function liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab(varargin); % % liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab(varargin); % % returns correspondance of node names, when different between fortran (eq_recon) and matlab (equil_1) mds node names % % liuqe_fortran_matlab{:,1} give liuqe fortran names % liuqe_fortran_matlab{:,2} give liuqe matlab names % % Note that you can have multiple entries (for liuqe fortran since it has less nodes) but the first one should be the closest match (see r_contour/r_rho/r_surf) % % varargin: If absent, then return full table % varargin{1}: 'node_name_to_convert' % varargin{2}: origin of node_name given=varargin{1}: 0: fortran, 1(default): matlab % varargin{3}: type of desired output: 0: fortran, 1(default): matlab % % Thus by default there is no conversion % % Examples: % liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab; % => liuqe_fortran_matlab(:,1:2) full cell table % liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab('q_axis'); => liuqe_fortran_matlab = 'q_axis' % liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab('q_axis',1,0); => liuqe_fortran_matlab = 'q_zero' % liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab('q_zero',0,1); => liuqe_fortran_matlab = 'q_axis' % liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqefortran2liuqematlab('r_edge',1,0); => liuqe_fortran_matlab = 'r_contour' % liuqe_fortran_matlab_table = [ ... {'l_i'} , {'l_i_3'} ; ... {'i_p'} , {'i_pl'} ; ... {'surface_flux'} , {'psi_surf'} ; ... {'q_zero'} , {'q_axis'} ; ... {'q_psi'} , {'q'} ; ... {'r_contour'} , {'r_edge'} ; ... % r_rho has all the flux surfaces {'r_min_psi'} , {'r_in'} ; ... % R inboard of rho flux surfaces {'r_max_psi'} , {'r_out'} ; ... % R outboard of rho flux surfaces {'total_energy'} , {'w_mhd'} ; ... {'z_contour'} , {'z_edge'} ; ... % z_rho has all the flux surfaces ]; liuqe_fortran_matlab = []; if nargin == 0 % return full table liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqe_fortran_matlab_table; return end if isempty(varargin{1}) error(['liuqefortran2liuqematlab: unexpected empty 1st argument']) return end if ~ischar(varargin{1}) error(['liuqefortran2liuqematlab: unexpected 1st argument is not a string']) return end liuqe_matlab_in = 1; if nargin>=2 && ~isempty(varargin{2}) if isnumeric(varargin{2}) liuqe_matlab_in = varargin{2}; else warning(['liuqefortran2liuqematlab: unexpected 2nd argument type, should be numeric']) varargin{2} return end end liuqe_matlab_out = 1; if nargin>=3 && ~isempty(varargin{3}) if isnumeric(varargin{3}) liuqe_matlab_out = varargin{3}; else warning(['liuqefortran2liuqematlab: unexpected 3rd argument type, should be numeric']) varargin{3} return end end % find index of input in corresponding column ij = strmatch(varargin{1},liuqe_fortran_matlab_table(:,1+liuqe_matlab_in),'exact'); if isempty(ij) % assume name is the same liuqe_fortran_matlab = varargin{1}; else liuqe_fortran_matlab = liuqe_fortran_matlab_table{ij(1),1+liuqe_matlab_out}; end