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  nrun       = 99999999 ! number of time step to perform
  dt         = 0.01     ! time step (not adaptive)
  tmax       = 100       ! maximal time [c_s/R]
  maxruntime = 72000    ! maximal wallclock runtime [sec]
  job2load   = -1       ! index of the previous run to restart (-1:start a new run)
  pmax   = 2            ! maximal degree of the Hermite basis (parallel velocity)
  jmax   = 1            ! maximal degree of the Laguerre basis (magnetic moment)
  Nx     = 64           ! number of points in the radial direction
  Lx     = 200          ! size of the box in the radial direction [rho_s]
  Ny     = 48           ! bumber of points in the binormal direction
  Ly     = 60           ! size of the box in the binormal direction [rho_s]
  Nz     = 1            ! number of points in the magnetic field direction
  SG     = .f.          ! use a staggered grid in z (experimental)
  Nexc   = -1           ! to fullfill the sheared boundary condition (set -1 for automatic)
  geom   = 'Z-pinch'    ! geometry model (Z-pinch,s-alpha,miller,circular)
  q0     = 0.0          ! safety factor
  shear  = 0.0          ! magnetic shear
  eps    = 0.0          ! inverse aspect ratio
  kappa  = 1.0          ! elongation
  s_kappa= 0.0          ! elongation derivative
  delta  = 0.0          ! triangularity
  s_delta= 0.0          ! triangularity derivative
  zeta   = 0.0          ! squareness
  s_zeta = 0.0          ! squareness derivative
  parallel_bc = 'dirichlet' ! to change the type of parallel boundary condition (experimental)
  shift_y= 0.0          ! to add a shift in the parallel BC (experimental)
  Npol   = 1.0          ! set the length of the z domain (-pi N_pol < z < pi N_pol)
  dtsave_0d = 0.5       ! period of 0D diagnostics (time traces)
  dtsave_1d = -1        ! period of 1D diagnostics (nothing)
  dtsave_2d = -1        ! period of 2D diagnostics (nothing)
  dtsave_3d = 1         ! period of 3D diagnostics (phi, Aparallel, fluid moments etc.)
  dtsave_5d = 10        ! period of 5D diagnostics (full set of GMs)
  LINEARITY = 'nonlinear' ! set if we solve the linear or nonlinear problem
  Na      = 2           ! number of species (this sets the number of species namelists to be read)
  mu_x    = 1.0         ! numerical diffusion parameter in the radial direction
  mu_y    = 1.0         ! numerical diffusion parameter in the binormal direction
  N_HD    = 4           ! degree of the numerical diffusion
  mu_z    = 0.0         ! numerical diffusion parameter in the parallel direction (fourth order only)
  HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'   ! numerical diffusion scheme in the velocity space (experimental)
  mu_p    = 0.0         ! numerical diffusion parameter in the parallel velocity (experimental)
  mu_j    = 0.0         ! numerical diffusion parameter in the magnetic moment (experimental)
  nu      = 0.1         ! collision rate, ~0.5 GENE parameter (better to use it instead of num. diff. in velocities)
  beta    = 0.0         ! plasma beta (not in percent)
  ADIAB_E = .f.         ! Use an adiabatic electron model (required if Na = 1)
  ADIAB_I = .f.         ! Use an adiabatic ion model (experimental)
  hierarchy_closure='truncation' ! closure scheme
  dmax = -1             ! set the maximal degree of moment to evolve (-1 evolves all th)
  nonlinear_closure='anti_laguerre_aliasing' ! set the truncation of the Laguerre convolution (truncation,full_sum,anti_laguerre_aliasing)
  nmax = -1             ! set the maximal degree in the truncation of the Laguerre convolution (experimental)
&SPECIES ! Defines the species a (out of Na species)
 name_ = 'ions' ! name of the species a
 tau_  = 1.0    ! temperature (Ta/Te)
 sigma_= 1.0    ! sqrt mass ratio (sqrt(ma/mi))
 q_    = 1.0    ! charge (qa/e)
 k_N_  = 2.0    ! density background gradient, grad ln N (omn in GENE)
 k_T_  = 0.4    ! temperature background gradient, grad ln T (omT in GENE)
&SPECIES ! defines electrons (if not, use ADIAB_E = true)
 ! electrons
 name_ = 'electrons'
 tau_  = 1.0
 sigma_= 0.023338
 q_    =-1.0
 k_N_  = 2.0
 k_T_  = 0.4
  collision_model = 'DG'   !LB/DG/SG/PA/LD (Lenhard-Bernstein, Dougherty, Sugama, pitch angle, Landau)
  GK_CO           = .t.    ! gyrokinetic version of the collision operator (or longwavelength only)
  INIT_OPT         = 'phi' ! initilization of the system ('phi' put noise in electrostatic, 'blob' is like 'ppj' in GENE)
  init_noiselvl    = 0.005 ! amplitude of the noise init (for 'phi' init only)
  iseed            = 42    ! random seed
  numerical_scheme = 'RK4' ! numerical scheme for time integration (RK2,3,4 etc.)