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Commit fde3f884 authored by Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann's avatar Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann
Browse files

minor changes

parent 2c9ad208
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......@@ -31,3 +31,4 @@ wk/fort.90
......@@ -127,9 +127,7 @@ SUBROUTINE load_cp
WRITE(*,'(3x,a)') "Resume from previous run"
CALL openf(rstfile, fidrst,mpicomm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
! IF (isgroup(fidrst,'/Basic/moments_e')) THEN
! Getting the last saved checkpoint
n_ = 0
WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/Basic/moments_e", n_
DO WHILE (isdataset(fidrst, dset_name))
......@@ -153,20 +151,6 @@ SUBROUTINE load_cp
CALL getatt(fidrst, dset_name, 'iframe5d',iframe5d)
iframe2d = iframe2d-1; iframe5d = iframe5d-1
! CALL getatt(fidrst, '/Basic', 'cstep', cstep)
! CALL getatt(fidrst, '/Basic', 'time', time)
! CALL getatt(fidrst, '/Basic', 'jobnum', jobnum)
! jobnum = jobnum+1
! CALL getatt(fidrst, '/Basic', 'iframe2d',iframe2d)
! CALL getatt(fidrst, '/Basic', 'iframe5d',iframe5d)
! iframe2d = iframe2d-1; iframe5d = iframe5d-1
! ! Read state of system from restart file
! CALL getarr(fidrst, '/Basic/moments_e', moments_e(ips_e:ipe_e,ijs_e:ije_e,ikrs:ikre,ikzs:ikze,1),pardim=3)
! CALL getarr(fidrst, '/Basic/moments_i', moments_i(ips_i:ipe_i,ijs_i:ije_i,ikrs:ikre,ikzs:ikze,1),pardim=3)
CALL closef(fidrst)
WRITE(*,'(3x,a)') "Reading from restart file "//TRIM(rstfile)//" completed!"
......@@ -226,7 +210,7 @@ SUBROUTINE load_FC_mat ! Works only for a partiular file for now with P,J <= 15,
!!!!!!!!!!!! Electron matrices !!!!!!!!!!!!
! get the self electron colision matrix
CALL openf(selfmat_file,fid1, 'r', 'D');
CALL openf(selfmat_file,fid1, 'r', 'D',mpicomm=MPI_COMM_WORLD);
CALL getarr(fid1, '/Caapj/Ceepj', Ceepj) ! get array (moli format)
CALL closef(fid1)
! get the Test and Back field electron ion collision matrix
......@@ -237,7 +221,7 @@ SUBROUTINE load_FC_mat ! Works only for a partiular file for now with P,J <= 15,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ion matrices !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! get the self electron colision matrix
CALL openf(selfmat_file, fid3, 'r', 'D');
CALL openf(selfmat_file, fid3, 'r', 'D',mpicomm=MPI_COMM_WORLD);
IF ( (pmaxe .EQ. pmaxi) .AND. (jmaxe .EQ. jmaxi) ) THEN ! if same degrees ion and electron matrices are alike so load Ceepj
CALL getarr(fid3, '/Caapj/Ceepj', Ciipj) ! get array (moli format)
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ character(len=40) BRANCH
character(len=20) AUTHOR
character(len=40) EXECDATE
character(len=40) HOST
parameter (VERSION='003c315-dirty')
parameter (VERSION='2c9ad20-dirty')
parameter (BRANCH='MPI')
parameter (AUTHOR='ahoffman')
parameter (EXECDATE='Fri Nov 20 14:14:05 CET 2020')
parameter (EXECDATE='Wed Nov 25 17:26:17 CET 2020')
parameter (HOST ='spcpc606')
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ character(len=40) BRANCH
character(len=20) AUTHOR
character(len=40) EXECDATE
character(len=40) HOST
parameter (VERSION='003c315-dirty')
parameter (VERSION='2c9ad20-dirty')
parameter (BRANCH='MPI')
parameter (AUTHOR='ahoffman')
parameter (EXECDATE='Fri Nov 20 14:14:05 CET 2020')
parameter (EXECDATE='Wed Nov 25 17:26:17 CET 2020')
parameter (HOST ='spcpc606')
if 0
if 1
%% Compute time average and std of the mean flow
t0 = 180; t1 = 400; [~,it0] = min(abs(t0-Ts2D)); [~,it1] = min(abs(t1-Ts2D));
range = it0:it1;
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ stdev = std(Flux_ri(range))^(.5)
hist(Flux_ri(range),20); xlabel('$\Gamma$')
if 0
%% Handwritten results for nu = 0.01
% High definition results (256x128)
Results_256x128.Gamma = [0.02, 0.03, 0.20, 0.037, 2.7, 2.25, 4, 5e-4, 2e-3, 0.03];
......@@ -89,4 +90,5 @@ grid on; title('$\nu = 0.1$')
legend('Mix. Length, Ricci 2006','$P=2$, $J=1$','$P=3$, $J=2$','$P=4$, $J=2$')
FIGNAME = [SIMDIR,'flux_study_nu_1e-2.png'];
disp(['Figure saved @ : ',FIGNAME])
\ No newline at end of file
disp(['Figure saved @ : ',FIGNAME])
\ No newline at end of file
nrun = 100000000
dt = 0.01
tmax = 400
tmax = 100
RESTART = .false.
pmaxe =3
jmaxe = 2
pmaxi = 3
jmaxi = 2
Nr = 256
Lr = 66
Nz = 256
Lz = 66
pmaxe =2
jmaxe = 1
pmaxi = 2
jmaxi = 1
Nr = 400
Lr = 100
Nz = 400
Lz = 100
kpar = 0
CANCEL_ODD_P = .false.
nsave_0d = 50
nsave_0d = 100
nsave_1d = 0
nsave_2d = 50
nsave_5d = 200
nsave_2d = 100
nsave_5d = 1000
write_Na00 = .true.
write_moments = .true.
write_phi = .true.
write_non_lin = .true.
write_doubleprecision = .true.
resfile0 = '../results/test_parallel/256x128_L_66_Pe_3_Je_2_Pi_3_Ji_2_nB_0.5_nN_1_nu_1e-02_DG_mu_5e-06/outputs'
rstfile0 = '../results/test_parallel/256x128_L_66_Pe_3_Je_2_Pi_3_Ji_2_nB_0.5_nN_1_nu_1e-02_DG_mu_5e-06/checkpoint'
resfile0 = '../results/test_parallel/400x200_L_100_Pe_2_Je_1_Pi_2_Ji_1_nB_0.6_nN_1_nu_1e-01_FC_mu_5e-04/outputs'
rstfile0 = '../results/test_parallel/400x200_L_100_Pe_2_Je_1_Pi_2_Ji_1_nB_0.6_nN_1_nu_1e-01_FC_mu_5e-04/checkpoint'
job2load = 0
! Collisionality
CO = -2
CO = -1
DK = .false.
NON_LIN = .true.
mu = 5e-06
nu = 0.01
mu = 0.0005
nu = 0.1
tau_e = 1
tau_i = 1
sigma_e = 0.023338
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
q_i = 1
eta_n = 1
eta_T = 0
eta_B = 0.5
eta_B = 0.6
lambdaD = 0
kr0KH = 0
A0KH = 0
......@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
initback_moments =0
initnoise_moments =1e-05
iseed =42
selfmat_file ='../iCa/self_Coll_GKE_0_GKI_0_ESELF_1_ISELF_1_Pmaxe_3_Jmaxe_2_Pmaxi_3_Jmaxi_2_pamaxx_10.h5'
eimat_file ='../iCa/ei_Coll_GKE_0_GKI_0_ETEST_1_EBACK_1_Pmaxe_3_Jmaxe_2_Pmaxi_3_Jmaxi_2_pamaxx_10_tau_1.0000_mu_0.0233.h5'
iemat_file ='../iCa/ie_Coll_GKE_0_GKI_0_ITEST_1_IBACK_1_Pmaxe_3_Jmaxe_2_Pmaxi_3_Jmaxi_2_pamaxx_10_tau_1.0000_mu_0.0233.h5'
selfmat_file ='../iCa/self_Coll_GKE_0_GKI_0_ESELF_1_ISELF_1_Pmaxe_2_Jmaxe_1_Pmaxi_2_Jmaxi_1_pamaxx_10.h5'
eimat_file ='../iCa/ei_Coll_GKE_0_GKI_0_ETEST_1_EBACK_1_Pmaxe_2_Jmaxe_1_Pmaxi_2_Jmaxi_1_pamaxx_10_tau_1.0000_mu_0.0233.h5'
iemat_file ='../iCa/ie_Coll_GKE_0_GKI_0_ITEST_1_IBACK_1_Pmaxe_2_Jmaxe_1_Pmaxi_2_Jmaxi_1_pamaxx_10_tau_1.0000_mu_0.0233.h5'
......@@ -14,19 +14,18 @@ NOISE0 = 1.0e-5;
N = 256; % Frequency gridpoints (Nkr = N/2)
L = 66; % Size of the squared frequency domain
PMAXE = 5; % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXE = 3; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
PMAXI = 5; % Highest ion Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXI = 3; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
CANCEL_ODD_P = 0;% Cancels the odd polynomials degree
PMAXE = 2; % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXE = 1; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
PMAXI = 2; % Highest ion Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXI = 1; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
TMAX = 400; % Maximal time unit
DT = 4e-3; % Time step
SPS0D = 1.0; % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
DT = 1e-2; % Time step
SPS0D = 1; % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
SPS2D = 1; % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
SPS5D = 0.1; % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
RESTART = 1; % To restart from last checkpoint
SIMID = 'ZP'; % Name of the simulation
CO = -1; % Collision operator (0 : L.Bernstein, -1 : Full Coulomb, -2 : Dougherty)
......@@ -40,5 +39,6 @@ KREQ0 = 0; % put kr = 0
KPAR = 0.0; % Parellel wave vector component
LAMBDAD = 0.0;
NON_LIN = 1 *(1-KREQ0); % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KREQ0 = 1)
CANCEL_ODD_P = 0;% Cancels the odd polynomials degree
......@@ -4,31 +4,31 @@ addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
%% Set Up parameters
NU = 1e-2; % Collision frequency
NU = 1e-1; % Collision frequency
TAU = 1.0; % e/i temperature ratio
ETAB = 0.5; % Magnetic gradient
ETAB = 0.6; % Magnetic gradient
ETAN = 1.0; % Density gradient
ETAT = 0.0; % Temperature gradient
MU = 5e-6; % Hyper diffusivity coefficient
MU = 5e-4; % Hyper diffusivity coefficient
NOISE0 = 1.0e-5;
N = 256; % Frequency gridpoints (Nkr = N/2)
L = 66; % Size of the squared frequency domain
PMAXE = 3; % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXE = 2; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
PMAXI = 3; % Highest ion Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXI = 2; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
N = 400; % Frequency gridpoints (Nkr = N/2)
L = 100; % Size of the squared frequency domain
PMAXE = 2; % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXE = 1; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
PMAXI = 2; % Highest ion Hermite polynomial degree
JMAXI = 1; % Highest '' Laguerre ''
TMAX = 400; % Maximal time unit
TMAX = 100; % Maximal time unit
DT = 1e-2; % Time step
SPS0D = 2; % Sampling per time unit for profiler
SPS2D = 2; % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
SPS5D = 0.5; % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
SPS0D = 1; % Sampling per time unit for profiler
SPS2D = 1; % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
SPS5D = 0.1; % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
RESTART = 0; % To restart from last checkpoint
SIMID = 'test_parallel'; % Name of the simulation
CO = -2; % Collision operator (0 : L.Bernstein, -1 : Full Coulomb, -2 : Dougherty)
CO = -1; % Collision operator (0 : L.Bernstein, -1 : Full Coulomb, -2 : Dougherty)
%% unused
0% Loading or .
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