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function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_request,varargin)
% function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat(shot,data_request,varargin)
% Aim: get data from a given machine using full path or keywords.
%      Keywords should be the same for different machines, otherwise add "_machinname" to the keyword if specific
%      Keywords are and should be case independent (transformed in lower case in the function and outputs)
% If no inputs are provided, return the list of available keywords in gdat_data and default parameters gdat_params
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% Inputs:
%    no inputs: return default parameters in a structure form in gdat_params
%    shot: shot number
%    data_request: keyword (like 'ip') or trace name or structure containing all parameters but shot number
%    varargin{i},varargin{i+1},i=1:nargin-2: additional optional parameters given in pairs: param_name, param_value
%                                            The optional parameters list might depend on the data_request
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%        examples of optional parameters:
%            'doplot',1 (plot is set by default to 0)
%            'machine','TCV' (the default machine is the local machine)
%            'error_if_empty': 0 (no warning nor error if data is empty); 1 (warning if empty, default); 2 (error if empty)
% Outputs:
% gdat_data: structure containing the data, the time trace if known and other useful information
% gdat_data.t : time trace
% requested data values
% gdat_data.dim : values of the various coordinates related to the dimensions of .data(:,:,...)
%                     note that one of the dim is the time, replicated in .t for clarity
% gdat_data.dimunits : units of the various dimensions, 'dimensionless' if dimensionless
% gdat_data.error_bar : if provided
% gdat_data.gdat_call : list of parameters provided in the gdat call (so can be reproduced)
% gdat_data.shot: shot number
% gdat_data.machine: machine providing the data
% gdat_data.gdat_request: keyword for gdat if relevant
% gdat_data.data_fullpath: full path to the data node if known and relevant, or expression, or relevant function called if relevant
% gdat_data.gdat_params: copy gdat_params for completeness
% any other relevant information
% gdat_params contains the options relevant for the called data_request. It also contains a help structure for each option
% eg.: param1 in gdat_params.param1 and help in
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Federico Felici committed
%    [gd,gp] = gdat; display(gd.gdat_request); % lists all available keywords
%    gp.data_request = 'Ip'; gd = gdat(48836,gp);  % give input parameters as a structure
%    gd = gdat('opt1',123,'opt2',[1 2 3],'shot',48832,'data_request','Ip','opt3','aAdB'); % give all inputs in pairs
%    gd = gdat(shot,'ip'); % standard call
%    gd = gdat(shot,'ip','Opt1',123,'Doplot',1,'opt2','Abc'); % standard call with a few options (all lowercase in output)
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Federico Felici committed
%    gd = gdat(48836,'ip','doplot',1,'machine','TCV'); % working call for TCV
%    gd = gdat(35345,'ip','doplot',1,'machine','AUG'); % working call for AUG
%    gd = gdat; to get all available data_requests for the default machine
%    gd = gdat('machine',machine); to get all available data_requests for a given machine
%    more detailed examples for specific machine:
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Federico Felici committed
%        help gdat_tcv; help gdat_aug; help gdat_jet; etc
% Remote data access:
% For most machines we have mdsplus data access, therefore remote data access relatively easily
% Look at help gdat_tcv; help gdat_aug; or help gdat_jet for remote data access for AUG, JET and TCV
% Comments for local developer:
% This gdat is just a "header routine" calling the gdat for the specific machine gdat_`machine`.m which can be called
% directly, thus which should be able to treat the same type of input arguments
% Prepare some variables, etc
% for backward compatibility (with most recent simple call ala: gdat(shot,'data_request',doplot,machine) )
% if nargin<=4 and >2 and 1st and 3rd are numeric, assume this is an old call and transform it to:
% gdat(shot,'data_request','doplot',doplot','machine',machine)
% and a warning

nargin_eff = nargin;

if nargin>2
  varargin_eff = varargin;
  if nargin>=3 && nargin<=4  && isnumeric(shot) && isnumeric(varargin{1})
    % assume old call: gdat(shot,'data_request',doplot[,machine])
    varargin_eff{1} = 'doplot';
    varargin_eff{2} = varargin{1};
    if nargin==4
      varargin_eff{3} = 'machine';
      varargin_eff{4} = varargin{2};
default_machine = 'tcv';
if ~isempty(fusion_machine_defaultname)
  default_machine = lower(fusion_machine_defaultname);
  if ~isempty(regexpi(hostname,'epfl'))
    default_machine = 'tcv';
  elseif ~isempty(regexpi(hostname,'rzg.mpg'))
    default_machine = 'aug';
  elseif ~isempty(regexpi(hostname,''))
    default_machine = 'd3d';
machine_eff = default_machine;
% do not treat inputs here but in subsequent gdat_machine.m function, however, need to extract machine name if provided:
if nargin>=2 % need at least 2 inputs to have 'machine','aug' as arguments (to ask specific list of requests)
  % in case start directly with pairs of options
  if ischar(shot) && strcmp(lower(shot),'machine') && ischar(data_request)
    machine_eff = data_request;
    if nargin==2
      nargin_eff = 0;
  elseif isstruct(shot) && isfield(shot,'machine')
    machine_eff = shot.machine;
  elseif isstruct(data_request) && isfield(data_request,'machine')
    machine_eff = data_request.machine;
  elseif nargin>=3
    for i=1:length(varargin_eff)
      if ischar(varargin_eff{i})
        ii = strmatch(varargin_eff{i},'machine','exact');
        if ~isempty(ii); imachine = i; end
    if ~isempty(imachine) && length(varargin_eff)>=imachine+1 && ~isempty(varargin_eff{imachine+1})
      machine_eff = varargin_eff{imachine+1};

% Avoid running addpath over and over, this can take some time when there
% are many folders in the path
subfunction = sprintf('gdat_%s',deblank(lower(machine_eff)));
if isempty(which(subfunction)),
  gdatpaths; % to make create all subpaths
% NOTE: we could also check if it matches the path to the main function.
% copy gdat present call:
if nargin_eff==0
elseif nargin_eff>=1
  if isnumeric(shot)
    subcall=['gdat(' num2str(shot) ];
  elseif ischar(shot)
    subcall=['gdat(' shot ];
    warning('type of 1st argument unexpected, should be numeric or char')
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Olivier Sauter committed
  if nargin_eff>=2
    if isempty(data_request)
      subcall = [subcall ',[]'];
      substring = subcall_all2str(data_request);
      subcall = [subcall substring];
    if nargin_eff>=3
      substring = subcall_all2str(varargin_eff{:});
      subcall = [subcall substring];
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  % ... to continue
  subcall = [subcall ');'];
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gdat_call = [subcall ' % nargout = ' num2str(nargout)];
% Note: would need to check nargout to make call consistent, but to avoid this, each gdat_xxx should return at least an empty varargout: varargout{1}=cell(1);
% copy subcall here so is last subnode
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Olivier Sauter committed
  if nargin_eff==0
  elseif nargin_eff==1
    args = [{shot,data_request},varargin_eff];
  [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = feval(['gdat_' lower(machine_eff)],args{:});
  % because data request can be an actual detailed tree related signal, upper and lower case need to be kept, but other places remain with lower case when case insensitive
  % needed since some substructure have machine name like mapping_for
  gdat_data.gdat_params.machine = lower(gdat_data.gdat_params.machine);

  warning(['problems calling gdat_' lower(machine_eff)]);
  if ~exist('gdat_data','var'); = []; end
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Olivier Sauter committed
  if  ~isfield(gdat_data,'dim'); gdat_data.dim=[]; end
  if ~exist('gdat_params','var'); gdat_params.plot = []; end
  if ~exist('error_status','var'); error_status = 998; end
  if exist('ME_gdat','var')
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Olivier Sauter committed
if gdat_data.gdat_params.doplot
    % plot gdat_data versus 1st dim by default, if nb_dims<=2, otherwise do not plot
    hhh = gdat_plot(gdat_data); % return handle to figure
  catch ME_gdat_plot
    hhh = [];
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    if isempty(varargout) || isempty(varargout{1})
    varargout{1} = hhh;
    varargout{end+1} = hhh;

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