Matt Bovel authoredMatt Bovel authored
exercise-5.md 1.77 KiB
Exercise Session 5
Problem 1: Message Processing Semantics
Consider the following actor system:
enum Protocol:
case Write(value: Int)
case Read(requester: ActorRef)
import Protocol.*
enum Responses:
case Answer(value: Int)
import Responses.*
class Memory extends Actor:
var value = 0
override def receive: Receive = {
case Write(newValue) => value = newValue
case Read(requester) => requester ! Answer(value)
class Client(memory: ActorRef) extends Actor:
override def receive: Receive = { case Answer(value) =>
class MyProxy(memory: ActorRef) extends Actor:
override def receive: Receive = { case message =>
memory ! message
Problem 1.1
And the following test:
@main def problem1_1 =
for _ <- 1 to 1000 do
val system = ActorSystem("example")
val memory = system.actorOf(Props(Memory()))
val client = system.actorOf(Props(Client(memory)))
memory ! Write(1)
memory ! Read(client)
finally system.terminate()
What are the possible values printed by the println
command in the Client
actor? Why?
Problem 1.2
Now, consider the following test:
@main def problem1_2 =
for _ <- 1 to 1000 do
val system = ActorSystem("example")
val memory = system.actorOf(Props(Memory()))
val proxy = system.actorOf(Props(MyProxy(memory)))
val client = system.actorOf(Props(Client(memory)))
proxy ! Read(client)
memory ! Write(1)
finally system.terminate()
- What are the possible values printed by the
command in theClient2
actor? Why? - Would the output be different if the commands annotated with
were issued in the other order? - What if both messages are sent through the