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Tools for analytical boundary; reading/modifying/writing EXPEQ files

Thomas Hayward-Schneider requested to merge expeq_tools into master

Some general tools for analytical boundaries, and manipulating EXPEQ files (e.g. replacing the boundary in the EXPEQ file with an analytical one)

  • epsilon taken from the EXPEQ file
  • Default values of {kappa,delta,xi},_{l,u} are taken by a fit to the boundary in the EXPEQ file, but any of these can be overridden from the command line -delta_u=0.3
  • Specifying -kappa=0.3 and NOT specifying -kappa_{l,u} will set both lower and upper kappas to 0.3
  • -filename and -filename_out control the input and output filenames respectively
    • Default values: default filenames: in: EXPEQ, out: EXPEQ_out
    • Assumes the files are in the current directory, or the use of -directory=myfolder


  • With -replace=1 it will write a new EXPEQ file , replacing the boundary with the analytical expression.
  • With -test=1, it will read an EXPEQ (only in the current directory), plot the fit, plot the boundary, plot the profiles, and write EXPEQ_test.

Also expeq files can be plotted directly from the command line: -plot=1 (default is to save the plots to the current working directory, add -interactivePlots=1 to see the figures instead [/as well]. Default -directory/-filename are "."/"EXPEQ", can be omitted when default values suffice.)

Edited by Thomas Hayward-Schneider

Merge request reports
