If you use GYACOMO in your work, please cite (at least) one of the following paper:
Hoffmann, A., Frei, B., & Ricci, P. (2023). Gyrokinetic simulations of plasma turbulence in a Z-pinch using a moment-based approach and advanced collision operators. Journal of Plasma Physics, 89(2), 905890214. doi:10.1017/S0022377823000284
Hoffmann, A.C.D., Frei, B.J. & Ricci, P. (2023). Gyrokinetic simulations of plasma turbulence in a Z-pinch using a moment-based approach and advanced collision operators. Journal of Plasma Physics, 89(2), 905890214. doi:10.1017/S0022377823000284
Hoffmann, A., Frei, B., & Ricci, P. (2023). Gyrokinetic moment-based simulations of the
Dimits shift https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01016
Hoffmann, A.C.D., Frei, B.J. & Ricci, P. (2023). Gyrokinetic moment-based simulations of the Dimits shift. Journal of Plasma Physics, 89(6), 905890611. doi:10.1017/S0022377823001320
# What is GYACOMO ?
@@ -36,20 +35,21 @@ This repository contains the solver source code (in /src) but also my personnal
#### GYACOMO can
- run in parallel using MPI (mpirun -np N ./path_to_exec Np Ny Nz, where N = Np x Ny x Nz is the number of processes and Np Ny Nz are the parallel dimensions in Hermite polynomials, binormal direction, and parallel direction, respectively).
- run in single precision (make gfsp).
- run in single precision.
- evolve kinetic electrons and ions.
- use an adiabatic electrons model.
- include perpendicular magnetic perturbation (Ampere's law).
- use Z-pinch and s-alpha geometry.
- use the Miller geometry framework (elongation, triangularity etc.).
- include perpendicular magnetic fluctuations.
- use Z-pinch, s-alpha, circular and Miller geometry model.
- use various experimental closures for the linear and nonlinear terms.
- add background ExB shear flow.
#### GYACOMO cannot (yet)
- include parallel magnetic fluctuations
- use an adiabatic ion model
- include finite rhostar effects
- study stellarator geometries
- use linear GK Landau, Sugama, Lorentz collision operators. (requires precomputed matrix files, ask them!)