diff --git a/matlab/JET/jet_requests_mapping.m b/matlab/JET/jet_requests_mapping.m
index 4ed7576f49814d24d16e7af2c3f8655fe71c2749..664bf4be1a85890b5eb2aebb0e9b888cb37ad249 100644
--- a/matlab/JET/jet_requests_mapping.m
+++ b/matlab/JET/jet_requests_mapping.m
@@ -340,10 +340,20 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'signal';
   mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'RMAG'}];
+ case {'rnt', 'neutron_rate'}
+  mapping.label = 'neutron\_rate';
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'signal';
+  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'TIN'},{'RNT'}];
  case {'sxr', 'sxr_s40', 'sxr_htv'}
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.gdat_timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case {'tbeo'}
+  mapping.label = 'TBEO';
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.method = 'signal';
+  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EDG8'},{'TBEO'}];
  case 'te'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'Te';
diff --git a/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m b/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
index 11023819e8e91a2c040cf5ba609dc47a6a48855f..a6118f64c65737d25943d7f4ca4bed810cb82bea 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_tcv(shot,data_req
 %    a5=gdat(48836,'ip'); % standard call
 %    a6=gdat(48836,'ip','Opt1',123,'Doplot',1,'opt2','Abc'); % standard call with a few options (note all lowercase in output)
 %    a7 = gdat(48836,'static("r_m")[$1]'',''001'); % note first and last quote of tdi argument added by gdat
-%    a7 = gdat(48836,'tcv_eq(''''psi'''',''''liuqe.m'''')'); % do not use double quote char so 'liuqe',11 will work
+%    a7 = gdat(48836,'tcv_eq("psi","liuqe.m")'); % do not use double quote char so 'liuqe',11 will work
 %    a8 = gdat(64770,['\magnetics::bpol_003[*,$1]'',{''001''; ''030''}']); one string full expression
 %    a9 = gdat(64770,{'\magnetics::vloop[*,$1]',{'''001''','''A_001'''}}); cell array (other option)
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ if nargin>=1
     % means mdsopen(shot) already performed or not shot asked for
       if isempty(mdsipmex(8))
-	shot_mds = shot;
+        shot_mds = shot;
-	shot_mds = mdsipmex(2,'$SHOT');
+        shot_mds = mdsipmex(2,'$SHOT');
       shot_mds = shot;
@@ -156,18 +156,18 @@ if nargin>=1
     if ischar(shot) || isempty(shot)
       if gdat_params.nverbose>=1
         if isstruct(data_request) && isfield(data_request,'data_request')
-	  if ~strcmp(data_request.data_request,'ids')
-	    warning(['shot cannot be opened with ' data_request.data_request]);
-	    return
-	  end
+          if ~strcmp(data_request.data_request,'ids')
+            warning(['shot cannot be opened with ' data_request.data_request]);
+            return
+          end
         elseif ischar(data_request)
-	  if ~strcmp(data_request,'ids')
-	    warning(['shot cannot be opened with ' data_request]);
-	    return
-	  end
+          if ~strcmp(data_request,'ids')
+            warning(['shot cannot be opened with ' data_request]);
+            return
+          end
           warning(['shot cannot be opened']);
-	  return
+          return
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ end
 % extract parameters from pairs of varargin:
 i_liuqe_set_in_pairs = 0; % to know if liuqe was not set explicitely thus use value in expression later
+if isstruct(data_request) && isfield(data_request,'liuqe'), i_liuqe_set_in_pairs = 1; end % given in input parameter structure
 if (nargin>=ivarargin_first_char)
   if mod(nargin-ivarargin_first_char+1,2)==0
     for i=1:2:nargin-ivarargin_first_char+1
@@ -290,14 +291,37 @@ shot = gdat_data.shot;
 data_request_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params.data_request;
 error_status = 6; % at least reached this level
+mapping_for_tcv = tcv_requests_mapping(data_request_eff,shot);
+gdat_data.label = mapping_for_tcv.label;
 liuqe_version = 1;
-if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'liuqe') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.liuqe)
+if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'liuqe') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.liuqe) && i_liuqe_set_in_pairs==1
   liuqe_version = gdat_data.gdat_params.liuqe;
-  gdat_data.gdat_params.liuqe = liuqe_version;
+  % if no specific liuqe requested in the parameter option, but specified e.g. in tcv_eq, use that one otherwise default
+  if ~iscell(mapping_for_tcv.expression)
+    bb{1} = mapping_for_tcv.expression;
+  else
+    bb = mapping_for_tcv.expression;
+  end
+  for i=1:numel(bb)
+    if any(regexpi(bb{i},'fbte','once'))
+      liuqe_version = -1
+    else
+      ij = regexpi(bb{i},'LIUQE\.M.?','once');
+      if ~isempty(ij) && any(regexpi(bb{i},'LIUQE\.M[2,3]','once'))
+        liuqe_version = str2num(bb{i}(ij+7))
+      end
+      ij = regexpi(bb{i},'LIUQE[^\.]','once');
+      if ~isempty(ij) && any(regexpi(bb{i},'LIUQE[2,3]','once'))
+        liuqe_version = str2num(bb{i}(ij+5))
+      end
+    end
+  end
+gdat_data.gdat_params.liuqe = liuqe_version;
 liuqe_matlab = 1; % now default should be matlab liuqe nodes
-if liuqe_version<0 || (liuqe_version > 10 && liuqe_version < 20)
+if (liuqe_version > 10 && liuqe_version < 20)
   liuqe_matlab = 0;
 liuqe_version_eff = mod(liuqe_version,10);
@@ -310,28 +334,35 @@ if liuqe_version_eff==2 || liuqe_version_eff==3
   substr_liuqe_tcv_eq = num2str(liuqe_version_eff);
-mapping_for_tcv = tcv_requests_mapping(data_request_eff,shot);
-gdat_data.label = mapping_for_tcv.label;
-% special treatment for model shot=-1 or preparation shot >=100'000
+% special treatment for model shot=-1 or preparation shot >=900'000
 begstr = '';
 if (iscell(mapping_for_tcv.expression) || isempty(strfind(mapping_for_tcv.expression,'\rtc::'))) && ...
-      ~isempty(shot) && (shot==-1 || (shot>=100000 && shot < 200000) || liuqe_version==-1 )
+    ~isempty(shot) && (shot==-1 || (shot>=900000 && shot <= 999999 ) || liuqe_version==-1 )
   % requires FBTE
   liuqe_version_eff = -1;
-  begstr = 'tcv_eq( "';
-  substr_liuqe = '", "FBTE" )';
+  liuqe_version = -1;
+  if isempty(findstr(mapping_for_tcv.expression,'tcv_eq'))
+    % if tcv_eq in expression, liuqe target will be modified to FBTE below with regexprep
+    begstr = 'tcv_eq( "';
+    substr_liuqe = '", "FBTE" )';
+  else
+    begstr = '';
+    substr_liuqe = '';
+  end
 % should replace all above by just psitbx_str...
 liuqe_matlab = 1;
 switch liuqe_version
- case {-1}, liuqe_ext=''; psitbx_str='FBTE'; liuqe_matlab = 0;
+ case {-1}, liuqe_ext=''; psitbx_str='FBTE';
  case {1,21}, liuqe_ext=''; psitbx_str='LIUQE.M';
  case {11}, liuqe_ext=''; psitbx_str='LIUQE';liuqe_matlab = 0;
  case {2, 3, 22, 23}, liuqe_ext=['_' num2str(mod(liuqe_version,10))]; psitbx_str=['LIUQE.M' num2str(mod(liuqe_version,10))];
  case {12,13}, liuqe_ext=['_' num2str(mod(liuqe_version,10))]; psitbx_str=['LIUQE' num2str(mod(liuqe_version,10))];liuqe_matlab = 0;
  otherwise, error(['Unknown LIUQE version, liuqe = ' num2str(liuqe_version)]);
+% entry in gdat_request superseded by 'liuqe' option (so remove replacement later)
+mapping_for_tcv.expression = regexprep(mapping_for_tcv.expression,'FBTE([",''])|LIUQE[2-3]?([",''])|LIUQE.M[2-3]?([",''])',[psitbx_str '$1'],'preservecase');
@@ -411,22 +442,14 @@ if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method(1:3),'tdi')
-    do_liuqem2liuqef = 0;
+    do_liuqem2liuqef = 1;
     if liuqe_version_eff==-1
       % trialindx not relevant for fbte
       mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff = mapping_for_tcv.expression;
       if length(mapping_for_tcv.expression)>8 && strcmp(lower(mapping_for_tcv.expression(1:8)),'\results')
         mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff = mapping_for_tcv.expression(11:end);
-      elseif findstr('tcv_eq',lower(mapping_for_tcv.expression))
-        ij = regexpi(mapping_for_tcv.expression,'''''');
-        if length(ij)<2
-          disp(['expected more double quotes in mapping_for_tcv.expression = ' mapping_for_tcv.expression]);
-          return
-        else
-          mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff = mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij(1)+2:ij(2)-1);
-        end
-      eval_expr = ['tdi(''' begstr mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff substr_liuqe ''');']
+      eval_expr = ['tdi(''' begstr mapping_for_tcv_expression_eff substr_liuqe ''');'];
       aaa_tmp = regexp(mapping_for_tcv.expression,{'toray','conf','ibs','proffit','astra'});
       if ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx) && gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx >= 0 ...
@@ -446,66 +469,25 @@ if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method(1:3),'tdi')
         if ~isempty(ij)
           mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+5:ij+6) = substr_liuqe;
-        ij = regexpi(mapping_for_tcv.expression,'LIUQE\.M.?','once');
-        if ~isempty(ij)
-          ichar_after_liuqe = 7;
-          if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe),'2') || ...
-                strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe),'3')
-            if i_liuqe_set_in_pairs==0
-              gdat_params.liuqe = str2num(mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe));
-              gdat_data.gdat_params = gdat_params;
-              substr_liuqe_tcv_eq = mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe);
-            end
-            ichar_after_liuqe = 8;
-          end
-          mapping_for_tcv.expression = [mapping_for_tcv.expression(1:ij+6) substr_liuqe_tcv_eq mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe:end)];
-        else
-          % check if liuqe, liuqe2 or liuqe3 is given in expression
-          ij = regexpi(mapping_for_tcv.expression,'LIUQE[^\.]','once');
-          if ~isempty(ij)
-            ichar_after_liuqe = 5;
-            if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe),'2') || ...
-                  strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe),'3')
-              if i_liuqe_set_in_pairs==0
-                gdat_params.liuqe = 10+str2num(mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe));
-                gdat_data.gdat_params = gdat_params;
-                substr_liuqe_tcv_eq = mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe);
-              end
-              ichar_after_liuqe = 6;
-            else
-              if i_liuqe_set_in_pairs==0
-                gdat_params.liuqe = 11;
-                gdat_data.gdat_params = gdat_params;
-                substr_liuqe_tcv_eq = '';
-              end
-            end
-            if i_liuqe_set_in_pairs==1 && liuqe_matlab==1
-              % enforce matlab liuqe version even matlab if asked for
-              substr_liuqe_tcv_eq = ['.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq];
-            end
-            mapping_for_tcv.expression = [mapping_for_tcv.expression(1:ij+4) substr_liuqe_tcv_eq mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+ichar_after_liuqe:end)];
-          end
-        end
-      else
-        ij = regexpi(mapping_for_tcv.expression,'LIUQE\.M.?','once');
-        if ~isempty(ij)
-          mapping_for_tcv.expression = [mapping_for_tcv.expression(1:ij+4) substr_liuqe_tcv_eq mapping_for_tcv.expression(ij+7:end)];
-          do_liuqem2liuqef = 1;
-        end
       eval_expr = ['tdi(''' mapping_for_tcv.expression ''');'];
     % special cases for matching liuqe fortran and matlab
     if liuqe_matlab == 0 && do_liuqem2liuqef==1
-      % assume tcv_eq(''keyword'',''LIUQE..'')
+      % assume tcv_eq(''keyword'',''LIUQE..'') or tcv_eq("keyword","LIUQE..")
       liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab;
-      ij = regexpi(eval_expr,'''''');
-      if numel(ij)>=2
-        liuqe_keyword = eval_expr(ij(1)+2:ij(2)-1);
+      eval_expr_eff = strrep(eval_expr,'''','');
+      eval_expr_eff = strrep(eval_expr_eff,'"','');
+      ij = regexpi(eval_expr_eff,',');
+      if isempty(ij)
+        disp(['expected tdi(tcv_eq(...,...) with quotes or double quotes in eval_expr = ' eval_expr]);
+        return
+      else
+        liuqe_keyword = eval_expr_eff(4+8:ij(1)-1);
       if ~isempty(ij_row)
-        eval_expr = [eval_expr(1:ij(1)+1) liuqe_fortran_matlab{ij_row,1} eval_expr(ij(1)+2+length(liuqe_keyword):end)];
+        eval_expr = regexprep(eval_expr,['\<' liuqe_keyword '\>'],liuqe_fortran_matlab{ij_row,1},'preservecase');
@@ -525,7 +507,7 @@ if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method(1:3),'tdi')
-  if isempty(aatmp.data) || (isempty(aatmp.dim) && ischar(aatmp.data) && ~isempty(strfind(lower(aatmp.data),'no data')))% || ischar(aatmp.data) (to add?)
+  if isempty(aatmp.data) || (isempty(aatmp.dim) && ischar(aatmp.data) && ~isempty(strfind(lower(aatmp.data),'no data')) ) % || ischar(aatmp.data) (to add?)
     if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1); warning(['problems loading data for ' eval_expr ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff]); end
     if (gdat_params.nverbose>=3); disp('check .gdat_request list'); end
@@ -688,7 +670,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     if strcmp(data_request_eff,'r_geom_rho'); data_request_eff = 'rgeom_rho'; end
     % compute average minor or major radius (on z=zaxis normally)
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''r_max_psi'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("r_max_psi","' psitbx_str '")'];
       ijnan = find(isnan(rmaxpsi.data));
       if isempty(rmaxpsi.data) || isempty(rmaxpsi.dim) || ischar(rmaxpsi.data) || ...
@@ -697,7 +679,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
         if (gdat_params.nverbose>=3); disp(['rerun LIUQE?']); end
-      nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq(''r_min_psi'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq("r_min_psi","' psitbx_str '")'];
       ijnan = find(isnan(rminpsi.data));
       if isempty(rminpsi.data) || isempty(rminpsi.dim) || ...
@@ -730,7 +712,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
         gdat_data.dim = rmaxpsi.dim;
         gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_tcv.timedim};
         gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim{1};
-        gdat_data.dimunits = rmaxpsi.dimunits(2);
+        gdat_data.dimunits = rmaxpsi.dimunits;
         gdat_data.dim = rmaxpsi.dim(2);
         gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_tcv.timedim};
@@ -742,19 +724,19 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       if isempty(substr_liuqe); substr_liuqe = '_1'; end
       if strcmp(data_request_eff,'a_minor') % to update when ready, still buggy, this should be rho,t
-        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''a_minor_mid'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("a_minor_mid","' psitbx_str '")'];
       elseif strcmp(data_request_eff,'a_minor_rho')
-        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''r_out_mid'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
-        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq(''r_in_mid'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
-        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''r_out'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
-        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq(''r_in'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("r_out_mid","' psitbx_str '")'];
+        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq("r_in_mid","' psitbx_str '")'];
+        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("r_out","' psitbx_str '")'];
+        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq("r_in","' psitbx_str '")'];
       elseif strcmp(data_request_eff,'rgeom')
-        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''r_geom_mid'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("r_geom_mid","' psitbx_str '")'];
       elseif strcmp(data_request_eff,'rgeom_rho')
-        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''r_out_mid'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
-        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq(''r_in_mid'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
-        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''r_out'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
-        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq(''r_in'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("r_out_mid","' psitbx_str '")'];
+        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq("r_in_mid","' psitbx_str '")'];
+        nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("r_out","' psitbx_str '")'];
+        nodenameeff2=['tcv_eq("r_in","' psitbx_str '")'];
         if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1); warning(['should not be in this case with data_request_eff = ' data_request_eff]); end
@@ -795,10 +777,10 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     gdat_data.gdat_params.gdat_request = gdat_data.gdat_request;
     gdat_params = gdat_data.gdat_params;
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''z_contour'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("z_contour","' psitbx_str '")'];
       if isempty(substr_liuqe); substr_liuqe = '_1'; end
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''z_edge'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("z_edge","' psitbx_str '")'];
     if isempty(zcontour.data) || isempty(zcontour.dim)  % || ischar(zcontour.data) (to add?)
@@ -829,6 +811,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
    case {'b0'}
     % B0 at R0=0.88
+    added_correction_str='';
     if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'source') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.source) ...
           && length(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)>=5 && strcmp(lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source(1:5)),'liuqe')
       % expect liuqe or liuqe.m to have liuqe time-base, otherwise give full time base
@@ -849,11 +832,10 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
         if liuqe_matlab==0
           added_correction = 1.0; % correction already in liuqe.f
-          added_correction_str = [''];
-          nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq(''BZERO'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+          nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("BZERO","' psitbx_str '")'];
           if isempty(substr_liuqe); substr_liuqe = '_1'; end
-          nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''BZERO'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+          nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("BZERO","' psitbx_str '")'];
           added_correction = 0.996; % correction removed in liuqe.m at this stage
           added_correction_str = [num2str(added_correction) ' * '];
@@ -1265,7 +1247,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
             aa = interpos2Dcartesian(gdat_data.eqdsk(itime).rmesh,gdat_data.eqdsk(itime).zmesh ...
-	  ,gdat_data.eqdsk(itime).psi,xx,yy,-1,-1);
+          ,gdat_data.eqdsk(itime).psi,xx,yy,-1,-1);
             gdat_data.data(:,:,itime) = aa;
@@ -1307,7 +1289,11 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     gdat_data.gas_request_flux = gasrequest;
     gdat_data.gas_request_flux.data = max(0.,72.41.*(gasrequest.data-0.6879)./(4.2673-0.6879));
     gdat_data.gas_request_flux.units = gasflux.units;
-    params_eff.data_request = '\draw_feedfor_gas:alim_001';
+    if shot < 78667
+      params_eff.data_request = '\draw_feedfor_gas:alim_001';
+    else
+      params_eff.data_request = '\draw_refs_gas:ref_001';
+    end
     gasrequest_ref = gdat_tcv(gdat_data.shot,params_eff); gasrequest_ref.units = 'V';
     gdat_data.gas_feedforward_volt = gasrequest_ref;
     gdat_data.gas_feedforward_flux = gasrequest_ref;
@@ -1453,6 +1439,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
+    % set default inputs if not given
     if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'error_bar') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.error_bar)
       gdat_data.gdat_params.error_bar = 'delta';
@@ -1538,7 +1525,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     elseif ~iscell(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)
       if ischar(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)
-	gdat_data.gdat_params.source = lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source);
+        gdat_data.gdat_params.source = lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source);
         if ~any(strmatch(gdat_data.gdat_params.source,lower(sources_avail)))
           if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1)
             warning(['source= ' gdat_data.gdat_params.source ' is not part of the available sources: ' sprintf('''%s'' ',sources_avail{:})]);
@@ -1584,123 +1571,231 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       data_fullpath = '';
       ec_help = '';
       % EC
+      % fill ec_inputs from write_pgyro
+      [~,time,pgyro,pgyro_ecrh,gyro2launcher,freq2launcher,~,~] = write_pgyro(shot,'doplots',0);
+      ec_inputs.pgyro.data = pgyro;
+      ec_inputs.pgyro.t = time;
+      ec_inputs.pgyro.units = 'W';
+      ec_inputs.pgyro.label = 'Power injected per launcher ; last index is total';
+      ec_inputs.pgyro.x = 1:numel(pgyro(1,:));
+      ec_inputs.pgyro.dim = {ec_inputs.pgyro.x, ec_inputs.pgyro.t};
+      launchers_label = cellfun(@num2str, num2cell(1:size(pgyro,2)-1),'UniformOutput',false);
+      launchers_label{end+1} = 'tot';
+      ec_inputs.pgyro.dimunits = {launchers_label, 's'};
+      ec_inputs.launchers_active.data = zeros(numel(pgyro_ecrh),1);
+      for ii =1:numel(pgyro_ecrh)
+        if ~isempty(pgyro_ecrh{ii}.data); ec_inputs.launchers_active.data(ii) = 1; end
+      end
+      ec_inputs.launchers_active.label = 'Active launchers in the shot (1:active, 0:inactive)';
+      ec_inputs.gyro2launcher.data = gyro2launcher;
+      ec_inputs.gyro2launcher.label = 'Gyrotron connected to launcher';
+      ec_inputs.freq2launcher.data = freq2launcher;
+      ec_inputs.freq2launcher.label = 'Frequency in launcher';
+      ec_inputs.freq2launcher.units = 'Hz';
+      gdat_data.ec.ec_inputs = ec_inputs;
+      % introduce flag to check whether ec_data could be retrieved successfully
+      filled_successfully = false;
       if strcmp(lower(source_icd.ec),'toray')
-        if isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx)
-          [pabs_gyro,icdtot,pow_dens,currentdrive_dens,rho_dep_pow,drho_pow,pmax,icdmax,currentdrive_dens_w2,rho_dep_icd,drho_icd] = astra_tcv_EC_exp(shot); % centralized function for toray nodes
-        else
-          [pabs_gyro,icdtot,pow_dens,currentdrive_dens,rho_dep_pow,drho_pow,pmax,icdmax,currentdrive_dens_w2,rho_dep_icd,drho_icd] = astra_tcv_EC_exp(shot,[],[],[],[],[],gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx); % centralized function for toray nodes
-        end
-        if gdat_data.mapping_for.tcv.gdat_timedim ==2
-          tgrid_to_change = {'pabs_gyro','icdtot','pow_dens','currentdrive_dens','rho_dep_pow','drho_pow','pmax', ...
-                             'icdmax','currentdrive_dens_w2','rho_dep_icd','drho_icd'};
-          for i=1:length(tgrid_to_change)
-            eval([tgrid_to_change{i} '.tgrid = reshape(' tgrid_to_change{i} '.tgrid,1,numel(' tgrid_to_change{i} '.tgrid));']);
+        try % fill ec_data from TORAY via astra_tcv_exp outputs
+          % centralized function for toray nodes
+          [pabs_gyro,icdtot,pow_dens,currentdrive_dens,rho_dep_pow,drho_pow,...
+            pmax,icdmax,currentdrive_dens_w2,rho_dep_icd,drho_icd,~,power_integrated,currentdrive_integrated] = ...
+            astra_tcv_EC_exp(shot,[],[],[],[],[],gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx,1);
+          if gdat_data.mapping_for.tcv.gdat_timedim ==2
+            tgrid_to_change = {'pabs_gyro','icdtot','pow_dens','currentdrive_dens','rho_dep_pow','drho_pow','pmax', ...
+                               'icdmax','currentdrive_dens_w2','rho_dep_icd','drho_icd'};
+            for i=1:length(tgrid_to_change)
+              eval([tgrid_to_change{i} '.tgrid = reshape(' tgrid_to_change{i} '.tgrid,1,numel(' tgrid_to_change{i} '.tgrid));']);
+            end
-        end
-        ec_help = 'from toray icdint with extracting of effective Icd for given launcher depending on nb rays used';
-        % All EC related quantities, each substructure should have at least fields data,x,t,units,dim,dimunits,label to be copied onto gdat_data
-        launchers_label = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','tot'};
-        launchers_grid = [1:10]';
-        % power deposition related:
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.data = pabs_gyro.data * 1e6;
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.data(end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.p_abs_plasma.data,1,'omitnan');
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.label = [strrep(pabs_gyro.comment,'MW','W') ' ; last index is total'];
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.units = 'W';
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.x = launchers_grid;
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.t =pabs_gyro.tgrid;
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.dim = {ec_data.p_abs_plasma.x, ec_data.p_abs_plasma.t};
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma.dimunits = {launchers_label, 's'};
-        %
-        ec_data.p_dens.data = pow_dens.data * 1e6;
-        ec_data.p_dens.data(:,end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.p_dens.data,2,'omitnan');
-        ec_data.p_dens.label = [strrep(pow_dens.comment,'MW','W') ' ; last index is total'];
-        ec_data.p_dens.units = 'W/m^3';
-        ec_data.p_dens.x = pow_dens.rgrid';
-        ec_data.p_dens.rhotor_norm = ec_data.p_dens.x;
-        ec_data.p_dens.t = pow_dens.tgrid;
-        ec_data.p_dens.dim = {ec_data.p_dens.x, launchers_grid, ec_data.p_dens.t};
-        ec_data.p_dens.dimunits = {'rhotor_norm', launchers_label, 's'};
-        %
-        ec_data.max_pow_dens.data = pmax.data * 1e6;
-        ec_data.max_pow_dens.label = strrep(pmax.comment,'MW','W');
-        ec_data.max_pow_dens.units = 'W/m^3';
-        ec_data.max_pow_dens.x = [];
-        ec_data.max_pow_dens.t = pmax.tgrid;
-        ec_data.max_pow_dens.dim = {ec_data.max_pow_dens.t};
-        ec_data.max_pow_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
-        %
-        ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.data = rho_dep_pow.data;
-        ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.label = rho_dep_pow.comment;
-        ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
-        ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.x = [];
-        ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.t = rho_dep_pow.tgrid;
-        ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.dim = {ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.t};
-        ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
-        %
-        ec_data.width_pow_dens.data = drho_pow.data;
-        ec_data.width_pow_dens.label = drho_pow.comment;
-        ec_data.width_pow_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
-        ec_data.width_pow_dens.x = [];
-        ec_data.width_pow_dens.t = drho_pow.tgrid;
-        ec_data.width_pow_dens.dim = {ec_data.width_pow_dens.t};
-        ec_data.width_pow_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
-        % current drive deposition related:
-        ec_data.cd_tot.data = icdtot.data * 1e6;
-        ec_data.cd_tot.data(end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.cd_tot.data,1,'omitnan');
-        ec_data.cd_tot.label = [strrep(icdtot.comment,'MA','A') ' ; last index is total'];
-        ec_data.cd_tot.units = 'A';
-        ec_data.cd_tot.x = launchers_grid;
-        ec_data.cd_tot.t = icdtot.tgrid;
-        ec_data.cd_tot.dim = {ec_data.cd_tot.x, ec_data.cd_tot.t};
-        ec_data.cd_tot.dimunits = {launchers_label, 's'};
-        %
-        ec_data.cd_dens.data = currentdrive_dens.data * 1e6;
-        ec_data.cd_dens.data(:,end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.cd_dens.data,2,'omitnan');
-        ec_data.cd_dens.label = [strrep(currentdrive_dens.comment,'MA','A') ' ; last index is total'];
-        ec_data.cd_dens.units = 'A/m^2';
-        ec_data.cd_dens.x = currentdrive_dens.rgrid';
-        ec_data.cd_dens.rhotor_norm = ec_data.cd_dens.x;
-        ec_data.cd_dens.t = currentdrive_dens.tgrid;
-        ec_data.cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.cd_dens.x, launchers_grid, ec_data.cd_dens.t};
-        ec_data.cd_dens.dimunits = {'rhotor_norm', launchers_label, 's'};
-        %
-        ec_data.max_cd_dens.data = icdmax.data * 1e6;
-        ec_data.max_cd_dens.label = strrep(icdmax.comment,'MA','A');
-        ec_data.max_cd_dens.units = 'A/m^2';
-        ec_data.max_cd_dens.x = [];
-        ec_data.max_cd_dens.t = icdmax.tgrid;
-        ec_data.max_cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.max_cd_dens.t};
-        ec_data.max_cd_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
-        %
-        ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.data = rho_dep_icd.data;
-        ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.label = rho_dep_icd.comment;
-        ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
-        ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.x = [];
-        ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.t = rho_dep_icd.tgrid;
-        ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.t};
-        ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
-        %
-        ec_data.width_cd_dens.data = drho_icd.data;
-        ec_data.width_cd_dens.label = drho_icd.comment;
-        ec_data.width_cd_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
-        ec_data.width_cd_dens.x = [];
-        ec_data.width_cd_dens.t = drho_icd.tgrid;
-        ec_data.width_cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.width_cd_dens.t};
-        ec_data.width_cd_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
-        %
-        ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth.data = currentdrive_dens_w2.data * 1e6;
-        ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth.label = [strrep(currentdrive_dens_w2.comment,'MA','A') ' ; last index is total'];
-        for subfields={'x','rhotor_norm','t','dim','dimunits','units'}
-          ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth.(subfields{1}) = ec_data.cd_dens.(subfields{1});
+          ec_help = 'from toray icdint with extracting of effective Icd for given launcher depending on nb rays used';
+          % All EC related quantities, each substructure should have at least fields data,x,t,units,dim,dimunits,label to be copied onto gdat_data
+          launchers_label = cellfun(@num2str, num2cell(1:size(pabs_gyro.data,1)),'UniformOutput',false);
+          launchers_label{end+1} = 'tot';
+          launchers_grid = [1:size(pabs_gyro.data,1)+1]';
+          % power deposition related:
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.data = pabs_gyro.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.data(end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.p_abs_plasma.data,1,'omitnan');
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.label = [strrep(pabs_gyro.comment,'MW','W') ' ; last index is total'];
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.units = 'W';
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.x = launchers_grid;
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.t =pabs_gyro.tgrid;
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.dim = {ec_data.p_abs_plasma.x, ec_data.p_abs_plasma.t};
+          ec_data.p_abs_plasma.dimunits = {launchers_label, 's'};
+          %
+          ec_data.p_dens.data = pow_dens.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.p_dens.data(:,end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.p_dens.data,2,'omitnan');
+          ec_data.p_dens.label = [strrep(pow_dens.comment,'MW','W') ' ; last index is total'];
+          ec_data.p_dens.units = 'W/m^3';
+          ec_data.p_dens.x = pow_dens.rgrid';
+          ec_data.p_dens.rhotor_norm = ec_data.p_dens.x;
+          ec_data.p_dens.t = pow_dens.tgrid;
+          ec_data.p_dens.dim = {ec_data.p_dens.x, launchers_grid, ec_data.p_dens.t};
+          ec_data.p_dens.dimunits = {'rhotor_norm', launchers_label, 's'};
+          %
+          ec_data.p_integrated.data = power_integrated.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.p_integrated.data(:,end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.p_integrated.data,2,'omitnan');
+          ec_data.p_integrated.label = [strrep(power_integrated.comment,'MW','W') ' ; last index is total'];
+          ec_data.p_integrated.units = 'W';
+          ec_data.p_integrated.x = power_integrated.rgrid';
+          ec_data.p_integrated.rhotor_norm = ec_data.p_integrated.x;
+          ec_data.p_integrated.t = power_integrated.tgrid;
+          ec_data.p_integrated.dim = {ec_data.p_integrated.x, launchers_grid, ec_data.p_integrated.t};
+          ec_data.p_integrated.dimunits = {'rhotor_norm', launchers_label, 's'};
+          %
+          ec_data.max_pow_dens.data = pmax.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.max_pow_dens.label = strrep(pmax.comment,'MW','W');
+          ec_data.max_pow_dens.units = 'W/m^3';
+          ec_data.max_pow_dens.x = [];
+          ec_data.max_pow_dens.t = pmax.tgrid;
+          ec_data.max_pow_dens.dim = {ec_data.max_pow_dens.t};
+          ec_data.max_pow_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
+          %
+          ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.data = rho_dep_pow.data;
+          ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.label = rho_dep_pow.comment;
+          ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
+          ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.x = [];
+          ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.t = rho_dep_pow.tgrid;
+          ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.dim = {ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.t};
+          ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
+          %
+          ec_data.width_pow_dens.data = drho_pow.data;
+          ec_data.width_pow_dens.label = drho_pow.comment;
+          ec_data.width_pow_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
+          ec_data.width_pow_dens.x = [];
+          ec_data.width_pow_dens.t = drho_pow.tgrid;
+          ec_data.width_pow_dens.dim = {ec_data.width_pow_dens.t};
+          ec_data.width_pow_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
+          % current drive deposition related:
+          ec_data.cd_tot.data = icdtot.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.cd_tot.data(end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.cd_tot.data,1,'omitnan');
+          ec_data.cd_tot.label = [strrep(icdtot.comment,'MA','A') ' ; last index is total'];
+          ec_data.cd_tot.units = 'A';
+          ec_data.cd_tot.x = launchers_grid;
+          ec_data.cd_tot.t = icdtot.tgrid;
+          ec_data.cd_tot.dim = {ec_data.cd_tot.x, ec_data.cd_tot.t};
+          ec_data.cd_tot.dimunits = {launchers_label, 's'};
+          %
+          ec_data.cd_dens.data = currentdrive_dens.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.cd_dens.data(:,end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.cd_dens.data,2,'omitnan');
+          ec_data.cd_dens.label = [strrep(currentdrive_dens.comment,'MA','A') ' ; last index is total'];
+          ec_data.cd_dens.units = 'A/m^2';
+          ec_data.cd_dens.x = currentdrive_dens.rgrid';
+          ec_data.cd_dens.rhotor_norm = ec_data.cd_dens.x;
+          ec_data.cd_dens.t = currentdrive_dens.tgrid;
+          ec_data.cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.cd_dens.x, launchers_grid, ec_data.cd_dens.t};
+          ec_data.cd_dens.dimunits = {'rhotor_norm', launchers_label, 's'};
+          %
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.data = currentdrive_integrated.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.data(:,end+1,:) = sum(ec_data.cd_integrated.data,2,'omitnan');
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.label = [strrep(currentdrive_integrated.comment,'MA','A') ' ; last index is total'];
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.units = 'A';
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.x = currentdrive_integrated.rgrid';
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.rhotor_norm = ec_data.cd_integrated.x;
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.t = currentdrive_integrated.tgrid;
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.dim = {ec_data.cd_integrated.x, launchers_grid, ec_data.cd_integrated.t};
+          ec_data.cd_integrated.dimunits = {'rhotor_norm', launchers_label, 's'};
+          %
+          ec_data.max_cd_dens.data = icdmax.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.max_cd_dens.label = strrep(icdmax.comment,'MA','A');
+          ec_data.max_cd_dens.units = 'A/m^2';
+          ec_data.max_cd_dens.x = [];
+          ec_data.max_cd_dens.t = icdmax.tgrid;
+          ec_data.max_cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.max_cd_dens.t};
+          ec_data.max_cd_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
+          %
+          ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.data = rho_dep_icd.data;
+          ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.label = rho_dep_icd.comment;
+          ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
+          ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.x = [];
+          ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.t = rho_dep_icd.tgrid;
+          ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.t};
+          ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
+          %
+          ec_data.width_cd_dens.data = drho_icd.data;
+          ec_data.width_cd_dens.label = drho_icd.comment;
+          ec_data.width_cd_dens.units = 'rhotor_norm';
+          ec_data.width_cd_dens.x = [];
+          ec_data.width_cd_dens.t = drho_icd.tgrid;
+          ec_data.width_cd_dens.dim = {ec_data.width_cd_dens.t};
+          ec_data.width_cd_dens.dimunits = {'s'};
+          %
+          ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth.data = currentdrive_dens_w2.data * 1e6;
+          ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth.label = [strrep(currentdrive_dens_w2.comment,'MA','A') ' ; last index is total'];
+          for subfields={'x','rhotor_norm','t','dim','dimunits','units'}
+            ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth.(subfields{1}) = ec_data.cd_dens.(subfields{1});
+          end
+          gdat_data.ec.ec_data = ec_data;
+          filled_successfully = true; %set flag to true
+        catch ME
+          warning('Problem retrieving TORAY data. \nError message: %s',ME.message);
+          getReport(ME) % without ; to get output
+          % try to identify cause of the error
+          if ~check_nodes_filled(shot,'toray')
+            if ~any(ec_inputs.launchers_active.data,1)
+              msg = 'write_pyro(shot) found NO active launchers, maybe there was no EC in this shot?';
+            else
+              msg = 'write_pyro(shot) found active launchers, but TORAY nodes are no filled, check hldsi(shot), and (ask to) relaunch TORAY.';
+            end
+          elseif ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.trialindx)
+            msg = 'Is the trial index filled? Check TORAY nodes with hdlsi(shot).';
+          else
+            msg = 'Unknown problem retrieving ec_data.';
+          end
+          warning(msg);
+          gdat_data.ec.help = msg;
-        disp(['source_icd.ec = ' source_icd.ec ' not yet implemented, ask O. Sauter'])
+        msg  = ['source_icd.ec = ' source_icd.ec ' not yet implemented, ask O. Sauter'];
+        disp(msg);
+        gdat_data.ec.help = msg;
+      end
+      % depending if ec_data could be completely retrieved, setup the final gdat output
+      if filled_successfully
+        if isempty(ec_data.cd_tot.data) || isempty(ec_data.cd_tot.t) || ischar(ec_data.cd_tot.data)
+          if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1)
+            warning(['problems loading data for ' source_icd.ec ...
+                      ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff]);
+          end
+        else
+          % now default is icdtot, will depend on request and data_out param of some kind
+          data_fullpath = ['from toray nodes using astra_tcv_EC_exp(shot), all results in .ec_data, subfield=' field_for_main_data ...
+                           'in ec.data, .x, .t, .dim, .dimunits, .label, .units'];
+          for subfields={'data','x','t','units','dim','dimunits','label'}
+            gdat_data.ec.(subfields{1}) = gdat_data.ec.ec_data.(field_for_main_data).(subfields{1});
+          end
+          gdat_data.ec.data_fullpath = data_fullpath;
+          gdat_data.ec.help = ec_help;
+          % add to main, assume 1st one so just use this time base and x base
+          % should find launcher tot index
+          gdat_data.data(end+1,:) = gdat_data.ec.data(end,:);
+          gdat_data.t = gdat_data.ec.t;
+          if ischar(gdat_data.label); gdat_data.label = []; end  % label was defined in tcv_mapping_request as char so replace 1st time
+          gdat_data.label{end+1}=gdat_data.ec.label;
+        end
+      else %~filled_successfully
+        % fill ec_data empty
         ec_data.p_abs_plasma = [];
-        ec_data.p_abs_plasma(end+1,:) = [];
         ec_data.p_abs_plasma_label = [];
         ec_data.p_dens = [];
-        ec_data.p_dens(end+1,:) = [];
         ec_data.p_dens_label = [];
+        ec_data.p_integrated = [];
+        ec_data.p_integrated_label = [];
         ec_data.max_pow_dens = [];
         ec_data.max_pow_dens_label = [];
         ec_data.rho_max_pow_dens = [];
@@ -1709,11 +1804,11 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
         ec_data.width_pow_dens_label = [];
         % current drive deposition related:
         ec_data.cd_tot = [];
-        ec_data.cd_tot(end+1,:) = [];
         ec_data.cd_tot_label = [];
         ec_data.cd_dens = [];
-        ec_data.cd_dens(:,end+1,:) = [];
         ec_data.cd_dens_label = [];
+        ec_data.cd_integrated = [];
+        ec_data.cd_integrated_label = [];
         ec_data.max_cd_dens = [];
         ec_data.max_cd_dens_label = [];
         ec_data.rho_max_cd_dens = [];
@@ -1723,34 +1818,11 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
         ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth = [];
         ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth_label = [];
         ec_data.rho_tor_norm = [];
-        ec_data.t = [];
-        ec_data.launchers = [];
         gdat_data.ec.ec_data = ec_data;
-      gdat_data.ec.ec_data = ec_data;
-      if isempty(icdtot.data) || isempty(icdtot.tgrid) || ischar(icdtot.data)
-        if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1)
-          warning(['problems loading data for ' source_icd.ec ...
-                    ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff]);
-        end
-      else
-        % now default is icdtot, will depend on request and data_out param of some kind
-        data_fullpath = ['from toray nodes using astra_tcv_EC_exp(shot), all results in .ec_data, subfield=' field_for_main_data ...
-                         'in ec.data, .x, .t, .dim, .dimunits, .label, .units'];
-        for subfields={'data','x','t','units','dim','dimunits','label'}
-          gdat_data.ec.(subfields{1}) = gdat_data.ec.ec_data.(field_for_main_data).(subfields{1});
-        end
-        gdat_data.ec.data_fullpath = data_fullpath;
-        gdat_data.ec.help = ec_help;
-        % add to main, assume 1st one so just use this time base and x base
-        % should find launcher tot index
-        gdat_data.data(end+1,:) = gdat_data.ec.data(end,:);
-        gdat_data.t = gdat_data.ec.t;
-        if ischar(gdat_data.label); gdat_data.label = []; end;  % label was defined in tcv_mapping_request as char so replace 1st time
-        gdat_data.label{end+1}=gdat_data.ec.label;
-      end
-    end
+    end % end filling ec
     if any(strmatch('nb',gdat_data.gdat_params.source))
       NBH_in_TCV = 0;
@@ -2430,7 +2502,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       gdat_data.gdat_params.source = sources_avail;
     elseif ~iscell(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)
       if ischar(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)
-	gdat_data.gdat_params.source = lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source);
+        gdat_data.gdat_params.source = lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source);
         if ~any(strmatch(gdat_data.gdat_params.source,lower(sources_avail)))
           if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1)
             warning(['source= ' gdat_data.gdat_params.source ' is not part of the available sources: ' sprintf('''%s'' ',sources_avail{:})]);
@@ -2685,14 +2757,24 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
    case {'q_rho'}
     % q profile on psi from liuqe
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''q_psi'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("q_psi","' psitbx_str '")'];
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''q'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("q","' psitbx_str '")'];
     if liuqe_version_eff==-1
       nodenameeff=[begstr 'q_psi' substr_liuqe];
+    if liuqe_matlab==1 && liuqe_version_eff==-1
+      % may have problems with dim{1} being indices instead of rhopol
+      if max(tracetdi.dim{1}) > 2
+        nodenameeff_rho = strrep(nodenameeff,'q_psi','rho');
+        rho_eff = mdsvalue(nodenameeff_rho);
+        if numel(tracetdi.dim{1}) == numel(rho_eff)
+          tracetdi.dim{1}(:) = rho_eff; % it is not sqrt(linspace...) anymore, hence take rho itself
+        end
+      end
+    end
     if isempty(tracetdi.data) || isempty(tracetdi.dim)  % || ischar(tracetdi.data) (to add?)
       if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1); warning(['problems loading data for ' nodenameeff ' for data_request= ' data_request_eff]); end
       if (gdat_params.nverbose>=3); disp(['rerun LIUQE?']); end
@@ -2724,10 +2806,10 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
    case {'rbphi_rho', 'rbtor_rho'}
     % R*Bphi(rho,t) from F from FFprime
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      disp('not yet implemented for liuqe fortran')
+      fprintf('\n***** not yet implemented for liuqe fortran ******\n');
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''rbtor_rho'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("rbtor_rho","' psitbx_str '")'];
     if liuqe_version_eff==-1
       disp('not yet implemented for fbte')
@@ -2769,7 +2851,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     % need to get q_rho but to avoid loop for rhotor in grids_1d, get q_rho explicitely here
     params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
     if liuqe_matlab==1
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq(''tor_flux_tot'',''' psitbx_str ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("tor_flux_tot","' psitbx_str '")'];
       phi_tor = tdi(nodenameeff);
       phi_tor.data = [];
@@ -2777,7 +2859,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     if ~any(any(isfinite(phi_tor.data))) || ischar(phi_tor.data)
       % no phi_tor, compute it from q profile
-      q_rho = tdi(['tcv_eq(''''''' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('q',1,liuqe_matlab) ''''''',''''''' psitbx_str ''''''')']);
+      q_rho = tdi(['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('q',1,liuqe_matlab) '","' psitbx_str '")']);
       if liuqe_matlab==0
         q_rho.dim{1} = sqrt(linspace(0,1,numel(q_rho.dim{1})));
@@ -2805,7 +2887,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       if any(any(~isfinite(phi_tor.data(1:end-1,:))))
         only_edge = 1;
-      q_rho = tdi(['tcv_eq(''''''' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('q',1,liuqe_matlab) ''''''',''''''' psitbx_str ''''''')']);
+      q_rho = tdi(['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('q',1,liuqe_matlab) '","' psitbx_str '")']);
       if liuqe_matlab==0
         q_rho.dim{1} = sqrt(linspace(0,1,numel(q_rho.dim{1})));
@@ -2868,14 +2950,14 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
    case {'pprime', 'pprime_rho'}
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('pprime_rho',1,0) '",''' psitbx_str ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('pprime_rho',1,0) '","' psitbx_str '")'];
       if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim) && length(tracetdi.dim)>=1
         tracetdi.dim{1} = sqrt(tracetdi.dim{1}); % correct x-axis psi_norm to rhopol
       tracetdi.data = tracetdi.data ./2 ./pi; % correct node assumption (same for liuqe_fortran and fbte)
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq(''pprime_rho'',''' psitbx_str ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("pprime_rho","' psitbx_str '")'];
     gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data;
@@ -2895,14 +2977,14 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
    case {'pressure', 'pressure_rho', 'p_rho'}
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('p_rho',1,0) '",''' psitbx_str ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('p_rho',1,0) '","' psitbx_str '")'];
       if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim) && length(tracetdi.dim)>=1
         tracetdi.dim{1} = sqrt(tracetdi.dim{1}); % correct x-axis psi_norm to rhopol
       tracetdi.data = tracetdi.data ./2 ./pi; % correct node assumption (same for liuqe_fortran and fbte)
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq(''p_rho'',''' psitbx_str ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("p_rho","' psitbx_str '")'];
     gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data;
@@ -2966,7 +3048,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       gdat_data.request_description = 'NaNs when smaller nb of boundary points at given time, can use \results::npts_contour';
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq(''' data_request_eff(1) '_edge'',''LIUQE.M' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("' data_request_eff(1) '_edge","' psitbx_str '")'];
       gdat_data.request_description = 'lcfs on same nb of points for all times';
@@ -2991,7 +3073,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     % need to get q_rho but to avoid loop for rhotor in grids_1d, get q_rho explicitely here
     params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''q_psi'',''LIUQE' substr_liuqe_tcv_eq ''')'];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("q_psi","' psitbx_str '")'];
       if liuqe_version_eff==-1
         nodenameeff=[begstr 'q_psi' substr_liuqe];
@@ -3134,11 +3216,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
-      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq(''vol'',''' psitbx_str ''')'];
-    end
-    if liuqe_version_eff==-1
-      data_request_eff = 'volume'; % only LCFS
-      nodenameeff=[begstr 'volume' substr_liuqe];
+      nodenameeff=['tcv_eq("vol","' psitbx_str '")'];
     if (isempty(tracetdi.data) || isempty(tracetdi.dim)) && liuqe_matlab==0
@@ -3147,6 +3225,15 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       ishot = mdsopen(shot);
+    elseif liuqe_matlab==1 && liuqe_version_eff==-1
+      % may have problems with dim{1} being indices instead of rhopol
+      if max(tracetdi.dim{1}) > 2
+        nodenameeff_rho = 'tcv_eq("rho","FBTE")';
+        rho_eff = mdsvalue(nodenameeff_rho);
+        if numel(tracetdi.dim{1}) == numel(rho_eff)
+          tracetdi.dim{1}(:) = rho_eff;
+        end
+      end
     if isempty(tracetdi.data) || isempty(tracetdi.dim) || ischar(tracetdi.data)
@@ -3222,17 +3309,20 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
-   case {'sxr', 'mpx'}
+   case {'sxr', 'mpx', 'radcam'}
-    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'mpx')
-      data_request_eff = 'mpx'; % mpx chosen through parameter 'source' within 'sxr'
-      gdat_data.data_request = data_request_eff;
-      gdat_data.gdat_params.source = 'mpx';
+    if any(contains(data_request_eff,{'mpx','radcam'}))
+      % effective source chosen through parameter 'source' within 'sxr'
+      gdat_data.gdat_params.source = data_request_eff;
     % sxr from dmpx by default or xtomo if 'camera','xtomo' is provided
     if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'source') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)
-      gdat_data.gdat_params.source = 'mpx';
-    elseif ~strcmp(lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source),'xtomo') && ~strcmp(lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source),'mpx')
+      if shot < 70144
+        gdat_data.gdat_params.source = 'mpx';
+      else
+        gdat_data.gdat_params.source = 'radcam';
+      end
+    elseif ~any(contains(lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source),{'xtomo','mpx','radcam'}))
       if gdat_data.gdat_params.nverbose>=1
         warning(['source = ' gdat_data.gdat_params.source ' not expected with data_request= ' data_request_eff])
@@ -3253,10 +3343,125 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
                  num2str(time_interval(1)) ',' num2str(time_interval(2)) ']' char(10)])
+    % at this stage 2 option for freq, raw data (fast, default), 10kHz or similar (slow)
+    freq_opt = 1;
     if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'freq')
-      gdat_data.gdat_params.freq = 'slow';
+      gdat_data.gdat_params.freq = 'fast';
+    end
+    if strcmp(gdat_data.gdat_params.freq,'slow'); freq_opt = 0; end
+    % fit_tension for smoothing on slow timescale (radcam for example)
+    if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'fit_tension') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.fit_tension)
+      gdat_data.gdat_params.fit_tension = -1e2;
     switch lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.source)
+     case {'radcam'}
+      gdat_data.gdat_params.source = 'radcam';
+      gdat_data.camera_list  = {'top', 'upper','equatorial','bottom'};
+      gdat_data.channel_list = {[1:20],[21:40],[41:80],     [81:100]};
+      if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'camera') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)
+        gdat_data.gdat_params.camera = {'equatorial'}; % default equatorial
+        disp(['loads all radcam cameras, each data also in subfield ' gdat_data.gdat_params.camera])
+      else
+        if ischar(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera) || (isstring(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera) && numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)==1)
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.camera = {char(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)};
+        end
+        if isnumeric(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera) && (min(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)<5 && max(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)>0)
+          ij = gdat_data.gdat_params.camera([gdat_data.gdat_params.camera>0 & gdat_data.gdat_params.camera<5]);
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.camera = gdat_data.camera_list(ij);
+        elseif any(startsWith(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera,gdat_data.camera_list).*endsWith(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera,gdat_data.camera_list))
+          ij = startsWith(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera,gdat_data.camera_list).*endsWith(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera,gdat_data.camera_list);
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.camera = lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera(ij>0));
+          if any(ij==0)
+            warning(['camera not defined: ' gdat_data.gdat_params.camera(ij==0)]);
+            disp(['list of cameras: ' gdat_data.camera_list])
+          end
+        else
+          error(['camera: ' gdat_data.gdat_params.camera ' not in list: ' gdat_data.camera_list])
+        end
+      end
+      if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'channel') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.channel)
+        for i=1:numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).channel = ...
+              gdat_data.channel_list{[contains(gdat_data.camera_list,gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i})]};
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.channel{i} = gdat_data.gdat_params.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).channel;
+        end
+      else
+        if isnumeric(gdat_data.gdat_params.channel)
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.channel = {gdat_data.gdat_params.channel};
+        end
+        if numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera) ~= numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.channel)
+          gdat_data.gdat_params
+          error('expects same number of camera as number of channel group in each cell list')
+        end
+        all_channels = [];
+        for i=1:numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)
+          all_channels(end+1:end+numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.channel{i})) = gdat_data.gdat_params.channel{i};
+        end
+        % check camera and channel chosen are consistent within camera interval, just redistribute
+        icount = 0;
+        for i=1:numel(gdat_data.camera_list)
+          ij = intersect(gdat_data.channel_list{i},all_channels);
+          if ~isempty(ij)
+            icount = icount + 1;
+            camera{icount} = gdat_data.camera_list{i};
+            channel{icount} = ij;
+          end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(sort(camera),sort(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera))
+          disp('***************************************************************************')
+          warning(sprintf('channel nbs and camera did not match, camera chosen adapted: %s %s %s %s',camera{:}));
+          disp('***************************************************************************')
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.camera = camera;
+        end
+        if ~isequal(sort(cell2mat(channel)),sort(cell2mat(gdat_data.gdat_params.channel))) || ...
+            numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.channel) ~= numel(channel)
+          warning(sprintf('channel nbs and channel did not match, channel chosen adapted'));
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.channel = channel;
+        end
+        for i=1:numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).channel = gdat_data.gdat_params.channel{i};
+        end
+      end
+      gdat_data.x = [];
+      for i=1:numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x = gdat_data.gdat_params.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).channel;
+        gdat_data.x(end+1:end+numel(gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x)) = gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x;
+      end
+      sxr = rc_load_diodes(shot,'diag_name',"sxr",'channels',gdat_data.x); % since all cameras with different channel number
+      if freq_opt == 1
+        gdat_data.data = sxr.data';
+        gdat_data.t = sxr.time;
+      else
+        gdat_data.t = linspace(sxr.time(1),sxr.time(end),round((sxr.time(end)-sxr.time(1))/1e-4));
+        for i=1:size(sxr.data,2)
+          gdat_data.data(i,:) = interpos(sxr.time,sxr.data(:,i),gdat_data.t,gdat_data.gdat_params.fit_tension);
+        end
+      end
+      gdat_data.r_x = sxr.geometry.xchord(gdat_data.x,:);
+      gdat_data.z_x = sxr.geometry.ychord(gdat_data.x,:);
+      gdat_data.r_at_z0 = gdat_data.r_x(:,1) + ...
+            diff(gdat_data.r_x(:,:)')' .* (0-gdat_data.z_x(:,1))./(gdat_data.z_x(:,2)-gdat_data.z_x(:,1));
+      gdat_data.z_at_r09 = gdat_data.z_x(:,1) + ...
+            diff(gdat_data.z_x(:,:)')' .* (0.9-gdat_data.r_x(:,1))./(gdat_data.r_x(:,2)-gdat_data.r_x(:,1));
+      gdat_data.good_channels = sxr.good_channels;
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath = ['using  rc_load_diodes(shot,''diag_name'',"sxr",...) with params in gdat_data.gdat_params'];
+      gdat_data.units = 'au';
+      gdat_data.dim = {gdat_data.x, gdat_data.t};
+      gdat_data.dimunits = {'channel', 's'};
+      gdat_data.label = strtrim(sprintf('radcam %s %s %s %s %s',gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{:}));
+      for i=1:numel(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)
+        ij = iround_os(sxr.channels,gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x);
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).data = gdat_data.data(:,ij)';
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).t = gdat_data.t;
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).r_x = sxr.geometry.xchord(gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x,:);
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).z_x = sxr.geometry.ychord(gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x,:);
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).r_at_z0 = gdat_data.r_at_z0(ij);
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).z_at_r09 = gdat_data.z_at_r09(ij);
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).good_channels = intersect(gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x,sxr.good_channels);
+        gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).label = sprintf('radcam %s nb chords: %d', ...
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i},numel(gdat_data.(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera{i}).x));
+      end
      case {'mpx', 'dmpx'}
       gdat_data.gdat_params.source = 'mpx';
       if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'camera') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.camera)
@@ -3270,8 +3475,6 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
-      freq_opt = 0;
-      if strcmp(gdat_data.gdat_params.freq,'fast'); freq_opt = 1; end
       t_int = [0 10]; % starts from 0 otherwise mpxdata gives data from t<0
       if ~isempty(time_interval); t_int = time_interval; end
       gdat_data.top.data = [];
@@ -3388,7 +3591,6 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
    case {'transp'}
     % read transp netcdf output file provided in source parameter and generate substructure with all variables
@@ -3422,14 +3624,14 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
    case {'ttprime', 'ttprime_rho'}
     if liuqe_matlab==0
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('ttprime_rho',1,0) '",''' psitbx_str ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("' liuqefortran2liuqematlab('ttprime_rho',1,0) '","' psitbx_str '")'];
       if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim) && length(tracetdi.dim)>=1
         tracetdi.dim{1} = sqrt(tracetdi.dim{1}); % correct x-axis psi_norm to rhopol
       tracetdi.data = tracetdi.data ./2 ./pi; % correct node assumption (same for liuqe_fortran and fbte)
-      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq(''ttprime_rho'',''' psitbx_str ''')'];
+      nodenameeff = ['tcv_eq("ttprime_rho","' psitbx_str '")'];
     gdat_data.data = tracetdi.data;
@@ -3612,14 +3814,14 @@ catch
     gdat_data.error_bar_raw = gdat_data.error_bar;
-  if (nverbose>=1) && shot<100000
+  if (nverbose>=1) && shot<900000
     warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
     warning(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
 if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
-  if (nverbose>=1) && shot<100000
+  if (nverbose>=1) && shot<900000
     warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
     disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
diff --git a/matlab/TCV/loadTCVdata.m b/matlab/TCV/loadTCVdata.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 49f83dcfe2d9e56ae0987a296c312b64e0808a23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/matlab/TCV/loadTCVdata.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1424 +0,0 @@
- function [trace,error_status,varargout]=loadTCVdata(shot,data_type,varargin)
-% Added option to load shot=-1 or >=100000
-% Added option shot=-9 to list keywords
-% list of data_type currently available (when [_2,_3] is added, means can add _i to get Liuqe i):
-% if -1 is added, can also get it from FBTE with shot=-1, >=100000 or liuqe_version='_-1' (to get model file)
-% 'Ip'[_2,_3]   =  current
-% 'B0'[_2,_3]   =  current
-% 'zmag'[_2,_3] =  vertical position of the center of the plasma (magnetic axis)
-% 'rmag'[_2,_3] =  radial position of the center of the plasma
-% 'rcont'[_2,_3] =  R of plama boundary vs time
-% 'zcont'[_2,_3] =  Z of plama boundary vs time
-% 'vol'[_2,_3] =  volume of flux surfaces
-% 'rhovol'[_2,_3] =  sqrt(V(:,t)/V(edge,t)), normalised rho variable based on volume of flux surfaces
-% 'qrho'[_2,_3] =  q profile on rho mesh
-% 'q95'[_2,_3] =  q95 vs time
-% 'kappa', 'elon'[_2,_3] =  edge elongation vs time
-% 'delta', 'triang'[_2,_3] =  edge averaged triangularity vs time
-% 'deltatop', 'triangtop'[_2,_3] =  edge upper (top) triangularity vs time
-% 'deltabot', 'triangbot'[_2,_3] =  edge lower (bottom) triangularity vs time
-% 'j_tor'[_2,_3] =  J_TOR vs (R,Z,time)
-% 'neint' =  line-integrated electron density [m/m^3]
-% 'nel' =  line-averaged electron density [1/m^3]
-% 'ne'= ne raw profile on (z,t). ADD error bars in .std
-% 'te'= Te raw profile on (z,t). ADD error bars in .std
-% 'nerho'[_2,_3]= ne profile on (rho=sqrt(psi),time) mesh.Note rho is a 2D array as depends on time. ADD error bars in .std
-% 'terho'[_2,_3]= Te profile on (rho=sqrt(psi),time) mesh.Note rho is a 2D array as depends on time. ADD error bars in .std
-% 'nerhozshift'[_2,_3]= same as nerho but allows for zshift [m] in equil given by varargin{1}
-% 'terhozshift'[_2,_3]= same as terho but allows for zshift [m] in equil given by varargin{1}
-% 'profnerho' =  ne smoothed or fitted , vs (rho,t) (from Thomson auto fit)
-% 'profterho' =  te smoothed or fitted , vs (rho,t) (from Thomson auto fit)
-% 'neft' =  ne fitted from data on rho mesh (from proffit.local_time:neft_abs)
-% 'neft:4' =  ne fitted from data on rho mesh (from proffit.local_time:neft_abs from trial:trial_indx=4)
-% 'teft' =  te fitted from data on rho mesh (from proffit.local_time:teft)
-% 'neftav' =  ne fitted from averaged over time data on rho mesh (from proffit.avg_time:neft_abs)
-% 'teftav' =  te fitted from averaged over time data on rho mesh (from proffit.avg_time:teft)
-% 'vtor'= Toroidal rotation of C raw profile on (rho,t). ADD error bars in .std, as well as time and rho error bars
-% 'vtorfit'= Toroidal rotation of C fitted profile on (rho,t)
-% 'vpol'= Poloidal rotation of C raw profile on (rho,t). ADD error bars in .std, as well as time and rho error bars
-% 'vpolfit'= Poloidal rotation of C fitted profile on (rho,t)
-% 'Ti' (or Tc), 'Tifit', 'ni' (or nC), 'nifit', 'zeffcxrs', 'zeffcxrsfit': similar to 'vtor' from CXRS
-% 'ece'  =  electron cyclotron emission
-% 'sxr'  =  soft x-ray emission
-% 'sxR'  =  soft x-ray emission with varargout{1} option (requires varargin{4}!)
-% 'MPX'  =  soft x-ray from wire chambers
-% 'IOH'  =  current in ohmic transformer coils IOH_1
-% 'vloop'  =  loop voltage
-% 'pgyro' =  ECH power for each gyro(1:9) and total (10)
-% 'xx_2 or xx_3' for Liuqe2 or 3: same as above for xx related to equilibrium
-% 'xx_-1 or xx_-1' for FBTE values (model or shot=-1 or shot>=100000): same as above for xx related to equilibrium
-% shot: shot number
-% data_type: type of the required data
-% Definition of varargin depends on data_type:
-% data_type=sxr or ece:
-%                  varargin{1}:  [i1 i2] : if not empty, assumes need many chords from i1 to i2
-%                  varargin{2}:  channel status 1= unread yet, 0= read
-%                                (for traces with many channel, enables to load additional channels,
-%                                 like SXR, ECE, etc.)
-%                  varargin{3}:  zmag for varargout{1} computation
-%                       (can have more inputs for AUG, but not used here)
-% data_type=nerhozshift or terhozshift:
-%                  varargin{1}:  zshift [m] constant or (t) : positive, moves equil up (that is thomson effective z down)
-%                                                time dependent: needs same time base as psitbx:psi
-% trace.data:   data
-% trace.t:      time of reference
-% trace.x:      space of reference
-% trace.dim:    cell array of grids, trace.dim{1}, {2}, ...
-% trace.dimunits: units of dimensions
-% trace.units:  units of data
-% Additional Output arguments depending on data_type
-% data_type=sxR, ece:
-%                varargout{1}: major radius: intersection/projection of the view lines with z=zmag
-% data_type=MPX:
-%                varargout{1}: te be determined
-% function needed: mds functions-xtomo_geometry-get_xtomo_data (Furno's routines)
-%                  VsxrTCVradius
-% Example:
-%         [ip,error_status]=loadTCVdata(shot,'Ip',1);
-%         [sxr,error_status,R]=loadTCVdata(shot,'sxR',1);
-% To allow multiple ways of writing a specific keyword, use data_type_eff within this routine
-if exist('data_type') && ~isempty(data_type)
-  data_type_eff=data_type;
-  data_type_eff=' ';
-% LIUQE tree
-begstr = '\results::';
-endstr = '';
-liuqe_version = 1;
-if length(data_type_eff)>2
-  if strcmp(data_type_eff(end-1:end),'_2') | strcmp(data_type_eff(end-1:end),'_3')
-    i_23=2;
-    endstr=data_type_eff(end-1:end);
-    liuqe_version = str2num(data_type_eff(end:end));
-  elseif strcmp(upper(data_type_eff(end-2:end)),'_-1')
-    i_23=3;
-    begstr = 'tcv_eq( "';
-    endstr = '", "FBTE" )';
-    liuqe_version = -1;
-  end
-if shot==-1 || (shot>=100000 && shot<200000)
-  % requires FBTE
-  liuqe_version = -1;
-  begstr = 'tcv_eq( "';
-  endstr = '", "FBTE" )';
-% use keyword without eventual _2 or _3 extension to check for multiple possibilities
-% Also remove ":4" for trial_indx specification
-if ~isempty(jj)
-  ii=strmatch(data_type_eff(1:jj-1),[{'teft'},{'neft'},{'teftav'},{'neftav'}]);
-  if ~isempty(ii)
-    trialindx=str2num(data_type_eff(jj+1:end));
-    data_type_eff_noext=[data_type_eff(1:jj-1) ':trial'];
-  else
-    data_type_eff_noext=data_type_eff(1:end-i_23);
-  end
-  data_type_eff_noext=data_type_eff(1:end-i_23);
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'ip'} {'i_p'} {'xip'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='Ip';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'b0'} {'B_0'} {'Bgeom'} {'BGEOM'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='B0';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Te'} {'t_e'} {'TE'} {'T_e'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='te';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Te_edge'} {'TE_edge'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='te_edge';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Ne_edge'} {'NE_edge'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='ne';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Rcont'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='rcont';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Zcont'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='zcont';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Terho'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='terho';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Terhozshift'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='terhozshift';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'SXR'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='sxr';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'ECE'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='ece';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'VOL'} {'volume'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='vol';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'RHOVOL'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='rhovol';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'q_95'} {'Q95'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='q95';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'elongation'} {'elon'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='kappa';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(lower(data_type_eff_noext),[{'j_tor'} {'jtor'} {'\results::j_tor'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='jtor';
-  data_type_eff = ['jtor' endstr];
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'triangularity'} {'triang'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='delta';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'deltaup'} {'deltau'} {'triangtop'} {'triangu'} {'triangup'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='deltatop';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'deltalow'} {'deltal'} {'triangbot'} {'triangl'} {'trianglow'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='deltabot';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Rmag'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='rmag';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Zmag'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='zmag';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'MPX'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='MPX';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'ioh'} {'Ioh'} {'iot'} {'IOT'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='IOH';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Vloop'} {'Vsurf'} {'vsurf'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='vloop';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'vtor'} {'v_tor'} {'vi'} {'vc'} {'v_i'} {'v_c'} {'VTOR'} {'V_TOR'} {'VI'} {'VC'} {'V_I'} {'V_C'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='vi_tor';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'vtorfit'} {'vtorft'} {'v_torfit'} {'vifit'} {'vcfit'} {'v_ifit'} {'v_cfit'} {'VTORfit'} {'V_TORfit'} {'VIfit'} {'VCfit'} {'V_Ifit'} {'V_Cfit'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='vi_torfit';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'vpol'} {'v_pol'} {'VPOL'} {'V_POL'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='vi_pol';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'vpolfit'} {'vpolft'} {'v_polfit'} {'VPOLfit'} {'V_POLfit'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='vi_polfit';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Ti'} {'ti'} {'TC'} {'tc'} {'T_C'} {'t_c'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='Ti';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Tifit'} {'tifit'} {'TCfit'} {'tcfit'} {'T_Cfit'} {'t_cfit'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='Tifit';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Ni'} {'ni'} {'NC'} {'nc'} {'N_C'} {'n_c'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='ni';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Nifit'} {'nifit'} {'NCfit'} {'ncfit'} {'N_Cfit'} {'n_cfit'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='nifit';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Zeffcxrs'} {'zeffcxrs'} {'Z_effcxrs'} {'z_effcxrs'} {'Zeff_cxrs'} {'zeff_cxrs'} {'Z_eff_cxrs'} {'z_eff_cxrs'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='zeffcxrs';
-if ~isempty(strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,[{'Zeffcxrsfit'} {'zeffcxrsfit'} {'Z_effcxrsfit'} {'z_effcxrsfit'} {'Zeff_cxrsfit'} {'zeff_cxrsfit'} {'Z_eff_cxrsfit'} {'z_eff_cxrsfit'}],'exact'))
-  data_type_eff_noext='zeffcxrsfit';
-% some defaults
-% nodes which have _2 and _3 equivalence, related to simpletdi case
-liuqe23=[{'\results::area'} {'\results::beta_pol'} {'\results::beta_tor'} ...
-	 {'\results::delta_95'} {'\results::delta_95_bot'} {'\results::delta_95_top'} ...
-	 {'\results::delta_edge'} {'\results::delta_ed_bot'} {'\results::delta_ed_top'} ...
-	 {'\results::diamag'} {'\results::i_p'} {'\results::j_tor'} ...
-	 {'\results::kappa_95'} {'\results::kappa_edge'} {'\results::kappa_zero'} ...
-	 {'\results::lambda'} {'\results::l_i'} {'\results::psi_axis'} {'\results::psi_values'} ...
-	 {'\results::q_95'} {'\results::q_edge'} {'\results::q_zero'} {'\results::rms_error'} ...
-	 {'\results::z_axis'} {'\results::r_axis'} {'\results::q_psi'} ...
-         {'\results::total_energy'} {'\results::tor_flux'} {'\results::volume'} ...
-         {'\results::r_contour'} {'\results::z_contour'} ...
-         {'\results::thomson:psiscatvol'} {'\results::thomson:psi_max'}];
-% nodes which have FBTE equivalence, related to simpletdi case
-liuqeFBTE=[{'\results::i_p'} {'\results::z_axis'} {'\results::r_axis'} {'\results::q_psi'} ...
-	   {'\results::beta_tor'} {'\results::beta_pol'} {'\results::q_95'} {'\results::l_i'}  {'\results::delta_95'} ...
-	   {'\results::kappa_95'} {'\results::r_contour'} {'\results::z_contour'} {'\results::psi_axis'}];
-% keywords which do not have FBTE equivalence and are returned empty
-noFBTE=[{'ne'} {'te'} {'nerho'} {'terho'} {'ne_edge'} {'te_edge'} {'nerho_edge'} {'terho_edge'} {'nerhozshift'} {'terhozshift'} {'profnerho'} {'profterho'} ...
-	{'neft'} {'neft:trial'} {'teft:trial'} {'neftav:trial'} {'teftav:trial'} {'sxr'} {'sxR'} {'ece'} {'MPX'} {'IOH'} {'vloop'} {'neint'} {'nel'} ...
-        {'vi_tor'} {'vi_torfit'} {'vi_pol'} {'vi_polfit'} {'Ti'} {'Tifit'} {'ni'} {'nifit'} {'zeffcxrs'} {'zeffcxrsfit'}];
-% all keywords and corresponding case to run below
-TCVkeywrdall=[{'Ip'} {'B0'} {'zmag'} {'rmag'} {'rcont'} {'zcont'} {'vol'} {'rhovol'} {'qrho'} {'q95'} {'kappa'} ...
-      {'delta'} {'deltatop'} {'deltabot'} {'neint'} {'nel'} ...
-      {'ne'} {'te'} {'nerho'} {'terho'}  {'ne_edge'} {'te_edge'} {'nerho_edge'} {'terho_edge'} {'nerhozshift'} {'terhozshift'} {'profnerho'} {'profterho'} ...
-      {'neft'} {'teft'} {'neftav'} {'teftav'} {'neft:trial'} {'teft:trial'} {'neftav:trial'} {'teftav:trial'}  ...
-      {'sxr'} {'sxR'} {'ece'} {'MPX'} {'IOH'} {'vloop'} {'pgyro'} {'jtor'} {'vi_tor'} {'vi_torfit'} {'vi_pol'} {'vi_polfit'} {'Ti'} {'Tifit'} {'ni'} {'nifit'} {'zeffcxrs'} {'zeffcxrsfit'}];
-% For each keyword, specify which case to use. As most common is 'simpletdi', fill in with this and change
-% only indices needed. Usually use name of case same as keyword name
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.iB0)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.iB0); % through iphi
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.iqrho)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.iqrho); % special as liuqe q_psi on psi
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.ivol)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.ivol); % special as nodes _2 or _3 not existing with psitbx
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.irhovol)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.irhovol); % idem vol
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.ine)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.ine); % special as dimensions from other nodes
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.ite)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.ite); % idem
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.ine_edge)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.ine_edge); % special as dimensions from other nodes
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.ite_edge)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.ite_edge); % idem
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.inerho)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.inerho); % idem
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.inerho_edge)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.inerho_edge); % idem
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.iteft_trial)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.iteft_trial); % special to extract trial_indx if needed
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.ineft_trial)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.ineft_trial); % special to extract trial_indx if needed
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.iteftav_trial)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.iteftav_trial); % special to extract trial_indx if needed
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.ineftav_trial)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.ineftav_trial); % special to extract trial_indx if needed
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.iterho)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.iterho); % idem
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.iterho_edge)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.iterho_edge); % idem
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.inerhozshift)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.inerhozshift); % idem
-TCVkeywrdcase(TCVsig.iterhozshift)=TCVkeywrdall(TCVsig.iterhozshift); % idem
-% Information about which dimension has time, always return 2D data as (x,t) array
-% as most are 1D arrays with time as first index, fill in with ones and change only those needed
-% For the 'simpletdi' cases, we need the full node in case gdat was called with full location directly
-% for the other cases, leave this location empty
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.ircont)={'\results::r_contour'}; TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.ircont)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.izcont)={'\results::z_contour'}; TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.izcont)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.ineft)={'\results::proffit.local_time:neft_abs'}; TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.ineft)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.iteft)={'\results::proffit.local_time:teft'}; TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.iteft)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.ineftav)={'\results::proffit.avg_time:neft_abs'}; TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.ineftav)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.iteftav)={'\results::proffit.avg_time:teft'}; TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.iteftav)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.ineft_trial)=TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.ineft); TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.ineft_trial)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.iteft_trial)=TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.iteft); TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.iteft_trial)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.ineftav_trial)=TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.ineftav); TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.ineftav_trial)=2;
-TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.iteftav_trial)=TCVsiglocation(TCVsig.iteftav); TCVsigtimeindx(TCVsig.iteftav_trial)=2;
-if shot==-9
-  clear trace
-  for i=1:length(TCVkeywrdall)
-    fieldname_eff = lower(TCVkeywrdall{i});
-    keyword_eff = TCVkeywrdall{i};
-    ij=findstr(fieldname_eff,':');
-    if ~isempty(ij);
-      fieldname_eff(ij)='_';
-      keyword_eff(ij:end+1)=[':i' keyword_eff(ij+1:end)] ;
-    end
-    trace.(fieldname_eff) = keyword_eff;
-  end
-  % add example for Ip trace full call
-  trace.ipfullcall = TCVsiglocation{TCVsig.iip};
-  % trace.data=[];
-  return
-% initialize order of substructures and allows just a "return" if data empty
-% find index of signal called upon
-if strcmp(data_type_eff(1:1),'\')
-  % in case full node name was given
-  index=strmatch(data_type_eff(1:end-i_23),TCVsiglocation,'exact');
-  if iprintwarn & isempty(index)
-    disp('********************')
-    disp('trace not yet registered.')
-    disp('If standard data, ask olivier.sauter@epfl.ch to create a keyqord entry for this data')
-%    eval(['!mail -s ''' data_type_eff ' ' num2str(shot) ' ' getenv('USER') ' TCV'' olivier.sauter@epfl.ch < /dev/null'])
-    disp('********************')
-  elseif isempty(index)
-    % temporarily add entry in arrays, so can work below
-    index=length(TCVkeywrdall)+1;
-    TCVkeywrdall(end+1)={'new'};
-    TCVkeywrdcase(end+1)={'simpletdi'};
-    TCVsiglocation(end+1)={data_type_eff(1:end-i_23)};
-    TCVsigtimeindx(end+1)=0;
-  elseif ~strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'simpletdi')
-    msgbox(['Problem in loadTCVdata with data_type_eff = ' data_type_eff ...
-          '. Full paths of nodes should only be for case simpletdi'],'in loadTCVdata','error')
-    error('in loadTCVdata')
-  end
-  index=strmatch(data_type_eff_noext,TCVkeywrdall,'exact');
-  if isempty(index)
-    disp(' ')
-    disp('********************')
-    disp(['no such keyword: ' data_type_eff(1:end-i_23)])
-    disp(' ')
-    disp('Available keywords:')
-    TCVkeywrdall(:)
-    disp('********************')
-    return
-  end
-  if liuqe_version==-1 && ~isempty(strmatch(TCVkeywrdall{index},noFBTE,'exact'))
-    disp(['node ' TCVkeywrdall{index} ' not defined within FBTE'])
-    return
-  end
-if iprintwarn
-  disp(['loading' ' ' data_type_eff_noext ' from TCV shot #' num2str(shot)]);
-  disp(['case ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-if i_23==2 & isempty(strmatch(TCVsiglocation(index),liuqe23,'exact')) & strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'simpletdi')
-  disp('********')
-  disp('Warning asks for liuqe 2 or 3 of a signal, but not in liuqe23 list in loadTCVdata')
-%  eval(['!mail -s ''' data_type_eff ' ' num2str(shot) ' ' getenv('USER') ' TCV: not in liuqe23 list'' olivier.sauter@epfl.ch < /dev/null'])
-  disp('********')
-if iprintwarn
-  disp('TCVsiglocation{index} in loadTCVdata')
-  TCVsiglocation{index}
-switch TCVkeywrdcase{index}
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case 'simpletdi'
-    %  load TCV other data
-    if liuqe_version==-1
-      mdsopen( 'pcs', shot); %synthetic shot generated with FBTE and MGAMS.
-    else
-      mdsopen(shot);
-      % test if node exists
-      error_status=1;
-      ij=findstr(TCVsiglocation{index},'[');
-      if isempty(ij); ij=length(TCVsiglocation{index})+1; end
-      if eval(['~mdsdata(''node_exists("\' TCVsiglocation{index}(1:ij-1) '")'')'])
-	disp(['node ' TCVsiglocation{index}(1:ij-1) ' does not exist for shot = ' num2str(shot)])
-	return
-% $$$     elseif eval(['mdsdata(''getnci("\' nodenameeff ':foo","length")'')==0'])
-% $$$       disp(['no data for node ' nodenameeff ' for shot = ' num2str(shot)])
-% $$$       return
-      end
-    end
-    if strcmp(TCVsiglocation{index}(1:9),'\psitbx::')
-      begstr = 'tcv_psitbx("';
-      nodenameeff=[begstr TCVsiglocation{index}(10:end) endstr];
-    elseif length(TCVsiglocation{index})>16 && strcmp(TCVsiglocation{index}(1:16),'\results::psitbx')
-      begstr = 'tcv_psitbx("';
-      nodenameeff=[begstr TCVsiglocation{index}(18:end) endstr];
-    elseif  strcmp(TCVsiglocation{index}(1:10),'\results::')
-      nodenameeff=[begstr TCVsiglocation{index}(11:end) endstr];
-    else
-      nodenameeff=TCVsiglocation{index};
-      disp(['should not have gone through here, mention this example to O. Sauter']);
-    end
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-    mdsclose;
-    if isempty(tracetdi.data) || (~iscell(tracetdi.data) && (length(tracetdi.data)<=1) && isnan(tracetdi.data))
-      disp(['node ' nodenameeff ' is empty for shot = ' num2str(shot)])
-      return
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    if length(tracetdi.dim)==0
-      % scalar
-      trace.x=[];
-      trace.t=[];      
-      elseif TCVsigtimeindx(index)>0 | length(tracetdi.dim)==1
-      trace.t=tracetdi.dim{max(1,TCVsigtimeindx(index))};
-      ix=3-TCVsigtimeindx(index); % works only for 2D arrays
-    else
-      % if dim=41 assumes is x (usual for TCV)
-      if length(tracetdi.dim{1})==41
-        ix=1;
-        trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-      elseif length(tracetdi.dim{2})==41
-        ix=2;
-        trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-      elseif length(tracetdi.dim)==2
-        % if one has 2D or more and the other 1D, assume rho is 2D or more and time is 1D
-        if min(size(tracetdi.dim{1}))==1 && (min(size(tracetdi.dim{2}))>1 || length(size(tracetdi.dim{2}))>2)
-          ix=2;
-          trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-          disp(['assumes time array is 1D array, so x from dim{' num2str(ix) '}'])
-        elseif min(size(tracetdi.dim{2}))==1 && (min(size(tracetdi.dim{1}))>1 || length(size(tracetdi.dim{1}))>2)
-          ix=1; 
-          trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-          disp(['assumes time array is 1D array, so x from dim{' num2str(ix) '}'])
-        elseif tracetdi.dim{1}(end)<1.1 && tracetdi.dim{2}(end)>1.1
-          ix=1; 
-          trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-          disp(['assumes x array is 1D array with max <1.1'])          
-        elseif tracetdi.dim{1}(end)>1.1 && tracetdi.dim{2}(end)<1.1
-          ix=2; 
-          trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-          disp(['assumes x array is 1D array with max <1.1'])          
-        elseif length(size(tracetdi.dim{1}))==2 && min(size(tracetdi.dim{1}))==1 && length(size(tracetdi.dim{2}))==2 && min(size(tracetdi.dim{2}))==1
-          % if both are 1D arrays, assumes time array with values having most number of digits
-          ab1=num2str(tracetdi.dim{1}-fix(tracetdi.dim{1}));
-          ab2=num2str(tracetdi.dim{2}-fix(tracetdi.dim{2}));
-          if size(ab1,2)<size(ab2,2); 
-            ix=1; 
-            trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-          else
-            ix=2;
-            trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-          end
-          disp(['assumes time array has more digits, so x from dim{' num2str(ix) '}'])
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    if length(tracetdi.dim)==2
-      trace.x=tracetdi.dim{ix};
-      % make sure data is of (x,t)
-      if ix==2
-        % transpose data
-        trace.data=trace.data';
-      end
-    elseif length(tracetdi.dim)>2
-      msgbox(['data more than 2D (data_type_eff=' data_type_eff ...
-            '), check how to save it, contact andrea.scarabosio@epfl.ch or olivier.sauter@epfl.ch'],...
-          'in simpletdi','warn')
-      warning('in simpletdi of loadTCVdata')
-    else
-      if max(1,TCVsigtimeindx(index))~=1
-        disp('Problems in loadTCVdata, max(1,TCVsigtimeindx(index)) should be 1')
-      end
-    end
-    if length(tracetdi.dim)==1
-      trace.dim=[{trace.t}];
-      trace.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits(1);
-    elseif length(tracetdi.dim)==2
-      trace.dim=[{trace.x} ; {trace.t}];
-      trace.dimunits=[tracetdi.dimunits(ix) ; tracetdi.dimunits((2-ix)+1)];
-    else
-      trace.dim=tracetdi.dim;
-      trace.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits;
-    end
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'ne','te'}
-    % ne or Te from Thomson data on raw z mesh vs (z,t)
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'ne')
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:ne';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson:ne:error_bar');
-    else
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:te';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson:te:error_bar');
-      trace_abs=tdi('\results::thomson:fir_thom_rat');
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson data as (t,z)
-    trace.std=tracestd.data';
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    % add correct dimensions
-    try
-      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
-    catch
-      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
-      thomsontimes=time
-      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    z=mdsdata('\diagz::thomson_set_up:vertical_pos');
-    trace.dim=[{z};{time}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'Z [m]'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    trace.x=z;
-    trace.t=time;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    mdsclose('mdsip');
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'ne_edge','te_edge'}
-    % ne or Te from Thomson.edge data on raw z mesh vs (z,t)
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'ne_edge')
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson.edge:ne';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson.edge:ne:error_bar');
-    else
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson.edge:te';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson.edge:te:error_bar');
-      trace_abs=tdi('\results::thomson.edge:fir_thom_rat');
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson.Edge data as (t,z)
-    trace.std=tracestd.data';
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    % add correct dimensions
-    try
-      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
-    catch
-      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
-      thomsontimes=time
-      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    z=mdsdata('\diagz::thomson_set_up.edge:vertical_pos');
-    trace.dim=[{z};{time}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'Z [m]'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    trace.x=z;
-    trace.t=time;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    mdsclose('mdsip');
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'nerho','terho'}
-    % ne or Te from Thomson data on rho=sqrt(psi_normalised) mesh: (rho,t)
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    try
-      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
-    catch
-      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
-      thomsontimes=time
-      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'nerho')
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:ne';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      if isempty(tracetdi.data)
-        ishot=mdsopen(shot)
-        tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff)
-      end
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:ne; error_bar ; fir_thom_rat; (ne,std)*fir_thom_rat';
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson:ne:error_bar');
-      if shot>=23801
-        tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat'); %time base not same!!
-        if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-          disp('problem with \results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat: empty')
-        end
-      else
-        tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson:fir_thom_rat');
-        if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-          disp('problem with \results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat: empty')
-          tracefirrat.dim{1}=[];
-        else
-          tracefirrat.dim{1}=time;
-        end
-      end
-      if ~isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-        tracefirrat_data=NaN*ones(size(tracetdi.dim{1}));
-        itim=iround(time,tracefirrat.dim{1});
-        tracefirrat_data(itim)=tracefirrat.data;
-      else
-        tracefirrat_data=NaN;
-      end
-    else
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:te';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:te; error_bar';
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson:te:error_bar');
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson data as (t,z)
-    trace.std=tracestd.data';
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'nerho')
-      trace.firrat=tracefirrat_data;
-      trace.data_abs=trace.data*diag(tracefirrat_data);
-      trace.std_abs=trace.std*diag(tracefirrat_data);
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    % add correct dimensions
-    % construct rho mesh
-    psi_max=tdi(['\results::thomson:psi_max' endstr]);
-    psiscatvol=tdi(['\results::thomson:psiscatvol' endstr]);
-    if ~isempty(psiscatvol.data) && ~ischar(psiscatvol.data) && ~isempty(psi_max.data) && ~ischar(psi_max.data)
-      for ir=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{2})
-        rho(ir,:)= sqrt(1.-psiscatvol.data(:,ir)./psi_max.data(:))';
-      end
-    else
-      rho=NaN;
-    end
-    trace.dim=[{rho};{time}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    trace.x=rho;
-    trace.t=time;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'nerho_edge','terho_edge'}
-    % ne or Te from Thomson.Edge data on rho=sqrt(psi_normalised) mesh: (rho,t)
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    try
-      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
-    catch
-      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
-      thomsontimes=time
-      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'nerho_edge')
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson.edge:ne';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      if isempty(tracetdi.data) || ischar(tracetdi.data)
-        ishot=mdsopen(shot)
-        tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff)
-      end
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson.edge:ne; error_bar ; fir_thom_rat; (ne,std)*fir_thom_rat';
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson.edge:ne:error_bar');
-      if shot>=23801
-        tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat'); %time base not same!!
-        if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-          disp('problem with \results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat: empty')
-        end
-      else
-        tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson.edge:fir_thom_rat');
-        tracefirrat.dim{1}=time;
-      end
-      if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim)
-        tracefirrat_data=NaN*ones(size(tracetdi.dim{1}));
-      else
-        tracefirrat_data=[];
-      end
-      if ~isempty(tracefirrat.data) && ~ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-        itim=iround(time,tracefirrat.dim{1});
-        tracefirrat_data(itim)=tracefirrat.data;
-      end
-    else
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson.edge:te';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson.edge:te; error_bar';
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson.edge:te:error_bar');
-    end
-    if ~ischar(tracetdi.data); trace.data=tracetdi.data'; end % Thomson.Edge data as (t,z)
-    trace.std=tracestd.data';
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'nerho')
-      trace.firrat=tracefirrat_data;
-      trace.data_abs=trace.data*diag(tracefirrat_data);
-      trace.std_abs=trace.std*diag(tracefirrat_data);
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    % add correct dimensions
-    % construct rho mesh
-    psi_max=tdi(['\results::thomson.edge:psi_max' endstr]);
-    psiscatvol=tdi(['\results::thomson.edge:psiscatvol' endstr]);
-    if ~isempty(psiscatvol.data) && ~ischar(psiscatvol.data)
-      for ir=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{2})
-        rho(ir,:)= sqrt(1.-psiscatvol.data(:,ir)./psi_max.data(:))';
-      end
-      trace.dim=[{rho};{time}];
-      trace.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-      trace.x=rho;
-      trace.t=time;
-      % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-      if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-        trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-      end
-    else
-      trace.dim={};
-      trace.dimunits={};
-      trace.x=[];
-      trace.t=[];
-      trace.units={};
-    end
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'nerhozshift','terhozshift'}
-    % ne or Te from Thomson data on rho=sqrt(psi_normalised) mesh: (rho,t)
-    % allow for z shift of equil
-    if  nargin>=3 & ~isempty(varargin{1})
-      zshift=varargin{1};
-    else
-      zshift=0.;
-    end
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    try
-      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
-    catch
-      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
-      thomsontimes=time
-      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
-      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' TCVkeywrdcase{index}])
-      return
-    end
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'nerhozshift')
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:ne';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson:ne:error_bar');
-      if shot>=23801
-        tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat'); %time base not same!!
-        if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-          disp('problem with \results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat: empty')
-        end
-      else
-        tracefirrat=tdi('\results::thomson:fir_thom_rat');
-        if isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-          disp('problem with \results::thomson.profiles.auto:fir_thom_rat: empty')
-          tracefirrat.dim{1}=[];
-        else
-          tracefirrat.dim{1}=time;
-        end
-      end
-      if ~isempty(tracefirrat.data) || ischar(tracefirrat.data)
-        tracefirrat_data=NaN*ones(size(tracetdi.dim{1}));
-        itim=iround(time,tracefirrat.dim{1});
-        tracefirrat_data(itim)=tracefirrat.data;
-      else
-        tracefirrat_data=NaN;
-      end
-    else
-      nodenameeff='\results::thomson:te';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      tracestd=tdi('\results::thomson:te:error_bar');
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson data as (t,z)
-    trace.std=tracestd.data';
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'nerhozshift')
-      trace.firrat=tracefirrat_data;
-      trace.data_abs=trace.data*diag(tracefirrat_data);
-      trace.std_abs=trace.std*diag(tracefirrat_data);
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    % add correct dimensions
-    % construct rho mesh
-    if strcmp(endstr,'_-1')
-      error(['in ' TCVkeywrdcase{index} ' endstr should not be ' endstr]);
-    end
-    psi_max=tdi(['\results::thomson:psi_max' endstr]);
-    psiscatvol=tdi(['\results::thomson:psiscatvol' endstr]);
-    if abs(zshift)>1e-5
-      % calculate new psiscatvol
-      psitdi=tdi('\results::psi');
-      rmesh=psitdi.dim{1};
-      zmesh=psitdi.dim{2};
-      zthom=mdsdata('dim_of(\thomson:te,1)');
-      zeffshift=zshift;
-      % set zeffshift time array same as psitdi
-      switch length(zeffshift)
-        case 1
-          zeffshift=zeffshift * ones(size(psitdi.dim{3}));
-        case length(psitdi.dim{3})
-          % ok
-        case length(psiscatvol.dim{1})
-          zeffshift=interp1(psiscatvol.dim{1},zeffshift,psitdi.dim{3});
-        otherwise
-          disp(' bad time dimension for zshift')
-          disp(['it should be 1 or ' num2str(length(psiscatvol.dim{1})) ' or ' num2str(length(psitdi.dim{3}))])
-      end
-      for it=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{1})
-        itpsitdi=iround(psitdi.dim{3},psiscatvol.dim{1}(it));
-        psirz=psitdi.data(:,:,itpsitdi);
-        psiscatvol0=griddata(rmesh,zmesh,psirz',0.9*ones(size(zthom)),zthom-zeffshift(itpsitdi));
-        psiscatvol.data(it,:)=psiscatvol0;
-      end
-    end
-    if ~isempty(psiscatvol.data) && ~ischar(psiscatvol.data) && ~isempty(psi_max.data) && ~ischar(psi_max.data)
-      for ir=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{2})
-        rho(ir,:)= sqrt(1.-psiscatvol.data(:,ir)./psi_max.data(:))';
-      end
-    else
-      rho=NaN;
-    end
-    trace.dim=[{rho};{time}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    trace.x=rho;
-    trace.t=time;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'profnerho','profterho'}
-    % vol from psitbx
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    error_status=1;
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'profnerho')
-      nodenameeff=['\results::THOMSON.PROFILES.AUTO:ne'];
-      avers=tdi('\results::THOMSON.PROFILES.AUTO:ne:version_num');
-    end
-    if strcmp(TCVkeywrdcase{index},'profterho')
-      nodenameeff=['\results::THOMSON.PROFILES.AUTO:te'];
-      avers=tdi('\results::THOMSON.PROFILES.AUTO:te:version_num');
-    end
-    if avers.data==0
-     % may be because nodes not yet filled in, so call once a node
-     ab=tdi(nodenameeff);
-     avers=tdi([nodenameeff ':version_num']);
-    end
-    if avers.data>0
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      if avers.data < 2.99
-        % for earlier version the bug made it to have logically (rho,t)
-        if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim) && ~ischar(tracetdi.data)
-          trace.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
-          trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-          error_status=0;
-        else
-         error_status=2;
-          trace.x=[];
-          trace.t=[];
-        end
-      else
-        trace.data=tracetdi.data'; % error in dimensions for autofits
-        if ~isempty(tracetdi.dim) && ~ischar(tracetdi.data)
-          disp('assumes dim{2} for x in THOMSON.PROFILES.AUTO')
-          trace.x=tracetdi.dim{2};
-          trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-          error_status=0;
-        else
-          trace.x=[];
-          trace.t=[];
-         error_status=2;
-        end
-      end
-    else
-      tracetdi=avers;
-      trace.x=[];
-      trace.t=[];
-    end
-    trace.dim=[{trace.x};{trace.t}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) '; Thomson autfits from ' nodenameeff ];
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'B0'}
-    % B0 at R0=0.88
-    if liuqe_version==-1
-      % mdsopen( 'pcs', shot); %synthetic shot generated with FBTE and MGAMS.
-      mdsopen(shot)
-      nodenameeff = 'tcv_eq("BZERO","FBTE")';
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      trace.data = tracetdi.data;
-      trace.t = tracetdi.dim{1};
-    else
-      mdsopen(shot);
-      nodenameeff=['\magnetics::iphi'];
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      R0EXP=0.88;
-      trace.data=192.E-07 * 0.996 *tracetdi.data/R0EXP;
-      trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-    end
-    trace.x=[];
-    trace.dim=[{trace.t}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'time [s]'}];
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'qrho'}
-    % q profile on psi from liuqe
-    if liuqe_version==-1
-      mdsopen( 'pcs', shot); %synthetic shot generated with FBTE and MGAMS.
-    else
-      mdsopen(shot);
-    end
-    nodenameeff=[begstr 'q_psi' endstr];
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    trace.x=sqrt(tracetdi.dim{1}/(length(tracetdi.dim{1})-1));
-    trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-    trace.dim=[{trace.x};{trace.t}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'vol'}
-    % vol from psitbx
-    if liuqe_version==-1
-      begstr = 'tcv_psitbx("';
-      mdsopen( 'pcs', shot); %synthetic shot generated with FBTE and MGAMS.
-      nodenameeff=[begstr 'vol' endstr];
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-    else
-      mdsopen(shot);
-      nodenameeff=['\results::psitbx:vol'];
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      if i_23==2
-	['LIUQE' endstr(2:2)]
-	psi=psitbxtcv(shot,'+0',['LIUQE' endstr(2:2)]);
-	fsd=psitbxp2p(psi,'FS');
-	fsg=psitbxfsg(fsd);
-	tracetdi.data = fsg.vol.x;
-	tracetdi.dim{1}=fsg.vol.grid.x{:}';
-	tracetdi.dim{2}=fsg.vol.grid.t';
-      end
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    if isempty(tracetdi.data) || ischar(tracetdi.data)
-      trace.x=tracetdi.dim;
-      trace.t=tracetdi.dim;
-      trace.dim=tracetdi.dim;
-    else
-      trace.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
-      trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-      trace.dim=[{trace.x};{trace.t}];
-    end
-    trace.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff '_' num2str(liuqe_version)];
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'rhovol'}
-    % vol from psitbx
-    if liuqe_version==-1
-      begstr = 'tcv_psitbx("';
-      mdsopen( 'pcs', shot); %synthetic shot generated with FBTE and MGAMS.
-      nodenameeff=[begstr 'vol' endstr];
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-    else
-      mdsopen(shot);
-      nodenameeff=['\results::psitbx:vol'];
-      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-      if i_23==2
-	['LIUQE' endstr(2:2)]
-	psi=psitbxtcv(shot,'+0',['LIUQE' endstr(2:2)]);
-	fsd=psitbxp2p(psi,'FS');
-	fsg=psitbxfsg(fsd);
-	tracetdi.data = fsg.vol.x;
-	tracetdi.dim{1}=fsg.vol.grid.x{:}';
-	tracetdi.dim{2}=fsg.vol.grid.t';
-      end
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    for i=1:size(tracetdi.data,2)
-      trace.data(:,i)=sqrt(tracetdi.data(:,i)./tracetdi.data(end,i));
-    end
-    trace.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
-    trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-    trace.dim=[{trace.x};{trace.t}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) '; sqrt(V/Va) from ' nodenameeff '_' num2str(liuqe_version)];
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'sxr','sxR'}
-    %  load TCV soft x-ray data
-    if  nargin>=3 & ~isempty(varargin{1})
-      i1=varargin{1}(1);
-      i2=varargin{1}(2);
-    else
-      i1=1;
-      i2=20;
-    end
-    if  nargin>=4 & ~isempty(varargin{2})
-      status=varargin{2};
-    else
-      status=ones(i2-i1+1,1);
-    end
-    % camera selection: 1-10. each camera has 20 channels
-    icamera=[0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];  %index of the camera to use
-    if ~isempty(find(status(1:20*icamera*ones(10,1)) == 1))
-      [fans,vangle,xchord,ychord,aomega,angfact]=xtomo_geometry(1,icamera);
-      % calculating intersection of the view lines with magnetic axis
-      if strcmp(data_type_eff,'sxR')
-        if nargin>=5 & ~isempty(varargin{3})
-          zmag=varargin{3};
-        else
-          zmag=loadTCVdata(shot,['zmag' '_' num2str(liuqe_version)]);
-        end
-        t_1=zmag.t(1);
-        t_2=zmag.t(end);
-	[xtomo_signal,t]=get_xtomo_data(shot,t_1,t_2,13e-6*16,icamera,angfact);
-	data=interp1(zmag.t,zmag.data,t');
-	radius.data=VsxrTCVradius(data,xchord,ychord)';
-	radius.t=t';
-	varargout{1}={radius};
-        trace.R=radius.data;
-      else
-        t_1=0.001;
-        t_2=3;
-	[xtomo_signal,t]=get_xtomo_data(shot,t_1,t_2,13e-6*16, ...
-          icamera,angfact);
-      end
-    end
-    trace.data=xtomo_signal;
-    trace.x=[1:size(trace.data,1)]';
-    trace.t=t';
-    trace.dim=[{trace.x} ; {trace.t}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'channel #'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' 'get_xtomo_data'];
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case 'ece'
-    %  load TCV ECE data
-    % Status=1 => Not Read Yet
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    if ~isempty(find(status == 1))
-      if eval(['~mdsdata(''node_exists("\\RESULTS::ECE:rho")'')'])
-        disp(['node \RESULTS::ECE:rho does not exist for shot = ' num2str(shot)])
-        return
-      end
-      if eval(['mdsdata(''getnci("\\RESULTS::ECE:rho","length")'')==0'])
-        disp(['no data for \RESULTS::ECE:rho for shot = ' num2str(shot)])
-        return
-      end
-      [TE_ECE,TE_ECE_ERR,RHO,R,T,TE_THOM,TE_THOM_ERR,Fcentral,CAL]=ece_te ...
-          (shot,[0.1 0.29],10,10);
-    end
-    a=min(find(R(:,1)>=0));
-    b=max(find(R(:,1)>=0));
-    trace.data=TE_ECE(a:b,:)';
-    trace.t=T(a:b);
-    trace.x=[1:size(trace.data,1)]';
-    trace.dim=[{trace.x} ; {trace.t}];
-    trace.dimunits=[{'channel #'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-    trace.R=R(a:b,:)';
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' '\results::ece...'];
-    radius.data=trace.R;
-    radius.t=trace.t;
-    varargout{1}={radius};
-    error_status=0;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    mdsclose;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case 'MPX'
-    %  load TCV MPX data
-    % Status=1 => Not Read Yet
-    if isempty(zmag)
-      zmag=loadTCVdata(shot,'zmag');
-    end
-    t_1=zmag.t(1);
-    t_2=zmag.t(end);
-    if ~isempty(find(status == 1))
-      mdsopen(shot);
-      keyboard
-      signal=get_mds_mio('MPX',[t_1 t_2]);
-      mdsclose;
-      trace.data=signal.data;
-      for i=1:size(signal.dim{2},2)
-        trace.t(:,i)=signal.dim{1};
-      end
-    end
-    trace.dim{1}={trace.t};
-    trace.dimunits={'time [s]'};
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' 'get_mds_mio(MPX)'];
-    [xchord,ychord]=mpx_geometry;
-    varargout{1}={VsxrTCVradius(zmag.data,xchord,ychord)};
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case 'IOH'
-    %  Ohmic transformer current
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    nodenameeff=[{'\magnetics::ipol[*,$1]'} {'OH_001'}];
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff{:});
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    trace.x=[];
-    trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-    trace.dim=tracetdi.dim;
-    trace.dimunits={'time [s]'};
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff{1} ',' nodenameeff{2}];
-    mdsclose;
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case 'vloop'
-    %  Loop voltage
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    nodenameeff=[{'\magnetics::vloop[*,$1]'} {'001'}];
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff{:});
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    trace.x=[];
-    trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-    trace.dim=tracetdi.dim;
-    trace.dimunits={'time [s]'};
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff{1} ',' nodenameeff{2}];
-    mdsclose;
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case 'pgyro'
-    %  ECH power for each gyro(1:9) and total (10)
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    nodenameeff=[{'\results::toray.input:p_gyro'}];
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff{:});
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    trace.x=[];
-    trace.t=tracetdi.dim{1};
-    trace.dim=tracetdi.dim;
-    trace.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    mdsclose;
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case 'jtor'
-    %  \results::j_tor , 3-D so need to specify time dim index
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    nodenameeff=[{'\results::j_tor'} endstr];
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff{:});
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    trace.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
-    trace.t=tracetdi.dim{3};
-    trace.dim=tracetdi.dim;
-    trace.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    mdsclose;
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  case {'neft:trial','teft:trial','neftav:trial','teftav:trial'}
-    %  trial indx
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    eval(['nodenameeff={''' TCVsiglocation{index} ':trial''};']);
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff{:});
-    if isempty(trialindx)
-      error('trialindx should not be empty, check call or ask O. Sauter');
-    end
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data(:,:,trialindx+1);
-    trace.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
-    trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-    trace.dim=tracetdi.dim(1:2);
-    trace.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits(1:2);
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ' ; ' nodenameeff{:} ' ; trialindx=' num2str(trialindx) ];
-    mdsclose;
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
- case {'vi_tor', 'vi_torfit', 'vi_pol', 'vi_polfit', 'Ti', 'Tifit', 'ni', 'nifit', 'zeffcxrs', 'zeffcxrsfit'}
-    proffit = '';
-    kwd_eff = TCVkeywrdcase{index};
-    ii=strfind(kwd_eff,'fit');
-    if ~isempty(ii); 
-      proffit = ':proffit';
-      kwd_eff = kwd_eff(1:ii-1);
-    end
-    if strcmp(kwd_eff,'zeffcxrs');  kwd_eff = 'zeff'; end
-    mdsopen(shot);
-    eval(['nodenameeff=''\results::cxrs' proffit ':' kwd_eff endstr ''';']);
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
-    trace.data=tracetdi.data;
-    if length(tracetdi.dim)>1;
-      trace.x=tracetdi.dim{1};
-      trace.t=tracetdi.dim{2};
-    else
-      trace.x=[];
-      trace.t=[];
-    end
-    trace.dim=tracetdi.dim;
-    trace.dimunits=tracetdi.dimunits;
-    % isfield does not work since tracetdi is not a 'struct' but a tdi object, thus isfield using isa does not work
-    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
-      trace.units=tracetdi.units;
-    end
-    trace.name=[num2str(shot) ';' nodenameeff];
-    % add error bars
-    eval(['nodenameeff=''\results::cxrs' proffit ':' kwd_eff ':err' endstr ''';']);
-    nodenameeff=[{'\results::cxrs:vi_tor:err'} endstr];
-    tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff{:});
-    trace.std = tracetdi.data;
-    if length(tracetdi.dim)>2;
-      trace.std_rho = tracetdi.dim{1};
-      trace.std_t = tracetdi.dim{2};
-    else
-      trace.std_rho = [];
-      trace.std_t = [];
-    end
-    mdsclose;
-    error_status=0;
-  %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-  otherwise
-    % eval(['!mailto_Andrea ''from loadTCVdata, data_type_eff= ' data_type_eff ''''])
-    disp(['this data_type_eff' ' ' data_type_eff ' ' 'not yet programmed in loadTCVdata, ask Andrea.Scarabosio@epfl.ch']);
diff --git a/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m b/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m
index 2c6c74c0b91bc015c0558a43e33af1c0f98ec3c0..15de8984169996ffdd2c5f1ea0e1b99a310aaa33 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ help_struct_all.cxrs_time_interval = ['cxrs: (time_interval can have several nbs
                     ' as well'];
 help_struct_all.fit_tension = ['smoothing value used in interpos fitting routine, -30 means ''30 times default value'', thus -1 often a' ...
                     ' good value' char(10) ...
-                   'cxrs: if numeric, default for all cases, if structure, default for non given fields'];
+                    'cxrs: if numeric, default for all cases, if structure, default for non given fields' char(10) ...
+                    'radcam: tension for interpos smoothing of data to have lower time samples'];
 help_struct_all.time = 'eqdsk: time(s) value(s) requested, by default time=1.0s (see time_out for other requests)';
 help_struct_all.time_out = ['requested time for output: data points within interval if time_out=[t1 t2], otherwise assumes series of points, uses linear interpolation in that case (default [-Inf Inf])'...
                    char(10) 'for sxr, mpx: only time interval provided in time_out is relevant'];
@@ -56,17 +57,19 @@ help_struct_all.error_bar = sprintf('%s\n','for ids: choice of nodes fill in and
           '''delta'' (default): only upper fill in  with the abs(value) to add or subtract to data to get upper and lower values (symmetric)', ...
           '''delta_with_lower'': same as delta but fill in lower node as well (with delta as well, same as upper)', ...
           '''added'': add the delta values (old cpo style), so upper=data+error_bar and lower=data+error_bar');
-help_struct_all.camera = ['sxr: for MPX: ''central'', ''top'' (default), ''bottom'' or ''both'' ; ' ...
-                    ' for XTOMO: ''central'' (a central chord only), defaults if empty, [1 3 5] if only camera 1, 3 and 5 are desired'];
-help_struct_all.freq = '''slow'', default, lower sampling; ''fast'' full samples for both mpx and xtomo';
+help_struct_all.camera = sprintf('%s\n%s\n%s', ...
+          'sxr: for radcam: 1 to 4 or ''top'' (default), ''upper'', ''equatorial'', ''bottom'' array or cell array ok as well;', ...
+          ' for MPX: ''central'', ''top'' (default), ''bottom'' or ''both'' ;', ...
+          ' for XTOMO: ''central'' (a central chord only), defaults if empty, [1 3 5] if only camera 1, 3 and 5 are desired');
+help_struct_all.channel = sprintf('%s\n%s\n%s', ...
+          'radcam: chord to choose within camera interval, or simply chords, then it is re-distributed to correct camera');
+help_struct_all.freq = '''slow'', default, lower sampling (for radcam smoothing on dt=0.1ms); ''fast'' full samples for radcam, mpx and xtomo';
 help_struct_all.max_adcs = 'rtc: source=''adcs'' maximum nb of adc channels loaded for each board in each active node';
 help_struct_all.nfft = '512 (default) changes time resolution in spectrogram in gdat_plot for ''mhd'' request';
 help_struct_all.map_eqdsk_psirz = 'eqdsk: if time array provided, maps all psi(R,Z,t) on same R,Zmesh in .data (1) or not (0, default)';
 help_struct_all.write = 'eqdsk: write eqdsk while loading data (1, default) or not (0)';
 %help_struct_all. = '';
 if ~exist('parameter_list') || isempty(parameter_list)
   help_struct = help_struct_all;
diff --git a/matlab/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m b/matlab/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
index 9909a953e12faf245943034c299fe7db3eee168c..04dcc1f5c8e483714b1882bb15b8e965bb07ed20 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'area';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''area'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("area","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'area_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'area_rho';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''area_rho'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("area_rho","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'area_edge'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'area\_lcfs';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''area_edge'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("area_edge","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'b0'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'B_0';
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.label = '\beta';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::beta_tor';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''beta_tor'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("beta_tor","LIUQE.M")';
  case {'betan', 'beta_tor_norm'}
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = '\beta_N';
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::beta_pol';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:beta_pol';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''beta_pol'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("beta_pol","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'cxrs'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'cxrs';
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_edge';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:delta_edge';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''delta_edge'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("delta_edge","LIUQE.M")';
   % mapping.method = 'expression';
   % mapping.expression = ['tdi(''\results::q_psi'');']; % for tests
  case 'delta_bottom'
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_bot';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:delta_bot';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''delta_ed_bot'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("delta_ed_bot","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'delta_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:delta';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''delta'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("delta","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'delta_top'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'delta\_top';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_top';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:delta_top';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''delta_ed_top'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("delta_ed_top","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'ece'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.label = 'gap hfs/lfs';
   mapping.method = 'expression';
   mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq("r_contour","LIUQE.M")'';' ...
-                   'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);aa_data(1,:)=min(gdat_tmp.data,[],1)-0.624;' ...
-                    'aa_data(2,:)=1.136-max(gdat_tmp.data,[],1);gdat_tmp.data=aa_data;gdat_tmp.x=[1:2];gdat_tmp.dim{1}=gdat_tmp.x;' ...
+                   'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);aa_data(1,:)=min(gdat_tmp.data,[],1)-0.624;aa_data(1,[aa_data(1,:)<0]) = 0.;' ...
+                    'aa_data(2,:)=1.1376-max(gdat_tmp.data,[],1);aa_data(2,[aa_data(2,:)<0]) = 0.;gdat_tmp.data=aa_data;gdat_tmp.x=[1:2];gdat_tmp.dim{1}=gdat_tmp.x;' ...
  case {'gas', 'gas_flux', 'gas_request', 'gas_feedforward','gas_valve'}
   mapping.timedim = 1;
@@ -204,24 +204,40 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.label = 'Plasma current';
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''i_pl'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')'; % to be able to get ip consistent with relevant LIUQE value
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("i_pl","LIUQE.M")'; % to be able to get ip consistent with relevant LIUQE value
+ case 'i_pol'
+  disp('use ''ipol'' to get values from magnetics');
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.method = 'expression';
+  mapping.label = 'ipol from liuqe';
+  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq("i_pol","LIUQE.M")''; ' ...
+                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);coilsname=mdsvalue(''dim_of(\magnetics::ipol,1)''); ' ...
+                    'gdat_tmp.dimunits{1}=coilsname([3:18 20 1:2]);'];
+ case 'ipol'
+  disp('use ''i_pol'' to get values from liuqe');
+  mapping.timedim = 2; % changed to match usual time as last one and match liuqe i_pol
+  mapping.method = 'expression';
+  mapping.label = 'ipol from magnetics';
+  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''\magnetics::ipol''; ' ...
+                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv([],params_eff);gdat_tmp.dimunits{2}=''s'';gdat_tmp.dimunits{1}=gdat_tmp.dim{2};' ...
+                    'gdat_tmp.dim{2}=gdat_tmp.dim{1};gdat_tmp.dim{1}=[0:numel(gdat_tmp.dimunits{1})-1]'';gdat_tmp.data=gdat_tmp.data'''];
  case 'kappa'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::kappa_edge';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:kappa_edge';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''kappa_edge'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("kappa_edge","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'kappa_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:kappa';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''kappa'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("kappa","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'li'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::l_i';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:l_i_3';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''l_i_3'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("l_i_3","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'mhd'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'n=1,2, etc';
@@ -287,7 +303,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
  case {'phi_tor', 'phitor', 'toroidal_flux'}
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''tor_flux_tot'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("tor_flux_tot","LIUQE.M")';
   % node not filled in and in any case need special case for
   mapping.label = 'toroidal_flux';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
@@ -318,7 +334,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'psi(R,Z)';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''psi'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("psi","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'powers'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'various powers';
@@ -336,7 +352,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::psi_axis';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:psi_axis';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''psi_axis'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("psi_axis","LIUQE.M")';
   mapping.label = 'psi\_axis with psi_edge=0';
  case 'psi_edge'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
@@ -345,25 +361,25 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::surface_flux';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:psi_surf';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''psi_surf'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("psi_surf","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'q0'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::q_zero';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:q_axis';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''q_axis'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("q_axis","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'q95'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   % mapping.expression = '\results::q_95';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:q_95';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''q_95'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("q_95","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'qedge'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::q_edge';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:q_edge';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''q_edge'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("q_edge","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'q_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'q';
@@ -377,19 +393,19 @@ switch lower(data_request)
 % $$$   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
 % $$$   mapping.expression = '\results::r_contour';
 % $$$   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:r_rho'; % several flux surfaces R coordinates (irho,itheta,t)
-% $$$   mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''r_rho'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+% $$$   mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("r_rho","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'r_contour_edge'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::r_contour';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:r_surf'; % LCFS R coordinates (r,t)
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''r_edge'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("r_edge","LIUQE.M")';
   mapping.label = 'R\_lcfs';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 % $$$   mapping.method = 'expression';
-% $$$   mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq(''''''''r_edge'''''''',''''''''LIUQE.M'''''''')''; ' ...
+% $$$   mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq("r_edge","LIUQE.M")''; ' ...
 % $$$                     'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv(shot,params_eff);gdat_tmp.data=gdat_tmp.data(:,:,end);' ...
 % $$$                     'gdat_tmp.dim=gdat_tmp.dim(1:2);gdat_tmp.dimunits=gdat_tmp.dimunits(1:2);'];
  case {'rgeom', 'r_geom'}
@@ -422,7 +438,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::r_axis';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:r_axis';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''r_axis'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("r_axis","LIUQE.M")';
  case {'rtc','scd'}
   if strcmp('scd',lower(data_request)); error('********* should call with request****** ''rtc'''); end
   mapping.timedim = 1;
@@ -433,16 +449,16 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'surface\_tor(rho)';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''surf'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("surf","LIUQE.M")';
   mapping.help = 'toroidal surface'; % works for method tdi..., in method expression, gdat_tmp.help should be defined
  case {'surface', 'surface_edge'}
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'surface';
   mapping.method = 'expression';
-  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq(''''''''surf'''''''',''''''''LIUQE.M'''''''')'';' ...
+  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq("surf","LIUQE.M")'';' ...
                     'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv(shot,params_eff); gdat_tmp.dim = {gdat_tmp.t}; gdat_tmp.x=[]; gdat_tmp.data= gdat_tmp.data(end,:);' ...
                     'gdat_tmp.dimunits{1}=''s'';gdat_tmp.help=''toroidal surface of LCFS'';'];
- case 'sxr'
+ case {'sxr', 'mpx', 'radcam'}
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.gdat_timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
@@ -503,7 +519,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
 % $$$     corr = [4e3,4.5e3];
 % $$$     if shot==57732; corr=[4650,4650]; end
 % $$$     mapping.method = 'expression';
-% $$$     mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq(''''''''w_mhd'''''''',''''''''LIUQE.M'''''''')'';' ...
+% $$$     mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq("w_mhd","LIUQE.M")'';' ...
 % $$$                     'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv(shot,params_eff);ij=find(gdat_tmp.t>0.5&gdat_tmp.t<1.03);' ...
 % $$$                     'aa=interp1([' num2str(time_for_corr(1)) ' ' num2str(time_for_corr(2)) ...
 % $$$                     '],[' num2str(corr(1)) ' ' num2str(corr(2)) '],gdat_tmp.t(ij));' ...
@@ -512,26 +528,26 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::total_energy';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:w_mhd';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''w_mhd'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("w_mhd","LIUQE.M")';
 % $$$   end
 % $$$  case 'z_contour'   % z_rho not yet implemented
 % $$$   mapping.timedim = 2;
 % $$$   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
 % $$$   mapping.expression = '\results::z_contour';
 % $$$   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:z_rho'; % several flux surfaces Z coordinates (irho,itheta,t)
-% $$$   mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''z_rho'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+% $$$   mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("z_rho","LIUQE.M")';
  case 'z_contour_edge'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::z_contour';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:z_surf'; % LCFS Z coordinates (r,t)
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''z_edge'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("z_edge","LIUQE.M")';
   mapping.label = 'Z\_lcfs';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 % $$$   mapping.method = 'expression';
-% $$$   mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq(''''''''z_edge'''''''',''''''''LIUQE.M'''''''')''; ' ...
+% $$$   mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''tcv_eq("z_edge","LIUQE.M")''; ' ...
 % $$$                     'gdat_tmp=gdat_tcv(shot,params_eff);gdat_tmp.data=gdat_tmp.data(:,:,end);' ...
 % $$$                     'gdat_tmp.dim=gdat_tmp.dim(1:2);gdat_tmp.dimunits=gdat_tmp.dimunits(1:2);'];
  case 'zeff'
@@ -549,7 +565,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::z_axis';
   mapping.expression = '\tcv_shot::top.results.equil_1.results:z_axis';
-  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq(''''z_axis'''',''''LIUQE.M'''')';
+  mapping.expression = 'tcv_eq("z_axis","LIUQE.M")';
   % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   % extra TCV cases (not necessarily in official data_request name list)
@@ -567,10 +583,6 @@ switch lower(data_request)
 % $$$   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
 % $$$   % mapping.expression = '\results::thomson:psiscatvol:foo';
 % $$$   mapping.expression = '\results::thomson:psiscatvol';
- case 'mpx'
-  mapping.timedim = 1;
-  mapping.gdat_timedim = 2;
-  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case {'profnerho','profterho'}
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = data_request;
diff --git a/matlab/TCV/xtomo_geometry.m b/matlab/TCV/xtomo_geometry.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a809b9e65cca29d8df8eff407eaac96d7b7ebc4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/matlab/TCV/xtomo_geometry.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-function [fans,vangle,xchord,ychord,aomega,angfact]=xtomo_geometry(i_detec,fans)
-% ----[anton.public]
-% function 
-% [fans,vangle,xchord,ychord,aomega,angfact]=xtomo_geometry(i_detec,fans);
-%	inputs: 
-%  i_detec:	=2: Xtomo prototype cameras (shot# < 6768)
-%		=1: Xtomo 9-cameras	    (shot# > 682x)
-%	outputs:
-%  fans:    camera switch, 1=on,0=off (1x10)
-%  vangle:  angle between detect. surface normal and pos. x-axis (1x10)
-%  xchord:  two x-coordinates (2xnl) and
-%  ychord:  two y-coord. for each line (2xnl), they specify start + end points
-%  aomega:  etendue in mm^2 x steradians
-%  angfact: angular factors, inverse of relative etendue (throughput) (20x10)
-%	uses:
-%		AOMEGA=etendue_n2(b1x,b1y,b1z,b2x,b2y,b2z,z01,z02,X0,cw);
-%		angular_fact_*.mat , '*'=i_detec
-%---------------- M.Anton 14/3/95 -------------------------------------------
-disp('|   this is xtomo_geometry   |')
-global xap yap xdet ydet
-global ae da
-% ======== tokamak parameters ================================================
-load tcv_vesc1
-% =========  detector parameters =============================================
-if i_detec==2
-	cw=1;                         % detector numbers cw=1:clockwise cw=0:ccw
-	if nargin<2
-		fans=[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0];   % camera switch
-	end
-	vangle=[90 90 90 0 0 0 0 -90 -90 -90];
-                                % angle of detector surface normal 
-	xpos=[0 0 0 0 0 0  118.05 0 87.84 0]; 
-                                % x position of the diaphragmas in [cm]
-	ypos=[0 0 0 0 0 0 -46 0 -80.45 0];
-                                % y position of the diaphragmas in [cm]
-	ae=[0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.5 0 -0.1 0]/10; 
-				%excentricity array/diaphragm in [cm]
-	da=[0 0 0 0 0 0 10.1  0 -11.7 0]/10;   
-                                 % diaphragma-array distance in [cm]
-	da2=da;
-	d1=0.950;                     % detector width      in mm
-	d2=4.050;                     % detector length     in mm
-	b1=1.000;                     % aperture width      in mm
-	b2=4.000*ones(1,10);          % aperture length     in mm
-	b3x=0;                        % aperture thickness  in mm
-	b3y=0;
-elseif i_detec==1
-   cw=1;                         % detector numbers cw=1:clockwise cw=0:ccw
-   if nargin<2	
-   	fans=[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1];   % camera switch
-   end
-   vangle=[90 90 90 0 0 0 0 -90 -90 -90];
-                                 % angle of detector surface normal 
-   xpos=[71.5 87.7 103.9 123.1  123.1 123.1 123.1 104.04 87.84 71.64]; 
-                                 % x position of the diaphragmas in [cm]
-   ypos=[80.35 80.35 80.35 48.1 1.95 -2.45 -48.6 -80.35 -80.35 -80.35];
-                                 % y position of the diaphragmas in [cm]
-   ae=[-8 0 8 5 9 -9 -5 8 0 -8]/10; %excentricity array/diaphragm [cm]
-  ae= ae + [-0.0915 0   0.1361    0.2123    0.0923   -0.0994   ...
- 		 0.0872   -0.1520  0  0.9410 ]/10;
-  ae(1)=ae(1)+0.1/10;
-  ae(3)=8/10+0.14/10;
-  ae(4)=4.9/10;
-  ae(5)=9/10+0.2/10;
-  ae(6)=ae(6)-0.2/10;
-  ae(7)=-4.9/10;
-  ae(10)=-7.1/10;
-   da=   [12.4 9.9 12.4 9.9 13.4 13.4  9.9   -12.4  -9.9 -12.4]/10;
-                                 % diaphragma-array distance in [cm] (poloidal)
-   da2=[37 34.4 37 55.9 59.4 59.4 55.9 37 34.4 37]/10;
-                                 % dist to diaphragm in toroidal direction [cm];
-   deltada=[   -0.0311 0  -0.0458   -0.1179   -0.0615   -0.1105 ...
-			  -0.0510   -0.0515  0  -0.3223]/10;
-  deltada(4)=0;
-  deltada(6)=0;
-   da=da+ deltada;
-   da2=da2+deltada;
-   d1=0.90;			 % detector width      in mm
-   d2=4.0;			 % detector length     in mm
-   b1=0.800;			 % aperture width      in mm (pol.)
-   b2=[8 8 8 15 15 15 15 8 8 8];			 
-				 % aperture length     in mm (tor.)
-   b3x=0.020;			 % aperture thickness  in mm (poloidal)
-   b3y=0;			 % aperture thickness  in mm (toroidal)
-%======== calculation of the chords of view ===================================
-% ---- apertures: ------------------
-% ---- detectors: ------------------
-ivert=find(dum_vangle==90 | dum_vangle==-90);
-%hold on
-% plot(xap,yap,'.g',xdet,ydet,'.m')
-% ---- calculate the equations of lines of sight
-if ~isempty(iup)
-if ~isempty(ido)
-if ~isempty(isi)
-if ~isempty(ileft)
-if ~isempty(irig)
-%======== prepare output ======================================================
-%======== calculation of angular correction factors, if necessary =============
-if i_detec==2 & exist('angular_fact_2.mat')==2
-		disp('loading angular_fact_2')
-		load angular_fact_2
-elseif i_detec==1 & exist('angular_fact_1.mat')==2
-		disp('loading angular_fact_1')
-		load angular_fact_1
-		aomega=zeros(ndet,ncam);
-		angfact=ones(ndet,ncam);
-		for l=1:sum(fans)
-%		Z0X=abs(da(iact(l))*10)
-%	 	Z0Y=abs(da2(iact(l))*10)
-%		X0=ae(iact(l))*10 % back to mm, sorry about that...
-%		X0=X0*vorz(iact(l))
-%		B2=b2(iact(l))
-%		AOMEGA=etendue_n(b1,B2,b3x,b3y,Z0X,Z0Y,X0,cw);
-		b1x=0.8;
-		b1y=6;
-		b1z=0.02;
-		b2x=10000000;
-		b2y=b2(iact(l));
-		b2z=0;
-		z01=abs(da(iact(l))*10);
-		z02=abs(da2(iact(l))*10);
-		X0=ae(iact(l))*10*vorz(iact(l));
-		AOMEGA=etendue_n2(b1x,b1y,b1z,b2x,b2y,b2z,z01,z02,X0,cw);
-			aomega(:,iact(l))=AOMEGA(:,1);
-		end
-		indm=min(find(aomega==max(aomega(:))));
-		aomegan=aomega/aomega(indm);
-		nonz=find(aomega);
-		angfact(nonz)=ones(size(nonz))./aomegan(nonz);
-		angfact=round(1000*angfact)/1000;
-		unitstring='units aomega: mm^2 * sterad';
-		if i_detec==1
-			save angular_fact_1 angfact aomega unitstring
-		elseif i_detec==2
-			save angular_fact_2 angfact aomega unitstring
-		end
-for k=1:sum(fans)
-     thdet((k-1)*20+1:k*20)=vangle(k)*ones(1,20);
-mist=find(angles<0 & abs(angles)>90);
-% ---- correct for the edges of tcv ( some chords may be too long )
-	down=find(xcont>xedge & ycont<-yedge);
-	up=find(xcont>xedge & ycont>yedge);
-	cd=polyfit(xcont(down),ycont(down),1);
-	cu=polyfit(xcont(up),ycont(up),1);
-	iu1=find(xchord(1,:)>xedge & ychord(1,:)>0 & dum_vangle==-90 );
-	if ~isempty(iu1)
-		xchord(1,iu1)=-(b(iu1)-cu(2))./(m(iu1)-cu(1)+eps);
-		ychord(1,iu1)=m(iu1).*xchord(1,iu1)+b(iu1);
-	end
-	iu2=find(xchord(2,:)>xedge & ychord(2,:)>0 & ychord(1,:) & ....
-			dum_vangle==-90);
-	if ~isempty(iu2)
-		xchord(2,iu2)=-(b(iu2)-cu(2))./(m(iu2)-cu(1)+eps);
-		ychord(2,iu2)=m(iu2).*xchord(2,iu2)+b(iu2);
-	end
-	id1=find(xchord(1,:)>xedge & ychord(1,:)<0 & dum_vangle==90);
-	if ~isempty(id1)
-		xchord(1,id1)=-(b(id1)-cd(2))./(m(id1)-cd(1)+eps);
-		ychord(1,id1)=m(id1).*xchord(1,id1)+b(id1);
-	end
-	id2=find(xchord(2,:)>xedge & ychord(2,:)<0 & dum_vangle==90);
-	if ~isempty(id2)
-		xchord(2,id2)=-(b(id2)-cd(2))./(m(id2)-cd(1)+eps);
-		ychord(2,id2)=m(id2).*xchord(2,id2)+b(id2);
-	end
-	ilow=find(ychord(1,:)<ymin);
-	ihig=find(ychord(1,:)>ymax);
-	ilef=find(xchord(1,:)<xmin);
-	irig=find(xchord(1,:)>xmax);
-	if ~isempty(ilow)
-		ychord(1,ilow)=ymin*ones(size(ilow));
-		xchord(1,ilow)=ymin./m(ilow)-b(ilow)./m(ilow);
-	end
-	if ~isempty(ihig)
-		ychord(1,ihig)=ymax*ones(size(ihig));
-		xchord(1,ihig)=ymax./m(ihig)-b(ihig)./m(ihig);
-	end
-	if ~isempty(ilef)
-		xchord(1,ilef)=xmin*ones(size(ilef));
-		ychord(1,ilef)=m(ilef)*xmin+b(ilef);
-	end
-	if ~isempty(irig)
-		xchord(1,irig)=xmax*ones(size(irig));
-		ychord(1,irig)=m(irig)*xmax+b(irig);
-	end
-	ilow=find(ychord(2,:)<ymin);
-	ihig=find(ychord(2,:)>ymax);
-	ilef=find(xchord(2,:)<xmin);
-	irig=find(xchord(2,:)>xmax);
-	if ~isempty(ilow)
-		ychord(2,ilow)=ymin*ones(size(ilow));
-		xchord(2,ilow)=ymin./m(ilow)-b(ilow)./m(ilow);
-	end
-	if ~isempty(ihig)
-		ychord(2,ihig)=ymax*ones(size(ihig));
-		xchord(2,ihig)=ymax./m(ihig)-b(ihig)./m(ihig);
-	end
-	if ~isempty(ilef)
-		xchord(2,ilef)=xmin*ones(size(ilef));
-		ychord(2,ilef)=m(ilef)*xmin+b(ilef);
-	end
-	if ~isempty(irig)
-		xchord(2,irig)=xmax*ones(size(irig));
-		ychord(2,irig)=m(irig)*xmax+b(irig);
-	end
diff --git a/matlab/liuqefortran2liuqematlab.m b/matlab/liuqefortran2liuqematlab.m
index 623d6b520a83785ed10b2fa8b1ce7211ff4883a3..4a337a814222c98ef9707ab403d4547d994bd465 100644
--- a/matlab/liuqefortran2liuqematlab.m
+++ b/matlab/liuqefortran2liuqematlab.m
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ function liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab(varargin);
 % liuqe_fortran_matlab{:,2} give liuqe matlab names
 % Note that you can have multiple entries (for liuqe fortran since it has less nodes) but the first one should be the closest match (see r_contour/r_rho/r_surf)
 % varargin: If absent, then return full table
 % varargin{1}: 'node_name_to_convert'
 % varargin{2}: origin of node_name given=varargin{1}: 0: fortran, 1(default): matlab
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ function liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab(varargin);
 liuqe_fortran_matlab_table = [ ...
     {'l_i'}           , {'l_i_3'}     ; ...
     {'i_p'}           , {'i_pl'}  ; ...
+    {'i_pol_fit'}     , {'i_pol'}  ; ...
     {'pprime_psi'}    , {'pprime_rho'} ; ... % warning on different x-mesh
     {'surface_flux'}  , {'psi_surf'}  ; ...
     {'q_zero'}        , {'q_axis'}    ; ...
diff --git a/matlab/subcall_all2str.m b/matlab/subcall_all2str.m
index 6e5d1ee125d25ccaad650eb1ba91d844a6c8ebd4..8966d184da44bc48e0c6973f93e9f0c7e8742ab0 100644
--- a/matlab/subcall_all2str.m
+++ b/matlab/subcall_all2str.m
@@ -56,11 +56,7 @@ for i_in=1:length(varargin)
   elseif ischar(var_to_treat)
     subcall = [subcall ',''' var_to_treat ''''];
   elseif iscell(var_to_treat)
-    subcall = [subcall ',{''' var_to_treat{1} ''''];
-    for i=2:length(var_to_treat)
-      subcall = [subcall ','''  var_to_treat{i} ''''];
-    end
-    subcall = [subcall '}'];
+    subcall = [subcall ',' cell2str(var_to_treat,3) ''];
     warning('in subcall_all2str: case not foreseen');
diff --git a/matlab/tests/test_requestnames.m b/matlab/tests/test_requestnames.m
index 63595919b38cbbbedf2ad19c8636348badc1df83..557144ccdb55fdc352bb83cf17315892f15429ad 100644
--- a/matlab/tests/test_requestnames.m
+++ b/matlab/tests/test_requestnames.m
@@ -1,48 +1,63 @@
 classdef (SharedTestFixtures={...
     check_mds,check_gdatpaths}) ...
     test_requestnames < matlab.unittest.TestCase
   properties (Abstract)
     % parameters that will vary during tests
     requests_fast; % placeholders
     function test_gdat_call(testCase,shot,request)
       % actual function to test gdat call
       % gdat call
       gdat_call = sprintf(['gdat_' lower(testCase.Machine) '(%s,''%s'')'],shot,request);
       do_gdat_call = 1;
       switch request
         case 'eqdsk'
           % avoid writing files in /tmp, may not be allowed
           gdat_call = sprintf(['gdat_%s(%s,''%s'',''write'',0)'],lower(testCase.Machine),shot,request);
+        case 'radcam'
+          % need a newer shot for tcv radcam
+          shot = 81102;
+          gdat_call = sprintf(['gdat_' lower(testCase.Machine) '(%s,''%s'')'],shot,request);
       % logging
       fprintf('Testing gdat call: %s\n',gdat_call);
       if do_gdat_call
         gdat_out = eval(gdat_call); %#ok<NASGU>
         gdat_out = struct([]);
       % in some future: check for warnings
       %gdat_out = verifyWarningFree(testCase,eval(gdat_call),...
       %  'Warning issued from gdat call:\n   %s\n',gdat_call);
       % (add optional sanity checks of gdat_out here)
+      gdat_out
+      switch request
+        case {'ece', 'expcode', 'ids', 'ni', 'ti', 'transp'}
+          % tests not yet fully implemented and empty
+        case 'rtc'
+          % in this case .data is empty, all in .scd_mems
+          testCase.assertTrue(isfield(gdat_out,'scd_mems') && isstruct(gdat_out.scd_mems));
+          % testCase.assertTrue(isstruct(gdat_out.scd_mems));
+        otherwise
+          testCase.assertTrue(isnumeric(gdat_out.data) & numel(gdat_out.data)>0);
+      end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/tests/test_requestnames_tcv.m b/matlab/tests/test_requestnames_tcv.m
index f40ecbfa9348473a86ef5552e37e9ad0340510a7..6941e96ddac1f9ae3cc07d32ee0dc76e58b0c5d5 100644
--- a/matlab/tests/test_requestnames_tcv.m
+++ b/matlab/tests/test_requestnames_tcv.m
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ classdef (TestTags={'tcv'})test_requestnames_tcv < test_requestnames
     requests_fast = get_all_gdat_requests('TCV','fast');
     requests_slow = get_all_gdat_requests('TCV','slow');
   methods(Test,TestTags = {'fast'})
     function test_gdat_call_fast(testCase,shot,requests_fast)
   methods(Test,TestTags = {'slow'})
     function test_gdat_call_slow(testCase,shot,requests_slow)