From 969009fc3a5f57c1758007d74a3c886a0c547f67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Merle <>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 11:29:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Use psitbx to compute psi at the TS volume positions.

 matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m b/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
index 516e2f19..165876bd 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
@@ -1652,57 +1652,83 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     if liuqe_matlab==1 && strcmp(substr_liuqe,'_1'); substr_liuqe = ''; end
     % psiscatvol obtained from linear interpolation in fact so not quite ok near axis where psi is quadratic
+    % NOTE: Since 2019 psi_scatvol uses psitbx with cubic-spline interpolation, unsure what shots have new data or not ...
     recompute_psiscatvol_always = 1;
     if liuqe_version==-1; recompute_psiscatvol_always = 1; end
+    % NOTE: Since oct.2019 psi_scatvol stored in nodes now uses LIUQE.M (shot range to check if any ...)
     if all(abs(zshift)<1e-5) && liuqe_matlab==0 && recompute_psiscatvol_always==0
       psi_max=gdat_tcv([],['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':psi_max' substr_liuqe],'nverbose',gdat_params.nverbose);
       psiscatvol=gdat_tcv([],['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':psiscatvol' substr_liuqe],'nverbose',gdat_params.nverbose);
       % calculate new psiscatvol
-      if liuqe_matlab==0
-        psitdi = tdi(['tcv_eq(''psi'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')']);
-        psiaxis = tdi(['tcv_eq(''psi_axis'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')']);
-      else
-        psitdi = tdi(['tcv_eq(''psi'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')']);
-        psiaxis = tdi(['tcv_eq(''psi_axis'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')']);
-      end
-      if numel(psitdi.dim)<1
-        warning('problem with psitdi in gdat_tcv ')
-        psitdi
-        psiaxis
+      % Use psitbx
+      t_th = gdat_data.t;
+      th_z = mdsdata(['dim_of(\thomson' edge_str_dot ':te,1)']); % TODO: Isn't this gdat_data.dim{1}?
+      th_r = 0.9*ones(size(th_z));
+      ntt = numel(t_th);
+      nch = numel(th_z); % number of chords
+      [t_psi,status] = mdsvalue('dim_of(tcv_eq("i_p",$))',psitbx_str); % TODO: replace with time_psi when tcv_eq supports it
+      if ~rem(status,2)
+        warning('problem with getting equilibrium time base in gdat_tcv ')
+        display(t_psi);
-      rmesh=psitdi.dim{1};
-      zmesh=psitdi.dim{2};
-      zthom=mdsdata(['dim_of(\thomson' edge_str_dot ':te,1)']);
-      % set zshifteff time array same as psitdi
-      switch length(zshifteff)
+      % set zshifteff time array same as t_psi
+      switch numel(zshifteff)
        case 1
-        zshifteff=zshifteff * ones(size(psitdi.dim{3}));
-       case length(psitdi.dim{3})
+        zshifteff=zshifteff * ones(size(t_th));
+       case numel(t_psi)
+        zshifteff=interp1(t_psi,zshifteff,t_th);
+       case numel(t_th)
         % ok
-       case length(gdat_data.t)
-        zshifteff=interp1(gdat_data.t,zshifteff,psitdi.dim{3});
-        if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1);
+        if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1)
           disp(' bad time dimension for zshift')
-          disp(['it should be 1 or ' num2str(length(gdat_data.t)) ' or ' num2str(length(psitdi.dim{3}))])
+          disp(['it should be 1 or ' num2str(numel(t_th)) ' or ' num2str(numel(t_psi))])
-      for it=1:length(gdat_data.t)
-        itpsitdi=iround_os(psitdi.dim{3},gdat_data.t(it));
-        %psiscatvol0=interp2(rmesh,zmesh,psirz',0.9*ones(size(zthom)),zthom-zshifteff(itpsitdi),'spline'); % faster with interpos
-        psiscatvol0=interpos2Dcartesian(rmesh,zmesh,psirz,0.9*ones(size(zthom)),zthom-zshifteff(itpsitdi),-0.1,-0.1);
-        %psiscatvol0=interp2(rmesh,zmesh,psirz',0.9*ones(size(zthom)),zthom-zshifteff(itpsitdi),'linear');
-        % since take closest psi(R,Z) from psitdi, should also take closest for psi_max and not interpolating
-        itpsiaxis = iround_os(psiaxis.dim{1},gdat_data.t(it));
-,1) =;
-      end
-      psiscatvol.dim{1} = gdat_data.t;
+      % Get LIUQE times corresponding to TS times
+      t_eq = t_psi(iround(t_psi,t_th));
+      % Get PSI map
+      psi = psitbxtcv(shot,t_eq,'*0',psitbx_str);
+      % PSITBXTCV will have removed duplicate times
+      i_psi = iround(psi.t,t_eq); % Mapping from psi times to TS times
+      % Define grid points where to evaluate PSI
+      if ~any(diff(zshifteff))
+        % Constant vector
+        pgrid = psitbxgrid('cylindrical','points',{th_r,th_z - zshifteff(1),0});
+      else
+        % We need as many time points in psi as TS times
+        psi = subs_time(psi,i_psi); % Now has ntt times
+        i_psi = 1:ntt; % Trivial mapping from psi times to TS times
+        % Time-varying vector
+        th_z_eff = repmat(th_z(:),1,ntt) - repmat(reshape(zshifteff,1,ntt),nch,1);
+        th_r_eff = repmat(th_r(:),1,ntt);
+        pgrid = psitbxgrid('cylindrical','time-points',{th_r_eff,th_z_eff,0});
+      end
+      % Compute psi at TS positions
+      psi_ts = psitbxf2f(psi,pgrid);
+ = squeeze(psi_ts.x(:,i_psi));
+      psiscatvol.dim{1} = t_th;
       psiscatvol.dim{2} = gdat_data.x;
+      % NOTE: we should probably not include time points where equilibrium time is far from TS time.
+      % Compute psi_axis at TS times
+      % Do not use psi_axis node because:
+      % - For legacy LIUQE, psi_axis is not computed by psitbx, so we could get a
+      % different answer and cause complex numbers computing rho_psi
+      % - For MATLAB LIUQE, psi_axis is only the result of asxymex whereas the
+      % psitbx adds some Newton iterations so again complex numbers are possible
+      psi_norm = psitbxp2p(psi,'01');
+ = psi_norm.psimag(i_psi);
     if ~isempty( && ~ischar( && ~isempty( && ~ischar(
       for ir=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{2})