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Commit 6ebcea6a authored by Katja Goltsova's avatar Katja Goltsova Committed by Viktor Kunčak
Browse files

Kernel printer using scallion:

Add inverse functions for all parsing rules. Further simplify parsing
of binder formulas and factor out toplevel (iff, implies) connector
formulas to make printing implementation easier.
parent 35d23134
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4 merge requests!62Easy tactics,!58Easy tactics,!54Front integration,!53Front integration
package lisa.utils
import lisa.kernel.fol.FOL
import lisa.kernel.fol.FOL._
import lisa.kernel.fol.FOL.*
import lisa.kernel.fol.FOL.equality
import lisa.kernel.proof.SequentCalculus.*
import scallion.*
import scallion.util.Unfolds.unfoldRight
import silex.*
object Parser {
......@@ -29,6 +30,12 @@ object Parser {
case SequentParser.UnexpectedEnd(_) => throw ParserException(s"Unexpected end of input")
def printSequent(s: Sequent): String = SequentParser.printSequent(s).get
def printFormula(f: Formula): String = SequentParser.printFormula(f).get
def printTerm(t: Term): String = SequentParser.printTerm(t).get
private[Parser] sealed abstract class FormulaToken
case object ForallToken extends FormulaToken
case object ExistsOneToken extends FormulaToken
......@@ -85,6 +92,27 @@ object Parser {
val source = Source.fromIterator(it, NoPositioner)
lexer(source).filter(_ != SpaceToken)
// TODO: add spaces as needed
def unapply(tokens: Iterator[Token]): String = {
case ForallToken =>
case ExistsOneToken =>
case ExistsToken =>
case DotToken => "."
case AndToken =>
case OrToken =>
case ImpliesToken =>
case IffToken =>
case NegationToken =>
case EqualityToken =>
case ConstantToken(id) => id
case SchematicToken(id) => "?" + id
case ParenthesisToken(isOpen) => if (isOpen) "(" else ")"
case CommaToken => ","
case SemicolonToken => ";"
case SequentToken => "⊢"
case SpaceToken => " "
private[Parser] object SequentParser extends Parsers {
......@@ -146,25 +174,49 @@ object Parser {
//////////////////////// LABELS ///////////////////////////////////
val toplevelConnector: Syntax[Implies.type | Iff.type] = accept(TopLevelConnectorKind) {
case ImpliesToken => Implies
case IffToken => Iff
val toplevelConnector: Syntax[Implies.type | Iff.type] = accept(TopLevelConnectorKind)(
case ImpliesToken => Implies
case IffToken => Iff
case Implies => Seq(ImpliesToken)
case Iff => Seq(IffToken)
val negation: Syntax[Neg.type] = accept(NegationKind) { case NegationToken => Neg }
val negation: Syntax[Neg.type] = accept(NegationKind)({ case NegationToken => Neg }, { case Neg => Seq(NegationToken) })
//////////////////////// TERMS ////////////////////////////////////
lazy val args: Syntax[Seq[Term]] = recursive(open.skip ~ repsep(term, comma) ~ closed.skip)
lazy val term: Syntax[Term] = recursive((elem(FunctionOrPredicateKind) ~ opt(args)).map {
case ConstantToken(id) ~ maybeArgs =>
val args = maybeArgs.getOrElse(Seq())
FunctionTerm(ConstantFunctionLabel(id, args.length), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ Some(args) => FunctionTerm(SchematicFunctionLabel(id, args.length), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ None => VariableTerm(VariableLabel(id))
case _ => throw UnreachableException
def invertTerm(t: Term): Token ~ Option[Seq[Term]] = t match {
case VariableTerm(label) => SchematicToken( ~ None
case FunctionTerm(label, args) =>
val optArgs = args match {
case Seq() => None
case _ => Some(args)
label match {
case ConstantFunctionLabel(id, _) => ConstantToken(id) ~ optArgs
case SchematicFunctionLabel(id, _) => SchematicToken(id) ~ optArgs
lazy val term: Syntax[Term] = recursive(
(elem(FunctionOrPredicateKind) ~ opt(args)).map(
case ConstantToken(id) ~ maybeArgs =>
val args = maybeArgs.getOrElse(Seq())
FunctionTerm(ConstantFunctionLabel(id, args.length), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ Some(args) => FunctionTerm(SchematicFunctionLabel(id, args.length), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ None => VariableTerm(VariableLabel(id))
case _ => throw UnreachableException
t => Seq(invertTerm(t))
//////////////////////// FORMULAS /////////////////////////////////
......@@ -182,87 +234,164 @@ object Parser {
case _ => throw UnreachableException
val predicate: Syntax[PredicateFormula] = (elem(FunctionOrPredicateKind) ~ opt(args) ~ opt(eq.skip ~ elem(FunctionOrPredicateKind) ~ opt(args))).map {
// predicate application
case ConstantToken(id) ~ maybeArgs ~ None =>
val args = maybeArgs.getOrElse(Seq())
PredicateFormula(ConstantPredicateLabel(id, args.size), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ Some(args) ~ None => PredicateFormula(SchematicNPredicateLabel(id, args.size), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ None ~ None => PredicateFormula(VariableFormulaLabel(id), Seq())
val predicate: Syntax[PredicateFormula] = (elem(FunctionOrPredicateKind) ~ opt(args) ~ opt(eq.skip ~ elem(FunctionOrPredicateKind) ~ opt(args))).map(
// predicate application
case ConstantToken(id) ~ maybeArgs ~ None =>
val args = maybeArgs.getOrElse(Seq())
PredicateFormula(ConstantPredicateLabel(id, args.size), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ Some(args) ~ None => PredicateFormula(SchematicNPredicateLabel(id, args.size), args)
case SchematicToken(id) ~ None ~ None =>
PredicateFormula(VariableFormulaLabel(id), Seq())
// equality of two function applications
case fun1 ~ args1 ~ Some(fun2 ~ args2) =>
PredicateFormula(FOL.equality, Seq(createFunctionTerm(fun1, args1.getOrElse(Seq())), createFunctionTerm(fun2, args2.getOrElse(Seq()))))
// equality of two function applications
case fun1 ~ args1 ~ Some(fun2 ~ args2) =>
PredicateFormula(FOL.equality, Seq(createFunctionTerm(fun1, args1.getOrElse(Seq())), createFunctionTerm(fun2, args2.getOrElse(Seq()))))
case _ => throw UnreachableException
case _ => throw UnreachableException
{ case PredicateFormula(label, args) =>
label match {
case FOL.equality =>
args match {
case Seq(first, second) => Seq(invertTerm(first) ~ Some(invertTerm(second)))
case _ => Seq()
case other =>
val predicateApp = other match {
case ConstantPredicateLabel(id, 0) => ConstantToken(id) ~ None
case ConstantPredicateLabel(id, _) => ConstantToken(id) ~ Some(args)
case VariableFormulaLabel(id) => SchematicToken(id) ~ None
case SchematicNPredicateLabel(id, _) => SchematicToken(id) ~ Some(args)
Seq(predicateApp ~ None)
val negated: Syntax[ConnectorFormula] = recursive {
(negation ~ subformula).map { case n ~ f =>
ConnectorFormula(n, Seq(f))
(negation ~ subformula).map(
{ case n ~ f =>
ConnectorFormula(n, Seq(f))
case ConnectorFormula(Neg, Seq(f)) => Seq(Neg ~ f)
case _ => throw UnreachableException
// 'and' has higher priority than 'or'
val connectorFormula: Syntax[Formula] = operators(subformula)(
elem(AndKind) map {
val and: Syntax[ConnectorLabel] = elem(AndKind).map[ConnectorLabel](
case AndToken => And
case _ => throw UnreachableException
} is LeftAssociative,
elem(OrKind) map {
case And => Seq(AndToken)
case _ => throw UnreachableException
val or: Syntax[ConnectorLabel] = elem(OrKind).map[ConnectorLabel](
case OrToken => Or
case _ => throw UnreachableException
} is LeftAssociative
{ case (l, conn, r) =>
ConnectorFormula(conn, Seq(l, r))
case Or => Seq(OrToken)
case _ => throw UnreachableException
// 'and' has higher priority than 'or'
val connectorFormula: Syntax[Formula] = operators(subformula)(
and is LeftAssociative,
or is LeftAssociative
(l, conn, r) => ConnectorFormula(conn, Seq(l, r)),
{ case ConnectorFormula(conn, Seq(l, r)) =>
(l, conn, r)
// consume binders and return a function that constructs a BinderFormula given the inner formula
val binder: Syntax[(BinderLabel, VariableLabel)] = (accept(BinderKind) {
case ExistsToken => Exists
case ExistsOneToken => ExistsOne
case ForallToken => Forall
} ~ accept(FunctionOrPredicateKind) {
case ConstantToken(id) => VariableLabel(id)
case SchematicToken(id) => VariableLabel(id)
} ~ elem(DotKind).unit(DotToken).skip) map { case b ~ v =>
(b, v)
val binderLabel: Syntax[BinderLabel] = accept(BinderKind)(
case ExistsToken => Exists
case ExistsOneToken => ExistsOne
case ForallToken => Forall
case Exists => Seq(ExistsToken)
case ExistsOne => Seq(ExistsOneToken)
case Forall => Seq(ForallToken)
val boundVariable: Syntax[VariableLabel] = accept(FunctionOrPredicateKind)(
case ConstantToken(id) => VariableLabel(id)
case SchematicToken(id) => VariableLabel(id)
{ case VariableLabel(id) =>
val binder: Syntax[BinderLabel ~ VariableLabel] = binderLabel ~ boundVariable ~ elem(DotKind).unit(DotToken).skip
val iffImpliesFormula: Syntax[Formula] = (connectorFormula ~ opt(toplevelConnector ~ connectorFormula)).map[Formula](
case left ~ Some(c ~ right) => ConnectorFormula(c, Seq(left, right))
case f ~ None => f
case ConnectorFormula(c @ (Iff | Implies), Seq(left, right)) => Seq(left ~ Some(c ~ right))
case f => Seq(f ~ None)
lazy val formula: Syntax[Formula] = recursive {
(many(binder) ~ connectorFormula ~ opt(toplevelConnector ~ connectorFormula)) map { case binders ~ f ~ rest =>
val inner = rest match {
case Some(conn ~ f2) => ConnectorFormula(conn, Seq(f, f2))
case None => f
prefixes(binder, iffImpliesFormula)(
{ case (label ~ variable, f) => BinderFormula(label, variable, f) },
{ case BinderFormula(label, variable, f) =>
(label ~ variable, f)
binders.foldRight(inner) { case ((binder, v), f) =>
BinderFormula(binder, v, f)
val sequent: Syntax[Sequent] = repsep(formula, semicolon) ~ opt(sequentSymbol.skip ~ repsep(formula, semicolon)) map {
case left ~ Some(right) => Sequent(left.toSet, right.toSet)
case right ~ None => Sequent(Set(), right.toSet)
val sequent: Syntax[Sequent] = (repsep(formula, semicolon) ~ opt(sequentSymbol.skip ~ repsep(formula, semicolon))).map[Sequent](
case left ~ Some(right) => Sequent(left.toSet, right.toSet)
case right ~ None => Sequent(Set(), right.toSet)
case Sequent(Seq(), right) => Seq(right.toSeq ~ None)
case Sequent(left, right) => Seq(left.toSeq ~ Some(right.toSeq))
val parser: Parser[Sequent] = Parser(sequent)
val printer: PrettyPrinter[Sequent] = PrettyPrinter(sequent)
val formulaParser: SequentParser.Parser[FOL.Formula] = Parser(formula)
val formulaParser: SequentParser.Parser[Formula] = Parser(formula)
val formulaPrinter: SequentParser.PrettyPrinter[Formula] = PrettyPrinter(formula)
val termParser: SequentParser.Parser[FOL.Term] = Parser(term)
val termParser: SequentParser.Parser[Term] = Parser(term)
val termPrinter: SequentParser.PrettyPrinter[Term] = PrettyPrinter(term)
def apply(it: Iterator[Token]): ParseResult[Sequent] = parseSequent(it)
def unapply(s: Sequent): Option[String] = printSequent(s)
def parseSequent(it: Iterator[Token]): ParseResult[Sequent] = parser(it)
def printSequent(s: Sequent): Option[String] = printer(s).map(SequentLexer.unapply)
def parseFormula(it: Iterator[Token]): ParseResult[Formula] = formulaParser(it)
def printFormula(f: Formula): Option[String] = formulaPrinter(f).map(SequentLexer.unapply)
def parseTerm(it: Iterator[Token]): ParseResult[Term] = termParser(it)
def printTerm(t: Term): Option[String] = termPrinter(t).map(SequentLexer.unapply)
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