The intuition is the following. Take any computation tree for
`xs.aggregate`. Such a tree has internal nodes labelled by g and segments processed using `foldLeft(z)(f)`. The split-invariance law above says that any internal g-node can be removed by concatenating the segments. By repeating this transformation, we obtain the entire result equals `xs.foldLeft(z)(f)`.
The split-invariance condition uses `foldLeft`. The following two conditions together are a bit simpler and imply split-invariance:
forall u. g(u,z) == u (g-right-unit)
forall u, v. g(u, f(v,x)) == f(g(u,v), x) (g-f-assoc)
Assume g-right-unit and g-f-assoc. We wish to prove split-invariance. We do so by induction on the length of `ys`. If ys has length zero, then `ys.foldLeft` gives `z`, so by g-right-unit both sides reduce to xs.foldLeft. Let `ys` have length `n>0` and assume by I.H. split-invariance holds for all `ys` of length strictly less than `n`. Let `ys == ys1 :+ y` (that is, y is the last element of `ys`). Then
The version from question 4 may require 2 traversals (one for `map`, one for `reduce`) and does not benefit from the (potentially faster) sequential operator `f`.
# Exercise 2 : Depth
## Question 1
Somewhat counterintuitively, the property doesn't hold. To show this, let's take the following values for *L1*, *L2*, *T*, *c*, and *d*.
L1 = 10, L2 = 12, T = 11, c = 1, and d = 1.
Using those values, we get that:
D(L1) = 10
D(L2) = max(D(6), D(6)) + 1 = 7
## Question 2
*Proof sketch*
Define the following function D'(L).

Show that *D(L) ≤ D'(L)* for all *1 ≤ L*.
Then, show that, for any *1 ≤ L1 ≤ L2* we have *D'(L1) ≤ D'(L2)*. This property can be shown by induction on *L2*.
Finally, let *n* be such that *L ≤ 2n < 2L*. We have that: