function [trace,error,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_type,varargin) % % function [trace,error,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_type,varargin) % % list of data_type currently available: % % All machines % 'Ip' = current % 'zmag' = vertical position of the center of the plasma (magnetic axis) % 'rmag' = radial position of the center of the plasma % 'rcont' = R of plama boundary vs time % 'zcont' = Z of plama boundary vs time % 'vol' = volume of flux surfaces vs rho=sqrt(psi) % 'qrho' = q profile on rho mesh % 'q95' = q95 vs time % 'kappa', 'elon' = edge elongation vs time % 'delta', 'triang' = edge averaged triangularity vs time % 'deltatop', 'triangtop' = edge upper (top) triangularity vs time % 'deltabot', 'triangbot' = edge lower (bottom) triangularity vs time % 'neint' = line-integrated electron density [m/m^3] % 'ne'= ne raw profile on (z,t). ADD error bars in .std % 'te'= Te raw profile on (z,t). ADD error bars in .std % 'nerho'= ne profile on (rho=sqrt(psi),time) mesh.Note rho is a 2D array as depends on time. ADD error bars in .std % 'terho'= Te profile on (rho=sqrt(psi),time) mesh.Note rho is a 2D array as depends on time. ADD error bars in .std % 'ece' = electron cyclotron emission % 'sxr' = soft x-ray emission % 'sxR' = soft x-ray emission with varargout{1} option (requires varargin{5}!) % % specific to TCV (see help loadTCVdata for more information) % 'xx_2 or xx_3' for Liuqe2 or 3: same as above for xx related to equilibrium % 'vol' = volume of flux surfaces % 'profnerho' = ne smoothed or fitted , vs (rho,t) (from Thomson fit) % 'profterho' = te smoothed or fitted , vs (rho,t) (from Thomson fit) % 'neft' = ne fitted from data on rho mesh (from proffit.local_time:neft) % 'teft' = te fitted from data on rho mesh (from proffit.local_time:teft) % 'neftav' = ne fitted from averaged over time data on rho mesh (from proffit.avg_time:neft) % 'teftav' = te fitted from averaged over time data on rho mesh (from proffit.avg_time:teft) % 'ece' = electron cyclotron emission % 'sxr' = soft x-ray emission % 'sxR' = soft x-ray emission with varargout{1} option (requires varargin{4}!) % 'MPX' = soft x-ray from wire chambers % 'vtor' = toroidal rotation, raw data and arror bars % 'vtorfit' = fitted toroidal rotation profiles (and error bars) % 'vpol' = poloidal rotation, raw data and arror bars % 'vpolfit' = fitted poloidal rotation profiles (and error bars) % 'Ti' (or Tc), 'Tifit', 'ni' (or nC), 'nifit', 'zeffcxrs', 'zeffcxrsfit': similar to 'vtor' from CXRS % % JET % Special case compatible with old gdat.m allows (JET related): gdat(51994,'ppf','efit/xip',1) % % INPUT: % % shot: shot number % data_type: type of the required data.( see above) % % optional arguments valid for all values of data_type (not passed on to loadMACHINEdata function): % % varargin{1}: 0 => no plot (default), 1 => plot % varargin{2}: machine name 'AUG', 'JET' , 'TCV' (default: depending on where implemented) % % Additional input arguments for specific traces (passed on to loadMACHINEdata function) % % data_type=sxr or ece: % varargin{3}: [i1 i2] : if not empty, assumes need many chords from i1 to i2 % varargin{4}: channel status 1= unread yet, 0= read % (for traces with many channel, enables to load additional channels, % like SXR, ECE, etc.) % varargin{5}: zmag for varargout{1} computation % % OUTPUT: % % trace: structure containing data and meshes (compatible with tdi main structure) % data % trace.t: time of reference % trace.x: space of reference % trace.dim: cell array of grids, trace.dim{1}, {2}, ... % trace.dimunits: units of dimensions % trace.std: if error bars are available % % error: error in loading signal (0=> OK, >=1 => error) % % Additional Output arguments depending on data_type % % data_type=sxR: % varargout{1}: intersection of the view lines with magnetic axis % data_type=MPX: (specific to TCV) % varargout{1}: see help loadTCVdata % % % functions needed: loadAUGdata, loadJETdata, loadTCVdata % % % Examples: % [zmag,error]=gdat(shot,'zmag',1); % gets zmag from TCV and plot % [zmag,error]=gdat(shot,'zmag',1,'JET'); % idem but from JET % [zmag,error]=gdat(shot,'ppf','efit/zmag',1); as above for JET % % gdatpaths nargineff=nargin; if nargineff>=3 & ischar(varargin{1}) data_type={data_type ; varargin{1}}; if nargineff>=4; varargin{1}=varargin{2}; else varargin{1}=0; nargineff=4; end varargin{2}='JET'; end % SETTING MACHINE doplot=0; if (nargineff>=3 & ~isempty(varargin{1})); doplot=varargin{1}; end a=which('gdat'); if ~isempty(findstr('ipp',a)) | ~isempty(findstr('/u/osauter',a)); machine='AUG'; global usemdsplus; % so far from AUG, do not use mdsplus usemdsplus=0; elseif ~isempty(findstr('/home/osauter',a)); machine='JET'; elseif ~isempty(findstr('/home/sauter',a)); machine='TCV'; elseif ~isempty(findstr('/u/sauter',a)); machine='D3D'; end if ~exist('machine') % disp('did not find machine, set it to TCV') machine='TCV'; end if (nargineff>=4 & ~isempty(varargin{2})); machine=varargin{2}; end % load data from specified machine if nargineff<=4 eval(['[trace,error,varargout] = load' machine 'data(shot,data_type);']); else eval(['[trace,error,varargout] = load' machine 'data(shot,data_type,varargin{3:end});']); end % PLOT DATA (if required) if doplot~=0; set_defaults_matlab; end if doplot==1 & length(>1 & ~ischar( try figure;zoom on if length(size(<=2 hhh=plot(trace.t,; ylabel(data_type) else for idim=1:length(trace.dim) if length(trace.t)==length(trace.dim{idim}); idim_t=idim; end end if idim_t<=2 hhh=plot(trace.t,,:,floor(end/2))); ylabel([data_type '(:,:,floor(end/2))']) elseif idim_t==3; hhh=plot(trace.t,reshape(,floor(end/2),:),length(trace.dim{1}),length(trace.t))); ylabel([data_type '(:,floor(end/2),:)']) end end xlabel('time [s]') title([machine ' ' num2str(shot)]) grid on catch disp(' error in plotting part, most probably because could not guess time dimension correctly. To check') end elseif doplot==-1 try hold on child_h=get(gca,'child'); nbplot=length(child_h); if length(size(<=2 hhh=plotos(trace.t,,'-',[],[],colos(mod(nbplot,12)+1,:)); else hhh=plot(trace.t,,:,1),'--'); end catch disp(' error in plotting part, most probably because could not guess time dimension correctly. To check') end end try if exist('hhh') && ishandle(hhh(end)); set(hhh(end),'Tag',['gdat: ' num2str(shot)]); end catch end h2=findobj(gca,'-regexp','Tag','gdat:*'); if ~isempty(h2); legend(get(sort(h2),'Tag')); end