% % script to get TCV data as ids and then write them on the database % shot=40000; shot=62745; run_out=999; occurence=0; ids2get = {'equilibrium', 'magnetics', 'pf_active','wall'}; % default will load all defined so far [ids_from_tcv,idsok] = tcv2ids(shot,ids2get); %% can plot with: [plotids_H] = plotids([],idsok.ids{1},idsok.ids{2}); if isfield(ids_from_tcv,'tf') % avoid present problem of not saving data if ids_from_tcv.tf.field_map{1}.time is not set if abs(ids_from_tcv.tf.field_map{1}.time+9.e40)<1e-5 ids_from_tcv.tf.field_map{1}.time = -8.9000e+40; disp(['WARNING: ids_from_tcv.tf.field_map{1}.time changed to ' num2str(ids_from_tcv.tf.field_map{1}.time) ' to avoid writing error']); end end %% [ids_put_status] = ids2database(shot,run_out,occurence,ids_from_tcv);