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Proof checking at higher abstraction level

Closed Sankalp Gambhir requested to merge github/fork/sankalpgambhir/step-checking into main
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@@ -1410,8 +1410,30 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class LeftSubstEq(equals: List[(Term, Term)], lambdaPhi: LambdaTermFormula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.LeftSubstEq(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val (s_es, t_es) = equals.unzip
lazy val phi_s = lambdaPhi(s_es)
lazy val phi_t = lambdaPhi(t_es)
lazy val equalities = equals map { case (s, t) => PredicateFormula(equality, Seq(s, t)) }
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right, premiseSequent.right))
invalid("Right-hand side of the premise is not the same as the right-hand side of the conclusion.")
else if (
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_s, premiseSequent.left ++ equalities + phi_t) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_t, premiseSequent.left ++ equalities + phi_s)
invalid("Left-hand side of the conclusion + φ(s_) is not the same as left-hand side of the premise + (s=t)_ + φ(t_) (or with s_ and t_ swapped).")
SC.LeftSubstEq(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)
@@ -1422,8 +1444,30 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class RightSubstEq(equals: List[(Term, Term)], lambdaPhi: LambdaTermFormula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.RightSubstEq(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val (s_es, t_es) = equals.unzip
lazy val phi_s = lambdaPhi(s_es)
lazy val phi_t = lambdaPhi(t_es)
lazy val equalities = equals map { case (s, t) => PredicateFormula(equality, Seq(s, t)) }
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.left, premiseSequent.left ++ equalities))
invalid("Left-hand side of the conclusion is not the same as the left-hand side of the premise + (s=t)_.")
else if (
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_s, premiseSequent.left + phi_t) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_t, premiseSequent.left + phi_s)
invalid("Right-hand side of the conclusion + φ(s_) is not the same as right-hand side of the premise + φ(t_) (or with s_ and t_ swapped).")
SC.RightSubstEq(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)
@@ -1434,8 +1478,30 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class LeftSubstIff(equals: List[(Formula, Formula)], lambdaPhi: LambdaFormulaFormula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.LeftSubstIff(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val (psi_es, tau_es) = equals.unzip
lazy val phi_psi = lambdaPhi(psi_es)
lazy val phi_tau = lambdaPhi(tau_es)
lazy val implications = equals map { case (s, t) => ConnectorFormula(Iff, Seq(s, t)) }
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.right, premiseSequent.right))
invalid("Right-hand side of the premise is not the same as the right-hand side of the conclusion.")
else if (
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_psi, premiseSequent.left ++ implications + phi_tau) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_tau, premiseSequent.left ++ implications + phi_psi)
invalid("Left-hand side of the conclusion + φ(ψ_) is not the same as left-hand side of the premise + (ψ ↔ τ)_ + φ(τ_) (or with ψ_ and τ_ swapped).")
SC.LeftSubstIff(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)
@@ -1446,8 +1512,30 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
case class RightSubstIff(equals: List[(Formula, Formula)], lambdaPhi: LambdaFormulaFormula) extends ProofStepWithoutBotNorPrem(1) {
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement =
SC.RightSubstIff(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)
def asSCProof(bot: Sequent, premises: Seq[Int], currentProof: Library#Proof): ProofStepJudgement = {
def invalid(msg: String) = ProofStepJudgement.InvalidProofStep(
lazy val premiseSequent = currentProof.getSequent(premises(0))
lazy val (psi_es, tau_es) = equals.unzip
lazy val phi_psi = lambdaPhi(psi_es)
lazy val phi_tau = lambdaPhi(tau_es)
lazy val implications = equals map { case (s, t) => ConnectorFormula(Iff, Seq(s, t)) }
if (premises.length != 1)
invalid(s"One premise expected, ${premises.length} received.")
else if (!isSameSet(bot.left, premiseSequent.left ++ implications))
invalid("Left-hand side of the conclusion is not the same as the left-hand side of the premise + (ψ ↔ τ)_.")
else if (
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_psi, premiseSequent.left + phi_tau) &&
!isSameSet(bot.left + phi_tau, premiseSequent.left + phi_psi)
invalid("Right-hand side of the conclusion + φ(ψ_) is not the same as right-hand side of the premise + φ(τ_) (or with ψ_ and τ_ swapped).")
SC.RightSubstIff(bot, premises(0), equals, lambdaPhi)