* (Optional) Create and activate a virtual environment.
* Check if you have ``python>=3.8``. ::
python --version
* (Optional) Create and activate a virtual environment. ::
python3 -m venv [venv-name]
source [venv-name]/bin/activate
* Update pip. ::
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade pip
* On Mac M1, installing ``pyzmq`` fails with `pip`. Use ``conda``.
* On Mac M1, installing ``pyzmq`` fails with `pip`. Use `conda <https://conda.io>`_.
* Install decentralizepy for development. ::
pip3 install --editable .\[dev\]
@@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ Running the code
* Choose and modify one of the config files in ``eval/{step,epoch}_configs``.
* Modify the dataset paths and ``addresses_filepath`` in the config file.
* In eval/run.sh, modify ``first_machine`` (used to calculate machine_id of all machines), ``original_config``, and other arguments as required.
* In eval/run.sh, modify arguments as required.
* Execute eval/run.sh on all the machines simultaneously. There is a synchronization barrier mechanism at the start so that all processes start training together.