function [passed,results] = run_gdat_tests(test_case,coverage_report) % Test runner for generic toolbox tests if nargin==0 || isempty(test_case) test_case = 'all'; % default end test_case = lower(test_case); % lowercase if nargin < 2 coverage_report = false; % default end assert(~(coverage_report && strcmpi(test_case,'coverage')),'coverage_report=true should only be used with test_case=''coverage'''); needXML=~isempty(getenv('GITLAB_CI')) && ~verLessThan('matlab','8.6.0'); needCOV=~isempty(getenv('GITLAB_CI')) && ~verLessThan('matlab','9.6.0') || coverage_report; %% Default outputs passed=false; results=[]; % default outputs %% Import some classes we need import matlab.unittest.selectors.HasTag; import matlab.unittest.constraints.ContainsSubstring; import matlab.unittest.selectors.HasName; if needXML import matlab.unittest.plugins.XMLPlugin; end %% Paths % add path of toolbox to make sure it is in the path tbxpath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); addpath(tbxpath); % add default path projectpath = getenv('CI_PROJECT_DIR'); if isempty(projectpath), projectpath = tbxpath; end % add additional paths present in a local setpaths_* file setpathsfile = dir(fullfile(tbxpath,'setpaths_*')); if numel(setpathsfile)==1 fname = fullfile(tbxpath,; fprintf('adding extra paths by calling %s\n',fname); run(fname); % run file to add paths elseif numel(setpathsfile)>1 error('multiple setpaths_* files found!'); end %% Name tbxname = 'gdat'; %% Generate test suite testspath = fullfile(tbxpath,'tests'); lastwarn('',''); suite_all = [matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromFile(fullfile(testspath,'test_requestnames_tcv.m')),... matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromFile(fullfile(testspath,'test_tcv_get_ids.m'))]; [~,s] = lastwarn(); if isequal(s,'MATLAB:unittest:TestSuite:FileExcluded') fprintf('File excluded during test suite creation - possible syntax errors in a test class'); return end switch lower(test_case) case 'all' suite = suite_all; % run all case 'tcv' s = HasName(ContainsSubstring('tcv')); suite = suite_all.selectIf(s); case 'aug' s = HasName(ContainsSubstring('aug')); suite = suite_all.selectIf(s); otherwise s = HasTag(test_case); suite = suite_all.selectIf(s); end if isempty(suite) fprintf('\nEmpty test suite returned for TestTag=''%s''\n',test_case); return; end %% run it fprintf('Start test case: %s\n%s\n\n',test_case,datestr(now)); runner = matlab.unittest.TestRunner.withTextOutput; %% Reports if needXML || needCOV prefix = sprintf('test_%s',tbxname); suffix = version('-release'); end if needXML % Add some JUnit XML file with tests results xmlFile = fullfile(projectpath,sprintf('%s_%s_%s.xml',prefix,test_case,suffix)); fprintf('\tGenerating JUnit XML report at %s\n',xmlFile); p = XMLPlugin.producingJUnitFormat(xmlFile); runner.addPlugin(p) end if needCOV % Add some code coverage report switch lower(test_case) case 'coverage' % Produce HTML report reportFolder = fullfile(projectpath,sprintf('%s_%s_cov',prefix,suffix)); reportFormat = matlab.unittest.plugins.codecoverage.CoverageReport(reportFolder); otherwise % Produce XML file in Cobertura format (for Gitlab MR viz.) xmlFile = fullfile(projectpath,sprintf('%s_%s_%s_cov.xml',prefix,test_case,suffix)); reportFormat = matlab.unittest.plugins.codecoverage.CoberturaFormat(xmlFile); end p = matlab.unittest.plugins.CodeCoveragePlugin.forFolder(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),... 'IncludingSubfolders',true,'Producing',reportFormat); runner.addPlugin(p) end results =; disp(table(results)); fprintf('\nTotal test duration: %5.2fs\n',sum(table(results).Duration)) if all([results.Passed]) fprintf('\nPassed all tests\n') passed = true; elseif any([results.Failed]) fprintf('\nSome tests Failed\n') disp(table(results([results.Failed]))) passed = false; elseif any([results.Incomplete]) fprintf('\nSome tests Incomplete\n') disp(table(results([results.Incomplete]))); passed = true; % pass tests even if some were skipped else % the conditions above should cover all cases, otherwise error('something is very wrong - please check') end end