function [profile_struct,varargout] = get_profiles(shot,data_request_in,varargin); % % data_request_in: 1 or several of the optional keywords related to the machine options for profiles % for example: 'te_thomson', or {'te_thomson','te_ece'}, or {'ne_thomson','te_thomson'} % (case insensitive) % % varargin in pairs: % 'equil',equil_source: equilibrium source: EQI(default), EQH, etc for AUG or LIUQE1 (default), LIUQE2, etc for TCV % 'machine', machine_name: 'TCV', 'AUG' (default is the default in gdat, thus local machine) % % output profile_struct is an array of structure for each requested keyword: % % profile_struct{i}.data, .t, .error_bar, .label, .shot, .keyword, .provenance, .comment, .q (q profile) % profile_struct{i}.grid.rhotornorm, .rhopolnorm, .rhovolnorm, .rovera, .psi, .phi, .vol, .provenance % % profile_struct = get_profiles; % returns the list of possible keywords in profile_struct{i}.keyword % error_status = -1; % default output structure i_init=1; profile_struct{i_init}.data = []; profile_struct{i_init}.t = []; profile_struct{i_init}.error_bar = []; profile_struct{i_init}.label = []; profile_struct{i_init}.shot = []; profile_struct{i_init}.keyword = []; profile_struct{i_init}.provenance = []; profile_struct{i_init}.comment = []; profile_struct{i_init}.q = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.rhotornorm = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.rhopolnorm = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.rhovolnorm = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.rovera = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.psi = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.phi = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.vol = []; profile_struct{i_init}.grid.provenance = []; % default param get_profiles_params.machine = []; get_profiles_params.equil = []; get_profiles_params.nverbose = []; = 'machine to get data, aug or tcv at this stage'; = 'equilibrium source, use default of gdat as default'; = ... 'level of information written during the call to get_profiles, default=1, up to warnings but no details'; profile_struct{i_init}.profiles_params = get_profiles_params; % defaults: shot_eff = []; if exist('shot') && ~isempty(shot); shot_eff = shot; end data_request_eff = []; if exist('data_request_in') && ~isempty(data_request_in) if ischar(data_request_in) data_request_eff{1} = data_request_in; else data_request_eff = data_request_in; end if ~iscell(data_request_eff) disp('problem with data_request_in, expects string or cell of strings') error_status=-2; return end end % get default machine aa=gdat; get_profiles_params.machine = aa.gdat_params.machine; get_profiles_params.equil = aa.gdat_params.equil; get_profiles_params.nverbose=1; % extract parameters from pairs of varargin: if nargin>=3 if mod(nargin-2,2)==0 for i=1:2:length(varargin)-1 if ischar(varargin{i}) % enforce lower case for any character driven input if ischar(varargin{i+1}) get_profiles_params.(lower(varargin{i})) = lower(varargin{i+1}); else get_profiles_params.(lower(varargin{i})) = varargin{i+1}; end else if get_profiles_params.nverbose>=1; warning(['varargin input argument nb: ' num2str(i) ... ' (nargin=' num2str(i+2) ') is incorrect, expects a character string']); end error_status=-11; return end end else if get_profiles_params.nverbose>=1; ... warning('number of varargin input arguments incorrect, cannot make pairs of parameters'); end error_status=-12; return end end profile_struct{i_init}.profiles_params = get_profiles_params; % list of keywords keywords={'te_thomson','ne_thomson','vrot_cxrs','ni_cxrs','ti_cxrs','vpol_cxrs'}; keywords_tcv_only = []; keywords_aug_only = {'te_ece','te_ida','ne_ida'}; if strcmp(get_profiles_params.machine,'tcv') if ~isempty(keywords_tcv_only); keywords(end+1:end+length(keywords_tcv_only)) = keywords_tcv_only; end elseif strcmp(get_profiles_params.machine,'aug') if ~isempty(keywords_aug_only); keywords(end+1:end+length(keywords_aug_only)) = keywords_aug_only; end else if get_profiles_params.nverbose>=1 disp(['warning machine = ' get_profiles_params.machine ' is not known']) return end end keywords = sort(keywords); if isempty(data_request_eff) profile_struct{i_init}.keyword = keywords; return end % fill in default structure for each data_requested keyword, ignore unexpected keywords ieff = 0; data_request_eff = sort(data_request_eff); for i=1:length(data_request_eff) if ~isempty(strmatch(data_request_eff{i},keywords,'exact')) ieff = ieff + 1; if ieff>1 profile_struct{ieff} = profile_struct{1}; end profile_struct{ieff}.keyword = data_request_eff{i}; profile_struct{ieff}.shot = shot_eff; else if get_profiles_params.nverbose>=1 disp(['warning data_request = ' data_request_eff{i} ' is not available and ignored, ask O. Sauter']) end end end if ieff==0 profile_struct{i_init}.keyword = keywords; return end % Now can fill in data using gdat calls (meaning that gdat calls should be more and more standardized as well to this structure) % should use only profile_struct{ieff} to determine what to get, in order to make sure it is self-consistent and fully described for i=1:length(profile_struct) try profile_struct{i} = get_profile_structure(profile_struct{i}); catch if get_profiles_params.nverbose>=1 disp(['could not get_profile_structure for ' profile_struct{i}.keyword ', shot = ' num2str(profile_struct{i}.shot)]); end end end