function mapping = aug_requests_mapping(data_request) % % Information pre-defined for gdat_aug, you can add cases here to match official cases in gdat_aug, allowing backward compatibility % % Defaults mapping = struct(... 'label', '', ... 'method', '', ... 'expression','', ... 'timedim', -1, ... % dim which is the time is the database, to copy in .t, the other dims are in .x (-1 means last dimension) 'gdat_timedim',[], ... % if need to reshape data and dim orders to have timedim as gdat_timedim (shifting time to gdat_timedim) 'min', -inf, ... 'max', inf); % Note that gdat_timedim is set to timedim at end of this function if empty % gdat_timedim should have effective index of the time dimension in gdat if ~exist('data_request') || isempty(data_request) return end % default label: data_request keyword itself mapping.label = data_request; % for AUG, following choices are set so far: % method = 'signal' then expression contains the shotfile, diagnostic and if needed the experiment % expression is a cell array % method = 'expression', then expression is the expression to return gdat_tmp... % method = 'switchcase', then there will be a specific case within gdat_aug (usual case when not directly a signal) % % label is used for plotting if iscell(data_request) % || (~ischar(data_request) && length(data_request)>1) mapping.label = data_request; mapping.method = 'signal'; % assume a full tracename is given, so just try with tdi (could check there are some ":", etc...) mapping.expression = data_request; mapping.gdat_timedim = mapping.timedim; return end switch lower(data_request) case 'a_minor' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'a\_minor'; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''r_inboard'';' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);;' ... 'params_eff.data_request=''r_outboard'';' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);;' ... ' = 0.5.*(;gdat_tmp.label=''' mapping.label ''';' ... 'gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''' data_request ''';']; case 'b0' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'B_0'; % mapping.method = 'signal'; % mapping.expression = [{'FPC'},{'BTF'}]; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=[{''FPC''},{''BTF''}];' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);r0exp=1.65;gdat_tmp.r0 = r0exp; gdat_tmp.request_description = ' ... '[''vacuum magnetic field at R0='' num2str(r0exp) ''m; COCOS=17''];' ... 'gdat_tmp.label=''' mapping.label ''';' ... 'gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''' data_request ''';']; case 'beta' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = '\beta'; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''betan'';' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... 'params_eff.data_request=''ip'';gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... 'params_eff.data_request=''b0'';gdat_tmp3=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... 'params_eff.data_request=''a_minor'';gdat_tmp4=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... 'tmp_data_ip=interp1(gdat_tmp2.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... 'tmp_data_b0=interp1(gdat_tmp3.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... 'tmp_data_a=interp1(gdat_tmp4.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... ' = 0.01.*abs(*tmp_data_ip./1e6./tmp_data_a./tmp_data_b0);']; case 'betan' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = '\beta_N'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'TOT'},{'beta_N'}]; % in many cases, in particular just after an experiment, betaN is not present in TOT, thus compute it from 2/3Wmhd/V /(B0^2/2mu0) % $$$ mapping.method = 'expression'; % $$$ mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=[{''TOT''},{''beta_2N''},{''AUGD''}];' ... % $$$ 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff); if isempty(;' ... % $$$ 'params_eff.data_request=''ip'';gdat_ip=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... % $$$ 'params_eff.data_request=''b0'';gdat_b0=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... % $$$ 'params_eff.data_request=''a_minor'';gdat_aminor=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... % $$$ 'params_eff.data_request=''wmhd'';gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... % $$$ 'params_eff.data_request=''volume'';gdat_vol=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);' ... % $$$ 'tmp_data_ip=interp1(gdat_ip.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... % $$$ 'tmp_data_b0=interp1(gdat_b0.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... % $$$ 'tmp_data_a=interp1(gdat_aminor.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... % $$$ 'tmp_data_vol=interp1(gdat_vol.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... % $$$ ' = 100.*abs(2./3.**8e-7.*pi./tmp_data_b0.^2./tmp_data_ip.*1e6.*tmp_data_a.*tmp_data_b0);end;']; case {'betap', 'beta_p', 'beta_pol'} mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = '\beta_p'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'betpol'}]; case {'cxrs', 'cxrs_rho'} mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'cxrs'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; mapping.expression = ''; case 'delta' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'delta'; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''delta_bottom''; ' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''delta_top'';' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff); = 0.5.*(;']; case 'delta_top' mapping.label = 'delta\_top'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'delRoben'}]; case 'delta_bottom' mapping.label = 'delta\_bottom'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'delRuntn'}]; case {'ece', 'eced', 'ece_rho', 'eced_rho'} mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; mapping.expression = ''; case 'eqdsk' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % could use function make_eqdsk directly? mapping.expression = ''; case 'equil' mapping.gdat_timedim = 2; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % could use function make_eqdsk directly? mapping.expression = ''; case 'halpha' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'Halpha'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'POT'},{'ELMa-Han'}]; case 'h_scalings' mapping.label = 'H_{scal}'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'TTH'},{'H/L-facs'},{'AUGD'}]; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=[{''TTH''},{''H/L-facs''},{''AUGD''}];params_eff.source=''TTH'';' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);S = rdaAUG_eff(shot,''TTH'',''scal_par'',''AUGD'',[],[],''param:descript'');gdat_tmp.dimunits{1}=cellstr(deblank(''));' ... ' = min(,10.);']; case 'ids' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'ids ala imas'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'ioh' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'I ohmic transformer'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'MBI'},{'IOH'}]; case 'ip' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'Plasma current'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'MAG'},{'Ipa'}]; mapping.expression = [{'FPC'},{'IpiFP'}]; case 'kappa' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = '\kappa'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'k'}]; case 'kappa_top' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = '\kappa^{top}'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'koben'}]; case 'kappa_bottom' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = '\kappa_{bottom}'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'kuntn'}]; case 'li' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'l_i'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'li'}]; case 'mhd' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = {'n\_odd','n\_even'};% this superseeds the expression mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request={''MOD'',''OddN''}; ' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);,length(,1 );' ... 'gdat_tmp.dim{1}=gdat_tmp.t;gdat_tmp.dim{2}=[1 2];gdat_tmp.x=gdat_tmp.dim{2};' ... ' =;gdat_tmp.n_odd.data_request=params_eff.data_request;' ... 'params_eff.data_request={''MOD'',''EvenN''};' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);,2)=reshape(,length(,1);' ... ' =;gdat_tmp.n_even.data_request=params_eff.data_request;gdat_tmp.label={''n\_odd'',''n\_even''};' ... 'params_eff.data_request={''MOD'',''OddNAmp''};' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);gdat_tmp.n_odd.amp=reshape(,length(,1);' ... 'gdat_tmp.n_odd.amp_t=gdat_tmp2.t;' ... 'params_eff.data_request={''MOD'',''EvenNAmp''};' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);gdat_tmp.n_even.amp=reshape(,length(,1);' ... 'gdat_tmp.n_even.amp_t=gdat_tmp2.t;' ... 'gdat_tmp.full_path=''MOD/Odd in data and .n_odd; .n_even'';' ... 'gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''mhd'';gdat_tmp.gdat_params.data_request=gdat_tmp.gdat_request;']; case 'ne' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'neint' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'line integrated el. density'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'DCN'},{'H-1'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'nel' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'line-averaged el. density'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'lenH-1'},{'AUGD'}]; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''neint'';' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=[{''FPG''},{''lenH-1''},{''AUGD''}];' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);ij=find(;;' ... 'tmp_data=interp1(gdat_tmp2.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... ' =;']; case 'ne_rho' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'ne'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'nete_rho' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'ne and Te'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case {'ng','ngreenwald','n_greenwald'} mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'nG=Ip[MA]/(\pi a^2)*1e20 on nel times'; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''nel'';' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''ip'';' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);ij=find(;;' ... 'tmp_data2=interp1(gdat_tmp2.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... 'params_eff.data_request=''a_minor'';' ... 'gdat_tmp3=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);ij=find(;;' ... 'tmp_data3=interp1(gdat_tmp3.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... ' = tmp_data2*1e-6./pi./(tmp_data3.^2+1e-5);' ... 'ij=find(<0 |>4);; = * 1e20;']; case {'ngf','greenwald_fraction','f_greenwald','ng_fraction'} mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'Greenwald\_fraction=n\_el/n\_G'; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''nel'';' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''n_greenwald'';' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);ij=find(;;' ... 'tmp_data2=interp1(gdat_tmp2.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ... ' =;']; % $$$ case 'ni' % $$$ mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % especially since might have option fit, etc case 'pellet' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'line integrated el. density'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'PEL'},{'5Co'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'pgyro' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'EC gyros'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'powers' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'various powers'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case {'prad', 'p_rad'} mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'P_{rad}'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'BPD'},{'Pradtot'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'psi_axis' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % there is psi_axis-psi_edge in FPG but otherwise complicated to get from equil, thus needs swticth case mapping.label ='psi_\axis' ; case 'psi_edge' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % is set to zero, so not in tree nodes mapping.label = 'psi\_edge'; case 'q0' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'q_0'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'q0'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'q95' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'q_{95}'; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'q95'},{'AUGD'}]; % $$$ case 'q_edge' % should use q_rho and then take q_edge since does not make sense for diverted shots and mainly diverted shots... % $$$ mapping.timedim = 1; % $$$ mapping.label = 'q_{edge}}'; % $$$ mapping.method = 'expression'; % $$$ mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % $$$ mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'q95'},{'AUGD'}]; % $$$ mapping.expression = []; case 'q_rho' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.gdat_timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'q'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'raptor' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.gdat_timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'Raptor signals'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'rgeom' mapping.label = 'Rgeom'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''r_inboard'';' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);;' ... 'params_eff.data_request=''r_outboard'';' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);;' ... ' = 0.5.*(;gdat_tmp.label=''' mapping.label ''';' ... 'gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''' data_request ''';']; case 'r_inboard' mapping.label = 'R\_inboard'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'Rin'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'r_outboard' mapping.label = 'R\_outboard'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'Raus'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'rhotor' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; mapping.label = 'rhotor'; case 'rhotor_edge' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; mapping.label = 'rhotor\_edge'; case 'rhotor_norm' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; mapping.label = 'rhotor\_norm'; case 'rhovol' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'rhovol\_norm'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case {'rmag', 'r_axis', 'r_mag'} mapping.label = 'R\_magaxis'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'Rmag'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'sxr' mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.gdat_timedim = 2; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'tau_tot' mapping.label = '\tau_{tot}'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'TOT'},{'tau_tot'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'te' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'Te'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'te_rho' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'Te'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % $$$ case 'ti' % case to be set % $$$ mapping.label = 'Ti'; % $$$ mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case 'vloop' mapping.label = 'Vloop'; mapping.timedim = 1; % mapping.method = 'signal'; % mapping.expression = [{'MAG'},{'ULid12'},{'AUGD'}]; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=[{''MAG''},{''ULid12''},{''AUGD''}];' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);ij=find(~isnan(;' ... 'tmp_data=interpos(gdat_tmp.t,,-3e4);' ... 'gdat_tmp.data_smooth = tmp_data;gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''vloop'';gdat_tmp.gdat_params.data_request=gdat_tmp.gdat_request;']; case {'volume', 'volume_edge'} mapping.label = 'Volume'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'Vol'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'volume_rho' mapping.timedim = 2; mapping.label = 'Volume'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; case {'wmhd' 'w_mhd'} mapping.label = 'Wmhd'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'Wmhd'},{'AUGD'}]; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=[{''FPG''},{''Wmhd''},{''AUGD''}];' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);ij=find(~isnan(;;' ... 'tmp_data=interpos(gdat_tmp.t(ij),,gdat_tmp.t,-1e5);' ... ' = max(tmp_data,0.);']; case {'zeff', 'z_eff'} mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.label = 'zeff'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % $$$ ZES obsolete, use cxrs % $$$ mapping.label = 'zeff from cxrs'; % $$$ mapping.timedim = 1; % $$$ mapping.method = 'signal'; % $$$ mapping.expression = [{'ZES'},{'Zeff'},{'AUGD'}]; case 'zgeom' mapping.label = 'Zgeom'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'expression'; mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=[{''FPG''},{''Zoben''},{''AUGD''}];' ... 'gdat_tmp=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);;' ... 'params_eff.data_request=[{''FPG''},{''Zunt''},{''AUGD''}];' ... 'gdat_tmp2=gdat_aug(shot,params_eff);;' ... ' = 0.5.*(;gdat_tmp.label=''' mapping.label ''';' ... 'gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''' data_request ''';']; case {'zmag', 'z_mag', 'z_axis'} mapping.label = 'Z\_magaxis'; mapping.timedim = 1; mapping.method = 'signal'; mapping.expression = [{'FPG'},{'Zmag'},{'AUGD'}]; % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % extra AUG cases (not necessarily in official data_request name list) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % case 'transp' mapping.label = 'transp output'; mapping.method = 'switchcase'; otherwise mapping.label = data_request; mapping.method = 'signal'; % assume a full tracename is given, so just try with tdi (could check there are some ":", etc...) mapping.expression = data_request; mapping.not_found = true; end if isempty(mapping.gdat_timedim) mapping.gdat_timedim = mapping.timedim; end