function [trace,error,varargout]=loadTCVdata(shot,data_type,varargin) % % % INPUT: % shot: shot number % data_type: type of the required data. Ex.: 'Ip', 'zmag', 'rmag','sxr', 'ece', 'sxR' % 'MPX' % optional: % varargin{1}: channel status 1= unread yet, 0= read % varargin{2}: [i1 i2] : if not empty, assumes need many chords from i1 to i2 % varargin{3}: zmag for varargout{1} computation % % OUTPUT: % data structure % trace.t: time of reference % trace.x: space of reference % varargout{1}: intersection of the view lines with magnetic axis % % function needed: mds functions-xtomo_geometry-get_xtomo_data (Furno's routines) % VsxrTCVradius % list of data_type currently available: % 'Ip' = current % 'zmag' = vertical position of the center of the plasma (magnetic axis) % 'rmag' = radial position of the center of the plasma % 'ece' = electron cyclotron emission % 'sxr' = soft x-ray emission % 'sxR' = soft x-ray emission with varargout{1} option (requires varargin{4}!) % 'MPX' = soft x-ray from wire chambers % Example: % [zmag,error]=loadTCVdata(shot,'zmag'); % TCVsigkeywrd=[{'Ip'} ; {'zmag'} ; {'rmag'}]; TCVsigtimeindx=['1' ; '1' ; '1']; TCVsig.iip=1; TCVsig.izmag=2; TCVsig.irmag=3; TCVsiglocation=[{'\results::i_p'} ; {'\results::z_axis'} ; {'\results::r_axis'}]; % setting location of the required data index_sig=strmatch(data_type,TCVsigkeywrd); if ~isempty(index_sig); location={TCVsiglocation{index_sig} TCVsigtimeindx(index_sig)}; elseif strcmp(data_type(1:1),'\') index_sig=strmatch(data_type,TCVsiglocation); if ~isempty(index_sig) fprintf(['Note: you can also get this data simply with gdat(shot,' ... char(TCVsigkeywrd(index_sig)) ') instead of the full node name' ' ' data_type]); location={data_type ; '1'}; else % eval(['!mailto_Andrea ''from loadTCVdata, data_type= ' data_type '''']) end else disp(['this data_type' ' ' data_type ' ' 'not yet programmed in loadTCVdata, ask']); end disp(['loading' ' ' data_type ' from TCV shot #' num2str(shot)]); % LOAD DATA if (strcmp(data_type,'sxr') | strcmp(data_type,'sxR')) % load TCV soft x-ray data % camera selection: 1-10. each camera has 20 channels icamera=[0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; %index of the camera to use status=varargin{1}; if ~isempty(find(status(1:20*icamera*ones(10,1)) == 1)) [fans,vangle,xchord,ychord,aomega,angfact]=xtomo_geometry(1,icamera); % calculating intersection of the view lines with magnetic axis if strcmp(data_type,'sxR') zmag=varargin{3}; varargout={VsxrTCVradius(,xchord,ychord)}; t_1=zmag.t(1); t_2=zmag.t(end); else t_1=0.001; t_2=3; varargout={}; end [xtomo_signal,t]=get_xtomo_data(shot,t_1,t_2,13e-6*16, ... icamera,angfact); end for i=1:(20*icamera*ones(10,1)) trace.t(:,i)=t'; end'; error=0; % load TCV ECE data elseif (strcmp(data_type,'ece')) status=varargin{2}; % Status=1 => Not Read Yet if ~isempty(find(status == 1)) [TE_ECE,TE_ECE_ERR,RHO,R,T,TE_THOM,TE_THOM_ERR,Fcentral,CAL]=ece_te ... (shot,[0.1 0.29],10,10); end a=min(find(R(:,1)>=0)); b=max(find(R(:,1)>=0)); for i=1:size(TE_ECE,2) trace.t(:,i)=T(a:b); end,:); radius.t=trace.t;,:); varargout={radius}; error=0; % load TCV MPX data elseif (strcmp(data_type,'MPX')) status=varargin{1}; % Status=1 => Not Read Yet zmag=varargin{3}; t_1=zmag.t(1); t_2=zmag.t(end); if ~isempty(find(status == 1)) mdsopen(shot); signal=get_mds_mio('MPX',[t_1 t_2]); mdsclose(shot); for i=1:size(signal.dim{2},2) trace.t(:,i)=signal.dim{1}; end end [xchord,ychord]=mpx_geometry; varargout={VsxrTCVradius(,xchord,ychord)}; error=0; else % load TCV other data varargout={[]}; mdsopen(shot); tracetdi=tdi(location{1}); mdsclose(shot); time_pos=str2num(location{2}); trace.t=tracetdi.dim{time_pos}; if (length(tracetdi.dim)>1) ii=2; if time_pos==2; ii=1; end; trace.x=tracetdi.dim{ii}; else trace.x=[]; end error=0; end