HeLaZ (Hermite-Laguerre Z-pinch solver, 2020)
0. Write MOLI matlab solver in Fortran using Monli1D as starting point
0.0 go from 1D space to 2D fourier and from Hermite basis to Hermite-Laguerre basis
0.1 implement linear Poisson equation in fourier space
0.2 implement moment hierarchy linear terms
0.4 Benchmark with MOLI matlab results for Z-pinch (cf. kz_linear script)
Note : benchmark_*.m compares MOLI and HeLaZ linear results
0.6 Benchmarks now include Dougherty, Lenard-Bernstein and Full Coulomb collision operators
Note : for full Coulomb, one must store a precomputed matrix from COSOlver in the iCa folder
1. Implementation of the non linear Poisson brackets term
1.0 use MKL FFT library and Orzag rule to compute the convolution in the non linear term as a product