#!/bin/bash # testing script for Continuous Integration # F. Felici federico.felici@epfl.ch ## test type if [[ -z "$1" ]] then echo 'usage:' echo ' Run matlab tests: ' echo ' ./test_script.sh $matlabversion $test_to_run' echo ' will call required matlab and run >>test_matlab($test_to_run)' echo ' $matlabcommand is the command used to launch the correct matlab version' echo ' works on SPC lac clusters for now' exit 1 fi matlabbin=$1 testargument=$2 matlabcmd="$matlabbin -nodesktop -nosplash -noFigureWindows" matlab_call="tests_matlab('$testargument')" full_cmd="$matlabcmd -r $matlab_call"; echo $full_cmd $full_cmd ## execute CODE=$? echo "exit with CODE" $CODE exit $CODE