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Changes to Reporter

Merged Viktor Kuncak requested to merge github/fork/mario-bucev/reporter-changes into main
2 files
+ 90
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@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ abstract class Reporter(val debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) {
case class DEBUG(section: DebugSection) extends Severity
case class Message(severity: Severity, position: Position, msg: Any)
// The tag allows to differentiate between different kinds of progress message
// that should not be collapsed if they are printed one after the other.
case class ProgressMessage(severity: INFO.type | DEBUG, tag: Any, msg: Any)
private var _errorCount : Int = 0
private var _warningCount : Int = 0
@@ -39,11 +42,10 @@ abstract class Reporter(val debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) {
def emit(msg: Message): Unit
def emit(msg: ProgressMessage): Unit
def onFatal(msg: String = ""): Nothing = throw FatalError(msg)
def onCompilerProgress(current: Int, total: Int) = {}
final def info(pos: Position, msg: Any): Unit = emit(account(Message(INFO, pos, msg)))
final def warning(pos: Position, msg: Any): Unit = emit(account(Message(WARNING, pos, msg)))
final def error(pos: Position, msg: Any): Unit = emit(account(Message(ERROR, pos, msg)))
@@ -155,6 +157,9 @@ abstract class Reporter(val debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) {
class DefaultReporter(debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) extends Reporter(debugSections) {
protected case class ProgressPrinting(tag: Any, maxLength: Int)
protected var lastProgressPrinting: Option[ProgressPrinting] = None
protected def severityToPrefix(sev: Severity): String = sev match {
case ERROR => "["+Console.RED +" Error "+Console.RESET+"]"
case WARNING => "["+Console.YELLOW +"Warning "+Console.RESET+"]"
@@ -164,15 +169,56 @@ class DefaultReporter(debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) extends Reporter(debugSe
case DEBUG(_) => "["+Console.MAGENTA +" Debug "+Console.RESET+"]"
def emit(msg: Message) = synchronized {
override final def emit(msg: Message) = synchronized {
if (lastProgressPrinting.isDefined) {
lastProgressPrinting = None
def doEmit(msg: Message) = {
println(reline(severityToPrefix(msg.severity), smartPos(msg.position) + msg.msg.toString))
printLineContent(msg.position, false)
override final def emit(msg: ProgressMessage) = synchronized {
val (shouldClear, prevLength) = lastProgressPrinting match {
case Some(ProgressPrinting(prevTag, prevLength)) =>
(prevTag != msg.tag, prevLength)
case None => (false, 0)
if (shouldClear) {
val emitted = doEmit(msg, prevLength)
lastProgressPrinting = Some(ProgressPrinting(msg.tag, math.max(prevLength, emitted.length)))
def clearProgress(): Unit = println()
def doEmit(msg: ProgressMessage, prevLength: Int): String = {
val toPrint = "\r" + severityToPrefix(msg.severity) + " " + msg.msg.toString
val diff = prevLength - toPrint.length
if (diff > 0) {
// Clear the remaining characters of the previous message
print(" " * diff)
def getLine(pos: Position): Option[String] = {
val lines =
if (pos == NoPosition) Nil
if (pos == NoPosition) IndexedSeq.empty
else {
val source =
try {
} finally {
if (lines.size >= pos.line && pos.line > 0) {
Some(lines(pos.line - 1))
@@ -185,12 +231,15 @@ class DefaultReporter(debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) extends Reporter(debugSe
val blankPrefix = " " * prefixSize
def printLineContent(pos: Position, asciiOnly: Boolean): Unit = {
def printLineContent(pos: Position, asciiOnly: Boolean): Unit =
getLineContent(pos, asciiOnly).foreach(println)
def getLineContent(pos: Position, asciiOnly: Boolean): Option[String] = {
getLine(pos) match {
case Some(line) =>
// Scala positions probably assume 1 tab = 8 spaces, so we replaces tabs
// for the carret (^) computed below to be aligned
println(blankPrefix+line.replace("\t", " " * 8))
val replLine = blankPrefix + line.replace("\t", " " * 8) + "\n"
pos match {
case rp: RangePosition =>
val bp = rp.focusBegin
@@ -200,22 +249,22 @@ class DefaultReporter(debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) extends Reporter(debugSe
val width = Math.max(ep.col - bp.col, 1)
"^" * width
} else {
val width = Math.max(line.length+1-bp.col, 1)
("^" * width)+"..."
val width = Math.max(line.length + 1 - bp.col, 1)
("^" * width) + "..."
if (asciiOnly)
println(blankPrefix+(" " * (bp.col - 1) + carret))
Some(replLine + blankPrefix + (" " * (bp.col - 1) + carret))
println(blankPrefix+(" " * (bp.col - 1) + Console.RED+carret+Console.RESET))
Some(replLine + blankPrefix + (" " * (bp.col - 1) + Console.RED + carret + Console.RESET))
case op: OffsetPosition =>
if (asciiOnly)
println(blankPrefix+(" " * (op.col - 1) + "^"))
Some(replLine + blankPrefix + (" " * (op.col - 1) + "^"))
println(blankPrefix+(" " * (op.col - 1) + Console.RED+"^"+Console.RESET))
Some(replLine + blankPrefix + (" " * (op.col - 1) + Console.RED + "^" + Console.RESET))
case None =>
case None => None
@@ -237,7 +286,7 @@ class PlainTextReporter(debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) extends DefaultReporte
case DEBUG(_) => "debug"
override def emit(msg: Message) = synchronized {
override def doEmit(msg: Message) = {
if (msg.severity == ERROR || msg.severity == FATAL || msg.severity == INTERNAL)
println(smartPos(msg.position) + "error: " + msg.msg.toString)
else if (msg.severity == WARNING)
@@ -248,4 +297,15 @@ class PlainTextReporter(debugSections: Set[DebugSection]) extends DefaultReporte
println(smartPos(msg.position) + msg.msg.toString)
printLineContent(msg.position, true)
override def doEmit(msg: ProgressMessage, prevLength: Int) = {
val sev = severityToString(msg.severity)
val toPrint = "\r" + sev + " " + msg.msg.toString
val diff = prevLength - toPrint.length
if (diff > 0) {
print(" " * diff)