** (emacs:33177): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-0PeD0Oo15a: Connection refused GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend. Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications. gdat.m was first created to get JET data using jetRDA system It is now generalised to be machine independent in its structure and trace name. Each machine dependent functions should be in respective directory Adding a new machine means: create new subdirectory change gdatpaths In new subdirectory, named say: NEWMACHINE create function: loadNEWMACHINEdata.m (for load NEWMACHINE data) etc. The explanation of the different traces are in "help gdat" for generic names. The specificity of a given machine are in "help loadNEWMACHINEdata" Thus the head comments of these functions should be correctly updated and self-explanatory 2015/09/17 tag the version before copying new gdat in crpptbx_new to the crpptbx case and removing loadTCVdata note that AUG will not work for a while, but will be repaired next week.... svn cp https://crppsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/gdat/trunk https://crppsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/gdat/tags/gdat_v3_9 -m"last version before changing to new gdat with machine_mapping file, first TCV is modified" since then using svntag 2017/07/01: tag 3_10 before changing default to LIUQE.M and having introduced liuqe=1,2,3,11,12,13,21,22,23 or -1 as in GUIprofs and proffit svn cp https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/GUIprofs/trunk https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/GUIprofs/tags/GUIprofs_v3_10 -m"tag version 3_10, before changing to default liuqe to matlab liuqe (and changes in GUIprofs and proffit as well)" 2017/07/01: tag 4_1 change default to LIUQE.M and introduced liuqe=1,2,3,11,12,13,21,22,23 or -1 as in GUIprofs and proffit svn cp https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/GUIprofs/trunk https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/GUIprofs/tags/GUIprofs_v4_1 -m"tag version 4_1, changed default liuqe to matlab liuqe (and changes in proffit and gdat as well)" 2019/06/25: tag 4_2 before moving to git and gitlab svn cp https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/GUIprofs/trunk https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/GUIprofs/tags/GUIprofs_v4_2 -m"tag version 4_2, moved to git, no svn commits anymore hopefully..." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! error of copy/paste, using GUIprofs instead of gdat for cp tags commands above... now do a new one with all above comments: 2019/06/28: tag 4_2 includes tag_3_10, 4_1 and 4_2 above: change default to LIUQE.M and introduced liuqe=1,2,3,11,12,13,21,22,23 or -1 as in GUIprofs and proffit and before mv to git svn cp https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/gdat/trunk https://spcsvn.epfl.ch/repos/TCV/gdat/tags/gdat_v4_2 -m"includes tag_3_10, 4_1 and 4_2 in README file: change default to LIUQE.M and introduced liuqe=1,2,3,11,12,13,21,22,23 or -1 as in GUIprofs and proffit and before mv to git"

Federico Felici