function [ids_tf,ids_tf_description] = tcv_get_ids_tf(shot, ids_tf_empty, gdat_params,varargin) % % [ids_tf] = tcv_get_ids_tf(shot, ids_tf_empty,varargin); % % Get the vacuum toroidal field % % ids_tf_empty should at least be the empty tf ids structure in input % % gdat_params: gdat_data.gdat_params to get all params passed from original call, in particular error_bar options % ids_tf = ids_tf_empty; if exist('gdat_params','var') [ids_tf, params_tf] = tcv_ids_headpart(shot, ids_tf_empty,'tf','homogeneous_time',0,'gdat_params',gdat_params,varargin{:}); params_eff = gdat_params; params_eff.data_request = 'b0'; tmp = gdat_tcv(shot,params_eff); else [ids_tf, params_tf] = tcv_ids_headpart(shot, ids_tf_empty,'tf','homogeneous_time',0,varargin{:}); tmp = gdat_tcv(shot, 'b0'); end if ~ischar( ids_tf.r0 = tmp.r0; ids_tf_description.r0 = ' b0.r0 from gdat_tcv(shot, ''b0'')'; = .* ids_tf.r0; = ' gdat_tcv(shot, ''b0'') * .r0'; ids_tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.data_error_upper = 19.2e-6*200; %TODO: Check the 200A value (might be more since TOR goes up to 70kA) ids_tf_description.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.data_error_upper = ' Error on coil measurement is 200A, b0.r0 is 19.2e-6*iphi'; ids_tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.time = tmp.t; else % leave defaults ids_tf_description = struct([]); end % make arrays not filled in empty: not the case for magnetics ids_tf.coil = {}; ids_tf.field_map = {}; % cocos automatic transform if exist('ids_generic_cocos_nodes_transformation_symbolic','file') [ids_tf,cocoscoeff]=ids_generic_cocos_nodes_transformation_symbolic(ids_tf,'tf',gdat_params.cocos_in, ... gdat_params.cocos_out,gdat_params.ipsign_out,gdat_params.b0sign_out,gdat_params.ipsign_in,gdat_params.b0sign_in, ... gdat_params.error_bar,gdat_params.nverbose); end