Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann authoredAntoine Cyril David Hoffmann authored
memory.F90 7.91 KiB
! Allocate arrays (done dynamically otherwise size is unknown)
USE array
USE basic
USE fields
USE grid
USE time_integration
USE collision
USE prec_const
! Electrostatic potential
CALL allocate_array( phi, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izgs,izge)
CALL allocate_array( phi_ZF, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( phi_EM, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array(inv_poisson_op, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
!Electrons arrays
CALL allocate_array( Ne00, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( dens_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( upar_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( uper_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Tpar_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Tper_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( temp_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Kernel_e, ijgs_e,ijge_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( moments_e, ipgs_e,ipge_e, ijgs_e,ijge_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izgs,izge, 1,ntimelevel )
CALL allocate_array( moments_rhs_e, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize, 1,ntimelevel )
CALL allocate_array( nadiab_moments_e, ipgs_e,ipge_e, ijgs_e,ijge_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izgs,izge)
CALL allocate_array( moments_e_ZF, ipgs_e,ipge_e, ijgs_e,ijge_e, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( moments_e_EM, ipgs_e,ipge_e, ijgs_e,ijge_e, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( TColl_e, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e , ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Sepj, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( xnepj, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( xnepp2j, ips_e,ipe_e)
CALL allocate_array( xnepp1j, ips_e,ipe_e)
CALL allocate_array( xnepm1j, ips_e,ipe_e)
CALL allocate_array( xnepm2j, ips_e,ipe_e)
CALL allocate_array( xnepjp1, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( xnepjm1, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( ynepp1j, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( ynepm1j, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( ynepp1jm1, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( ynepm1jm1, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( zNepm1j, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( zNepm1jp1, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( zNepm1jm1, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
!Ions arrays
CALL allocate_array( Ni00, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( dens_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( upar_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( uper_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Tpar_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Tper_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( temp_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Kernel_i, ijgs_i,ijge_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( moments_i, ipgs_i,ipge_i, ijgs_i,ijge_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izgs,izge, 1,ntimelevel )
CALL allocate_array( moments_rhs_i, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize, 1,ntimelevel )
CALL allocate_array( nadiab_moments_i, ipgs_i,ipge_i, ijgs_i,ijge_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izgs,izge)
CALL allocate_array( moments_i_ZF, ipgs_i,ipge_i, ijgs_i,ijge_i, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( moments_i_EM, ipgs_i,ipge_i, ijgs_i,ijge_i, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( TColl_i, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Sipj, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( xnipj, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( xnipp2j, ips_i,ipe_i)
CALL allocate_array( xnipp1j, ips_i,ipe_i)
CALL allocate_array( xnipm1j, ips_i,ipe_i)
CALL allocate_array( xnipm2j, ips_i,ipe_i)
CALL allocate_array( xnipjp1, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( xnipjm1, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( ynipp1j, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( ynipm1j, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( ynipp1jm1, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( ynipm1jm1, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( zNipm1j, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( zNipm1jp1, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( zNipm1jm1, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
! Non linear terms and dnjs table
CALL allocate_array( dnjs, 1,maxj+1, 1,maxj+1, 1,maxj+1)
! elect. pot. linear terms
CALL allocate_array( xphij_e, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( xphijp1_e, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( xphijm1_e, ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e)
CALL allocate_array( xphij_i, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( xphijp1_i, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
CALL allocate_array( xphijm1_i, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i)
! Curvature and geometry
CALL allocate_array( Ckxky, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye,izgs,izge,0,1)
CALL allocate_array( kparray, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye,izgs,izge,0,1)
CALL allocate_array( Jacobian,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gxx,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gxy,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gxz,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gyy,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gyz,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gzz,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gradxB,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gradyB,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( gradzB,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( hatB,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( hatR,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( hatZ,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( Rc,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( phic,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( Zc,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( dxdR,izgs,izge, 0,1)
CALL allocate_array( dxdZ,izgs,izge, 0,1)
call allocate_array(gradz_coeff,izgs,izge, 0,1)
!___________________ 2x5D ARRAYS __________________________
!! Collision matrices
IF (gyrokin_CO) THEN !GK collision matrices (one for each kperp)
CALL allocate_array( Ceepj, 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( CeipjT, 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( CeipjF, 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( CiepjT, 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( CiepjF, 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
CALL allocate_array( Ciipj, 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
ELSE !DK collision matrix (same for every k)
CALL allocate_array( Ceepj, 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,1, 1,1, 1,1)
CALL allocate_array( CeipjT, 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,1, 1,1, 1,1)
CALL allocate_array( CeipjF, 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,1, 1,1, 1,1)
CALL allocate_array( CiepjT, 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,1, 1,1, 1,1)
CALL allocate_array( CiepjF, 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,(pmaxe+1)*(jmaxe+1), 1,1, 1,1, 1,1)
CALL allocate_array( Ciipj, 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,(pmaxi+1)*(jmaxi+1), 1,1, 1,1, 1,1)