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Exercise Session 5

Problem 1: Message Processing Semantics

Consider the following actor system:

enum Protocol:
  case Write(value: Int)
  case Read(requester: ActorRef)
import Protocol.*

enum Responses:
  case Answer(value: Int)
import Responses.*

class Memory extends Actor:
  var value = 0

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Write(newValue) => value = newValue
    case Read(requester) => requester ! Answer(value)

class Client(memory: ActorRef) extends Actor:
  override def receive: Receive = { case Answer(value) =>

class MyProxy(memory: ActorRef) extends Actor:
  override def receive: Receive = { case message =>
    memory ! message

Problem 1.1

And the following test:

@main def problem1_1 =
  for _ <- 1 to 1000 do
    val system = ActorSystem("example")
      val memory = system.actorOf(Props(Memory()))
      val client = system.actorOf(Props(Client(memory)))
      memory ! Write(1)
      memory ! Read(client)
    finally system.terminate()

What are the possible values printed by the println command in the Client actor? Why?

Problem 1.2

Now, consider the following test:

@main def problem1_2 =
  for _ <- 1 to 1000 do
    val system = ActorSystem("example")
      val memory = system.actorOf(Props(Memory()))
      val proxy  = system.actorOf(Props(MyProxy(memory)))
      val client = system.actorOf(Props(Client(memory)))
      proxy ! Read(client)
      memory ! Write(1)
    finally system.terminate()
  1. What are the possible values printed by the println command in the Client2 actor? Why?
  2. Would the output be different if the commands annotated with XXX were issued in the other order?
  3. What if both messages are sent through the Proxy actor?