function [fighandle]=gdat_plot(gdat_data,varargin); % % choices from doplot in gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot: % doplot = 0: no plot % = 1: new figure created (default if not given) % = -1: add to current figure (with hold all) % > 1: create new figure with this number, adding clf % <-1: add to figure number abs(doplot) (with hold all) % fighandle = NaN; gdat_plot_params.dummy=NaN; if mod(nargin-1,2)==0 for i=1:2:nargin-1 if ischar(varargin{i}) % enforce lower case for any character driven input gdat_plot_params.(lower(varargin{i})) = varargin{i+1}; else warning(['input argument nb: ' num2str(i) ' is incorrect, expects a character string']) error_status=101; return end end else warning('number of input arguments incorrect, cannot make pairs of parameters') error_status=102; return end doplot=1; if isfield(gdat_plot_params,'doplot') && ~isempty(gdat_plot_params.doplot) doplot = gdat_plot_params.doplot; elseif isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'doplot') || ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot) if gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot~=0 % assume one does not call gdat_plot not to plot doplot = gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot; end end if doplot==0; return; end if all(isfield(gdat_data,{'data','t'})) && ~isempty( && ~isempty(gdat_data.t) fighandle = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); if doplot == 1 fighandle = figure; elseif doplot > 1 fighandle = figure(doplot); clf; elseif doplot == -1 hold all elseif doplot < -1 fighandle = figure(abs(doplot)); hold all end if strcmp(gdat_data.gdat_request,'eqdsk') % special case, plot contours of first equil endstr = ''; if iscell(gdat_data.eqdsk); endstr = '{1}'; end eval(['contour(gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.rmesh,gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.zmesh,gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.psi'',100);']) hold on eval(['plot(gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.rplas,gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.zplas,''k'');']) eval(['plot(gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.rlim,gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.zlim,''k'');']) axis equal; title(eval(['gdat_data.eqdsk' endstr '.stitle'])); elseif any(find(size( plot(gdat_data.t,; title([gdat_data.gdat_params.machine ' #' num2str(gdat_data.shot)]); if isfield(gdat_data,'mapping_for') xlabel(['time [' gdat_data.dimunits{gdat_data.mapping_for.(gdat_data.gdat_params.machine).gdat_timedim} ']']); else xlabel(['time']); end ylabel_eff = gdat_data.label; if iscell(gdat_data.label) && length(gdat_data.label)>=2; ylabel_eff = gdat_data.label{end}; end if ~isempty(gdat_data.units) hylabel=ylabel([ylabel_eff '[' gdat_data.units ']'],'interpreter','none'); else hylabel=ylabel(ylabel_eff,'interpreter','none'); end if iscell(gdat_data.label) && length(gdat_data.label)>=2; legend(gdat_data.label,'interpreter','none'); end zoom on; end if strcmp(gdat_data.gdat_request,'mhd') % special case, add legend instead of ylabel delete(hylabel); legend(gdat_data.label,2); % add spectrogram per signal mhd_sum_data = 0.; nfft=1024; tmhdm=mean(reshape(gdat_data.t(1:nfft*fix(length(gdat_data.t)/nfft)),nfft,fix(length(gdat_data.t)/nfft))); for i=1:size(,2) [B,F,T]=specgram(,i),nfft,1/mean(diff(gdat_data.t)),hanning(nfft),nfft/2); figure imagesc(T+tmhdm(1),F/1e3,20*log10(abs(B)));axis xy;colormap jet; ylabel('freq') xlabel(gdat_data.dimunits{1}) ylabel_eff = gdat_data.label; if iscell(gdat_data.label) && length(gdat_data.label)>=i; ylabel_eff = gdat_data.label{i}; end title([upper(gdat_data.gdat_params.machine) '#' num2str(gdat_data.shot) ' ' ylabel_eff]) mhd_sum_data = mhd_sum_data +,i); end [B,F,T]=specgram(mhd_sum_data./size(,2),nfft,1/mean(diff(gdat_data.t)),hanning(nfft),nfft/2); figure imagesc(T+tmhdm(1),F/1e3,20*log10(abs(B)));axis xy;colormap jet; ylabel('freq') xlabel(gdat_data.dimunits{1}) ylabel_eff = gdat_data.label; if iscell(gdat_data.label); ylabel_eff = sprintf('%s ',gdat_data.label{:}); end title([upper(gdat_data.gdat_params.machine) '#' num2str(gdat_data.shot) ' sum of ' ylabel_eff]) end else disp('cannot plot gdat_data, has empty data or t field') end