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jet_requests_mapping.m 17.1 KiB
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function mapping = jet_requests_mapping(data_request)
% Information pre-defined for gdat_jet, you can add cases here to match official cases in gdat_jet, allowing backward compatibility

% Defaults
mapping = struct(...
    'label', '', ...
    'method', '', ...
    'expression','', ...
    'timedim', -1, ...     % dim which is the time is the database, to copy in .t, the other dims are in .x (-1 means last dimension)
    'gdat_timedim',[], ...  % if need to reshape data and dim orders to have timedim as gdat_timedim (shifting time to gdat_timedim)
    'min', -inf, ...
    'max', inf);
% Note that gdat_timedim is set to timedim at end of this function if empty
% gdat_timedim should have effective index of the time dimension in gdat

if ~exist('data_request') || isempty(data_request)

% default label: data_request keyword itself
mapping.label = data_request;

% for JET, following choices are set so far:
% method = 'signal' then expression contains the shotfile, diagnostic and if needed the experiment
%                expression is a cell array
% method = 'expression', then expression is the expression to return gdat_tmp...
% method = 'switchcase', then there will be a specific case within gdat_jet (usual case when not directly a signal)
% label is used for plotting
if iscell(data_request) % || (~ischar(data_request) && length(data_request)>1)
  mapping.label = data_request;
  mapping.method = 'signal'; % assume a full tracename is given, so just try with tdi (could check there are some ":", etc...)
  mapping.expression = data_request;
  mapping.gdat_timedim = mapping.timedim;

switch lower(data_request)
 case 'a_minor'
  mapping.label = 'a\_minor';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'CR0'}];
 case 'b0'
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'MAGN'},{'BVAC'}];
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request={''ppf'',''MAGN'',''BVAC''}; ' ...
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'BTTD'}];
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'BTND'}];
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'BTPD'}];
 case 'cxrs'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'cxrs';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  mapping.expression = '';
 case 'delta'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'delta';
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''delta_bottom''; ' ...
                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''delta_top'';' ...
		   'gdat_tmp2=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff); = 0.5.*(;' ...
                   'gdat_tmp.label=gdat_data.label; gdat_tmp.gdat_request=gdat_data.gdat_request;'];
 case 'delta_top'
  mapping.label = 'delta\_top';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'EFIT'},{'TRIU'}];
 case 'delta_bottom'
  mapping.label = 'delta\_bottom';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'EFIT'},{'TRIL'}];
 case {'ece', 'eced', 'ece_rho', 'eced_rho'}
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  mapping.expression = '';
 case 'eqdsk'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % could use function make_eqdsk directly?
  mapping.expression = '';
 case 'equil'
  mapping.gdat_timedim = 2;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % could use function make_eqdsk directly?
  mapping.expression = '';
 case 'halpha'
  mapping.label = 'Halpha';
  mapping.expression = [{'jpf'},{'dd'},{'s3-ad08'}];
 case 'ioh'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'I ohmic transformer';
  mapping.method = 'signal';
 case 'ip'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'Plasma current';
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'efit'},{'xip'}];
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'MAGN'},{'IPLA'}];
  mapping.units = 'A';
 case 'kappa'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = '\kappa';
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'EHTR'},{'ELON'}];
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'EFIT'},{'ELON'}];
 case {'li', 'l_i'}
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'l_i_3';
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'EFIT'},{'LI3M'}];
 case {'locked', 'locked_mode'}
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'locked mode';
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'jpf'},{'DA'},{'C2-LOCA'}];
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
% $$$  mapping.method = 'expression'; % {'JPF','DA','C1M-H306'} {'JPF','DA','C1M-T009'} (big) {'JPF','DA','C1M-MIT27'}{'jpf'  'da'  'c1m-h304'} nfft=1024*3;
% $$$   mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request={''JPF'',''DA'',''C1H-I301''}; ' ...
% $$$                     'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);,length(,1 );' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp.dim{1}=gdat_tmp.t;gdat_tmp.dim{2}=[1 2];gdat_tmp.x=gdat_tmp.dim{2};' ...
% $$$ 		    ' =;gdat_tmp.n_1.data_request=params_eff.data_request;' ...
% $$$ 		    'params_eff.data_request={''JPF'',''DA'',''C1H-I302''};' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp2=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);,2)=reshape(,length(,1);' ...
% $$$ 		    ' =;gdat_tmp.n_2.data_request=params_eff.data_request;gdat_tmp.label={''n=1'',''n=2''};' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp.full_path=''n=1 in data and .n_1; .n_2'';' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''mhd'';gdat_tmp.gdat_params.data_request=gdat_tmp.gdat_request;'];

% $$$   mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request={''JPF'',''DA'',''C1M-T009''}; ' ...
% $$$                     'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);,length(,1 );' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp.dim{1}=gdat_tmp.t;gdat_tmp.dim{2}=[1 2];gdat_tmp.x=gdat_tmp.dim{2};' ...
% $$$ 		    ' =;gdat_tmp.n_1.data_request=params_eff.data_request;' ...
% $$$ 		    'params_eff.data_request={''JPF'',''DA'',''C1M-H305''};' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp2=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);,2)=reshape(,length(,1);' ...
% $$$ 		    ' =;gdat_tmp.n_2.data_request=params_eff.data_request;gdat_tmp.label={''n=1'',''n=2''};' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp.full_path=''n=1 in data and .n_1; .n_2'';' ...
% $$$ 		    'gdat_tmp.gdat_request=''mhd'';gdat_tmp.gdat_params.data_request=gdat_tmp.gdat_request;' ...
% $$$                     ''];
 case 'mhd_ampl'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'n=1 and n=2 amplitude';
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request={''JPF'',''DA'',''C1H-G101''}; ' ...
                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);,length(,1 );' ...
		    'gdat_tmp.dim{1}=gdat_tmp.t;gdat_tmp.dim{2}=[1 2];gdat_tmp.x=gdat_tmp.dim{2};' ...
		    ' =;gdat_tmp.n_1.data_request=params_eff.data_request;' ...
		    'params_eff.data_request={''JPF'',''DA'',''C1H-G102''};' ...
		    'gdat_tmp2=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);,2)=reshape(,length(,1);' ...
		    ' =;gdat_tmp.n_2.data_request=params_eff.data_request;gdat_tmp.label={''n=1'',''n=2''};' ...
		    'gdat_tmp.full_path=''n=1 amplitude in data and .n_1; .n_2'';' ...
 case 'ne'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'neint'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'line integrated el. density';
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'DCN'},{'H-1'},{'JETD'}];
 case 'nel'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'nel';
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'KG1L'},{'LAD3'}];
  mapping.expression = [{'ppf'},{'HRTX'},{'NELA'}];
 case 'ne_rho'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'ne';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'nete'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'ne and Te'; % from chain2 or hrts with interpos fits
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'nete_rho'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'ne and Te';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case {'ng','ngreenwald','n_greenwald'}
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'nG=Ip[MA]/(\pi a^2)*1e20 on nel times';
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''nel'';' ...
                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''ip'';' ...
		    'gdat_tmp2=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);ij=find(;;' ...
		    'tmp_data2=interp1(gdat_tmp2.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ...
                    'params_eff.data_request=''a_minor'';' ...
		    'gdat_tmp3=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);ij=find(;;' ...
		    'tmp_data3=interp1(gdat_tmp3.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ...
		    ' = abs(tmp_data2*1e-6./pi./(tmp_data3.^2+1e-5));' ...
		    'ij=find(<0 |>4);; = * 1e20;'];
 case {'ngf','greenwald_fraction','f_greenwald','ng_fraction'}
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'Greenwald\_fraction=n\_el/n\_G';
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''nel'';' ...
                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''n_greenwald'';' ...
		    'gdat_tmp2=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);ij=find(;;' ...
		    'tmp_data2=interp1(gdat_tmp2.t,,gdat_tmp.t,[],NaN);' ...
		    ' =;'];
 case 'ni'
  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % especially since might have option fit, etc
 case {'phi_tor', 'phitor', 'toroidal_flux'}
  mapping.label = 'toroidal_flux';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EQUI'},{'PHIT'}]; % note this is only chain2, so should check with efit...
  % there is FTOR from EFIT but it's on psinorm
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=[{''PPF''},{''EFIT''},{''FTOR''}];' ...
 case {'p_lh', 'plh'}
  mapping.label = 'p\_lh threshold';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''nel'';' ...
                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''b0'';gdat_tmpb0=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);' ...
                    'params_eff.data_request=''surface_edge'';gdat_tmp_s=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);' ...
                     's_nel=interpos(gdat_tmp_s.t,,gdat_tmp.t,-1.);b0_nel=interpos(gdat_tmpb0.t,,gdat_tmp.t,-1.);' ...
                    ' = 0.0488e6.*(^0.717.*abs(b0_nel).^0.803.*s_nel.^0.941;' ...
                    'gdat_tmp.label=''P\_LH threshold'';'];
 case {'p_lh_a_r', 'plh_a_r'}
  mapping.label = 'p\_lh threshold';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'expression';
  mapping.expression = ['params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;params_eff.data_request=''nel'';' ...
                    'gdat_tmp=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);params_eff.data_request=''b0'';gdat_tmpb0=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);' ...
                    'params_eff.data_request=''a_minor'';gdat_tmp_a=gdat_jet(shot,params_eff);' ...
                     'a_nel=interpos(gdat_tmp_a.t,,gdat_tmp.t,-1.);b0_nel=interpos(gdat_tmpb0.t,,gdat_tmp.t,-1.);' ...
                    ' = 2.15e6.*abs(^0.782.*abs(b0_nel).^0.772.*abs(a_nel).^0.975.*abs(gdat_tmpb0.r0).^0.999;' ...
                    'gdat_tmp.label=''P\_LH threshold'';'];
 case {'p_ohmic', 'p_ohm', 'pohm'}
  mapping.label = 'p\_ohmic';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'POHM'}];
 case {'p_rad', 'prad'}
  mapping.label = 'p\_rad';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
% $$$   mapping.method = 'signal';
% $$$   mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'bolo'},{'topi'}];
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'powers'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.label = 'various powers';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'psi_axis'
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'FAXS'}];
 case 'psi_edge'
  mapping.label = 'psi\_edge';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'FBND'}];
 case 'q0'
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'QAX'}];
  % mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'QAXM'}];
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'Q95'}];
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'QWL'}];
 case 'q_rho'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.gdat_timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'q';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'rgeom'
  mapping.label = 'Rgeom';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'RGEO'}];
 case 'r_inboard'
  mapping.label = 'R\_inboard';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'RMJI'}];
 case 'r_outboard'
  mapping.label = 'R\_outboard';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'RMJO'}];
 case 'rhotor'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'rhotor_edge'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  mapping.label = 'rhotor\_edge';
Olivier Sauter's avatar
Olivier Sauter committed
 case {'rhotor_norm','rhotornorm'}
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
  mapping.label = 'rhotor\_norm';
 case 'rhovol'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'rhovol\_norm';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'rmag'
  mapping.label = 'R\_magaxis';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'RMAG'}];
 case 'sxr'
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.gdat_timedim = 2;
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'te'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'Te';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'te_rho'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'Te';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'ti'
  mapping.label = 'Ti';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case 'vloop'
  mapping.label = 'Vloop Upper Restraint Ring Flux Flux Loop, non-integrated';
  mapping.label = 'Vloop';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
% $$$   mapping.method = 'signal';
% $$$   mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'MAGN'},{'VL'}]; % tension -1e2 (3rd signal good one
% $$$   mapping.expression = [{'JPF'},{'DA'},{'C2-VLRRU'}]; % tension -1e4
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'VOLM'}];
 case 'volume_rho'
  mapping.timedim = 2;
  mapping.label = 'volume\_norm';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
 case {'wmhd', 'w_mhd'}
  mapping.label = 'W_mhd';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'WP'}];
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'KS3'},{'ZEFV'}];
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'ZGEO'}];
 case 'zmag'
  mapping.label = 'Z\_magaxis';
  mapping.timedim = 1;
  mapping.method = 'signal';
  mapping.expression = [{'PPF'},{'EFIT'},{'ZMAG'}];
  % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  % extra JET cases (not necessarily in official data_request name list)
  % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 case 'transp'
  mapping.label = 'transp output';
  mapping.method = 'switchcase';

  mapping.label = data_request;
  mapping.method = 'signal'; % assume a full tracename is given, so just try with tdi (could check there are some ":", etc...)
  mapping.expression = data_request;

if isempty(mapping.gdat_timedim)
  mapping.gdat_timedim = mapping.timedim;