options.magnetic=1;% 1-> Add toroidal magnetic gradient drift resonance effects
% Physical Parameters
params.tau=1.0;% Ti/Te
params.nu=MODEL.nu;% electron/ion collision frequency ... only for nu/ omega_pe < nuoveromegapemax (electron plasma frequency) [See Banks et al. (2017)]
params.tau=MODEL.tau_i;% Ti/Te
params.nu=MODEL.nu;% electron/ion collision frequency ... only for nu/ omega_pe < nuoveromegapemax (electron plasma frequency) [See Banks et al. (2017)]
params.nuoveromegapemax=inf;% Maximum ratio between electron/ion collision frequency and electron plasma frequency [See Banks et al. (2017)]. Set to inf if not desired !!!
params.mu=MODEL.sigma_e;% sqrt(m_e/m_i)
params.kpar=0.0;% normalized parallel wave number to the major radius
params.kperp=GRID.kzmin;% normalized perpendicular wave number to the soundLarmor radius. Note: If ions ==0 (e.g. EPW), kperp --> b
params.kperp=GRID.kzmin;% normalized perpendicular wave number to the soundLarmor radius. Note: If ions ==0 (e.g. EPW), kperp --> b
params.alphaD=0.0;% (k*Debye length)^2
params.Rn=1.0;% Major Radius / Background density gradient length
params.RTe=0.0;% Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background electron temperature gradient length
params.RTi=0.0;% Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background ion temperature gradient length
params.Rn=MODEL.eta_n;% Major Radius / Background density gradient length
params.RTe=MODEL.eta_T;% Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background electron temperature gradient length
params.RTi=MODEL.eta_T;% Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background ion temperature gradient length
params.Rphi=0.0;% Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background potentiel gradient length [presence of shear] - only for GK
params.betae=1e-6;% Electron Beta plasma.
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ options.fscan = 0; % 1 -> peform scan over scan.list, 0-> off
options.scan.list={};% List of scan parameters. If empty, solve MOLI with params
% Time-Evolution Problem [Solver==3] ...
options.solver.TimeSolver.dt=BASIC.dt;% timestep of time evolution (R/c_s or 1/(k v/the) units)
options.solver.TimeSolver.Trun=BASIC.tmax;% total time to run time evolution