Olivier Blanvillain authoredOlivier Blanvillain authored
Exercise 4
Use the following commands to make a fresh clone of your repository:
git clone -b exercise-4 git@gitlab.epfl.ch:lamp/student-repositories-s21/cs206-GASPAR.git exercise-4
Update the README.md file with your solutions. Don't forget to list the group members's SCIPER numbers.
Problem 1: Implementing map and filter on Futures
In this exercise, you will come up with an implementation of the map
and filter
methods of Futures. First of all, spend some time as a group to make sure that you understand what those methods are supposed to do. Then, complete the following code to implement the two methods:
trait Future[T] { self =>
def map[S](f: T => S): Future[S] =
new Future[S] {
def onComplete(callback: Try[S] => Unit): Unit = ???
def filter(f: T => Boolean): Future[T] =
new Future[T] {
def onComplete(callback: Try[T] => Unit): Unit = ???
In the case of filter
, if the original Future
successfully returns a value which does not satisfy the predicate, the new Future
should return a Failure
containing a NoSuchElementException
Problem 2: Coordinator / Worker
In this exercise, you will have to implement a Coordinator / Worker actor system, in which one actor, the coordinator, dispatches work to other actors, the workers. Between the coordinator and the workers, only two kinds of messages are sent: Request
and Ready
case class Request(computation: => Unit)
case object Ready
The coordinator actor sends Request
messages to workers to request them to perform some computation (passed as an argument of Request
). Upon reception of a Request
, a worker should perform the computation. Workers should send a Ready
message to their coordinator whenever they finish executing the requested computation, and also right after they are created.
The coordinator actor itself receives requests through Request
messages from clients. The coordinator actor should then dispatch the work to worker actors. The coordinator should however never send a request to a worker which has not declared itself ready via a Ready
message beforehand.
Implement the Coordinator
and Worker
class Coordinator extends Actor {
override def receive = ???
class Worker(coordinator: Coordinator) extends Actor {
override def receive = ???
An example system using the Coordinator and Worker actors is shown below.
object Main extends App {
val coordinatorProps: Props = Props(new Coordinator())
def workerProps(coord: Coordinator): Props = Props(new Worker(coord))
val system = ActorSystem("coordinator/worker")
val coordinator = system.actorOf(coordinatorProps)
val workers = Seq.fill(10) {
// Now, clients should be able to send requests to the coordinator…
coordinator ! Request(println(3 + 5))
coordinator ! Request(println(67 * 3))
// And so on...
Hint: In order to fulfill its job, the coordinator should remember which workers are ready and what requests are still to be allocated to a worker.