function help_struct = aug_help_parameters(parameter_list) % % retrieve from present table the relevant help lines for the parameter_list{:} % should come from sqlite database at some point... % % return the whole help structure if parameter_list empty or not provided % % do: % help_struct = aug_help_parameters(fieldnames(gdat_data.gdat_params)); % % to get relevant help description % % Defaults help_struct_all = struct(... 'data_request', ['automatically filled in by gdat, name of request used in gdat call.' char(10) ... 'contains current list of keywords if gdat called with no arguments: aa=gdat;' char(10) ... 'Note shot value should not be in params so params can be used to load same data from another shot'] ... ,'machine', 'machine name like ''TCV'', ''AUG'', case insensitive' ... ,'doplot', '0 (default), if 1 calls gdat_plot for a new figure, -1 plot over current figure with hold all, see gdat_plot for details' ... ,'liuqe','liuqe version 1 (default), 2, 3 for LIUQE1, 2, 3 resp. or -1 for model values' ... ,'nverbose','1 (default) displays warnings, 0: only errors, >=3: displays all extra information' ... ); % AUG related % $$$ help_struct_all.cxrs_plot = '0 (default) no plots, 1 get plots from CXRS_get_profiles see ''help CXRS_get_profiles'' for k_plot values'; % $$$ help_struct_all.time_interval = ['if provided sets a specific time interval [tstart tend].' ... % $$$ char(10) 'cxrs: (time_interval can have several nbs) take data and average over time interval(s) only, plots from CXRS_get_profiles are then provided' ... % $$$ ' as well']; help_struct_all.extra_arg_sf2sig = 'extra parameters given to sf2sig type of calls, should be effective full args in one string like extra_arg_sf2sig= ''''''-ed'''',2'''; help_struct_all.special_signal = 'specific parameter,area-base,param-set,time-base signal, can be provided as 4th signal in data_request if explicit. Example: ''special_signal'',''param:gyro_freq'''; help_struct_all.fit_tension = ['smoothing value used in interpos fitting routine, -30 means ''30 times default value'', thus -1 often a' ... ' good value' char(10) ... 'cxrs, nete: if numeric, default for all cases, if structure, default for non given fields']; help_struct_all.time = 'time(s) value(s) if relevant, for example eqdsk is provided by default only for time=1.0s'; % $$$ help_struct_all.zshift = 'vertical shift of equilibrium, either for eqdsk (1 to shift to zaxis=0) or for mapping measurements on to rho surfaces [m]'; help_struct_all.cocos = ['cocos value desired in output, uses eqdsk_cocos_transform. Note should use latter if a specific Ip and/or B0 sign' ... 'is wanted. See O. Sauter et al Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 293']; % $$$ help_struct_all.edge = '0 (default), 1 to get edge Thomson values'; = '0, no fit profiles, 1 (default) if fit profiles desired as well, relevant for _rho profiles. See also fit_type'; help_struct_all.fit_type = 'type of fits ''std'' (default) uses diagnostic error bars, ''pedestal'', uses manual error bars with smaller values outside 0.8'; help_struct_all.fit_nb_rho_points = 'nb of points for the radial mesh over which the fits are evaluated for the fitted profiles, it uses an equidistant mesh at this stage'; help_struct_all.source = ['sxr: ''G'' (default, with ssx), camera name ''J'', ''G'', ...[F-M], case insensitive;' char(10) ... 'cxrs: ''CEZ'' (default), ''CMZ'',''CUZ'',''COZ'',''all'';' char(10) ... 'raptor: ''observer'', ''predictive'' (or ''obs'', ''pre'') to restrict the ouput to these signals']; help_struct_all.source_exp_name = ['ne_rho, te_rho, nete_rho for fit from TRA source typically or IDA when expname not the same as formain signal']; = ['[] (default, all), [i1 i2 ...] chord nbs ([1 3 5] if only chords 1, 3 and 5 are desired), ''central'' uses J_049']; help_struct_all.freq = '''slow'', default (means ssx, 500kHz), lower sampling; ''fast'' full samples 2MHz; integer value nn for downsampling every nn''th points'; %help_struct_all. = ''; %help_struct_all. = ''; if ~exist('parameter_list') || isempty(parameter_list) help_struct = help_struct_all; return end if iscell(parameter_list) parameter_list_eff = parameter_list; elseif ischar(parameter_list) % assume only one parameter provided as char string parameter_list_eff{1} = parameter_list; else disp(['unknown type of parameter_list in aug_help_parameters.m']) parameter_list return end fieldnames_all = fieldnames(help_struct_all); for i=1:length(parameter_list_eff) if any(strcmp(fieldnames_all,parameter_list_eff{i})) help_struct.(parameter_list_eff{i}) = help_struct_all.(parameter_list_eff{i}); end end