function [ids_from_tcv,varargout] = tcv2ids(shot,varargin); % % [ids_from_tcv,varargout] = tcv2ids(shot,varargin); % % Assumes you have done: % >> addpath ~g2osaute/public/matlab9_11_2016 (on the gateway) % >> mdsconnect('localhost:5555') % using the tunnel made in another session like: ssh -L 5555:tcvdata:8000 % % in another window do the tunnel: ssh -L 5555:tcvdata:8000 % addpath ~g2osaute/public/matlab9_11_2016 % mdsconnect('localhost:5555') % % varargin: 'ids_names': cell, idss to load, by default all defined so far (if empty or empty string or not given) % see tcv_available_ids for the list of IDSs available for TCV % 'error_bar': type (string) % empty or 'delta' (default): meaning difference in upper is set (standard error_bar % 'added': errorbar is added: upper=data+delta and lower=data-delta % 'delta_with_lower': as 'delta' but lower also set % 'cocos_out': (default 11) cocos to transform ids from TCV cocos_in=17 to cocos_out % 'ipsign_out': if a specific sign fo Ip is desired in output within the cocos_out system (default 0=no specific sign) % 'b0sign_out': if a specific sign fo B0 is desired in output within the cocos_out system (default 0=no specific sign) % 'nverbose': (default 1), set it to 3 to have more messages, for example about not fully valid nodes when doing transformation (empty or Nans) % 'time_out': if 2 values provided: get all time data within that time interval % otherwise get values at these times provided in time_out (with linear interpolation and cst extrapolation) % 'trialindx': trial_indx for relevant nodes, in particular CONF kinetic profiles nodes % 'liuqe': liuqe indx for equilibrium, only 1,2,3 are available % % Outputs % varargout{1}: return also the ids in array of structure with the names, to allow easy use of plotallids % % initialize input parser p = inputParser; % no required inputs here so one can call with empty args and get defaults parameters % effectively required inputs should have defaults as empty ids_names = tcv_available_ids; p.addOptional('shot', [], @(x) (isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x == round(x)))); % integer p.addOptional('ids_names', ids_names, @(x) isempty(x) || iscell(x) ); % char or cell array p.addOptional('error_bar', 'delta', @(x) isempty(x) || ischar(x) ); % char or cell array p.addOptional('cocos_out', 11, @(x) isempty(x) || isnumeric(x) ); % char p.addOptional('ipsign_out', 0, @(x) isempty(x) || (isscalar(x) && (x==0 || x==-1 || x==+1)) ); p.addOptional('b0sign_out', 0, @(x) isempty(x) || (isscalar(x) && (x==0 || x==-1 || x==+1)) ); p.addOptional('nverbose', 1, @(x) isempty(x) || isnumeric(x) ); p.addOptional('time_out', [], @(x) isempty(x) || isnumeric(x) ); p.addOptional('trialindx', [], @(x) isempty(x) || isnumeric(x) ); p.addOptional('liuqe', [], @(x) isempty(x) || isnumeric(x) ); params_not_for_gdat_params = {'shot','ids_names'}; p.parse; defaults_tcv2ids = p.Results; % to keep track of defaults if nargin==1 p.parse(shot); params = p.Results; elseif nargin>=2 p.parse('shot',shot,varargin{:}); params = p.Results; else p.parse; p.Results return end % replace empty inputs with defaults names = fieldnames(params); mask = structfun(@isempty,params); if any(mask), params = rmfield(params,unique([names(mask); p.UsingDefaults.'])); if ~isfield(params, 'shot') || isnan(params.shot) warning('No shot entered'); return end p.parse(params.shot,rmfield(params,'shot')); params = p.Results; end % check ids_names if ~isfield(params,'ids_names') disp(['do not provide any ids_names or choose from : ']) ids_from_tcv.ids_names_available = defaults_tcv2ids.ids_names; defaults_tcv2ids.ids_names return end if ischar(params.ids_names) params.ids_names = {params.ids_names}; end ids_names_ok = params.ids_names; for i=1:length(params.ids_names) ij = strcmp(params.ids_names{i},defaults_tcv2ids.ids_names); if ~any(ij) disp(['ids name: ' params.ids_names{i} ' is not available yet, ask O. Sauter']) ids_names_ok = setdiff(ids_names_ok,params.ids_names{i}); end end params.ids_names = ids_names_ok; params_tcv2ids = params; ids_from_tcv.params_tcv2ids = params_tcv2ids; if isempty(params_tcv2ids.ids_names) disp('no ids names available') return end bb=gdat_tcv; gdat_params = bb.gdat_params; clear bb aa = rmfield(params_tcv2ids,params_not_for_gdat_params); gdat_params_fields = fieldnames(aa); for i=1:length(gdat_params_fields) if ~isempty(aa.(gdat_params_fields{i})), gdat_params.(gdat_params_fields{i}) = aa.(gdat_params_fields{i}); end end gdat_params.data_request = 'ids'; for i=1:length(params_tcv2ids.ids_names) ids_to_get = params_tcv2ids.ids_names{i}; gdat_params.source = ids_to_get; tmp = gdat(shot,gdat_params); ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get) = tmp.(ids_to_get); ids_from_tcv.([ids_to_get '_description']) = tmp.([ids_to_get '_description']); end if nargout>=2 try for i=1:length(params_tcv2ids.ids_names) ids_to_get = params_tcv2ids.ids_names{i}; varargout{1}.ids{i} = ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get); varargout{1}.idsname{i} = ids_to_get; varargout{1}.ids{i}.idsname = ids_to_get; end catch varargout{1} = []; disp('problems to fill in varargout') end end