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including check rho_tor and license, remove obsolescent nodes and add nodes for 3.39

Olivier Sauter requested to merge prepare_tag_14_1_remove_obsolete_nodes into master

Next IDS version probably version 4 with obsolete nodes removed, hence prepare by removing all obsolete nodes in copy to ids

new profiles_1d%beta_pol(rho) added using Ip (Ip edge I assume) for normalization, so finite on axis (0)

The present set-up is such that if one needs CHEASE to be valid for a previous IMAS version, then one only needs to change the links to the relevant file, and all sources are available. Now that there are less frequent changes, one could keep only the latest relevant files and use tags to get the sources for a previous IMAS version. In this way gitlab diffs would work as expected and merge requests easier

At present, to check changes is easier at unix shell level, see all linked files related to IMAS to see newest versions, only the link for src-f90/copy_ids_to_itm_equilibrium.f90 has changed, hence to see what's new, do a diff (or emacs ediff-buffers) of:

diff -b copy_itm_v4_10b_to_ids_v3.39.0-4.11.6-2020b_equilibrium.f90 copy_itm_v4_10b_to_ids_vDD3.15.1_PUAL3.7.0_equilibrium.f90

Edited by Olivier Sauter

Merge request reports
