function info_pf_active = extract_info_connection_matrix(ids_pf_active) % % info_pf_active = extract_info_connection_matrix(ids_pf_active); % % Extract the following information from pf_active and connection % matrix and add them to the ids_pf_active structure % % ------------------------------------------- % Which coils belong to a specific circuit added to % pf_active.circuit{i}.coils_belonging_to_circuit % % Which power supply belongs to a spefic circuit added to % pf_active.circuit{i}.supplies_belonging_to_circuit % % Which circuit does a given coil belong to added to % pf_active.coil{i}.belonged_circuit % % Which circuit does a given power supply belong to %{i}.belonged_circuit % info_pf_active = ids_pf_active; info_pf_active.ntotcoils = numel(ids_pf_active.coil); info_pf_active.ntotcircuits = numel(ids_pf_active.circuit); info_pf_active.ntotsupplies = numel(; info_pf_active.ntotelements = info_pf_active.ntotcoils + info_pf_active.ntotsupplies; for ii = 1:info_pf_active.ntotcircuits % Supplies belonging to the circuit supplies_of_circuit = {}; supplies_of_circuit_ind = []; counter = 0; for jj=1:info_pf_active.ntotsupplies index = (2*(jj-1) + 1); if sum(ids_pf_active.circuit{ii}.connections(:,index)) == 1 counter = counter +1; supplies_of_circuit{counter} ={jj}.name; supplies_of_circuit_ind(counter) = jj; end end info_pf_active.circuit{ii}.supplies_belonging_to_circuit = supplies_of_circuit; info_pf_active.circuit{ii}.supplies_ind_belonging_to_circuit = supplies_of_circuit_ind; % Find to which circuit each supply belongs to for jj=supplies_of_circuit_ind{jj}.belonged_circuit = ids_pf_active.circuit{ii}.name;{jj}.belonged_circuit_ind = ii; end % Coils belonging to the circuit coils_of_circuit = {}; coils_of_circuit_ind = []; counter = 0; for jj=1:info_pf_active.ntotcoils index = (2*(jj-1) + 1 + 2*info_pf_active.ntotsupplies); if sum(ids_pf_active.circuit{ii}.connections(:,index)) == 1 counter = counter +1; coils_of_circuit{counter} = ids_pf_active.coil{jj}.name; coils_of_circuit_ind(counter) = jj; end end info_pf_active.circuit{ii}.coils_belonging_to_circuit = coils_of_circuit; info_pf_active.circuit{ii}.coils_ind_belonging_to_circuit = coils_of_circuit_ind; % Find to which circuit each coil belongs to for jj=coils_of_circuit_ind info_pf_active.coil{jj}.belonged_circuit = ids_pf_active.circuit{ii}.name; info_pf_active.coil{jj}.belonged_circuit_ind = ii; end end