3. To have a better interface, open a script HeLaZ/wk/parameters*.m and run it to set up a wanted simulation.
3. To have a better interface, open a script HeLaZ/wk/parameters*.m and run it to set up a wanted simulation.
4. You can obtain various plots and gifs using HeLaZ/wk/analysis_2D.m once the simulation is done. To select the correct output file, run parameters*.m with the corresponding simulation parameters and then run analysis_2D.m (everything with matlab from wk/)
4. You can obtain various plots and gifs using HeLaZ/wk/analysis_2D.m once the simulation is done. To select the correct output file, run parameters*.m with the corresponding simulation parameters and then run analysis_2D.m (everything with matlab from wk/)
Roadmap : (Current version 1.4)
# Logbook
(Current versions : Master 1.4.3; MPI 2.1.1)
0. Write MOLI matlab solver in Fortran using Monli1D as starting point
0. Write MOLI matlab solver in Fortran using Monli1D as starting point
@@ -49,4 +50,18 @@ Roadmap : (Current version 1.4)
@@ -49,4 +50,18 @@ Roadmap : (Current version 1.4)
1.4.2 Direct comparison with GS2 results of Ricci,Rogers 2006
1.4.2 Direct comparison with GS2 results of Ricci,Rogers 2006
2. MPI parallel version
1.4.3 Code to expensive in sequential to reach PJ convergence
2. MPI parallel version (branch MPI)
2.1 First compilable parallel version
2.1.1 Benchmarks, profiling and portability of the code
2.2 Allow restart with different P,J values
2.3 Implement RK45 adaptive scheme or Adams-Bashforth 3rd order (in discussion)