function [trace,error,varargout]=loadJETdata(shot,data_type,varargin) % % % INPUT: % shot: shot number % data_type: type of the required data. Ex.: 'Ip', 'zmag', 'rmag','sxr', 'ece', 'sxR' % optional: % varargin{1}: [i1 i2] : if not empty, assumes need many chords from i1 to i2 % varargin{2}: channel staus 1= unread yet, 0= read % varargin{3}: zmag for varargout{1} computation % % OUTPUT: % data structure % trace.t: time of reference % trace.x: space of reference % varargout{1}: intersection of the view lines with magnetics axis % % function needed: mds functions-xtomo_geometry-get_xtomo (Furno's routines) % VsxrTCVradius-jetreaddata % list of data_type currently available: % 'Ip' = current % 'zmag' = vertical position of the center of the plasma (magnetic axis) % 'rmag' = radial position of the center of the plasma % 'ece' = electron cyclotron emission % 'sxr' = soft x-ray emission % 'sxR' = soft x-ray emission with varargout{1} option (requires varargin{5}!) % Example: % [zmag,error]=loadJETdata(shot,'zmag'); % JETsigkeywrd=[{'Ip'} ; {'zmag'} ; {'rmag'}]; JETsig.iip=1; JETsig.izmag=2; JETsig.irmag=3; JETsiglocation=[{'ppf'; 'efit/xip'} {'ppf'; 'efit/zmag'} {'ppf'; 'efit/rmag'}]; % setting location of the required data index_sig=strmatch(data_type,JETsigkeywrd); if ~isempty(index_sig); location=JETsiglocation(:,index_sig); elseif size(data_type,1)==2 location=data_type; end % LOAD MULTI CHANNEL DATA % load JET soft x-ray data if (strcmp(data_type,'sxr') | strcmp(data_type,'sxR')) % parameters needed for correct convertion of JET Sxr data vconvert= [1.379 1.311 1.249 1.191 1.139 1.093 1.049 ... 1.011 0.975 0.945 0.917 0.893 0.873 0.856 ... 0.842 0.829 0.821 0.815 0.821 0.829 0.842 ... 0.856 0.873 0.894 0.918 0.946 0.976 1.012 ... 1.050 1.094 1.141 1.193 1.251 1.313 1.382]; starti=varargin{1}(1); endi=varargin{1}(2); status=varargin{2}; for i=starti:endi % Read channels from lowchannel to upchannel if necessary if status(i)==1 % Status=1 => Not Read Yet % vertical SXR chords ppftype='jpf'; tracename=['db/j3-sxr<v' num2str(i) '''''/1']; [a,t,x,d,e]=jetreaddata(['' ppftype '/' num2str(shot) '/' tracename]);,i)=a; trace.t(:,i)=t; trace.x(:,i)=x; error=e; if error~=0 [aaa bbb]=jetgetlasterrordetail; disp(bbb) end % Convert from raw sxr data to W/m^2,:) =,:) * vconvert(i); % calculating intersection of the view lines with magnetics axis if strcmp(data_type,'sxR') zmag=varargin{3}; radius(:,i)=2.848 + ( .* ... tan(-4.5/180.*3.14159 - atan2(0.99.*(i-18),35.31)); varargout={radius}; end end end elseif strcmp(data_type,'ece') starti=varargin{1}(1); endi=varargin{1}(2); status=varargin{2}; % Read channels from lowchannel to upchannel if necessary for i=starti:endi if status(i)==1 if i<10 % ECE, te0 % Status=1 => Not Read Yet ppftype='ppf'; tracename=['kk3/te0'num2str(i)]; [a,t,x,d,e]=jetreaddata(['' ppftype '/' num2str(shot) '/' tracename]);,i)=a; trace.t(:,i)=t; trace.x(:,i)=x; error=e; if error~=0 [aaa bbb]=jetgetlasterrordetail; disp(bbb) end ppftype='ppf'; tracename=['kk3/rc0'num2str(i)]; [a,t,x,d,e]=jetreaddata(['' ppftype '/' num2str(shot) '/' tracename]);,i)=a; radius.t(:,i)=t; radius.x(:,i)=x; error=e; else ppftype='ppf'; tracename=['kk3/te'num2str(i)]; [a,t,x,d,e]=jetreaddata(['' ppftype '/' num2str(shot) '/' tracename]);,i)=a; trace.t(:,i)=t; trace.x(:,i)=x; error=e; if error~=0 [aaa bbb]=jetgetlasterrordetail; disp(bbb) end ppftype='ppf'; tracename=['kk3/rc'num2str(i)]; [a,t,x,d,e]=jetreaddata(['' ppftype '/' num2str(shot) '/' tracename]);,i)=a; radius.t(:,i)=t; radius.x(:,i)=x; end end end varargout={radius}; else % load other JET data varargout={[]}; ppftype=location{1}; tracename=location{2}; [a,t,x,d,e]=jetreaddata(['' ppftype '/' num2str(shot) '/' tracename]);; trace.t=t; trace.x=x; clear error error=e; if error~=0 [aaa bbb]=jetgetlasterrordetail; disp(bbb) end end