From ff5568d0ecb81a10f5715e81fd13420855693a0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luke Simons <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 18:08:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Changed tcv_get_deploymentinfo to take function name

 matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m  | 83 ++++++++++++-----------
 matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m
index 576b97c..f5562e1 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m
@@ -1,55 +1,60 @@
-function info = tcv_get_deploymentinfo(filepath)
+function info = tcv_get_deploymentinfo(function_name)
     % Reads a deployment info file and extracts relevant details
     % Author: L. Simons
     % Date: 07/03/25
     % Args:
-    %   filepath: Path to the text file
+    %   function_name: String, name of function
     % Returns:
     %   info: Struct containing extracted information
     % Initialize output struct
     info = struct();
-    info.repository=fileparts(filepath);
-    % Check if file exists
-    if exist(filepath, 'file') ~= 2
-        error('File does not exist: %s', filepath);
-    end
-    % Open file for reading
-    fid = fopen(filepath, 'r');
-    if fid == -1
-        error('Could not open file: %s', filepath);
-    end
-    % Read file line by line
-    while ~feof(fid)
-        line = fgetl(fid);
-        if ischar(line)
-            tokens = regexp(line, '^(\w+):\s(.+)$', 'tokens');
-            if ~isempty(tokens)
-                key = tokens{1}{1};
-                value = strtrim(tokens{1}{2});
-                % Store relevant fields in the struct
-                switch key
-                    case 'DEPLOYMENT_DATE'
-                        info.deployment_date = value;
-                    case 'GIT_TAG'
-                        info.git_tag = value;
-                    case 'GIT_COMMIT'
-                        info.git_commit = value;
-                    case 'GIT_TAG_DATE'
-                        info.git_tag_date = value;
-                    case 'GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'
-                        info.gitlab_project_url = value;
+    try
+        filepath=fullfile(fileparts(which(function_name)),'');
+        info.repository=fileparts(filepath);
+        % Check if file exists
+        if exist(filepath, 'file') ~= 2
+            error('File does not exist: %s', filepath);
+        end
+        % Open file for reading
+        fid = fopen(filepath, 'r');
+        if fid == -1
+            error('Could not open file: %s', filepath);
+        end
+        % Read file line by line
+        while ~feof(fid)
+            line = fgetl(fid);
+            if ischar(line)
+                tokens = regexp(line, '^(\w+):\s(.+)$', 'tokens');
+                if ~isempty(tokens)
+                    key = tokens{1}{1};
+                    value = strtrim(tokens{1}{2});
+                    % Store relevant fields in the struct
+                    switch key
+                        case 'DEPLOYMENT_DATE'
+                            info.deployment_date = value;
+                        case 'GIT_TAG'
+                            info.git_tag = value;
+                        case 'GIT_COMMIT'
+                            info.git_commit = value;
+                        case 'GIT_TAG_DATE'
+                            info.git_tag_date = value;
+                        case 'GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'
+                            info.gitlab_project_url = value;
+                    end
+        % Close the file
+        fclose(fid);
+    catch
+        warning('Failed to read .deployment at filepath: %s',filepath);
-    % Close the file
-    fclose(fid);
diff --git a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m
index b9fd4b3..5cdf1cf 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ if status = 'rc_load_diodes';
     ids_soft_x_rays.code.description = ['rc_load_diodes, RADCAM gitlab repo, loads' ...
       'the signal from the SXR diodes in arbitrary units.'];
-    radcam_gitinfo = tcv_get_deploymentinfo(fullfile(fileparts(which(,''));
+    radcam_gitinfo = tcv_get_deploymentinfo(;