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test_requestnames.m 4.11 KiB
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classdef (SharedTestFixtures={...
        check_mds,setup_gdatpaths}) ...
        test_requestnames < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    % parameters that will vary during tests
    request; % placeholders
    function test_gdat_call(testCase,machine,shot,request)

      % gdat call
      gdat_call = sprintf(['gdat_' lower(machine) '(%s,''%s'')'],shot,request);
      % logging
      testCase.log(sprintf('gdat_call: %s\n',gdat_call));
      gdat_out = eval(gdat_call);
      % in some future: check for warnings
      %gdat_out = verifyWarningFree(testCase,eval(gdat_call),...
      %  'Warning issued from gdat call:\n   %s\n',gdat_call);
      % add content checks of gdat_out here

% methods(TestClassSetup)
%   function getShot(testCase,machine)
%     switch machine
%       case 'AUG'
%         testCase.shot = 30594;
%       case 'TCV'
%         testCase.shot = 48836;
%     end
%   end
% end
% end
% if nverbose>=2 && nverbose ~= 11
%   doplot = true;
% else
%   doplot = false;
% end
% %% get request list
% if isempty(machine)
%   [gd0,gp0] = gdat;
% else
%   [gd0,gp0] = gdat('machine',machine);
% end
% if isempty(machine)
%   machine = gp0.machine;
% end
% request_list = gd0.gdat_request;
% %% get default test shot for each machine
% %% possibly skip some since they take too long for a reduced test
% if iscell(testmode)
%   skip = setdiff(request_list,testmode);
%   testmode_not_in_list = setdiff(testmode,request_list);
%   if ~isempty(testmode_not_in_list)
%     if nverbose >= 1
%       disp('***********************************************************************')
%       warning(['following input requests nt in request_list: ' testmode_not_in_list{:}]);
%       disp('***********************************************************************')
%     end
%   end
% else
%   switch testmode
%    case 'reduced'
%     skip = skip_list(machine);
%    case 'full'
%     skip = ''; % skip none
%    otherwise
%     error('invalid testmode, should be ''reduced'' or ''full''');
%   end
% end
% %% init
% Nreq = numel(gd0.gdat_request);
% err = zeros(Nreq,1);
% telaps = zeros(Nreq,1);
% skipped = false(Nreq,1);
% gdat_call = cell(Nreq,1);
% %% call gdat requests in a loop
% for ireq = 1:Nreq
%   myrequest = request_list{ireq};
%   if ~ismember(myrequest,skip)
%     % build request string
%     if strcmp(myrequest,'transp')
%       shotfile_user='PUETTI';
%       gdat_call{ireq} = sprintf(['gdat_' lower(machine) '(%d,''%s'',''doplot'',%d,''exp_name'',''%s'')'],shot,myrequest,doplot,shotfile_user);
%     else
%       gdat_call{ireq} = sprintf(['gdat_' lower(machine) '(%d,''%s'',''doplot'',%d)'],shot,myrequest,doplot);
%     end
%     % eval call
%     [err(ireq),telaps(ireq),gdat_results{ireq}] = do_gdat_call(gdat_call{ireq},nverbose);
%     skipped(ireq) = false;
%     pause(0.1)
%   else
%     % skip
%     err(ireq) = 0;
%     telaps(ireq) = 0;
%     skipped(ireq) = true;
%     if nverbose>=11; fprintf('\n skipping gdat request ''%s''\n',myrequest); end
%   end
% end
% pass = all(~err);
% function [machine,testmode,verbose] = parse_inputs(varargin)
% p = inputParser;
% p.addOptional('machine','');
% p.addOptional('testmode','reduced');
% p.addOptional('nverbose',1);
% p.parse(varargin{:});
% machine  = p.Results.machine;
% testmode = p.Results.testmode;
% verbose  = p.Results.nverbose;
% function skip = skip_list(machine)
% switch upper(machine)
%  case 'AUG'
%   skip = {'cxrs','transp','te_rho','ne_rho','nete_rho','ece_rho','eced_rho','cxrs_rho','eqdsk','equil'};
%  otherwise
%   warning('no list to skip defined for machine ''%s''',machine);
%   skip = '';
% end
% function [err,telaps,gdat_result] = do_gdat_call(gdat_call,nverbose)
% if nverbose >= 11
%   fprintf('\n calling %s...\n',gdat_call);
% end
% tic
% try
%   [gdat_result,~,err] = eval(gdat_call);
% catch ME
%   err = -1;
% = [];
%   getReport(ME); %,'extended');
% end
% telaps = toc; % elapsed time
% end