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Verified Commit 572ed124 authored by Sankalp Gambhir's avatar Sankalp Gambhir
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Proof checking at higher abstraction level - Left propositional rules

parent 2fc9b822
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1 merge request!93Proof checking at higher abstraction level
This commit is part of merge request !93. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
......@@ -12,13 +12,34 @@ import lisa.utils.tactics.ProofStepLib.{_, given}
object BasicStepTactic {
case object Hypothesis extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(0) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.Hypothesis(bot, bot.left.intersect(bot.right).head)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
val intersectedPivot = bot.left.intersect(bot.right)
if (!intersectedPivot.isEmpty)
SC.Hypothesis(bot, intersectedPivot.head)
"A formula for input to hypothesis could not be inferred from left and right side of sequent."
case object Rewrite extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.Rewrite(bot, premises(0))
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
if (premises.length != 1)
s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received."
else if (SC.isSameSequent(bot, currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))))
SC.Rewrite(bot, premises(0))
"The premise and the conclusion are not trivially equivalent."
......@@ -29,30 +50,54 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class Cut(phi: Formula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(2) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.Cut(bot, premises(0), premises(1), phi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val leftSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val rightSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(1))
if (premises.length != 2)
invalid(s"Two premises expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!contains(leftSequent.right, phi))
invalid("Right-hand side of first premise does not contain φ as claimed.")
else if (!contains(rightSequent.left, phi))
invalid("Left-hand side of second premise does not contain φ as claimed.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.left, leftSequent.left ++ rightSequent.left.filterNot(isSame(_, phi))))
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion + φ is not the union of the left-hand sides of the premises.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right, leftSequent.right.filterNot(isSame(_, phi)) ++ rightSequent.right))
invalid("Right-hand side of conclusion + φ is not the union of the right-hand sides of the premises.")
SC.Cut(bot, premises(0), premises(1), phi)
case object CutWithoutFormula extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(2) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
val leftSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
val rightSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(1))
val cutSet = rightSequent.left.diff(bot.left) ++ leftSequent.right.diff(bot.right)
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val leftSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val rightSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(1))
lazy val cutSet = rightSequent.left.diff(bot.left) ++ leftSequent.right.diff(bot.right)
lazy val intersectedCutSet = rightSequent.left & leftSequent.right
if (!cutSet.isEmpty)
if (cutSet.tail.isEmpty) {
SC.Cut(bot, premises(0), premises(1), cutSet.head)
} else
ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(this.asProofStepWithoutBot(premises).asProofStep(bot), "Inferred cut pivot is not a singleton set.")
if (premises.length != 2)
invalid(s"Two premises expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!cutSet.isEmpty)
if (cutSet.tail.isEmpty)
Cut(cutSet.head).asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
invalid("Inferred cut pivot is not a singleton set.")
else if (!intersectedCutSet.isEmpty && intersectedCutSet.tail.isEmpty)
// can still find a pivot
SC.Cut(bot, premises(0), premises(1), intersectedCutSet.head)
Cut(intersectedCutSet.head).asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
"A consistent cut pivot cannot be inferred from the premises. Possibly a missing or extraneous clause."
invalid("A consistent cut pivot cannot be inferred from the premises. Possibly a missing or extraneous clause.")
......@@ -76,33 +121,57 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class LeftAnd(phi: Formula, psi: Formula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.LeftAnd(bot, premises(0), phi, psi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val phiAndPsi = ConnectorFormula(And, Seq(phi, psi))
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right, premiseSequent.right))
invalid("Right-hand sides of the premise and the conclusion must be the same.")
else if (
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi, premiseSequent.left + phiAndPsi) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + psi, premiseSequent.left + phiAndPsi) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi + psi, premiseSequent.left + phiAndPsi)
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion + φ∧ψ must be same as left-hand side of premise + either φ, ψ or both.")
SC.LeftAnd(bot, premises(0), phi, psi)
case object LeftAndWithoutFormula extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
val pivot = bot.left.diff(premiseSequent.left)
if (!pivot.isEmpty && pivot.tail.isEmpty)
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val pivot = bot.left.diff(premiseSequent.left)
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!pivot.isEmpty && pivot.tail.isEmpty)
pivot.head match {
case ConnectorFormula(And, Seq(phi, psi)) =>
if (premiseSequent.left.contains(phi))
SC.LeftAnd(bot, premises(0), phi, psi)
LeftAnd(phi, psi).asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
SC.LeftAnd(bot, premises(0), psi, phi)
case _ => ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(this.asProofStepWithoutBot(premises).asProofStep(bot), "Could not infer a conjunction as pivot from premise and conclusion.")
LeftAnd(psi, phi).asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
case _ => invalid("Could not infer a conjunction as pivot from premise and conclusion.")
// try a rewrite, if it works, go ahead with it, otherwise malformed
if (SC.isSameSequent(premiseSequent, bot))
SC.Rewrite(bot, premises(0))
"Left-hand side of conclusion + φ∧ψ must be same as left-hand side of premise + either φ, ψ or both."
// try a rewrite, if it works, go ahead with it, otherwise malformed
if (SC.isSameSequent(premiseSequent, bot))
Rewrite.asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion + φ∧ψ must be same as left-hand side of premise + either φ, ψ or both.")
......@@ -125,24 +194,44 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
case class LeftOr(disjuncts: Seq[Formula]) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(-1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
SC.LeftOr(bot, premises, disjuncts)
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequents =
lazy val disjunction = ConnectorFormula(Or, disjuncts)
if (premises.length == 0)
invalid(s"Premises expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right, union _)))
invalid("Right-hand side of conclusion is not the union of the right-hand sides of the premises.")
else if (!isSameSet(disjuncts.foldLeft(bot.left)(_ + _), union _) + disjunction))
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion + disjuncts is not the same as the union of the left-hand sides of the premises + φ∨ψ.")
SC.LeftOr(bot, premises, disjuncts)
case class LeftOrWithoutFormula() extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(-1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
val premiseSequents =
val pivots =
if (pivots.exists(_.isEmpty))
SC.Weakening(bot, premises(pivots.indexWhere(_.isEmpty)))
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequents =
lazy val pivots =
if (premises.length == 0)
invalid(s"Premises expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (pivots.exists(_.isEmpty))
Weakening.asSCProof(bot, Seq(premises(pivots.indexWhere(_.isEmpty))), currentProof)
else if (pivots.forall(_.tail.isEmpty))
SC.LeftOr(bot, premises,
LeftOr(, premises, currentProof)
// some extraneous formulae
"Left-hand side of conclusion + disjuncts is not the same as the union of the left-hand sides of the premises + φ∨ψ."
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion + disjuncts is not the same as the union of the left-hand sides of the premises + φ∨ψ.")
......@@ -164,23 +253,48 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class LeftImplies(phi: Formula, psi: Formula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(2) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.LeftImplies(bot, premises(0), premises(1), phi, psi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val leftSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val rightSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(1))
lazy val implication = ConnectorFormula(Implies, Seq(phi, psi))
if (premises.length != 2)
invalid(s"Two premises expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right + phi, leftSequent.right union rightSequent.right))
invalid("Right-hand side of conclusion + φ must be identical to union of right-hand sides of premises.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.left + psi, leftSequent.left union rightSequent.left + implication))
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion + ψ must be identical to union of left-hand sides of premises + φ→ψ.")
SC.LeftImplies(bot, premises(0), premises(1), phi, psi)
case object LeftImpliesWithoutFormula extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(2) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
val leftSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
val rightSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(1))
val pivotLeft = leftSequent.right.diff(bot.right)
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val leftSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val rightSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(1))
lazy val pivotLeft = leftSequent.right.diff(bot.right)
lazy val pivotRight = rightSequent.left.diff(bot.left)
if (pivotLeft.isEmpty)
SC.Weakening(bot, premises(0))
if (premises.length != 2)
invalid(s"Two premises expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (pivotLeft.isEmpty)
Weakening.asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
else if (pivotRight.isEmpty)
SC.Weakening(bot, premises(1))
Weakening.asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
else if (pivotLeft.tail.isEmpty && pivotRight.tail.isEmpty)
SC.LeftImplies(bot, premises(0), premises(1), pivotLeft.head, pivotRight.head)
LeftImplies(pivotLeft.head, pivotRight.head).asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
......@@ -207,21 +321,51 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class LeftIff(phi: Formula, psi: Formula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.LeftIff(bot, premises(0), phi, psi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val implication = ConnectorFormula(Iff, Seq(phi, psi))
lazy val impLeft = ConnectorFormula(Implies, Seq(phi, psi))
lazy val impRight = ConnectorFormula(Implies, Seq(psi, phi))
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right, premiseSequent.right))
invalid("Right-hand sides of premise and conclusion must be the same.")
else if (
!isSameSet(bot.left + impLeft, premiseSequent.left + implication) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + impRight, premiseSequent.left + implication) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + impLeft + impRight, premiseSequent.left + implication)
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion + φ↔ψ must be same as left-hand side of premise + either φ→ψ, ψ→φ or both.")
SC.LeftIff(bot, premises(0), phi, psi)
case class LeftIffWithoutFormula() extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
val pivot = premiseSequent.left.diff(bot.left)
if (pivot.isEmpty)
SC.Weakening(bot, premises(0))
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val pivot = premiseSequent.left.diff(bot.left)
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (pivot.isEmpty)
Weakening.asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
pivot.head match {
case ConnectorFormula(Implies, Seq(phi, psi)) => SC.LeftIff(bot, premises(0), phi, psi)
case _ => ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(this.asProofStepWithoutBot(premises).asProofStep(bot), "Could not infer a pivot implication from premise.")
case ConnectorFormula(Implies, Seq(phi, psi)) => LeftIff(phi, psi).asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
case _ => invalid("Could not infer a pivot implication from premise.")
......@@ -244,21 +388,44 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class LeftNot(phi: Formula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.LeftNot(bot, premises(0), phi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val negation = ConnectorFormula(Neg, Seq(phi))
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right + phi, premiseSequent.right))
invalid("Right-hand side of conclusion + φ must be the same as right-hand side of premise.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.left, premiseSequent.left + negation))
invalid("Left-hand side of conclusion must be the same as left-hand side of premise + ¬φ.")
SC.LeftNot(bot, premises(0), phi)
case class LeftNotWithoutFormula() extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
val pivot = premiseSequent.right.diff(bot.right)
if (pivot.isEmpty)
SC.Weakening(bot, premises(0))
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val pivot = premiseSequent.right.diff(bot.right)
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (pivot.isEmpty)
Weakening.asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
else if (pivot.tail.isEmpty)
SC.LeftNot(bot, premises(0), pivot.head)
LeftNot(pivot.head).asSCProof(bot, premises, currentProof)
ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(this.asProofStepWithoutBot(premises).asProofStep(bot), "Right-hand side of conclusion + φ must be the same as right-hand side of premise.")
invalid("Right-hand side of conclusion + φ must be the same as right-hand side of premise.")
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