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Exercise 1 : Message Processing Semantics

For the Client1 actor, the only possible output is 1. The reason is that messages between two actors are guaranteed to be received in the order they were sent.

For the Client2 actor, either 0 or 1 can be printed. There are no restrictions on the order in which messages are processed in this case. It might be the case that the Memory actor receives the Write message from the Client2 first, or the Read message from the Proxy first. The order in which the messages are sent by the Client2 doesn't change the possible behaviours of the system. In the case both messages are sent through the Proxy, then the only possible output is 1, since in this case the messages between the Client2 and Proxy, as well as between Proxy and Memory, are guaranteed to be handled in the same order they were sent.

Exercise 2 : The Josephus Problem


class Soldier(number: Int) extends Actor {

  import Soldier._

  def receive: Receive = behavior(None, None, false)

  def behavior(next: Option[ActorRef],
               killer: Option[ActorRef],
               mustAct: Boolean): Receive = {

    case Death => next match {
      case Some(myNext) =>
        sender ! Next(myNext)
        myNext ! Act
        println("Soldier " + number + " dies.")
        self ! PoisonPill

      case None =>
          next = None,
          killer = Some(sender),
          mustAct = mustAct))

    case Next(newNext) =>
      if (newNext == self) {
        println("Soldier " + number + " is last !")
      } else if (!killer.isEmpty) {
        killer.get ! Next(newNext)
        newNext ! Act
        println("Soldier " + number + " dies.")
        self ! PoisonPill
      } else if (mustAct) {
        newNext ! Death
          next = None,
          killer = None,
          mustAct = false))
      } else {
          next = Some(newNext),
          killer = None,
          mustAct = false))

    case Act => next match {
      case Some(myNext) =>
        myNext ! Death
          next = None,
          killer = killer,
          mustAct = false))

      case None =>
          next = None,
          killer = killer,
          mustAct = true))

object Soldier {
  // The different messages that can be sent between the actors:

  // The recipient should die.
  case object Death

  // The recipient should update its next reference.
  case class Next(next: ActorRef)

  // The recipient should act.
  case object Act

  def props(number: Int): Props = Props(new Soldier(number))

object Simulation {

  import Soldier._

  // Initialization
  val system = ActorSystem("mySystem")

  def start(n: Int) {
    require(n >= 1)

    // Creation of the actors.
    val actors = Seq.tabulate(n) { (i: Int) =>
      system.actorOf(Soldier.props(i), "Soldier" + i)

    // Inform all actors of the next actor in the circle.
    for (i <- 0 to (n - 2)) {
      actors(i) ! Next(actors(i + 1))
    actors(n - 1) ! Next(actors(0))

    // Inform the first actor to start acting.
    actors(0) ! Act