function IDS_out = complete_IDS_CORSICA(IDS_in,varargin) % % % doread = 0; dosave = 0; if doread % $$$ clear all % $$$ close all % $$$ clc % This script will complete the IDS of CORSICA with the missing fields recomputing the missing quantities from available information data_path_in = '/NoTivoli/carpanes/LIU_RAP_ITER/CORSICA_ids/CORSICA_130510.mat'; %path_IDS = '/NoTivoli/carpanes/LIU_RAP_ITER/CORSICA_ids/CORSICA_130506.mat'; data_path_out = '/NoTivoli/carpanes/LIU_RAP_ITER/CORSICA_ids/CORSICA_130510_extended_COCOS17_trial.mat'; % Load the IDS_in file IDS_out = load(data_path_in); else IDS_out = IDS_in; end %% Correct COCOS convention on original data % Put homogenous = 0 on magnetic but 1 on the coils. % Sign of the angle of the magnetic probes. %% G = G_ITER_generator; % Get the structure from generating files Pliuqe = liupiter(1000,'uuu',ones(,1),'vvv',ones(G.nm,1), 'www', ones(,1)); % Some default setting that could be removed probably to use the liupiter directly G = liug(G,Pliuqe); L = liuc(Pliuqe,G); % Extract information from CORSICA IDS_out [LC,LXC,LYC] = LLXLY_IDS_corsica(L, IDS_out); %% -------------------- ADD the missing information on the existing IDS_out CORSICA ----------------------- %% Consider each circuit to be composed by only one coil tmp = data_coils(); for ii = 1:numel(tmp.names) for jj=1:numel(IDS_out.pf_active.coil) % Remove strange character in coil names IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.name = regexprep(IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.name,'[\n\r]+',''); if strcmp(tmp.names{ii},IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.name) IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.element{1}.geometry.geometry_type = 2; % Rectangle description IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.element{1}.geometry.rectangle.r = tmp.R(ii); IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.element{1}.geometry.rectangle.z = tmp.Z(ii); IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.element{1}.geometry.rectangle.width = tmp.dR(ii); IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.element{1}.geometry.rectangle.height = tmp.dZ(ii); IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.element{1}.turns_with_sign = tmp.N(ii); end end end %% Add the data to the circuit tmp = data_circuits(); Ncircuit_eff = size(tmp,1); Ncircuit_in = numel(IDS_out.pf_active.circuit); Nsupply_in = numel(; Ncoils = numel(IDS_out.pf_active.coil); % time will be set in circuit.current.time so should not put it at top and set homogeneous to 0? IDS_out.pf_active.time = []; IDS_out.pf_active.ids_properties.homogeneous_time = 0; % Make sure default substructure maintained if insert new indices pf_active_default = gdat([],'ids','source','pf_active'); pf_active_default = pf_active_default.pf_active; if Ncircuit_eff > Ncircuit_in IDS_out.pf_active.circuit(Ncircuit_in+1:Ncircuit_eff) = pf_active_default.circuit(1); end if Ncircuit_eff > Nsupply_in =; end for ii=1:Ncircuit_eff IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii}.name = tmp{ii,1}{1};{ii}.name = tmp{ii,1}{1}; % Find index of the coils belonging to ii circuit index_coil = []; for jj =1:Ncoils if any(strcmp(tmp{ii,2}, IDS_out.pf_active.coil{jj}.name)) index_coil = [index_coil jj]; end end % Add the current data to the circuit from the data on the coils. % The coils must share the same current in the circuit so just take the first one. IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii} = IDS_out.pf_active.coil{index_coil(1)}{index_coil(1)}.element{1}.turns_with_sign; IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii}.current.time = IDS_out.pf_active.coil{index_coil(1)}.current.time; IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii}.connections = zeros(2*numel(index_coil) -1 , 2*Ncircuit_eff + 2*Ncoils); for jj = 1:numel(index_coil) IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii}.connections( jj , 2*Ncircuit_eff + 2*(index_coil(jj)-1) +1) = 1; IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii}.connections( jj +1 , 2*Ncircuit_eff + 2*(index_coil(jj)-1) +2) = 1; end % Add the connection to the power supply IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii}.connections(1, 2*ii -1) = 1; IDS_out.pf_active.circuit{ii}.connections(end, 2*ii ) =1; end %% Limiter description tmp = data_limiter(); IDS_out.wall.ids_properties.homogeneous_time = 0; % no times are set so just say not homogeneous IDS_out.wall.description_2d{1}.limiter.unit{1}.outline.r = tmp.r; IDS_out.wall.description_2d{1}.limiter.unit{1}.outline.z = tmp.z; % problem with mex ids_put when time default or empty, make outline and ggd empty IDS_out.wall.description_2d{1}.mobile.unit{1}.outline = {}; IDS_out.wall.description_ggd = {}; %% Vessel description % Understand what I need to do for the double layer vessel %% -------------- Synthetic diagnostics------------ Need to be recomputed from CORSICA flux map % since time set in subnode method{1}.ip.time, set homogeneous to 0 (magnetics.time already empty) IDS_out.magnetics.ids_properties.homogeneous_time = 0; IDS_out.magnetics.method{1}.ip.time = LXC.t; IDS_out.magnetics.method{1} = LXC.Ip; %% Ff tmp = data_Ff(); % Make sure default substructure maintained if insert new indices magnetics_default = gdat([],'ids','source','magnetics'); magnetics_default = magnetics_default.magnetics; Nflux_loop_in = numel(IDS_out.magnetics.flux_loop); Nflux_loop_eff = numel(tmp.r); if Nflux_loop_eff > Nflux_loop_in IDS_out.magnetics.flux_loop(Nflux_loop_in+1:Nflux_loop_eff) = magnetics_default.flux_loop(1); end for ii=1:Nflux_loop_eff IDS_out.magnetics.flux_loop{ii}.position{1}.r = tmp.r(ii); IDS_out.magnetics.flux_loop{ii}.position{1}.z = tmp.z(ii); IDS_out.magnetics.flux_loop{ii}.name ={ii}; end for ii=1:Nflux_loop_eff IDS_out.magnetics.flux_loop{ii} = -LXC.Ff(ii,:)'; IDS_out.magnetics.flux_loop{ii}.flux.time = LXC.t; end %% Bm % Correct IDS magnetics tmp = data_Bm(); % Make sure default substructure maintained if insert new indices Nbpol_probe_in = numel(IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe); Nbpol_probe_eff = numel(; if Nbpol_probe_eff > Nbpol_probe_in IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe(Nbpol_probe_in+1:Nbpol_probe_eff) = magnetics_default.bpol_probe(1); end for ii=1:Nbpol_probe_eff IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe{ii}.position.r = tmp.r(ii); IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe{ii}.position.z = tmp.z(ii); IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe{ii}.poloidal_angle =; % Correct the sign to be consistent with COCOS 11 IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe{ii}.name ={ii}; end for ii=1:Nbpol_probe_eff IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe{ii} = LXC.Bm(ii,:)'; IDS_out.magnetics.bpol_probe{ii}.field.time = LXC.t; end %% Ft IDS_out.magnetics.method{1} = -LXC.Ft; IDS_out.magnetics.method{1}.diamagnetic_flux.time = LXC.t; %% rBt = 1; = LXC.t; = LXC.t; = LXC.rBt; %% Convert from cocos_in to cocos_out cocos_in = 17; cocos_out = 11; to_transform = {'pf_active','pf_passive','magnetics','tf','wall','equilibrium'}; for i=1:length(to_transform) IDS_out.(to_transform{i}) = ids_generic_cocos_nodes_transformation_symbolic(IDS_out.(to_transform{i}), to_transform{i}, cocos_in, cocos_out,[],[],[],[],[],3); end %% Store the resulting data if dosave save(data_path_out, '-struct', 'IDS_out') fprintf('\n wrote file %s \n', data_path_out); end