function [ids_wall,ids_description,varargout] = tcv_get_ids_wall(shot, ids_wall_empty, varargin)
% Input pharser
[ids_wall, params] = tcv_ids_headpart(shot, ids_wall_empty,'wall',varargin{:});
% Get data of outline
[ids_wall.description_2d]= tcv_get_ids_descprition_2d(params.shot, ids_wall.description_2d(1));
% make arrays not filled in empty: not the case for magnetics
% put does not work: ids_wall.global_quantities = struct([]);
% put does not work: ids_wall.global_quantities.electrons = struct([]);
ids_wall.global_quantities.neutral = {}; % wall does not work with Antoine's addpath
ids_wall.description_ggd = {};
% put does not work: ids_wall.description_2d{1}.type = struct([]);