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Set Theory 2: The Two Functions

Sankalp Gambhir requested to merge github/fork/sankalpgambhir/set-theory-2 into main

Working on importing chapter 2 of Jech's Set Theory.

Changes and additions:

functions are now implemented as being in the set ->(x, y) function application (changed def!)

app(f, x) = z such that (functional(f) /\ x \in dom(f) ==> (x, z) \in f) /\ (!functional(f) \/ ! x \in dom(f) ==> (z = emptySet()))

injective, surjective, bijective functions [WIP] invertible functions and uniqueness Changed partial orders to be a pair (x, r) order preserving functions and isomorphisms of partial orders

Saved for later: Well-Orders Order-types Ordinals Transfinite Recursion Ordinal Arithmetic

Merge request reports
