diff --git a/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m b/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
index 01ab654d6b386a43b01029d737c9c6f5415040de..536caf2293128e58cdd69b25e55f587b1dd3fa86 100644
--- a/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
+++ b/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
@@ -299,20 +299,20 @@ if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method(1:3),'tdi')
   gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{mapping_for_tcv.timedim};
   gdat_data.units = aatmp.units;
   gdat_data.dimunits = aatmp.dimunits;
-  if mapping_for_tcv.new_timedim>0 && mapping_for_tcv.new_timedim ~= mapping_for_tcv.timedim
-    % shift timedim to new_timedim data(i,j,...itime,k,...) -> data(i,inewtime,j,...,k,...)
+  if mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim>0 && mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim ~= mapping_for_tcv.timedim
+    % shift timedim to gdat_timedim data(i,j,...itime,k,...) -> data(i,inewtime,j,...,k,...)
     % note that this means that gdat_data.x and gdat_data.t are same and correct, 
     % only .data, .dim and .dimunits need to be changed
-    ij=find(dim_nontim>mapping_for_tcv.new_timedim-1);
-    inew=[1:mapping_for_tcv.new_timedim-1 mapping_for_tcv.timedim dim_nontim(ij)];
+    ij=find(dim_nontim>mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1);
+    inew=[1:mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1 mapping_for_tcv.timedim dim_nontim(ij)];
     data_sizes = size(aatmp.data);
     gdat_data.data = NaN*ones(data_sizes(inew));
     abcol=ones(1,nbdims)*double(':'); abcomma=ones(1,nbdims)*double(',');
     dimstr_prev=['(' repmat(':,',1,mapping_for_tcv.timedim-1) 'it,' ...
                  repmat(':,',1,nbdims-mapping_for_tcv.timedim-1) ':)'];
-    dimstr_new=['(' repmat(':,',1,mapping_for_tcv.new_timedim-1) 'it,' ...
-                repmat(':,',1,nbdims-mapping_for_tcv.new_timedim-1) ':)'];
+    dimstr_new=['(' repmat(':,',1,mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1) 'it,' ...
+                repmat(':,',1,nbdims-mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim-1) ':)'];
     % eval gdat_data.data(;,:,...,it,...) = aatmp.data(:,:,:,it,...);
     for it=1:size(aatmp.data,mapping_for_tcv.timedim)
       shift_eval = ['gdat_data.data' dimstr_new ' = aatmp.data'  dimstr_prev ';'];
@@ -320,6 +320,8 @@ if strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method(1:3),'tdi')
     gdat_data.dim = aatmp.dim(inew);
     gdat_data.dimunits = aatmp.dimunits(inew);
+  else
+    mapping_for_tcv.gdat_timedim = mapping_for_tcv.timedim;
   gdat_data.data_fullpath=[mapping_for_tcv.expression substr_tdi];
@@ -421,10 +423,10 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
       gdat_data.units = tracetdi.units;
     gdat_data.dimunits = tracetdi.dimunits;
-    gdat_data.request_description = ['vacuum magnetic field at R0=' num2str(R0EXP) 'm'];
+    gdat_data.request_description = ['vacuum magnetic field at R0=' num2str(R0EXP) 'm; COCOS=17'];
    case {'betan'}
-    % 100*beta / Ip[MA] * B0[T] * a[m]
+    % 100*beta / |Ip[MA] * B0[T]| * a[m]
     % get B0 from gdat_tcv, without re-opening the shot and using the same parameters except data_request
     % easily done thanks to structure call for options
     params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
@@ -450,14 +452,90 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     b0_t = interp1(b0.dim{1}(ij),b0.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
     a_minor_t = interp1(a_minor.dim{1}(ij),a_minor.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
-    gdat_data.data = 100.*beta.data ./ ip_t.*1.e6 .* b0_t .* a_minor_t;
+    gdat_data.data = 100.*beta.data ./ abs(ip_t).*1.e6 .* abs(b0_t) .* a_minor_t;
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath='100*beta/ip*1e6*b0*a_minor, each from gdat_tcv';
+    gdat_data.units = '';
+    gdat_data.dimunits = beta.dimunits;
+   case {'cxrs'}
+    %not yet finished, just started
+    return
+    % load typical data from cxrs, Ti, ni, vtori and vpoli (if available), as well as zeff from cxrs
+    % if 'fit' option is added: 'fit',1, then the fitted profiles are returned
+    % 
+    sub_nodes = {'Ti','vi_tor','vi_pol','ni','zeff'}; % first node is also copied into data, choose "default' one
+    % sub_nodes_fit = {'Tifit','vi_torfit','vi_polfit','nifit','zefffit'};
+    params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
+    % use A. Karpushov routine to get profiles and then copy the data or the fitted profiles
+    param_cxrs.k_plot=0; param_cxrs.k_debug=0;
+    cxrs_profiles = CXRS_get_profiles(48836,[],[],param_cxrs);
+    if isfield(params_eff,'fit') && params_eff.fit>0
+      sub_nodes_eff = sub_nodes_fit;
+    else
+      sub_nodes_eff = sub_nodes;
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim = beta.dim;
+    gdat_data.t = beta.dim{1};
+    gdat_data.data = beta.data;
+    ij=find(~isnan(ip.data));
+    ip_t = interp1(ip.dim{1}(ij),ip.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    ij=find(~isnan(b0.data));
+    b0_t = interp1(b0.dim{1}(ij),b0.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    ij=find(~isnan(a_minor.data));
+    a_minor_t = interp1(a_minor.dim{1}(ij),a_minor.data(ij),gdat_data.t);
+    gdat_data.data = 100.*beta.data ./ abs(ip_t).*1.e6 .* abs(b0_t) .* a_minor_t;
     gdat_data.data_fullpath='100*beta/ip*1e6*b0*a_minor, each from gdat_tcv';
     gdat_data.units = '';
     gdat_data.dimunits = beta.dimunits;
+   case {'eqdsk'}
+    %
+    time=1.; % default time
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'time') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.time)
+      time = gdat_data.gdat_params.time;
+    end
+    gdat_data.gdat_params.time = time;
+    gdat_data.t = time;
+    zshift = 0.;
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'zshift') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift)
+      zshift = gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift;
+    end
+    gdat_data.gdat_params.zshift = zshift;
+    % use read_results updated to effectively obtain an eqdsk with sign correct with COCOS=2
+    [fnames_readresults]=read_results_for_chease(shot,time,liuqe_version,3,[],[],[],zshift,0);
+    eqdskval=read_eqdsk(fnames_readresults{4},7); % LIUQE is 17 but read_results divided psi by 2pi thus 7
+    for i=1:length(fnames_readresults)
+      unix(['rm ' fnames_readresults{i}]);
+    end
+    % transform to cocos=2 since read_results originally assumed it was cocos=2
+    cocos_in = 2;
+    [eqdsk_cocos_in, eqdsk_cocosout_IpB0pos,cocos_inout]=eqdsk_cocos_transform(eqdskval,[7 cocos_in]);
+    fnamefull = fullfile(['/tmp/' getenv('USER')],['EQDSK_' num2str(shot) 't' num2str(time,'%.4f')]);
+    % We still write COCOS=2 case, since closer to standard (in /tmp)
+    write_eqdsk(fnamefull,eqdsk_cocos_in,cocos_in);
+    % Now gdat_tcv should return the convention from LIUQE which is COCOS=17, except if specified in option
+    % create standard filename name from shot, time (cocos will be added by write_eqdsk)
+    cocos_out = 17;
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'cocos') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.cocos)
+      cocos_out = gdat_data.gdat_params.cocos;
+    end
+    [eqdsk_cocosout, eqdsk_cocosout_IpB0pos,cocos_inout]=eqdsk_cocos_transform(eqdsk_cocos_in,[cocos_in cocos_out]);
+    gdat_data.eqdsk = write_eqdsk(fnamefull,eqdsk_cocosout,cocos_out);
+    gdat_data.data = gdat_data.eqdsk.psi;
+    gdat_data.dim{1} = gdat_data.eqdsk.rmesh;
+    gdat_data.dim{2} = gdat_data.eqdsk.zmesh;
+    gdat_data.dim{3} = gdat_data.t;
+    gdat_data.x = gdat_data.dim(1:2);
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=['psi(R,Z) and eqdsk from read_eqdsk from LIUQE' num2str(liuqe_version) ';zshift=' num2str(zshift)];
+    gdat_data.units = 'T m^2';
+    gdat_data.dimunits = {'m','m','s'};
+    gdat_data.request_description = ['data=psi, x=(R,Z), eqdsk contains eqdsk structure with which ' ...
+                    'plot_eqdsk, write_eqdsk, read_eqdsk can be used'];
    case {'ne','te'}
     % ne or Te from Thomson data on raw z mesh vs (z,t)
-    mdsopen(shot);
     nodenameeff=['\results::thomson:' data_request_eff];
     tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson:' data_request_eff ':error_bar']);
@@ -480,7 +558,7 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     if strcmp(data_request_eff(1:2),'ne')
-      tracefirrat_data = get_fir_thom_rat_data('thomson',time);
+      tracefirrat_data = get_fir_thom_rat_data(shot,'thomson',time);
       gdat_data.data_abs = gdat_data.data * diag(tracefirrat_data);
       gdat_data.error_bar_abs = gdat_data.error_bar * diag(tracefirrat_data);
@@ -513,13 +591,13 @@ end
 if ishot==shot; mdsclose; end
-gdat_data.mapping_for_tcv = mapping_for_tcv;
+gdat_data.mapping_for.tcv = mapping_for_tcv;
-function [firthomratio] = get_fir_thom_rat_data(maintracename,timebase);
+function [firthomratio] = get_fir_thom_rat_data(shot,maintracename,timebase);
 % since depends on shot number for using auto fit and thomson or thomson edge, use tracename and function here
diff --git a/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m b/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
index 435b02ae4a27479304ed5a83161d0fcd791ddb31..465d3ab15cc42182542a74834eca57a81cc0ea92 100644
--- a/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
+++ b/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ mapping = struct(...
     'label', '', ...
     'method', '', ...
     'expression','', ...
-    'timedim', -1, ...     % dim which is the time, to copy in .t, the other dims are in .x (-1 means last dimension)
-    'new_timedim',0, ...  % if need to reshape data and dim orders to have timedim as new_timedim (shifting time to new_timedim)
+    'timedim', -1, ...     % dim which is the time is the database, to copy in .t, the other dims are in .x (-1 means last dimension)
+    'gdat_timedim',[], ...  % if need to reshape data and dim orders to have timedim as gdat_timedim (shifting time to gdat_timedim)
     'min', -inf, ...
     'max', inf);
+% Note that gdat_timedim is set to timedim at end of this function if empty
+% gdat_timedim should have effective index of the time dimension in gdat
 if ~exist('data_request') || isempty(data_request)
@@ -27,140 +29,178 @@ mapping.label = data_request;
 % label is used for plotting
 switch lower(data_request)
  case 'a_minor'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'a(LCFS)';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   mapping.expression = '';
  case 'b0'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'B_0';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   mapping.expression = '';
  case 'beta'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = '\beta';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::beta_tor';
  case 'betan'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = '\beta_N';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   mapping.expression = '';
  case 'betap'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = '\beta_p';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::beta_pol';
  case 'cxrs'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'cxrs';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   mapping.expression = '';
  case 'delta'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_edge';
   % mapping.method = 'function';
   % mapping.expression = ['tdi(''\results::q_psi'');']; % for tests
  case 'delta_top'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'delta\_top';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_top';
  case 'delta_bottom'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'delta\_bottom';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_bot';
  case 'ece'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   mapping.expression = '';
  case 'eqdsk'
+  mapping.timedim = 0;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % could use function make_eqdsk directly?
   mapping.expression = '';
  case 'halpha'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'Halpha';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = '\base::pd:pd_011';
  case 'ioh'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'I ohmic transformer';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = [{'\magnetics::ipol[*,$1]'} {'OH_001'}];
  case 'ip'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'Plasma current';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = '\magnetics::iplasma:trapeze';
  case 'kappa'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::kappa_edge';
  case 'mhd'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'n=1,2, etc';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   mapping.expression = '';
  case 'ne'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'neint'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'line integrated el. density';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = '\results::fir:lin_int_dens';
  case 'nel'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'line-averaged el. density';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = '\results::fir:n_average';
  case 'nerho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'ne';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'neterho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'ne and Te';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'ni'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % especially since might have option fit, etc
  case 'powers'
   mapping.label = 'various powers';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'q0'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::q_zero';
  case 'q95'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::q_95';
  case 'qedge'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::q_edge';
  case 'qrho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'q';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'rgeom'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'Rgeom';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'rhovol'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'rhovol\_norm';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % from conf if exist otherwise computes it
  case 'rmag'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'R\_magaxis';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::r_axis';
  case 'sxr'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'te'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'Te';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'terho'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'Te';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'ti'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'Ti';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'transp'
   mapping.label = 'transp output';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'vloop'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = '';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
-  mapping.expression = '';
+  mapping.expression = [{'\magnetics::vloop[*,$1]'} {'001'}];
  case 'vol'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'Volume';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   % mapping.expression = '\results::psitbx:vol'; (if exists for liuqe2 and 3 as well)
  case 'zeff'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'zeff from Ip-Ibs';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = '\results::ibs:z_eff';
  case 'zgeom'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'Zgeom';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  case 'zmag'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'Zmagaxis';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::z_axis';
@@ -175,4 +215,6 @@ switch lower(data_request)
+if isempty(mapping.gdat_timedim)
+  mapping.gdat_timedim = mapping.timedim;
diff --git a/crpptbx_new/gdat_plot.m b/crpptbx_new/gdat_plot.m
index 02c616e88bd508ecd80afec3aea57fb760650944..04a3c9b4c4a07e91d50ea8400cd1ccfc36019fb7 100644
--- a/crpptbx_new/gdat_plot.m
+++ b/crpptbx_new/gdat_plot.m
@@ -25,10 +25,17 @@ if prod(isfield(gdat_data,{'data','t'})) && ~isempty(gdat_data.data) && ~isempty
     fighandle = figure(abs(gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot));
     hold all
-  plot(gdat_data.t,gdat_data.data);
-  title([gdat_data.gdat_params.machine ' #' num2str(gdat_data.shot)]);
-  ylabel(gdat_data.label);
-  zoom on;
+  if any(find(size(gdat_data.data)==length(gdat_data.t)))
+    plot(gdat_data.t,gdat_data.data);
+    title([gdat_data.gdat_params.machine ' #' num2str(gdat_data.shot)]);
+    if isfield(gdat_data,'mapping_for')
+      xlabel(['time [' gdat_data.dimunits{gdat_data.mapping_for.(gdat_data.gdat_params.machine).gdat_timedim} ']']);
+    else
+      xlabel(['time']);
+    end
+    ylabel([gdat_data.label '[' gdat_data.units ']']);
+    zoom on;
+  end
   disp('cannot plot gdat_data, has empty data or t field')