions of .data(:,:,...)
+%                     note that one of the dim is the time, replicated in .t for clarity
+% gdat_data.dimunits : units of the various dimensions, 'dimensionless' if dimensionless
+% gdat_data.error_bar : if provided
+% gdat_data.gdat_call : list of parameters provided in the gdat call (so can be reproduced)
+% gdat_data.shot: shot number
+% gdat_data.machine: machine providing the data
+% gdat_data.gdat_request: keyword for gdat if relevant
+% gdat_data.data_fullpath: full path to the data node if known and relevant, or expression, or relevant function called if relevant
+% gdat_data.gdat_params: copy gdat_params for completeness
+% gdat_data.xxx: any other relevant information
-% shot: shot number
-% data_type: type of the required data.( see above)
-% optional arguments valid for all values of data_type (not passed on to loadMACHINEdata function):
-% Additional input arguments for specific traces (passed on to loadMACHINEdata function)
-% data_type=sxr or ece:
-%                  varargin{3}:  [i1 i2] : if not empty, assumes need many chords from i1 to i2
-%                  varargin{4}:  channel status 1= unread yet, 0= read
-%                                (for traces with many channel, enables to load additional channels,
-%                                 like SXR, ECE, etc.)
-%                  varargin{5}:  zmag for varargout{1} computation
-% trace: structure containing data and meshes (compatible with tdi main structure)
-% trace.data:   data
-% trace.t:      time of reference 
-% trace.x:      space of reference 
-% trace.dim:    cell array of grids, trace.dim{1}, {2}, ...
-% trace.dimunits: units of dimensions
-% trace.std: if error bars are available
-% error:        error in loading signal (0=> OK, >=1 => error)
-% Additional Output arguments depending on data_type
-% data_type=sxR:
-%                varargout{1}: intersection of the view lines with magnetic axis
-% data_type=MPX: (specific to TCV) 
-%                varargout{1}: see help loadTCVdata
-% functions needed: loadAUGdata, loadJETdata, loadTCVdata
 % Examples:
-%         [zmag,error]=gdat(shot,'zmag',1);  % gets zmag from TCV and plot
-%         [zmag,error]=gdat(shot,'zmag',1,'JET'); % idem but from JET
-%         [zmag,error]=gdat(shot,'ppf','efit/zmag',1); as above for JET 
+% (should add working examples for various machines (provides working shot numbers for each machine...))
+%    [a1,a2]=gdat;
+%    a2.data_request = 'Ip';
+%    a3=gdat(48836,a2);  % gives input parameters as a structure, allows to call the same for many shots
+%    a4=gdat('opt1',123,'opt2',[1 2 3],'shot',48832,'data_request','Ip','opt3','aAdB'); % all in pairs
+%    a5=gdat(48836,'ip'); % standard call
+%    a6=gdat(48836,'ip','Opt1',123,'Doplot',1,'opt2','Abc'); % standard call with a few options (all lowercase in output)
-%   keywordlist=gdat(-9,[],[],machine); % to get examples and the keywords defined for the relevant machine
-%   keywordlist=gdat; % to get examples and the keywords defined for the local machine
+% Comments for local developer:
+% This gdat is just a "header routine" calling the gdat for the specific machine gdat_`machine`.m which can be called
+% directly, thus which should be able to treat the same type of input arguments
+% Prepare some variables, etc
-if nargineff>=3 & ischar(varargin{1})
-% $$$   if isempty(strmatch(upper(varargin{1}),[{'TCV'} {'JET'} {'AUG'}]))
-  % old JET way with second part of data structure in varagin{1}
-  data_type={data_type ; varargin{1}};
-  if nargineff>=4; 
-    varargin{1}=varargin{2};
-  else
-    varargin{1}=0;
-    nargineff=4;
+% for backward compatibility (with most recent simple call ala: gdat(shot,'data_request',doplot,machine) )
+% if nargin<=4 and >2 and 1st and 3rd are numeric, assume this is an old call and transform it to:
+% gdat(shot,'data_request','doplot',doplot','machine',machine)
+% and a warning
+if nargin>2
+  varargin_eff = varargin;
+  if nargin>=3 && nargin<=4  && isnumeric(shot) && isnumeric(varargin{1})
+    % assume old call: gdat(shot,'data_request',doplot[,machine])
+    varargin_eff{1} = 'doplot';
+    varargin_eff{end+1} = varargin{1};
+    if nargin==4
+      varargin_eff{end+1} = 'machine';
+      varargin_eff{end+1} = varargin{2};
+    end
-  varargin{2}='JET';
-% $$$ end
-if (nargineff>=3 & ~isempty(varargin{1})); doplot=varargin{1}; end
-if ~isempty(findstr('ipp',a)) | ~isempty(findstr('/u/osauter',a));
-  machine='AUG';
-  global usemdsplus; % so far from AUG, do not use mdsplus
-  usemdsplus=0;
-elseif ~isempty(findstr('/home/osauter',a));
-  machine='JET';
-elseif ~isempty(findstr('/home/sauter',a));
-  machine='TCV';
-elseif ~isempty(findstr('/u/sauter',a));
-  machine='D3D';
-if ~exist('machine')
- % disp('did not find machine, set it to TCV')
-  machine='TCV';
-if (nargineff>=4 & ~isempty(varargin{2})); machine=varargin{2}; end
-% load data from specified machine
-if ~exist('data_type'); data_type=[]; end
-if ~exist('shot') || isempty(shot); shot=-9; end
-if nargineff<=4
-  eval(['[trace,error,varargout] = load' machine 'data(shot,data_type);']);
+% construct default parameters structure
+gdat_params.data_request = '';
+default_machine = '';
+if ~isempty(fusion_machine_defaultname)
+  default_machine = lower(fusion_machine_defaultname);
-  eval(['[trace,error,varargout] = load' machine 'data(shot,data_type,varargin{3:end});']);
+  hostname=getenv('HOSTNAME');
+  if ~isempty(regexpi(hostname,'epfl'))
+    default_machine = 'tcv';
+  elseif ~isempty(regexpi(hostname,'rzg.mpg'))
+    default_machine = 'aug';
+  end
+machine_eff = default_machine;
-% PLOT DATA (if required)
-if doplot~=0; set_defaults_matlab; end
-if doplot==1 && isfield(trace,'data') && length(trace.data)>1 && ~ischar(trace.data)
-  try
-    figure;zoom on
-    if length(size(trace.data))<=2
-      hhh=plot(trace.t,trace.data);
-      ylabel(data_type)
-    else
-      for idim=1:length(trace.dim)
-        if length(trace.t)==length(trace.dim{idim}); idim_t=idim; end
-      end
-      if idim_t<=2
-        hhh=plot(trace.t,trace.data(:,:,floor(end/2)));
-        ylabel([data_type '(:,:,floor(end/2))'])
-      elseif idim_t==3;
-        hhh=plot(trace.t,reshape(trace.data(:,floor(end/2),:),length(trace.dim{1}),length(trace.t)));
-        ylabel([data_type '(:,floor(end/2),:)'])
+% do not treat inputs here but in subsequent gdat_machine.m function, however, need to extract machine name if provided:
+if nargin>=2 % need at least 2 inputs to have 'machine','aug' as arguments (to ask specific list of requests)
+  % in case start directly with pairs of options
+  if ischar(shot) && ischar(data_request)
+    machine_eff = data_request;
+  elseif isstruct(shot) && isfield(shot,'machine')
+    machine_eff = shot.machine;
+  elseif isstruct(data_request) && isfield(data_request,'machine')
+    machine_eff = data_request.machine;
+  elseif nargin>=3
+    imachine=[];
+    for i=1:length(varargin_eff)
+      if ischar(varargin_eff{i})
+        ii = strmatch(varargin_eff{i},'machine','exact');
+        if ~isempty(ii); imachine = i; end
-    xlabel('time [s]')
-    title([machine ' '  num2str(shot)])
-    grid on
-  catch
-    disp(' error in plotting part, most probably because could not guess time dimension correctly. To check')
+    if ~isempty(imachine) && length(varargin_eff)>=imachine+1 && ~isempty(varargin_eff{imachine+1})
+      machine_eff = varargin_eff{imachine+1};
+    end
+  end
+% add paths to each machine which are in subdirectory of gdat and working
+% add only given machine directory using machine_eff...
+gdat_path = mfilename('fullpath');
+eval(['addpath ' gdat_path(1:end-4) upper(machine_eff)]);
+% copy gdat present call:
+if nargin==0
+  subcall=['gdat;'];
+elseif nargin>=1
+  if isnumeric(shot)
+    subcall=['gdat(' num2str(shot) ];
+  elseif ischar(shot)
+    subcall=['gdat(' shot ];
+  else
+    warning('type of 1st argument unexpected, should be numeric or char')
+    gdat_data.gdat_call = [];
+    return
-elseif doplot==-1
-  try
-    hold all
-    child_h=get(gca,'child');
-    nbplot=length(child_h);
-    if length(size(trace.data))<=2
-      hhh=plotos(trace.t,trace.data,'-',[],[],colos(mod(nbplot,12)+1,:));
+  if nargin>=2
+    if isempty(data_request)
+      subcall = [subcall ',[]'];
-      hhh=plot(trace.t,trace.data(:,:,1),'--');
+      substring = subcall_all2str(data_request);
+      subcall = [subcall substring];
+    end
+    if nargin>=3
+      substring = subcall_all2str(varargin_eff{:});
+      subcall = [subcall substring];
-  catch
-    disp(' error in plotting part, most probably because could not guess time dimension correctly. To check')
+  % ... to continue
+  subcall = [subcall ');'];
+% Note: would need to check nargout to make call consistent, but to avoid this, each gdat_xxx should return at least an empty varargout: varargout{1}=cell(1);
-  if exist('hhh') && ishandle(hhh(end)); set(hhh(end),'Tag',['gdat: ' num2str(shot)]); end
+  if nargin==0
+    eval(['[gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_' lower(machine_eff) ';']);
+  elseif nargin==1
+    eval(['[gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_' lower(machine_eff) '(shot);']);
+  elseif nargin==2  
+    eval(['[gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_' lower(machine_eff) '(shot,data_request);']);
+  else
+    eval(['[gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_' lower(machine_eff) '(shot,data_request,varargin_eff{:});']);
+  end
+  warning(['problems calling gdat_' lower(machine_eff)]);
+  return
-if doplot~=0
-  h2=findobj(gca,'-regexp','Tag','gdat:*');
-  if ~isempty(h2);
-    legend(get(sort(h2),'Tag'));
+% copy subcall here so is last subnode
+gdat_data.gdat_call = [subcall ' % nargout = ' num2str(nargout)];
+if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'doplot')
+  gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot = 0;
+if gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot
+  % plot gdat_data versus 1st dim by default, if nb_dims<=2, otherwise do not plot
+  if length(varargout)==0 || isempty(varargout{1})
+    varargout{1} = gdat_plot(gdat_data); % return handle to figure
+  else
+    varargout{end+1} = gdat_plot(gdat_data); % return handle to figure
diff --git a/crpptbx/gdat_data_request_names_rho.xlsx b/crpptbx/gdat_data_request_names_rho.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74f47e6263dadbe5c0879ab7e22d0c00441094c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/crpptbx/gdat_data_request_names_rho.xlsx differ
diff --git a/crpptbx/gdat_plot.m b/crpptbx/gdat_plot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04a3c9b4c4a07e91d50ea8400cd1ccfc36019fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crpptbx/gdat_plot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+function [fighandle]=gdat_plot(gdat_data,varargin);
+% choices from doplot in gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot:
+%     doplot = 0: no plot
+%            = 1: new figure created
+%            = -1: add to current figure (with hold all)
+%            > 1: create new figure with this number, adding clf
+%            <-1: add to figure number abs(doplot) (with hold all)
+if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'doplot') || gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot ==0
+  return
+fighandle = get(0,'CurrentFigure');
+if prod(isfield(gdat_data,{'data','t'})) && ~isempty(gdat_data.data) && ~isempty(gdat_data.t)
+  if gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot == 1
+    fighandle = figure;
+  elseif gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot > 1
+    fighandle = figure(gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot);
+    clf;
+  elseif gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot == -1
+    hold all
+  elseif gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot < -1
+    fighandle = figure(abs(gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot));
+    hold all
+  end
+  if any(find(size(gdat_data.data)==length(gdat_data.t)))
+    plot(gdat_data.t,gdat_data.data);
+    title([gdat_data.gdat_params.machine ' #' num2str(gdat_data.shot)]);
+    if isfield(gdat_data,'mapping_for')
+      xlabel(['time [' gdat_data.dimunits{gdat_data.mapping_for.(gdat_data.gdat_params.machine).gdat_timedim} ']']);
+    else
+      xlabel(['time']);
+    end
+    ylabel([gdat_data.label '[' gdat_data.units ']']);
+    zoom on;
+  end
+  disp('cannot plot gdat_data, has empty data or t field')