function info_pf_active = plot_connection_matrices(ids_pf_active) % % info_pf_active = plot_connection_matrices(ids_pf_active); % info_pf_active = extract_info_connection_matrix(ids_pf_active); for kk=1:info_pf_active.ntotcircuits figure mat = info_pf_active.circuit{kk}.connections; b = zeros([size(mat)]+1); b(1:end-1, 1:end-1) = mat; pcolor(b) yti = [1:size(b,1)]+0.5; xti = [1:size(b,2)]+0.5; ylab = cellstr(num2str([1:size(b,1)-1]')); index = 0; xlab = {}; % Get the labels for ii=1:info_pf_active.ntotsupplies index = index +1; if any(ii==info_pf_active.circuit{kk}.supplies_ind_belonging_to_circuit) addcolor = '\color{red}'; else addcolor = '\color{green}'; end xlab{index} = [addcolor{ii}.name 'in']; index = index +1; xlab{index} = [addcolor{ii}.name 'out']; end for ii=1:info_pf_active.ntotcoils if any(ii==info_pf_active.circuit{kk}.coils_ind_belonging_to_circuit) addcolor = '\color{red}'; else addcolor = '\color{black}'; end index = index +1; xlab{index} = [addcolor info_pf_active.coil{ii}.name 'in']; index = index +1; xlab{index} = [addcolor info_pf_active.coil{ii}.name 'out']; end xlab = strrep(xlab,'_','\_'); % since we need the tex interpreter for colors shg axis ij ax = gca; colormap(bone(2)) xlabel('Element name. (red) Elemement belonging to circuit. (green) power supplies. (black) coils'); ylabel('Node'); title(['Circuit ' num2str(kk) ': ' info_pf_active.circuit{kk}.name]) set(ax,'Xtick', xti, 'Ytick', yti, 'XTickLabel', xlab, 'YTickLabel', ylab', 'XTickLabelRotation', 90) end