[SolverFactory](https://github.com/epfl-lara/inox/blob/master/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/SolverFactory.scala) and [SimpleSolverAPI](https://github.com/epfl-lara/inox/blob/master/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/SimpleSolverAPI.scala)
for solving the query.
Alternatively, one can user Inox through a textual interface by using the [TIP](https://tip-org.github.io/) format
See the [tutorial](src/doc/tutorial.md) and [API](src/doc/API.md) for more information.
Alternatively, one can use Inox through command-line by using the [TIP](https://tip-org.github.io/) format
to describe the relevant query.
Installing Inox
Building Inox
Inox is probably easiest to build on Linux-like
platforms, but read on regarding other platforms.
Inox is probably easiest to build on Linux-like platforms, but read on regarding other platforms.
Due to its nature, this documentation section may not always
be up to date; we welcome pull requests with carefully